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thanks to everyone for responding to my post!! i realized from some

of the responses that it might help to give more details about

myself. regarding the possibility that this ear thing is related to

candida...i'm already on a pretty strict candida diet. i did a detox

for two weeks and was completely off all candida foods for a month

(wheat, sugar, fermented foods, dairy etc. etc.) mostly eating

veggies--and always organic. i am not back on some of these but only

in moderation--still really no sugar but sometimes honey or

something. i have been alternating anti-fungals weekly (grapefruit

seed extract, caprylic acid, pau d'arco) and have been on probiotics

the whole time. so far i have noticed great improvements overall but

absolutely no change in the ear. i have tried getting my ears

candled several times in the past but am now not surprised that it

didn't help...this is primarily for wax or other debris build-up and

the ent already confirmed that my ear trouble is not a result of this.


i've also been tested for allergies--have grass, dust and cat

allergies and have done all i can over the past year to reduce my

allergen exposure--encasing my mattress, having hard wood floors

etc. the most recent addition was an air purifier in my house.


i don't know if this info helps at all...but ever since my adenoid

infection (one year ago--the ent says the infection is gone but my

adenoids are still larger than normal) i have not been able to pass

congestion through my nose. this doesn't mean that my nose is never

runny...but i much more often clear real congestion by was of post

nasal drip --coughing it out through my throat and never clear it

nasally...this just seems weird to me. and the congestion seems

connected b/c it's all on my left side...both the congestion and the

ear clogging.


i have also been going to a chiro for some neck pain and

headaches...so far the neck adjustments have made no difference in

the ear...but i just started going not long ago.


ok whew. that's it. don't know if any of these details will even be

helpful but just thought they might help based on some of your

responses. thanks again for all of you advice.

luv laura




, Lupo <llupowitz@c...>


> I have had the clogged ear problem frequently,

> and it is probably caused by water trapped in

> the eustachian tube from swimming...however,

> there are factors such as swelling and irritation

> that make the situation uncomfortable and at times

> it won't go away. I have found that chiropractic

> adjustment will usually clear my ears after a

> few times. As for that deep rumbling and ticking

> and a whooshing sensation, I have had good

> experience with homeopathic remedies. My

> classical homeopath has given me a constitutional

> remedy, and if I do that it usually will clear within

> a day, sometimes overnight, seemingly miraculously.

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Hi Laura. NOT A DOCTOR here, so everything I say is suspect. Smile.


Garlic oil and olive oil, half and half, dropped into the ear was recommended to me by a chiro/ND. for any type of ear infection.


As far as the congestion goes, I would look into lymphatic massage. Gently stroking the face toward the ears and the head down toward the ears and then from behind the ears and down the neck and then down the chest toward the center of your body. You might do this for a short time, like one minute each hour and see what happens.


Let us know how it goes.






Monday, June 23, 2003 7:09 AM

more about clogged ears

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Hi Laura;


Clogged ears are most likely candida. They can be cleared in a few ways;

the most successful of which is to use acidophilus ear drops. You are

already taking probiotic. Empty a cap into a teaspoon of water and put a

drop or two in each ear a couple of times a day. It might help to swab

out the wax and candida a bit; it can get kind of thick.


Duncan Crow



> regarding the possibility that this ear thing is related to candida...i'm

> already on a pretty strict candida diet. i did a detox for two weeks and

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thanks for responding. i think i will try the massage--i have tried

garlic/olive oil in the past but it really didn't help--not

surprising though b/c i think it is best used to fight infection and

wax build-up--both of which i'm pretty sure i don't have. i'm also

pretty sure that it's not b/c of the candida...or at least not

totally b/c of the candida (as duncan suggested). when an ent looked

in my ears they looked " normal " and i don't have any itching or

symptoms of a localized funal infection in my ears. what i do think

is significantly contributing to the problem is the fact that since

an adenoid infection last year my adenoids have remained larger than

they should. i further think this is the culprit b/c i'm also have

trouble moving mucous up through my nose (and b/c the ent actually

saw how big the adenoids are using one of those horrible scopes)--and

enlarged adenoids can def. cause eustachian tube disfunction--the

only ear symptom i have. so i've gone to work on my immune symptom

(thinking maybe it is overworking and that's why the a's are so

big). i wanted to share a tonic i've been using that (unless it's

just random coincindence) seems to really be helping. i got this off

another list i'm on and it's suggested for anything immune related so

flu, cold...basically as an herbal antibiotic. seems to be working

wonders for me...i'm using that an some echinacea...will keep folks

posted but i strongly suggest people trying this stuff out...it's

cheap and easy to make!! for real i have been trying various herbal

remedies (along with improving my diet) for over a year and this is

the first thing that made ANY difference for my ear!!

luv laura


Total Tonic Formula


1 Handful of Garlic Cloves

1 Handful of chopped Onions

1 Handful of chopped Ginger

1 Handful of chopped Horseradish

1/2 handful of chopped Habanero Peppers.


Throw in a blender and cover with an inch or two of Organic Apple

Cider Vinegar.


All ingredients should be ORGANIC, but don't let that stop you from

making this

great formula. You can use the mash right away or wait two weeks and






, " CountryGirl "

<ruthful@p...> wrote:

> Hi Laura. NOT A DOCTOR here, so everything I say is suspect.



> Garlic oil and olive oil, half and half, dropped into the ear was

recommended to me by a chiro/ND. for any type of ear infection.


> As far as the congestion goes, I would look into lymphatic

massage. Gently stroking the face toward the ears and the head down

toward the ears and then from behind the ears and down the neck and

then down the chest toward the center of your body. You might do

this for a short time, like one minute each hour and see what happens.


> Let us know how it goes.

> Donna

> http://www.excellentthings.net

> -

> laura_e25


> Monday, June 23, 2003 7:09 AM

> more about clogged ears

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