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Star (t) Wars an environmental cover up!

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Quoting Mark Davey <mark:


> Hello Folks,


> Many persons find it difficult to imagine how something like Star Wars,


> the inventor of the hydrogen bomb, and the ozone hole are all connected.

> Edward

> Teller started the Star Wars project by essentially lying to Congress

> to get

> funding for a " make-work " project for weapons scientists and labs. The

> Sun,

> like the hydrogen bomb, is based on nuclear fusion. The ozone hole is

> even

> an artifact of pollution linked to strategic materials environmental

> cover up.

> We'll explore this below.


> There is much use of the word " shield " in the Star Wars Project, but

> lets

> not forget many other shields related to nuclear defenses. The Sun is a


> nuclear reactor, that emits all sorts of charged particles, electrons,

> lots

> of UV from hydrogen, and lots of hot body white light. We forget that

> Earth has

> multiple shields that protect us from these effects.


> The Earth's magnetic field shields us from charged particles and sets

> up

> the Van Allen radiation belt that deflect these ions around the Earth,

> with

> only some hitting the polar regions. The magnetic field shield does not

> affect

> the Sun's emissions that are waves. The visible light, UV, and IR comes


> right on past this first shield. On Earth, the electrons getting past

> the

> magnetic field make the Northern Lights and the ions hit the zone over

> the South

> pole.


> These ions hit molecules like HF and HCl at the South Pole and make for

> UV

> generation from the hydrogen ion effects. The hydrogen is in play in

> the

> disruption of the ozone level. It is also in play for conversation

> radiation from the Sun's ions.


> The Sun's UV radiation is an ionizing radiation that causes health

> problems and the next shield to recall is the ionosphere. Here the

> ionizing

> radiation forms oxygen ions that combine with oxygen molecules to form

> ozone. Ozone

> is a bluish gas that absorbs the UV radiation and attenuates it,

> protecting

> animals and plants from UV ionizing radiation damage.


> It is here that man is causing some problems with mother nature's well


> balanced system. The ozone layer is highly reduced by processes that

> pull

> hydrogen into this region. Hydrogen is supposed to be rare in the

> atmosphere at only 1 PPM. Elements like fluorine and chlorine tend to

> support HF and HCl in

> the ionosphere, which causes disruption of ozone formation by making

> frozen

> crystals of water and hydrogen peroxide, which do not attenuate UV. The


> process in this thin region is one of aerosol particles and gases being

> driven by UV

> ionizing radiation.


> The HF and HCl that corrupted the ozone layer stems from both natural

> and

> man made events. Volcanos help toss lots of the acids and particles

> into

> this region, and man via freon mistakes added more. Man also adds some

> due to

> coal emissions and the formation of large storms, and even nuclear

> weapons added

> to the effects. The ionization in the ionosphere and the Earth's

> magnetic

> field pulls the ions to the South Pole and the electrons to the North

> Pole.

> This is essentially a mini-Van Allen like effect from ions generated by

> the Sun's

> UV. This causes a high level of fluorine and chlorine ions at the

> Southern

> pole [and thus HF and HCl].


> In order to compensate for this effect the US has been doing some

> things

> to absorb the UV radiation. Man has added some other shields in the form

> of

> aerosols made of materials that absorb UV and others that reflect UV

> and IR.


> These type projects have taken on the term " chemtrails " in the public

> venues. Chemtrails come in several forms. The most exposed form is that

> of aluminum

> oxide using jet planes to release a near global reflective haze into

> the

> air. This exposure comes from Edward Teller's LLNL paper disclosing the

> method of

> particle reflectance to make a global shield and a patent that

> discloses

> this being designed. The next related technique is the use of UV

> absorbing

> materials based in titanium dioxide released in the air to replace the

> ozone filtering.


> These chemtrail techniques relate to similar military techniques to spy


> on line of sight microwave communications. The military likes to see

> what

> information passes on line of sight phone systems. The method for doing


> this uses microwave techniques for isolators and use special compounds

> of barium,

> titanium, and iron sprayed into the microwave paths. Materials used in


> microwave guide and stripline use similar compounds, and this method in

> the air

> pathway is similar. This allows the surveillance planes to wire tap the

> microwave

> beams and gain information. They can also insert information via this

> technique,

> or jam these communication system. This type technique also interferes

> with

> things like RADAR return energies and their ranges. It can also be used

> to

> create phantom RADAR images.


> The tricks to suspend these materials use various methods, from those

> of

> nano particles in air, to fine nano-filaments [filaments as fine as

> spiders

> webs], to that of charging these particles and filaments so as to ride

> the

> Earth's potential gradient field and stay aloft longer. All these

> designed to keep

> the material in suspension in the air.


> The UV sprays use the same techniques to leave a spray of barium and

> titanium materials in the air. Plain titanium dioxide is an extremely

> good

> UV blocker. This brings on the last shield system, on the very surface

> or

> Earth and on the most vulnerable UV target organ. The US has arranged

> for titanium

> dioxide to be used in things like soap and detergent, which leaves one


> covered with a film of this material. One can usually see the paint like

> scum in showers

> from the sticky titanium dioxide build up, along with calcium. This

> same

> film is all over most persons skin and helps shield the skin from UV.

> One only

> has to look at all the places titanium dioxide has been incorporated in

> the

> last ten years to notice this intentional trend. It was put there to

> modify the

> UV damage to skin.


> Now that we are well into the chemtrails issues, it is time to take a

> look at the weather related aspect more closely. Most people look at the


> weather,but few know how it is truly affected by man's influence on

> environment. We

> were able to study many of these effects from the weapon's plants

> influences

> in Oak Ridge in the 80's. Oak Ridge has problems with many 100 year

> storms

> happening over the span of a few years, and it was due to the plants

> influence on the weather.


> Many people see some important weather concepts as they fly on planes,


> but they don't recognize them. When one flies over the Pacific on calm

> days and

> approaches the Hawaiian Islands, one can see the effects of the

> potential

> gradient and a potential well effect. The high islands short out the

> potential gradient in the laminar Pacific's moist air and this pulls

> charged water to

> form clouds around each tall island. The islands make their own weather.

> The

> prevailing winds usually mean one side of the island is wet and the

> other

> dry. As the evaporation builds each day, it usually rains in the late

> afternoons

> due to drops condensing and saturation effect.


> We also see the same effects around big cities and one of the best

> examples is Atlanta international. Here the cities aerosol pollutants

> set

> up heating of the low altitude air and rising thermals that move charge

> from the lower

> altitudes and carry them higher----much as a tall volcano in the

> Pacific

> causes clouds and rains. These rising thermals in the polluted South

> cause so much

> redistribution of charge that lightning occurs and as the thermals

> build

> they reach extreme heights in the atmosphere, often forming hail. This

> is anther

> example of a potential well being formed and making storms due to man's


> effects.


> This is where lots of work is being done in terms of changing man's

> effects on the weather and damage from storm intensities. The knowledge

> of the

> Earth's potential gradient shows us how this charge effect sets up the


> collection methods that form storms. It also shows us that if we can

> lower this

> potential gradient we can lower the number of storms and the severity of

> the ones that

> do form.


> The method to change the potential gradient is to make the air

> more conductive and this is done using the photoelectric effect from

> metals.

> Barium is one such metal with a low work function that will emit

> electrons

> into the air and make conductive ion effects in the lower atmosphere.

> This effect

> lowers the potential gradient.


> This technique supplements other methods used to modify weather. Cloud


> seeding using hygroscopic materials and even dry ice has been used to

> induce

> clouds to rain. In atmospheric nuclear testing, we induced both a

> potential

> well effect and the ionization of the air that shorted out the potential

> gradient

> and made for rain after many of the test shots. This was especially

> seen in

> the Pacific test shots for the hydrogen bomb. These are the effects

> that

> connect Teller, the hydrogen bomb, and Star Wars to these effects of

> weather

> modification. Hydrogen bombs can contribute effects toward global

> cooling,

> or the nuclear winter effect. This gets into ozone layer effects as

> well.


> Interesting to note that the issue of nuclear winter from particles in

> the

> atmosphere is the same effect of reflective particles induced in the

> atmosphere from jet flying around the globe to affect global warming.

> It

> was all these basic principles of atmospheric science that were used at

> ORNL in the 80's

> to predict these effects and come up with ways to mediate these effects.

> These

> are my basic conceptual ideas coming to fruition.


> There is one very serious flaw that the national labs are exploiting.

> Most of the data that justifies the UV-b damage to health comes from

> mouse

> experiments. Mice have a serious systemic problem with fluorides damage

> to

> their immune system tolerance. This means they don't respond properly in


> repairing DNA damage to ionizing radiation, nor with the immune system

> detection and

> eradication of cancers. Ignoring this systemic issue with mice, that is


> showing up clearly with a Wake Forest line of mice with proper immune

> cancer

> resistance, is leading us down a wrong pathway. The issues with UV-b

> triggering cancers

> is more one of fluorides in the environment affecting immune system

> tolerance and performance. The health problems connected to the ozone

> hole is more

> one with humans affected by fluoride, as well as the upper atmosphere.


> The data says that we need to go after source terms for fluoride in the


> food chain, if we are to correct these problems.


> The national labs have known this was the main problem since the

> mid-80's, and that it directly links to rising cancers of all types, as

> well as to the

> HIV epidemic. They have intentionally suppressed this information so as

> to

> prompt these lies to sustain more weapons work for the corrupted

> national

> labs.


> This is little different from the lies Teller told on Star Wars beam

> systems

> being able to target ballistic missiles with there were known

> impossibilities with x-ray optical focus downrange and predictive delay

> issues for a

> dithered flight path.


> This problem with the Govt supporting lies has moved all the way into

> the

> White House with the lies told on the Iraq WMD issues. It has to do

> fully

> with the issues of these project's end-time themes. The White House has


> become extremely aggressive, while leaving the door wide open for 911 to

> happen.

> This intentionally set up the stage to go into these Middle East and to

> get

> involved into the long issues of Palestine and Israel. In dealing with


> these effects, the born again Christian influences are even exploiting

> the words

> of the Bible and using misinformation on these simple themes.


> Oak Ridge and the Manhattan nuclear projects long ago cracked the

> central

> messages of religion. Even to the point of knowing exactly what

> influences

> the end-time revelations prophecies. It is these issues that the White

> House is

> exploiting to enrich its Mil / Ind Network linked industries, while

> burying

> the real problems connected with fluoride health effects. The White

> House's

> basic direction is toward massive health effects and thinning the world


> population, while making pharmaceuticals and doctors rich in the

> process.


> The ideals for the GOP have become aligned with deception and those

> linked to dishonest

> practices.


> We find ourselves the a crisis to which Eisenhower warned about the Mil

> /

> Ind Network's power as he left office in the 60's. It was this corrupt


> power that resulted in the death of JFK, and the same one that holds the

> US and

> the world in its ugly grip today.


> If the US is to prosper, it must return the element of truth to its

> leadership. If the US persists in lying to its citizens and the world,

> this

> will produce a response that all the world can no longer support the

> US's

> leadership or position.


> I would ask that each of your that read this expose on Star Wars, Space


> Shields, UV, and the weather to become more aware of these factors and

> teach

> others of the problems. Then work together with your fellow citizens

> and

> the citizens of the world to change these highly dangerous problems into

> better

> outcomes. These matters are far to dangerous and important to allow

> just

> the special few to manage them. To withhold this information is one in

> the same

> with denying persons their religious freedoms, as they do link to those

> of

> revelations.


> It is only wise that all the citizens become aware of these secret

> projects happening right over everyone's head, and demand that the

> Govt. be

> made accountable to the people. Heads-up people, the message is clear

> that we

> all need to get involved. The evil that we see today can only flourish

> when good

> people remain silent.


> Sincerely,

> Jim Phelps


> ===============================================

> [DOEWatch] List is for news and learning about energy issues related to

> DOE,

> energy, and industry. Fluoride and metal synergism's are top issues for


> energy production and health. Subscribe via email, send Email to:

> DOEWatch- or via the

> Web page at: http://members.aol.com/doewatch

> Health Mystery Review paper:

> http://members.aol.com/magnu96196/cfs.html

> The [downwindersII] list is the companion discussion list to

> [DOEWatch].

> (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is

> distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest

> in receiving the

> included information for research and educational purposes.)

> ========================================================



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