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West Nile spraying policy is bogus, potentially deadly

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West Nile spraying policy is bogus, potentially deadly


Body Electric


News reports about threatened West Nile Virus (WNV) infections

spreading across America have missed the much greater risks posed by

chemical sprayings. The mosquito control program is " madness " according

to a leading public health authority whose proof is in a new book being

donated to libraries and legislators nationwide. Listen to Dr. Leonard

Horowitz speak on this subject on www.tetrahedron.org/ra/westnile.ram


Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. is a Harvard graduate,

independent investigator, and an internationally recognized authority in

public health and AIDS education. The 1999 " Author of the Year " award

recipient from the World Natural Health Organization, his tenth book,

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? became a

national best-seller in 1998. This work is largely responsible for public

health and vaccine policy changes in at least three Third World nations.


Based on US government documents reprinted in the author´s 530-page

Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, even the origin

of WNV, and declarations concerning its emergence along eastern coastal

states, is questionable, if not suspicious. Dr. Horowitz says, " This

spraying policy violates ethical, moral, and scientific standards. To

give people the proof and power to resist this madness I've even lifted

the copyright on the book. People should photocopy and circulate the

stunning evidence at town hall meetings for the benefit of their

communities and conscientious policy-makers considering or debating this

pesticide spraying issue. " His documentation comes " highly recommended "

in the July, 2002 issue of Library Journal, the nation's leading academic

library periodical.


In questioning even the alleged origin of the " West Nile Virus " Dr.

Horowitz notes that prior to calling it WNV, it was known as Eastern

Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Studies of related encephalitis viruses were

pioneered during the late 1930s in the West Nile district of Northwest

Uganda, home to the Rockefeller family funded International Agency for

Research in Cancer (IARC). A 1971 National Cancer Institute (NCI) report

by the Army's sixth leading biological weapons contracting firm, Litton

Bionetics, collaborating with the IARC and Rockefeller University, cited

the encephalitis agent among a group of bioengineered pathogens being

tested at that time.


Dr. Horowitz, explaining the ruse, says, " false threats of biological

urgencies are being promoted by agents and agencies primarily for

financial reward. " The financial reward is manifested not just in the

development of the organisms for the biowarfare program, but also in the

opportunity to deploy untold gallons of pesticides and vaccines on a

population. And compliance is often mandatory; in several states the

government has removed the peoples' right to decline treatment in their

neighbourhoods and even within their own bodies.


The method of choice of incapacitating and eliminating excess or

targeted populations calls for the delivery of combinations of biological

and chemical agents, so called " co-factors. " This makes diagnosis and

treatment of these multiple simultaneous exposures, intoxications and

infections difficult, if not impossible. Thus waged, biochemical warfare

cannot be traced to its source and affords the ability to deliver

economical and " non-lethal " substitutes for traditional warfare, while

creating a dependence among those attacked on the stealth aggressors for

their ameliorative products and services.


Dr. Horowitz says spraying pesticides to combat mosquitoes suspected of

carrying the West Nile Virus (WNV) has not been scientifically proven to

be either safe for humans or effective against the disease. Spraying

malathion, a known immune system blocker and carcinogen related to Agent

Orange, or its alternate, Anvil 10:10, violates a basic tenet of public

health practice requiring known risk and proven benefits of the policy,

in this case aerosolizing a chemical compound linked to cancer

development and genetic damage in various species throughout the food

chain. In light of substantial evidence that the spraying is extremely

detrimental and the scale so large, political and public health officials

are urged to cease and desist this lethal and imprudent practice

immediately, or possibly face class action litigations, if not

antigovernment reprisals.


The scare is spreading to our region from south of the border, and now

that we're armed with this information we can perhaps thwart spraying and

mandatory vaccination programs as soon as they're proposed by our own

bureaucrats. There are better and safer options that don't involve

collusion between government and big business. As Dr. Horowitz wrote in

Emerging Viruses, thousands of new plagues are already developed and

waiting, and we can't be spraying and vaccinating the world every time a

new bioengineered plague is deployed against us.

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