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Do You Want To Get Cancer?

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Do You Want To Get Cancer?


Body Electric


I sure do, say the 1/2-page ads. Pour your money into our fancy cancer

research foundation and we're sure to make headway against this

frightening disease. Now we want to investigate genetic cancer causes,

(after all the other cancer research has failed miserably for the last 50

years). You can help us get cancer. Oh, sure. In fact, the next sound

we're going to hear coming out of the research lab is not 'Eureka!', but

rather, the sound of our hard-earned dollars trickling down the wall.


C'mon folks, mainstream medical associations have a monopoly on

government healthcare policies, a monopoly on public funds for health

care, and control of public opinion through control of the Media. They

control our perceptions regarding the cause of cancer and other diseases.

If they knew the cause of cancer and how to prevent it, would they tell

us? Who can the people trust, anyway? The answer to that has been in our

collective face for decades.


Dr. J. Fibiger of Denmark proved parasites cause cancer in 1913, over

80 years ago. In 1926, he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for

initiating cancer in the laboratory by feeding parasites to mice. Dr.

Otto Warburg demonstrated in the 1920's that cancer cells ferment sugars

in the same low-oxygen process used by fungi. The two-time Nobel laureate

demonstrated that cancer starts with mature cells as well as embryonic

cells. The Cancer Research Institute of Paris finds the only substance

inside cells to characterize cancer cells from normal cells is isolated

fat. Fermentative cells do not make or use fat. Isolated fat in cancer

cells proves cancer developed in mature cells infected and controlled by



Pre-cancerous lesions and other abnormal cancer-related growths result

from a combination of natural events. It is a process in which embryonic

and mature cells become infected with virus, bacteria or fungi.

Hereditary and genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, stress,

lifestyle, parasites, chemical toxins and all 'carcinogens' contribute to

the infectious process. In time, infected cells lose the capacity to

oxidize food nutrients and become fermentative cells producing toxic

acidic wastes. Acidic waste and fungal enzymes cause inflammation of

adjacent cells. To prevent further damage, the immune system walls off

the infected cells with fibrous membranes. These membranes become benign

growths, lumps, cysts, warts or other pre-cancerous lesions.


Large parasites are carriers of virus, fungus and bacteria. Flukes,

roundworms and tapeworms have survived for thousands of years as

parasites in man, pets and livestock. Parasites and cancer are equally

associated with lesions, polyps, ulcers, warts, and chronic inflammation.



Tumours are associated with growth factors of unknown origin.

Oncologists recognize a growth factor must be present in all tumours but

claim they cannot identify the source. DNA is universal in all life forms

and DNA polymerase-the growth factor that assembles DNA-is universal.

Obviously, growth factors from parasitic creatures resident in our bodies

qualify for the " unknown " source. Live laboratory cancer cells sold for

research can be stored for months but will not multiply without the

addition of a growth hormone. Obviously, neither cancer cells nor DNA

initiate cell division. Calf blood serum is regularly used to direct

cancer cell growth in the growth medium.


Injuries initiate rapid growth. The current-of-injury is well known

within mainstream medicine. This high-energy field is all that is needed

to explain the rapid-growth mystery of cancer (take note, cellphone

users). Indeed, it is the only means to explain rapid growth of mature

cells. Just as bleeding from a cut to the skin triggers blood clots and

rapid doubling of the adjacent mature cells to repair the cut, a break in

the membrane walls of a pre-cancerous lesion triggers rapid growth of

membrane cells to repair the break. The body's primitive 'current-of-

injury' causes rapid growth for repair. Is it possible that all cancer

researchers, knowing this data, have failed to connect infection, injury,

and rapid growth?


Do you really want to 'get' cancer? Well, knowledge is power. Go to

the Cancer Control Society (www.cancercontrolsociety.org) website and

order videos of doctors' presentations to see how the people in the

trenches are accomplishing that seemingly impossible task in safety,

outside of our country. With some treatments they're curing 52% of

TERMINAL CANCER cases, as opposed to the .5% cure rate (remissions for

more than 5 years are considered cures) seen by standard medical

treatment. That's right, unordodox treatments can see104 TIMES the

success rate. And know what? Much of their treatment involves boosting

your immune system, oxygenation, and detoxification.


(See Hulda Clark's books, 'The Cure For All Diseases', 'The Cure For

All Cancers', and 'The Cure For All Advanced Cancers'). (See also CANCER

Cause, Cure and Cover-up by Ron Gdanski, from which much material for

this story was excerpted).


Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. In his

presentation at the Cancer Control Society annual symposium, world-

renowned cancer speaker Samuel Epstein M.D. points out once again that

the cancer researchers are not going to discover anything soon because

for one thing, they're looking in the wrong direction. For another, the

world's leading cancer foundations spend 70% of their take on huge

executive salaries and not on research. Dr. Epstein says that one great

way to 'get cancer' will involve spending your money on a worthwhile

cause, and not to give the cancer industry a dime. I heartily concur.

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