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Summary Of The Substantiation Of The Charges In Relation To The

CrimesConnected To The War Of Aggression Against Iraq And The

CurrentInternational Crisis (Charges 2.1.1 - 2.3.24)

1. The accused deliberately started a war of aggression against Iraq

without any mandate by international law.

2. The accused deliberately escalate an international crisis

situation including psychological warfare and actual military warfare.

The goal of this escalation strategy is to create a global emergency

state that allows the abandonment of civil rights on global scale -

including establishment of far reaching protectionist laws. The war of

aggression against Iraq on the false pretence of a global fight against

" terrorism " and the crusade proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

is part of this strategy.

3. The accused deliberately committed the crimes of genocide,

murder, mutilation and other serious bodily and mental harm during their

war of aggression against the people of Iraq.

4. The accused deliberately committed the crime of destroying and

seizing public and private property during and after the war of

aggression. Iraq has the second largest oil resources in the world and

these resources are being plundered on behalf of the accused for private

gain. Details are documented in the section Evidence " Historic Precedent

For This ComplaintThe Nuremberg War Tribunal against executives of

the pharmaceutical/petrochemical cartel IG- Farben

More than half a century ago, the Nuremberg War Tribunal took place

against the executives of the IG Farben Corporation, the largest

pharmaceutical-petrochemical cartel in pre-world-war Europe. The Nuremberg

War Tribunal brought to justice those responsible for the Second World

War and set the precedent for international prosecution of war crimes and

ultimately the International Court in The Hague. Unbeknown to most people

today, the Nuremberg War Tribunal did not only sentence the political and

military leaders, but also the corporate executives who brought Hitler to

power. 24 executives and managers of IG

Farben were indicted in this War Tribunal. US chief prosecutor Telford

Taylor stated in his opening statement: " The indictment accuses these

men of mature responsibility for visiting upon mankind the most

devastating and catastrophic war in human history. It accuses them of

wholesale, enslavement, plunder and murder. These are terrible

charges. " And he continued, " These accused corporate executives, not the

Nazi lunatics are the principal war criminals. If their crimes are not

brought to the daylight and they are not punished, they will commit even

larger crimesin the future than Hitler could ever have committed. "

In 1947, the main charges against the IG Farben managers were:

Charge 1: the planning and conduction of a war of aggression and the

conquest of other countries with the result of unprecedented destruction

in the entire world, the death of millions of people and the

continued sufferings of millions more.

Charge 2: deportation, plundering and spoilation of public and

private property in the occupied countries with the purpose of

permanently exerting economic control in these countries and other severe

crimes. Charge 3: slavery, mistreatment, terrorizing, torture and murdering


millions of people. Now, half a century later, the charges in this

complaint, are strikingly similar: Planning and conduct of a war of

aggression against Iraq under the pretence of fighting international

terror and the proliferation of weaponsof mass destruction with the

result that vast areas of the country are devastated, thousands of people

have died and hundreds of thousands were injured. Plundering and

spoliation of public and private property in the pursuit of economic

power and control in entire regions of the world by escalating an

international crisis. Against this war of aggression the accused were

deliberately factoring in the use of weapons of mass destruction

including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Genocide by killing,

by causing serious bodily harm and by inflicting conditions of life to

bring about physical destruction and crimes againsthumanity of murder and

of other inhumane acts.Evidence For The Crimes Committed

The evidence for the charges brought in this complaint also relate to

two main fields of crimes.

Evidence of genocide and other crimes against humanity committed in

connection with the pharmaceutical business with disease.

Evidence for crimes of war and aggression and other crimes against

humanity committed in connection with the war against Iraq and the

escalation of the international crisis to a world war.

1. Evidence Of Genocide And Other Crimes Against Humanity Committed In

Connection With The Pharmaceutical 'Business With Disease'

Specific evidence is presented that the accused are responsible for

deliberately maintaining and expanding diseases, purposefully causing new

diseases as well as expanding the use of drugs once registered for one

disease to as many other diseases as possible.

To accomplish those goals, the accused have strategically designed,

implemented, conducted and organized a business fraud scheme on a global

scale that by its economic magnitude is unmatched in human history.

1.1. The Deliberate Expansion of Disease

The following specific evidence is presented that today's most common

diseases are deliberately maintained and expanded by the accused, despite

the fact that these diseases could have been effectively prevented and

largely eradicated saving millions of lives. 1.1.1. Coronary heart disease

The primary cause of coronary artery disease and heart attacks is a

structural weakening and impaired function of the artery wall, which -

similar to scurvy - develops as the result of long-term deficiencies of

vitamins and other essential nutrients.

In contrast, pharmaceutical approaches to the prevention and treatment of

cardiovascular disease deliberately ignore this cause and focus rather on

the treatment of symptoms, such as the reduction of cholesterol levels in

the blood. Whilst deliberately avoiding curing the disease for which they


marketed, the detrimental side effects of these pharmaceutical drugs cause

new diseases. The worldwide death toll from cardiovascular disease as a

result of these deliberate crimes of the accused is in excess of 12 million

lives every year. 1.1.2. High Blood Pressure

The primary cause of high blood pressure is an increased tension of the

artery wall due to a deficiency of essential nutrients in the arterial

smooth muscle cells, leading to narrowing of the artery diameter and a rise

in blood pressure. A multitude of clinical studies is available documenting

the benefits of non-patentable micronutrients, in particular the amino acid

arginine and magnesium. They correct the underlying deficiency in millions

of vascular wall cells thereby relaxing the blood vessel walls, increasing

blood vessel diameter and helping to normalize high blood pressure,

Pharmaceutical drugs sold for the treatment of high blood pressure

purposely focus on the treatment of symptoms. For example, beta-blockers

reduce the heart rate and diuretics reduce the blood volume. These

pharmaceutical drugs deliberately avoid correcting the 'spasms' of the


vessel walls as the primary cause of high blood pressure. Thus, whilst

deliberately avoiding curing the disease, these pharmaceutical drugs have

long-term detrimental side effects potentially causing a multitude of new

diseases - and thereby new drug markets.

Worldwide several hundred million high blood pressure patients remain

uncured as a direct result of these actions by the accused and their death

toll is rising daily.1.1.3. Heart Failure

The primary cause of heart failure is lack of cellular biocatalysts,

certain vitamins, minerals, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and other bioenergy

carriers in millions of heart muscle cells. This results in impaired heart

pumping function and accumulation of water in the body.

In contrast, pharmaceutical approaches for the treatment of heart failure

deliberately ignore this fact and focus on symptoms. Diuretics marketed for

the treatment of heart failure not only eliminate water accumulated in the

body but also wash out vitamins, minerals and other water-soluble bioenergy

carriers. Thus, the pharmaceutical drugs marketed for heart failure


worsen the disease and they are responsible for the short life expectancy


heart failure patients once diuretic medication sets in.

Whilst deliberately avoiding curing the disease, these pharmaceutical

drugs flush out essential nutrients from the body, thereby aggravating the

underlying cause of the disease. Worldwide over one hundred million heart

failure patients remain uncured and eventually die prematurely as a direct

result of the actions by the accused. 1.1.4. Irregular heartbeat

The primary cause of irregular heartbeat is lack of micronutrients,

vitamins, minerals, ubiquinone and other bioenergy carriers, in millions of

electrical heart muscle cells. This results in impaired generation or

conduction of the electrical impulses required for normal heartbeat. A

recent double blind placebo-controlled study has unequivocally documented

that the therapeutic use of micronutrients is an effective safe and

affordable way to correct the health condition underlying irregular heart


In contrast, pharmaceutical approaches for the treatment of irregular

heartbeat deliberately ignore this fact and focus instead on

symptoms.Anti-arrhythmic drugs marketed to treat arrhythmia frequently

worsen the irregular heartbeat and cause cardiac arrest and the premature

death of patients.

A decade ago the author Thomas Moore documented in his book " Deadly

Medicine " that one new class of anti-arrhythmic drugs in the USA alone

had caused more deaths than the number of US casualties in the Vietnam

War. Worldwide over one hundred million patients with irregular heartbeat

remain uncured as a direct result of these actions by the accused and

their death toll is rising daily. 1.1.5. Cancer

Until recently cancer has been considered a death verdict. Recent advances

in natural health and cellular medicine have fundamentally changed that.

For this disease too, it is now obvious that medical research with

non-patentable therapies has been deliberately neglected and excluded by


accused in favor of ineffective drugs that allow the continuation of the

cancer epidemic as one of their most profitable markets. Because of the

extraordinary significance of the crimes committed by the accused in

connection with the cancer epidemic it is presented here in more detail.

It is a scientific fact that all cancers spread by the same mechanism, the

use of collagen digesting enzymes (collagenases, metalloproteinases). The

therapeutic use of the natural amino acid lysine - especially together with

other non-patentable micronutrients - can block these enzymes and thereby

inhibit the spread of cancer cells. All types of cancer studied thus far

respond to this therapeutic approach including breast cancer, prostate

cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, fibroblastoma, synovial cancer and any

other forms of cancer.

The only reason why this breakthrough in medicine has not been

investigated further and applied in the treatment of cancer patients

worldwide is the fact that these substances are not patentable and


has low profit margins. More importantly, any effective treatment of any

disease ultimately leads to its eradication and to the destruction of a

multi-trillion-dollar market of pharmaceutical drugs.

The pharmaceutical drug marketing for cancer patients has been

particularly fraudulent and malicious. Under the pretence of treating cancer

using the cover-term 'chemo-therapy' toxic substances, including


of mustard gas, are applied to patients. The fact that these toxic agents

also destroy millions of healthy cells in the body is deliberately factored


Knowing this fact, the following consequences were deliberately taken into

account: First, cancer would continue as a global epidemic, providing the

economic basis for a multi-trillion-dollar continued business with this

disease. Secondly, the systematic application of toxic agents in the form of

chemotherapy causes an epidemic of new diseases in cancer patients receiving

these toxic substances.

As a result of this strategy, the pharmaceutical drug market from treating

the dangerous side effects of these drugs - including infections,

inflammation, bleeding, organ failure etc. - is even bigger than the market

of the chemotherapy drugs itself. Thus, the accused also applied their

organized deception scheme also to the detriment of hundreds of millions of

cancer patients with one purpose only: their financial enrichment.

1.1.6. AIDS and other Infectious Diseases

Similar deliberate deception schemes were applied for the treatment of one

of the most deadly epidemics in human history, AIDS. Already 10 years ago

scientific studies have shown that vitamin C is able to reduce the

replication of the HIV-Virus by more than 99%. This fact has been known to

the accused for more than a decade.

Deliberately ignoring and bypassing this safe and affordable

non-patentable treatment, the accused developed patentable drugs against

AIDS, with severe side-effects and - due to their exorbitant patent

royalties - unaffordable to the great majority of the people on this planet.

Thus, by applying their criminal business scheme, the accused are guilty of

risking the lives and causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people

in Africa, South America, Asia and all the other regions of the world.

In a similar way, they have boycotted the information that the single most

important measure to enhance immunity against infectious diseases is an

optimum intake of vitamins B6, B12, Folic Acid and certain other essential

nutrients. It is a scientific fact that these biocatalysts of cellular

metabolism increase the production of leucocytes, the body's main weapon

against any infection. By systematically withholding this information,

particularly from hundreds of millions of children and adults in the

developing world, the pharmaceutical industry deliberately risks the lives

of hundreds ofmillions of people in these areas of the world. All the

accused know that hardly anyone in these areas of the world can afford

pharmaceutical treatments and they will consequently die.

Withholding this lifesaving information about natural, non-patentable

alternatives to prevent and fight infectious diseases, not only leads to the

death of millions of people, but also to the ruin of the economies of many

developing countries. As a direct result the already existing imbalance in

the current world economy is dramatically aggravated. These countries are

deliberately placed in a conflict where they can only lose.

1.1.7. Other diseases

In a similar way, other degenerative, inflammatory, infectious diseases

and many other of today's most common diseases only continue to exist as

health problems because the accused have defined them and protect them as

the markets for their criminal 'business with disease.'


1.2.1 Deliberately Expanding Diseases and Causing New Diseases in

Patients to Expand Pharmaceutical Drug Markets

To expand their markets the following groups of drugs are manufactured and

marketed by the accused deliberately, in spite of their known detrimental

side effects. In a criminal manner, the accused are deliberately causing new

diseases under the pretense of fighting existing ones. The fact that these

new diseases caused by the side effects of these drugs surface many years

later is used as an additional cover for this deceptive scheme:

Cholesterol-lowering drugs, particularly statins and fibrates are

mass-marketed under the pretense of preventing cardiovascular disease. These

drugs are known to induce cancer at doses currently administered to millions

of patients worldwide.

Chemotherapy drugs are marketed to allegedly treat cancer. In fact, they

cause a series of severe side effects the most frequent of which is setting

off new cancers. (I can attest to that- first hand - every vital organ in

the body - one after the other until there is nothing left!)

The entire criminal marketing scheme around chemotherapy

can only work because the accused have rendered cancer a death verdict -and

even a few month's survival of a patient on chemotherapy is being marketed

by the accused as a success story. (I can also attest to that- first hand)

Aspirin is mass-marketed under the false pretense of preventing heart

attacks and strokes, whilst long-term use of this drug is known to cause an

destroy collagen and therefore gradually increase the risk of heart attacks

and strokes as well as other diseases such as stomach ulcers and

gastrointestinal bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat pain and inflammation, e.g. in

arthritis. However, many of these drugs destroy connective tissue, e.g. the

joints. With their long-term use these drugs aggravate the health problems

rather than healing them.

Calcium antagonists are mass-marketed under the false pretense of treating

high blood pressure and preventing heart attacks, whilst long-term use of

these drugs is known to cause an increase in heart attacks, strokes and

other diseases.

Estrogen and other hormone drugs are mass-marketed under the false

pretense of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, whilst long-term use

of these drugs is known to cause cancer in more than 30% of the women taking

them. Particularly frequent forms of cancer caused by these drugs are

hormone dependent cancers such as cancer of the breast and uterus. (See

many articles in Nexus magazine on the same lines)

Tranquilizers and anti-depressants. Another mechanism by which the accused

systematically expand their markets is to deliberately cause addiction in

order to increase drug sales. Many tranquillizers and anti-depressants,

including widespread diazepam ('Valium') are known to cause dependency and

addiction. In order to expand their global sales of these addictive drugs,

the accused even praise them through full-page adverts directly to


Other drugs. Since patentability is a precondition for the pharmaceutical

investment business typical pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic molecules and

therefore toxic to the human body. For almost all drugs the same fraudulent

business principle is valid - alleviate symptoms short term whilst, at the

same time causing damage and gradually generating new diseases as the basis

for new drug markets. (In the housing arena, alleviate the symptoms of

thermal discomfort by propogating energy as a corrective remedy that

denies cause.)1.3. Expanding their drug markets to new diseases

In executing their crimes, the accused deliberately extend their existing

pharmaceutical drug market by inventing new health conditions for which they

recommend the drugs that had previously been recommended for other diseases.

As first evidence the following examples are presented here:

Headache pills allegedly prevent heart disease. Aspirin was developed as a

headache and pain relief pill and is now being mass-marketed and recommended

by the accused for long-term use, even by healthy individuals for the

alleged prevention and treatment of heart disease and other severe health


Antibiotics allegedly fight coronary heart disease. In order to extend the

global market for their antibiotic drugs, the accused fabricated and spread

the so-called " bacteria-theory " of heart attacks on a worldwide scale.

Without any clinical evidence that chlamydia or other bacteria actually

cause atherosclerosis or heart attacks the accused criminally promoted the

general use of antibiotics even for healthy individuals with the false

pretense of preventing heart attacks.

These are just a few examples of the practices by the accused to

systematically expand the use of their drugs to other diseases. In fact


marketing scheme is not the exception, but the rule. The list of crimes

committed in this context should be amended and completed during further


1.4. Crimes Connected With The Systematic Infiltration Of Various Sectors

Of Society With The Purpose To Facilitate Committing These Crimes

The accused have systematically and deliberately infiltrated medicine and

the health sectors of most countries in the world to create financial and

other dependencies in order to conduct their 'business with disease' and

commit other crimes. Medical research is not performed with the primary

object to find the most effective, safest and most affordable treatment

against a disease, but with the goal to identify the largest disease


and to achieve the highest gains in that market for the drug manufacturer.

As part of this strategy over recent decades, the accused systematically

removed from the training programs at medical schools the knowledge about

effective, but non-patentable natural therapies. They purposely ...


generations of doctors with little or no knowledge about the life-saving

health benefits of these natural therapies. Simultaneously, therapeutic

education at medical schools was taken over by the newly created departments

named pharmacology. Thus, over decades generations of doctors have been

leaving medical schools practically as a trained sales force for the

pharmaceutical 'business with disease'. In order to hide this strategy,

patented drugs were portrait as 'scientific' and even baptized 'ethical

drugs' whereas non-patentable natural therapies were discredited as

'unscientific.'In a similar way the accused have systematically and


infiltrated the mass media around the world, creating financial and other

dependencies, disseminate deceptive and false information in order to

conceal their criminal practices, promote their 'business with disease' and

commit other crimes.

The accused have deliberately and systematically abused the legislative

and political system of most nations to pass laws, establish regulations

and promote other measures with the purpose to expand their sales of

ineffective, unsafe but lucrative pharmaceutical drugs. The accused abused

their political influence to coerce legislation that would allow them to

appropriate trillions of dollars under the cover of 'health insurance' and

other public and private health funds. By promoting their fraudulent

'business with disease' they have taken this money from individuals,

corporations and governments around the world by requesting payment for

ineffective and harmful therapies. Thereby, the accused secure exorbitant

gains for the pharmaceutical industry and causing unnecessary suffering and

premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

The accused have purposely and systematically infiltrated and abused the

European Parliament and other regional and international bodies including

the United Nations Organizations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and other national and

international political bodies to commit their crimes against humanity.

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