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1.5. Crimes Connected With The Systematic Obstruction Of Effective,

Non-Patentable Health Measures


To protect their artificial investment business with disease, the accused

tried to strategically eliminate access of the people of the world to

non-patentable natural therapies. To accomplish this goal the accused used

several strategic measures:

1. Withholding life saving information about non-patentable natural

therapies. The accused have deliberately and systematically withheld and

blocked the basic health information from millions of people that the human

body does not produce its own vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Because of the


of this knowledge almost all humans suffer from vitamin C deficiency and are

susceptible to cardiovascular and other diseases. In a similar way, the

accused have systematically and purposefully withheld and blocked the basic

health information from millions of people that the human body does not

produce the natural amino acid lysine. Because of the lack of this


almost all humans suffer from lysine deficiency and are susceptible to

cancer and other diseases. Thereby, the accused deliberately cause further

unnecessary suffering and the premature death of hundreds of millions of



2. Publicly discrediting non-patentable natural therapies. The accused

have willfully and systematically deceived the public by disseminating

false, misleading and fabricated information discrediting non-patentable

health therapies with the goal to protect and expand their 'business with

disease' based on patented drugs and to commit other crimes. Thereby, the

accused deliberately cause further unnecessary suffering and the premature

death of hundreds of millions of people.

3. Outlawing the dissemination of health information related to

non-patentable natural therapies. The accused have deliberately abused


political influence trying to implement legislation at the national as well

as the international level that would essentially outlaw the dissemination

of preventive and therapeutic health information related to non-patentable

natural therapies. At the same time, this legislation seeks to establish

arbitrarily low 'upper limits' for the amounts of these natural and safe

therapies, a step intended to prohibit their use as natural therapeutic

agents. By abusing the United Nation's 'Codex Alimentarius Commission', the

accused have even been trying to establish such laws for all member

countries of the UN - that is worldwide.

1.5.5. Now that all peaceful efforts to protect the pharmaceutical 'busine

ss with disease' have failed, the accused refrain to another strategy. They

are deliberately escalating an international crisis, including wars, in

order to create the psychological and legal precondition that would allow


immediate and global implementation of protectionist laws and cement the

continuation of their 'business with disease' and the other crimes of which

they are accused.


2. Evidence Of Genocide, Crimes Of War And Other Crimes Against Humanity

Committed In Connection With The War Of Aggression Against Iraq

The accused are committing the crime of deliberately escalating an

international crisis including wars of aggression towards a war

thaincludes weapons of mass destruction.

The accused have been consistently abusing the tragedy of September 11th

for the purpose of building up an international crisis scenario, which they

ultimately used as a justification for their war of aggression.

Whilst the accused maximized the psychological factor of this tragedy they

have blocked an official investigation into the actual events and the

background of September 11th. It was The White House itself that blocked the

of an independent commission for over a year. Thus whilst the facts about

this tragedy are not fully disclosed to the public the events of September

11th have been abused as the justification

for the international crisis situation ever since.


Whilst failing to disclose any convincing evidence about September 11th

they abused this tragedy to conquer the country of Afghanistan. The military

conquest of Afghanistan was followed by the plundering of its natural

resources, by the accused, for their financial gain.

In a similar way the accused used this pretense to conquer the next

country, Iraq. Under cover of fighting the proliferation of weapons of mass

destruction, the accused were trying to coerce the world community into a

war of aggression against Iraq.


Despite the fact that the great majority of the UN Security Council, the

vast majority of the member states of the UN and overwhelming world

opinion opposed this war, the accused still launched their attack.


The war planned, started and conducted by the accused was a war without

any international mandate and therefore constituted a war of aggression and

a crime against humanity. If the accused are not brought to justice for this

crime, the entire system of international law as designed after the Second

World War to protect mankind from destruction, will collapse.


In the absence of any international mandate the only justification left

for the accused to commit this criminal act, was to fabricate a pretense -

their alleged search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Today the

entire world knows that this too was a deception.

During their war of aggression against Iraq, tens of thousands of Iraq

people - soldiers and civilians alike - were killed. Killing of that

magnitude during a war without any international mandate constitutes the

crime of genocide.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of innocent people - many of them

children - were injured, mutilated, or suffered physical or mental harm

caused by the criminal acts of the accused.

Moreover, the accused purposefully and systematically seized the oil

fields and other natural resources of Iraq with the purpose to exploit them

to enrich themselves. To cover up their crimes the accused disseminate the

false justification that their seizure of the oil resources would be in the

interests of and to the benefit of the Iraqi people.

With the occupation of Iraq and the appropriation of its resources in a

war of aggression, the accused also committed the crime of plundering and

seizing the enemy's property.

The accused systematically promoted this crisis escalation to further

curtail civil rights through so-called 'anti-terror' laws. To deceive the

people while committing their crimes these laws were deliberately given

deceptive names, e.g. 'Homeland Security Act', or 'Patriot-Act', thereby

coercing political support for the abandonment of civil rights.


Whilst systematically organizing this escalation the accused

alsodeliberately abused the media distraction and made their first moves

trying to implement protectionist laws on behalf of the pharmaceutical


Largely unbeknown to the US Congress at that time, a provision was inserted

into the Homeland Security Act granting immunity to drug makers from product

liability law suits.


This is but a short synopsis of the crimes of war and crimes against

humanity committed by the accused and of their strategy to abuse these war

crimes to continue crimes of even larger magnitude, such as cementing their

global 'business with disease'.


In the course of the further investigation of these war crimes, all

available resources must be used to bring the accused to justice. This

includes particularly all information available through the United Nations

organizations, the UN weapons inspectors, documentation of war crimes from

Iraqi and international sources and all other available sources.


The people of the world will demand to be part of this process and

contribute documentation about these war crimes in order to accelerate the

process of justice.


The Accused

The accused are the following persons from the corporate, military and

political sectors of different nationalities:

1.George Walker Bush, U.S. President. He is the main political executor of

the interests of the pharmaceutical/petrochemical cartel. He is the main

political executor of the war crimes against Iraq and the other crimes of

this complaint.

2. Anthony Charles Lynton ( " Tony " ) Blair, Prime Minister of the U.K. He is

the political head and executor for himself as well as an accomplice of

George Bush in committing the crimes listed in this complaint.

3. Richard Bruce ( " Dick " ) Cheney, U.S. Vice President. Cheney was the

chief executive officer of the oil service provider Haliburton & Company

from Dallas, Texas. After the conquest of Iraq, Haliburton became the key

company for the economic plundering of Iraq under the pretence of


4.Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld was Chief Executive

Officer of several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, among others

the pharma-concern G. D. Searle, today part of Pharmacia. For several

decades, he had the role of strategic organizer of the pharmaceutical

" business with disease " . He received several awards of the pharmaceutical

industry. Beside George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld was one of the main

instigators of the war of aggression against Iraq.

5. John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General. He is one of the strategists of

the so-called Homeland Security Act, one of the organizational instruments

by which the accused are systematically curtailing civil rights in the U.S.

He is responsible for protectionist legislation that would essentially grant

immunity to the pharmaceutical industry from being held responsible for

their crimes in the U.S.

6.Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security, an accomplice of John

Ashcroft in cementing the political and economic control of the accused with

the purpose to continue their unscrupulousbusiness with disease and other

crimes by systematically curtailing civil rights in the U.S.

7.Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Security Advisor. She is a former director of the

petrochemical concern Chevron and was instrumental in promoting the war of

aggression of the accused.

What about John Howard - Prime Minister of Australia - complicit in the

roar against Iraq?


In the pharmaceutical sector, the following companies are accused:

1.Pfizer Inc., the Chief Executive Officer Henry A. McKinnell, Ph.D., the

other Executives and the Board of Directors.

2.Merck & Co., Inc., the Chief Executive Officer Raymond V. Gilmartin, the

other Executives and the Board of Directors.

3.GlaxoSmithKline PLC, the Chief Executive Officer Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier,

the other Executives and the Board of Directors.

4.Novartis AG, the Chief Executive Officer Dr Daniel Vasella, the other

Executives and the Board of Directors.

5.Amgen Inc., the Chief Executive Officer Kevin Sharer, the other

Executives and the Board of Directors.

6.Astra Zeneca, the Chief Executive Officer Sir Tom McKillop, the other

Executives and the Board of Directors.

7. Eli Lilly and Company, the Chief Executive Officer Sidney Taurel, the

other Executives and the Board of Directors.

8.Abbott Laboratories, the Chief Executive Officer Miles D. White, the

other Executives and the Board of Directors.

9.Other pharmaceutical companies, their Executive Officers and Boards ofs that maintain and promote the investment " business with disease "


In the petrochemical sector, the following corporations and their

executives are accused:

1.ExxonMobil Corporation, its Chief Executive Officer Lee R. Raymond, the

other Executives and its Board of Directors.

2. British Petroleum (BP), its Chief Executive Officer The Lord Browne of

Madingley, FREng, the other Executives and its Board of Directors.

3. Chevron Texaco Corp., its Chief Executive Officer David O'Reilly, the

other Executives and its Board of Directors.

4. Other petrochemical companies that benefit from the plunder and

spoliation of the war of aggression against Iraq.


The financial groups behind these corporate multinationals:

1. The Rockefeller Financial Group and the members of the Rockefeller

Family in benefiting from the crimes committed.

2.The Rothschild Group and all its members financially benefiting from

these crimes.

3.The JP Morgan Group and all its members financially benefiting from

these crimes.

4.The Trilateral Commission and its members, a body founded by David

Rockefeller to coordinate the interests of this investment group in the

three areas of the world, U.S.A., Europe and Japan - hence, the name

" trilateral " - including all members of this commission individually

who are found

guilty of participating in these crimes or benefiting from them


5. The members of other corporate lobby and interest groups who in the

course of further investigation will be found to have participated in

committing these crimes or financially benefited from them.

6. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, its Chief Executive Officer William B. Harrison

Jr., the other Executives and its Board of Directors.

7. Other financial institutions their Executive Officers, Boards ofs and shareholders and others who in the course of further

investigation will be found to have participated in committing these crimes

or financially benefited from them.

8. Politicians as well as national and international political bodies who

in the course of further investigation will be found to have participated in

committing these crimes or financially benefited from them.

9. Members of the military who participated, or in the course of further

investigation will be found to have participated in committing these crimes

or financially benefited from them.

10. Pharmaceutical health executives who in the course of further

investigation will be found to have deliberately and systematically

participated in committing these crimes or financially benefited from them.

11. Members of the media and others who in the course of further

investigation will be found to have participated in committing these crimes

or financially benefited from them.

12. Any other individual person, organization or body that in the course

of further investigation will be found to have participated in committing

these crimes or financially benefited from them.


Beside the Rome Statutes for the International Court of Justice the

following international treaties and declarations are applicable for the

severe charges of this complaint:

1. The United Nations Charter

2. The Declaration of Human Rights of December 8, 1948

3. The Geneva Convention on Human Rights of August 12, 1949

4. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

Genocide of January 12, 1951

5. The Convention on Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War

Crimes and Crimes against Humanity of 1968

6. The Principles of International Co-Operation in the Detection,

Arrest, Extradition and Punishment of Persons Guilty of War Crimes and

Crimes Against Humanity of 1973

The Jurisdiction Of The International Criminal Court Over The Accused


The accused committed the crimes outlined above, knowingly and

deliberately and in full knowledge of all the circumstances surrounding

their actions.

The crimes reported here have been committed against all mankind. The ICC

in The Hague is the court governed by international law addressing these

urgent issues.

Moreover, the ICC was established after WWII and the Nuremberg Tribunal,

with the goal to prevent another tragedy from happening - possibly a world



1. Liability to prosecution of those bearing office

The accused can be both sentenced and punished by the International

Criminal Court.


The Statute applies equally to all persons without any distinction based

on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or

Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected

representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person

from criminal responsibility under the Statute of the ICC, nor shall it, in

and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence (Article 27,

Paragraph 1 of the Statute).

Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to the official

capacity of a person, whether under national or international law, shall

also not bar the Court from exercising its jurisdiction over such a person

(Article 27, Paragraph 2 of the Statute).

2. Exclusion of criminal responsibility None of the accused may invoke

any of the grounds specified under Article

31 of the Statute for excluding criminal responsibility.

The accused were acting in full knowledge about the illegitimacy of

their actions. Thus, any claims to the contrary are null and

void. Equally null and void are all efforts by the accused to

retroactively justify their crimes by forming 'coalitions' of opinions

with other nations.

3. Power to inflict punishment over members of the US Government and

citizens of the USA

Even those of the accused, who hold citizenship of the United States of

America, cannot claim immunity from criminal prosecution before the

International Criminal Court, just because the United States of America in

contrast to 90 other countries around the world (i.e. almost half of the

members of the United Nations) is not amongst the signatory states to the

Rome Statute.

The accused have long been devising plans to try and evade the power to

inflict punishment of the International Criminal Court. This, however, does

not exempt the accused from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal

Court, because the mere performance of the crimes involved in the acts to


judged before the ICC constitutes liability to punishment under the terms


the Statute.


It does not matter if you belong to a specific Member State, because the

International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over natural persons and not

over States and establishes individual responsibility and liability for

punishment (Article 25 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Statute).

The ICC Statutes render attempts by the US Administration to coerce

smaller nations into bilateral 'immunity pacts' redundant.

In addition, the UN Security Council did rule that the US Government and

therefore also the majority of the accused could not and should not decide

themselves whether the International Criminal Court could take action

against them or not.

This decision was taken for good reason: One can only imagine what would

have happened if the main figures accused in the Nuremberg Trials had been

allowed to choose whether they had to stand trial before the Nuremberg


For these reasons the accused, even if they are citizens of the United

States of America, are still subject to the power to inflict punishment of

the International Criminal Court.


Final Appeal


The individuals named should be indicted before the International Criminal

Court on the basis of the valid grounds specified in this complaint.

The investigations into the individual responsibilities of the accused are

to be taken up and continued by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal


These investigations will also be continued and intensified on our side,

the side of the people of the world.


The accused should be convicted for the following reasons:

knowing and deliberate violation of the human right to peace;

knowing and deliberate violation of the human right to life;

knowing and deliberate violation of the human right to health.

This complaint is to be updated and completed in a system of constant

development and revision until legal proceedings finally commence against

the accused.


This complaint deals with the largest crimes ever committed in the course

of human history. Every day that formal proceeding at the International

Criminal Court against the accused are delayed, millions of people


will pay with their lives and the world moves closer to the next world war.

There must be no delay.


As the US Prosecutor in the Nuremberg War Tribunal against the executives

of the chemical/petrochemical cartel IG Farben stated: " If the

crimes committed by the accused are not brought to the daylight and if

they are not held accountable, they will do even more harm in the future. "


We call on every person and every Government in the world to unite behind

the charges. The time to act is now.

The Hague, Netherlands

14th June 2003

International Advocates for Health Freedom

POB 10632 Blacksburg VA 24062 USA

<http://www.iahf.com>http://www.iahf.com; http://iadsa-exposed.tripod.com

800-333-2553 N.America

540-961-0476 World


Great piece of journalism? Dont look at what the BIG countries are

doing, look at the small countries used as a test bed to float policies,

guage public acceptance, measure indiffference, and ignorance. Consider




...... showed his " true colors " by kicking NNFA New Zealand out of IADSA

when they (quite correctly) demanded that IADSA help to protect New

Zealand's supplement industry from forced harmonization to Australia's

medicalized regulatory model - (remember how hundreds of natural products

got knocked off Australian shelves overnight, recently?) which threatens

to drive numerous small New Zealand manufacturers and health food stores

out of business, and severely threatens consumer access to dietary

supplements in New Zealand.

Additionally, IAHF asserts the opinion that it should come as no surprise

to anyone in NNFA USA that Dennin, an employee of Pfizer, would take this

action, clearly intended to medicalize the dietary supplement industry in

order to assist in a pharmaceutical takeover of the industry. After all,

Pfizer became the world's largest drug company in 2000 when they bought

out Warner Lambert. They own 9 of the top 20 best selling pharmaceutical

drugs in America, and eight have more than a billion dollars in sales.

Their drugs are sold in over 150 countries.



My doctor once told me there are only three things that reduce a man to a

crumbling wreck. Health problems, sex problems and finance problems. And

crumbling wrecks are the pharmaceutical path to prosperity. If you haven't

joined the dots yet, please read the above article again.

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