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NV Reverses Model Emergency Health Powers Act

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cancercure ; epilepsycured ; actiongreens@com

Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:59 AM

NV Reverses Model Emergency Health Powers Act


Subj: FW: GREAT NEWS!!!!! NV's Reversal of Model Emergency Health Powers Act 6/11/2003 7:36:59 PM Eastern Standard Time sandym ParentsofKidsAdultswithAutism, autism_and_vaccinations , immunizations , ParentsofVaccineDamagedChildren Sent from the Internet (Details) The Nevada Legislature’s Reversal of the Dangerous Model Emergency Health Powers Act


A model for other states in protecting citizens’ rights.By Janine Hansen, State President Nevada Eagle ForumJune 2003SB 82 began its life as the Nevada version of the Model Emergency Health Powers Act containingan incredible variety of violations of our natural rights including confiscation of food, fuel, clothing, vehicles, and other property without compensation, mandatory vaccines, quarantine without any appeals process, and denial of many other basic rights. Nevada Eagle Forum worked all through the 2002 interim and during the 2003 Nevada Legislature to not only stop this horrendous legislation, but to reverse its dangerous provisions with guarantees of personal liberties. We succeeded!As passed, the new law now provides that "A health authority shall provide each person whom it isolates or quarantines…with a document informing the person of his rights." These rights include, "to make a reasonable number of completed phone calls...to possess and use a cellular phone or any similar means of communication…the right to refuse treatment and may not be required to submit to involuntary treatment unless a court issues an order requiring the person to submit." However, after the health authority in conjunction with another physician has by personal observation and epidemiological investigations determined that a person or group of persons is likely to be an immediate threat to the health of the members of the public, they may petition the court for an emergency order to take the person into custody and impose a court-ordered isolation or quarantine at a public or private medical facility, residence or other safe location for not more than 72 hours.The person quarantined then has the opportunity to appeal this order to the court. During the carefully outlined appeals process, "The court may order the involuntary isolation or quarantine of the person and may order the most appropriate course of treatment after considering the rights of the person and the desires of the person concerning treatment and vaccination, including, without limitation, the tenets of the person’s religion and the tenets of any groups or organization to which the person is a member" (Legislative Counsel Bureau’s definition of "personal beliefs"). These rights are also secured to parents in making decisions for their children. The legislation recognizes and guarantees the person’s right to counsel and the right of a person to challenge his isolation or quarantine through the appeals process. The bill provides that if a person is unconscious or unable to communicate that the health authorities must notify the spouse or legal guardian of the person by telephone and certified mail. During the interim before the 2003 Nevada Legislature met all references to confiscation of property were removed. In summation, we were victorious on all major points. This new public health law is much better than our current law and guarantees the exact rights the original Model Emergency Health Powers Act would have abrogated. It has become a model for other states in protecting citizens against the tyranny of the draconian health laws promoted in the wake of 9/11. Read the whole new law as passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor at: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/72nd/bills/SB/SB82_EN.html

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