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Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter

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KD Weber <wvadreamin

Undisclosed-Recipient:; <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Tuesday, 1 July 2003 8:16

Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter




Got Outrage?


Dear Friends,


It is against the law in thirteen of our United States to

criticize milk, cheese, or butter. Today's column violates

these so-named Agricultural Disparagement Acts.


The daily Notmilk letter is circulated in every state in

America. Please urge one or more players in the dairy

industry to take appropriate action. I look forward to going

one on one with the dairy industry on Court TV.



Got Outrage?


The folks who bring you breast cancer are now sponsoring a

cure for that which they cause by throwing dirty dollars at

the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.




Paint a strawberry-pink milkstache on your upper lip as you

bid an ironic goodbye to those mothers and daughters,

sisters, aunts, nieces and friends who have lost their lives

due to breast cancer.


While you honor those who have died, spend a few moments to

review the following ten references which are responsible

for the dairy industry's greatest nightmare -the rarest of

qualities for those who market milk. Truth.


There are hundreds of millions of different proteins in

nature, and only one hormone that is identical between any

two species. That powerful growth hormone is insulin-like

growth factor, or IGF-I. IGF-I survives digestion and has

been identified as a key factor in breast cancer's growth.


IGF-I is identical in human and cow.


If you believe that breast feeding " works " to protect

lactoferrins and immunoglobulins from digestion (and benefit

the nursing infant), you must also recognize that cow's milk

acts as a hormonal delivery system. By drinking cow's milk,

one delivers IGF-I in a bioactive form to the body's cells.

When IGF-I from cow's milk alights upon an existing



Reference #1


" IGF-I is critically involved in the aberrant growth of

human breast cancer cells. "


M. Lippman. J. Natl. Inst. Health Res., 1991, 3.


Reference #2


" Human Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and bovine IGF-I

are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in the identical

sequence. "


Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer. SCIENCE, vol. 249.

August 24, 1990.


Reference #3


" Estrogen regulation of IGF-I in breast cancer cells would

support the hypothesis that IGF-I has a regulatory function

in breast cancer. "


A.V. Lee, Mol-Cell- Endocrinol., March, 99(2).


Reference #4


" IGF-I is a potent growth factor for cellular proliferation

in the human breast carcinoma cell line. "


J.C. Chen, J-Cell-Physiol., January, 1994, 158(1)


Reference #5


" Insulin-like growth factors are key factors for breast

cancer growth. "


J.A. Figueroa, J-Cell-Physiol., Nov., 1993, 157(2)


Reference #6


" IGF-I produces a 10-fold increase in RNA levels of cancer

cells. IGF-I appears to be a critical component in cellular

proliferation. "


X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res., March, 1994, 211(1)


Reference #7


" IGF-I plays a major role in human breast cancer cell

growth. "


E.A. Musgrove, Eur-J-Cancer, 29A (16), 1993


Reference #8


" IGF-I has been identified as a key factor in breast

cancer. "


Hankinson. The Lancet, vol. 351. May 9, 1998


Reference #9


" Serum IGF-I levels increased significantly in milk

drinkers, an increase of about 10% above baseline but was

unchanged in the control group. "


Robert P. Heaney, Journal of the American Dietetic

Association, vol. 99, no. 10. October 1999


Reference #10


" IGF-1 accelerates the growth of breast cancer cells. "


M. Lippman Science, Vol. 259, January 29, 1993


On Sunday, June 22, 2003, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Organization took out a full page black and white and pink

ad in the New York Times (page A-15). In large letters, the

advertisement challenged readers:


" You can throw up your hands. Or get on your feet. "


They left out a few options. When the subject is breast

cancer and milk, you can get down on your knees, or, you can

lay down and die.








Robert Cohen, author of: MILK A-Z


Executive Director (notmilkman)

Dairy Education Board








Do you know of a friend or family member with one or more of these

milk-related problems? Do them a huge favor and forward the URL or this

entire file to them.


Do you know of someone who should read these newsletters? If so, have them

send an empty Email to notmilk- and they will

receive it (automatically)!

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(Use organic from stores or safe tested raw milk.)




" Armageddon or New Age "

" Misty "

Tue, 1 Jul 2003 23:32:39 +1200

Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter



Undisclosed-Recipient:; <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Tuesday, 1 July 2003 8:16

Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter




Got Outrage?


Dear Friends,


It is against the law in thirteen of our United States to

criticize milk, cheese, or butter. Today's column violates

these so-named Agricultural Disparagement Acts.


The daily Notmilk letter is circulated in every state in

America. Please urge one or more players in the dairy

industry to take appropriate action. I look forward to going

one on one with the dairy industry on Court TV.



Got Outrage?


The folks who bring you breast cancer are now sponsoring a

cure for that which they cause by throwing dirty dollars at

the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.




Paint a strawberry-pink milkstache on your upper lip as you

bid an ironic goodbye to those mothers and daughters,

sisters, aunts, nieces and friends who have lost their lives

due to breast cancer.


While you honor those who have died, spend a few moments to

review the following ten references which are responsible

for the dairy industry's greatest nightmare -the rarest of

qualities for those who market milk. Truth.


There are hundreds of millions of different proteins in

nature, and only one hormone that is identical between any

two species. That powerful growth hormone is insulin-like

growth factor, or IGF-I. IGF-I survives digestion and has

been identified as a key factor in breast cancer's growth.


IGF-I is identical in human and cow.


If you believe that breast feeding " works " to protect

lactoferrins and immunoglobulins from digestion (and benefit

the nursing infant), you must also recognize that cow's milk

acts as a hormonal delivery system. By drinking cow's milk,

one delivers IGF-I in a bioactive form to the body's cells.

When IGF-I from cow's milk alights upon an existing



Reference #1


" IGF-I is critically involved in the aberrant growth of

human breast cancer cells. "


M. Lippman. J. Natl. Inst. Health Res., 1991, 3.


Reference #2


" Human Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and bovine IGF-I

are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in the identical

sequence. "


Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer. SCIENCE, vol. 249.

August 24, 1990.


Reference #3


" Estrogen regulation of IGF-I in breast cancer cells would

support the hypothesis that IGF-I has a regulatory function

in breast cancer. "


A.V. Lee, Mol-Cell- Endocrinol., March, 99(2).


Reference #4


" IGF-I is a potent growth factor for cellular proliferation

in the human breast carcinoma cell line. "


J.C. Chen, J-Cell-Physiol., January, 1994, 158(1)


Reference #5


" Insulin-like growth factors are key factors for breast

cancer growth. "


J.A. Figueroa, J-Cell-Physiol., Nov., 1993, 157(2)


Reference #6


" IGF-I produces a 10-fold increase in RNA levels of cancer

cells. IGF-I appears to be a critical component in cellular

proliferation. "


X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res., March, 1994, 211(1)


Reference #7


" IGF-I plays a major role in human breast cancer cell

growth. "


E.A. Musgrove, Eur-J-Cancer, 29A (16), 1993


Reference #8


" IGF-I has been identified as a key factor in breast

cancer. "


Hankinson. The Lancet, vol. 351. May 9, 1998


Reference #9


" Serum IGF-I levels increased significantly in milk

drinkers, an increase of about 10% above baseline but was

unchanged in the control group. "


Robert P. Heaney, Journal of the American Dietetic

Association, vol. 99, no. 10. October 1999


Reference #10


" IGF-1 accelerates the growth of breast cancer cells. "


M. Lippman Science, Vol. 259, January 29, 1993


On Sunday, June 22, 2003, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Organization took out a full page black and white and pink

ad in the New York Times (page A-15). In large letters, the

advertisement challenged readers:


" You can throw up your hands. Or get on your feet. "


They left out a few options. When the subject is breast

cancer and milk, you can get down on your knees, or, you can

lay down and die.








Robert Cohen, author of: MILK A-Z


Executive Director (notmilkman)

Dairy Education Board








Do you know of a friend or family member with one or more of these

milk-related problems? Do them a huge favor and forward the URL or this

entire file to them.


Do you know of someone who should read these newsletters? If so, have them

send an empty Email to notmilk- and they will

receive it (automatically)!






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To , e-mail to: Gettingwell-

Or, go to our group site: Gettingwell




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---mmmmm!mmmmmmmmm! feel the love emanating from the castle near

Sherwood Forest(hehehe!) GO for it notmilk! what??? the government

protecting their interests?? surely they would never do that!? huh?

it's a shame, that this is what milk has become!






In , " Misty " <misty3@p...> wrote:



> KD Weber <wvadreamin@c...>

> Undisclosed-Recipient:; <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

> Tuesday, 1 July 2003 8:16

> Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter



> http://www.notmilk.com/gotoutrage.html

> Got Outrage?


> Dear Friends,


> It is against the law in thirteen of our United States to

> criticize milk, cheese, or butter. Today's column violates

> these so-named Agricultural Disparagement Acts.


> The daily Notmilk letter is circulated in every state in

> America. Please urge one or more players in the dairy

> industry to take appropriate action. I look forward to going

> one on one with the dairy industry on Court TV.

> ________


> Got Outrage?


> The folks who bring you breast cancer are now sponsoring a

> cure for that which they cause by throwing dirty dollars at

> the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.


> http://www.whymilk.com/mm_mobile/images/skg_gotmilk.gif


> Paint a strawberry-pink milkstache on your upper lip as you

> bid an ironic goodbye to those mothers and daughters,

> sisters, aunts, nieces and friends who have lost their lives

> due to breast cancer.


> While you honor those who have died, spend a few moments to

> review the following ten references which are responsible

> for the dairy industry's greatest nightmare -the rarest of

> qualities for those who market milk. Truth.


> There are hundreds of millions of different proteins in

> nature, and only one hormone that is identical between any

> two species. That powerful growth hormone is insulin-like

> growth factor, or IGF-I. IGF-I survives digestion and has

> been identified as a key factor in breast cancer's growth.


> IGF-I is identical in human and cow.


> If you believe that breast feeding " works " to protect

> lactoferrins and immunoglobulins from digestion (and benefit

> the nursing infant), you must also recognize that cow's milk

> acts as a hormonal delivery system. By drinking cow's milk,

> one delivers IGF-I in a bioactive form to the body's cells.

> When IGF-I from cow's milk alights upon an existing

> cancer...


> Reference #1


> " IGF-I is critically involved in the aberrant growth of

> human breast cancer cells. "


> M. Lippman. J. Natl. Inst. Health Res., 1991, 3.


> Reference #2


> " Human Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and bovine IGF-I

> are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in the identical

> sequence. "


> Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer. SCIENCE, vol. 249.

> August 24, 1990.


> Reference #3


> " Estrogen regulation of IGF-I in breast cancer cells would

> support the hypothesis that IGF-I has a regulatory function

> in breast cancer. "


> A.V. Lee, Mol-Cell- Endocrinol., March, 99(2).


> Reference #4


> " IGF-I is a potent growth factor for cellular proliferation

> in the human breast carcinoma cell line. "


> J.C. Chen, J-Cell-Physiol., January, 1994, 158(1)


> Reference #5


> " Insulin-like growth factors are key factors for breast

> cancer growth. "


> J.A. Figueroa, J-Cell-Physiol., Nov., 1993, 157(2)


> Reference #6


> " IGF-I produces a 10-fold increase in RNA levels of cancer

> cells. IGF-I appears to be a critical component in cellular

> proliferation. "


> X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res., March, 1994, 211(1)


> Reference #7


> " IGF-I plays a major role in human breast cancer cell

> growth. "


> E.A. Musgrove, Eur-J-Cancer, 29A (16), 1993


> Reference #8


> " IGF-I has been identified as a key factor in breast

> cancer. "


> Hankinson. The Lancet, vol. 351. May 9, 1998


> Reference #9


> " Serum IGF-I levels increased significantly in milk

> drinkers, an increase of about 10% above baseline but was

> unchanged in the control group. "


> Robert P. Heaney, Journal of the American Dietetic

> Association, vol. 99, no. 10. October 1999


> Reference #10


> " IGF-1 accelerates the growth of breast cancer cells. "


> M. Lippman Science, Vol. 259, January 29, 1993


> On Sunday, June 22, 2003, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

> Organization took out a full page black and white and pink

> ad in the New York Times (page A-15). In large letters, the

> advertisement challenged readers:


> " You can throw up your hands. Or get on your feet. "


> They left out a few options. When the subject is breast

> cancer and milk, you can get down on your knees, or, you can

> lay down and die.




> -


> ----



> Robert Cohen, author of: MILK A-Z

> (201-871-5871)

> Executive Director (notmilkman@n...)

> Dairy Education Board

> http://www.notmilk.com




> -


> ----


> Do you know of a friend or family member with one or more of these

> milk-related problems? Do them a huge favor and forward the URL or


> entire file to them.


> Do you know of someone who should read these newsletters? If so,

have them

> send an empty Email to notmilk- and they


> receive it (automatically)!

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Golly, that explains why the Swiss that Dr. Weston A. Price studied only lived

into their 80s and 90s! It's because the primary component of their diet was

natural, unpasteurized/homogenized milk and dairy products from grass-fed cows.

Still can't figure out why they never got cancer and CHD though.


Actually, the anti-milk zealots make me want to puke -- preferably on them! They

take the truth about commercially produced and mangled milk and dairy and

extrapolate it to ALL milk and dairy. It's the ol' " lie in the form of the

truth " gambit and i have nothing but loathing and disdain for it. Yes Karl, it

is a shame.


>---mmmmm!mmmmmmmmm! feel the love emanating from the castle near

>Sherwood Forest(hehehe!) GO for it notmilk! what??? the government

>protecting their interests?? surely they would never do that!? huh?

>it's a shame, that this is what milk has become!






>In , " Misty " <misty3@p...> wrote:



>> KD Weber <wvadreamin@c...>

>> Undisclosed-Recipient:; <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

>> Tuesday, 1 July 2003 8:16

>> Illegal in 13 states to criticize milk, cheese or butter



>> http://www.notmilk.com/gotoutrage.html

>> Got Outrage?


>> Dear Friends,


>> It is against the law in thirteen of our United States to

>> criticize milk, cheese, or butter. Today's column violates

>> these so-named Agricultural Disparagement Acts.


>> The daily Notmilk letter is circulated in every state in

>> America. Please urge one or more players in the dairy

>> industry to take appropriate action. I look forward to going

>> one on one with the dairy industry on Court TV.

>> ________


>> Got Outrage?


>> The folks who bring you breast cancer are now sponsoring a

>> cure for that which they cause by throwing dirty dollars at

>> the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.


>> http://www.whymilk.com/mm_mobile/images/skg_gotmilk.gif


>> Paint a strawberry-pink milkstache on your upper lip as you

>> bid an ironic goodbye to those mothers and daughters,

>> sisters, aunts, nieces and friends who have lost their lives

>> due to breast cancer.


>> While you honor those who have died, spend a few moments to

>> review the following ten references which are responsible

>> for the dairy industry's greatest nightmare -the rarest of

>> qualities for those who market milk. Truth.


>> There are hundreds of millions of different proteins in

>> nature, and only one hormone that is identical between any

>> two species. That powerful growth hormone is insulin-like

>> growth factor, or IGF-I. IGF-I survives digestion and has

>> been identified as a key factor in breast cancer's growth.


>> IGF-I is identical in human and cow.


>> If you believe that breast feeding " works " to protect

>> lactoferrins and immunoglobulins from digestion (and benefit

>> the nursing infant), you must also recognize that cow's milk

>> acts as a hormonal delivery system. By drinking cow's milk,

>> one delivers IGF-I in a bioactive form to the body's cells.

>> When IGF-I from cow's milk alights upon an existing

>> cancer...


>> Reference #1


>> " IGF-I is critically involved in the aberrant growth of

>> human breast cancer cells. "


>> M. Lippman. J. Natl. Inst. Health Res., 1991, 3.


>> Reference #2


>> " Human Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and bovine IGF-I

>> are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in the identical

>> sequence. "


>> Judith C. Juskevich and C. Greg Guyer. SCIENCE, vol. 249.

>> August 24, 1990.


>> Reference #3


>> " Estrogen regulation of IGF-I in breast cancer cells would

>> support the hypothesis that IGF-I has a regulatory function

>> in breast cancer. "


>> A.V. Lee, Mol-Cell- Endocrinol., March, 99(2).


>> Reference #4


>> " IGF-I is a potent growth factor for cellular proliferation

>> in the human breast carcinoma cell line. "


>> J.C. Chen, J-Cell-Physiol., January, 1994, 158(1)

> >

>> Reference #5


>> " Insulin-like growth factors are key factors for breast

>> cancer growth. "


>> J.A. Figueroa, J-Cell-Physiol., Nov., 1993, 157(2)


>> Reference #6


>> " IGF-I produces a 10-fold increase in RNA levels of cancer

>> cells. IGF-I appears to be a critical component in cellular

>> proliferation. "


>> X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res., March, 1994, 211(1)


>> Reference #7


>> " IGF-I plays a major role in human breast cancer cell

>> growth. "


>> E.A. Musgrove, Eur-J-Cancer, 29A (16), 1993


>> Reference #8


>> " IGF-I has been identified as a key factor in breast

>> cancer. "


>> Hankinson. The Lancet, vol. 351. May 9, 1998


>> Reference #9


>> " Serum IGF-I levels increased significantly in milk

>> drinkers, an increase of about 10% above baseline but was

>> unchanged in the control group. "


>> Robert P. Heaney, Journal of the American Dietetic

>> Association, vol. 99, no. 10. October 1999


>> Reference #10


>> " IGF-1 accelerates the growth of breast cancer cells. "


>> M. Lippman Science, Vol. 259, January 29, 1993


>> On Sunday, June 22, 2003, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

>> Organization took out a full page black and white and pink

>> ad in the New York Times (page A-15). In large letters, the

>> advertisement challenged readers:


>> " You can throw up your hands. Or get on your feet. "


>> They left out a few options. When the subject is breast

>> cancer and milk, you can get down on your knees, or, you can

>> lay down and die.




>> -


>> ----



>> Robert Cohen, author of: MILK A-Z

>> (201-871-5871)

>> Executive Director (notmilkman@n...)

>> Dairy Education Board

> > http://www.notmilk.com



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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Do you know more about this study? Do you

know *why* they died as early as

80 or 90?


I think the anti-milk zealots don’t

know anything about raw milk, and that’s not what the anti-milk campaign

is targeting – it is targeting the pasteurized/homogenized type of

milk. Raw milk certainly isn’t

available to anyone. Probably people in

cities have no access to it at all. I

live in a semi-rural area, and there is nowhere I can buy it. So if you can’t get raw milk, it’s

just better not to drink any milk, right?





Neil Jensen


Golly, that explains

why the Swiss that Dr. Weston A. Price studied only lived into their 80s and

90s! It's because the primary component of their diet was natural,

unpasteurized/homogenized milk and dairy products from grass-fed cows. Still

can't figure out why they never got cancer and CHD though.



the anti-milk zealots make me want to puke --

preferably on them! They take the truth about commercially produced and

mangled milk and dairy and extrapolate it to ALL milk and dairy. It's the ol'

" lie in the form of the truth " gambit and i have nothing but loathing

and disdain for it. Yes Karl, it is a shame.


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Neil Jensen



that explains why the Swiss that Dr. Weston A. Price studied only lived into

their 80s and 90s! It's because the primary component of their diet was

natural, unpasteurized/homogenized milk and dairy products from grass-fed cows.

Still can't figure out why they never got cancer and CHD though.



the anti-milk zealots make me want to puke --

preferably on them! They take the truth about commercially produced and

mangled milk and dairy and extrapolate it to ALL milk and dairy. It's the ol'

" lie in the form of the truth " gambit and i have nothing but loathing

and disdain for it. Yes Karl, it is a shame.




Why do you think these zealots are doing

and saying what they do? What is their true agenda? What ulterior motive do you

find? Take Robert Cohen, for example. He really promotes soy as a dairy

substitute and even sells what he calls a “Soy Toy” for making soy

milk from beans. He also promotes vegetarianism and animal rights. I suppose he

could be accused of benefiting financially from his anti-milk campaign but I

suspect that he does what he does simply because he truly believes his story.



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My guess would be, uh.... Old age maybe?


An excellent article on Dr. Price's work may be found at



Also at



In the zealot's own word, they are targeting " Milk. " The word is not modified in

any way, such as " commercially produced milk. " It's just one, all inclusive,

" Milk. "


>Do you know more about this study? Do you know *why* they died as early as 80

or 90?




>I think the anti-milk zealots don't know anything about raw milk, and that's

not what the anti-milk campaign is targeting - it is targeting the

pasteurized/homogenized type of milk. Raw milk certainly isn't available to

anyone. Probably people in cities have no access to it at all. I live in a

semi-rural area, and there is nowhere I can buy it. So if you can't get raw

milk, it's just better not to drink any milk, right?







Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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The day i was at the PETA site doing research for the article " Why PETA's

MilkSucks.Com Sucks "

at < " http://www.sumeria.net/health/petamilk.html " >

they were selling " soy turkeys. " It was, of course, around Thanksgiving Day.

They also had an article on why we should all be eating margarine and not






>Why do you think these zealots are doing and saying what they do? What is their

true agenda? What ulterior motive do you find? Take Robert Cohen, for example.

He really promotes soy as a dairy substitute and even sells what he calls a " Soy

Toy " for making soy milk from beans. He also promotes vegetarianism and animal

rights. I suppose he could be accused of benefiting financially from his

anti-milk campaign but I suspect that he does what he does simply because he

truly believes his story.






Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

The difference between a policy and a crusade is that a policy

is judged by its results, while a crusade is judged by how good

it makes its crusaders feel. -- Thomas Sowell

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Hi Neil;


Raw milk contains glutathione precursors. Glutathione is the body's

master antioxidant and detoxifier. If there's enough glutathione (and

other antioxidants) the cholesterol doesn't oxidize. It's only the

OXIDIZED cholesterol that produces sticky plaque. CHD is a free radical

disease; it is caused by oxidized cholesterol and other oxidizable oils.


So another reason they didn't get CHD involves their use of butter and

lard. Although these fats do elevate cholesterol, they not oxidize much.

When you start to use corn, canola, soy, etc.. oils, however, you start

to see vastly more CHD. Analysis of the arterial plaque, published in

Lancet, showed it to be 74% unsaturated oils, 1/2 of which were

polyunsaturated. Those oils come from dietary sources.


See leading oils researcher Mary Enig's " The Oiling Of America " , hosted

on the Weston Price Foundation website for more. The link is in the

reference section of this coconut oil page:


and see also a chart there on the oxidizing potential of selected food



Duncan Crow




> Golly, that explains why the Swiss that Dr. Weston A. Price studied only

> lived into their 80s and 90s! It's because the primary component of their

> diet was natural, unpasteurized/homogenized milk and dairy products from

> grass-fed cows. Still can't figure out why they never got cancer and CHD

> though.

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Hi Neil just so that you know it is illegal to sell non-

pastuerized/non-homogenized milk in texas, so with that in mind

where do I obtain this " good milk " that supposedly exists but is

illegal to sell



In , Neil Jensen <neil@s...> wrote:

> The day i was at the PETA site doing research for the article " Why

PETA's MilkSucks.Com Sucks "

> at < " http://www.sumeria.net/health/petamilk.html " >

> they were selling " soy turkeys. " It was, of course, around

Thanksgiving Day. They also had an article on why we should all be

eating margarine and not butter.


> >

> >Neil,

> >

> >Why do you think these zealots are doing and saying what they do?

What is their true agenda? What ulterior motive do you find? Take

Robert Cohen, for example. He really promotes soy as a dairy

substitute and even sells what he calls a " Soy Toy " for making soy

milk from beans. He also promotes vegetarianism and animal rights. I

suppose he could be accused of benefiting financially from his anti-

milk campaign but I suspect that he does what he does simply because

he truly believes his story.

> >

> >Terry



> --

> Neil Jensen: neil@s...

> The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

> The difference between a policy and a crusade is that a policy

> is judged by its results, while a crusade is judged by how good

> it makes its crusaders feel. -- Thomas Sowell

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Yes, " The Oiling of America " is one of the most important documents on the WWW,

IMHO. Just in case the Weston A. Price organization ever takes it down, i have

it uploaded it to my " Sumeria " site. I have not yet made any links to it and

have a line in " robots.txt " to not index it. All i have to do is remove the

" noindex " line and make a few links to it, should the necessity arise. Until

then, i have a link to it on the WAP.org site.


I am fully convinced that Mark Purdy, the author of the two articles on BSE i

referred to earlier has discovered the real cause of BSE. Even though he is a

mere organic dairy farmer, his science is sound. A further indication of the

soundness of his theory is the way orthodox science (read BSE profiteers) refuse

to consider his work.


I have mentioned the dangers of oxydized cholesterol, usually in the form of

dried milk products, several times on this list.


Actually, the central molecule in the plaque that lines unhealthy arteries is

LDL -- hence the moniker " bad cholesterol. " Bah! the only bad cholesterol is

oxydized (rancid) cholesterol. The body sends LDL to the site of weakened

arteries in an effort to shore up the weak vessel walls -- largely an effect of

vitamin C and L-Lysine deficiency.


>Hi Neil;


>Raw milk contains glutathione precursors. Glutathione is the body's

>master antioxidant and detoxifier. If there's enough glutathione (and

>other antioxidants) the cholesterol doesn't oxidize. It's only the

>OXIDIZED cholesterol that produces sticky plaque. CHD is a free radical

>disease; it is caused by oxidized cholesterol and other oxidizable oils.


>So another reason they didn't get CHD involves their use of butter and

>lard. Although these fats do elevate cholesterol, they not oxidize much.

>When you start to use corn, canola, soy, etc.. oils, however, you start

>to see vastly more CHD. Analysis of the arterial plaque, published in

>Lancet, showed it to be 74% unsaturated oils, 1/2 of which were

>polyunsaturated. Those oils come from dietary sources.


>See leading oils researcher Mary Enig's " The Oiling Of America " , hosted

>on the Weston Price Foundation website for more. The link is in the

>reference section of this coconut oil page:


>and see also a chart there on the oxidizing potential of selected food



>Duncan Crow




Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

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That's a good question. Unfortunately, i do not have much of an answer. The fact

that so many states make it illegal is an indication of the power of the dairy

industry's lobbyists. The only ones who profit from the pasteurization laws are

big dairy and county health depts. who do not have to inspect the herds. The

losers are small dairy farmers and We the People. Sound familiar?


The sale of raw milk is legal here in New Mexico except in Bernalillo

County,which, conicidentally (yeah, right!), is where Creamland Dairy has its

home offices. Some farmers in Colorado, where the sale of raw milk is also

prohibited, are circumventing the law by selling shares in their cows to

consumers who then pay the farmer to care for them. The " fee " is assessed

according to how much milk the owner takes from " her cow. "


The only way i can see to change the situation is for people to arm themselves

with knowledge and " raise a little Hell " at their local health depts. Clowns

like the PETA buffoons add a level of difficulty to the task, which is one

reason that i despise them so much.




>Hi Neil just so that you know it is illegal to sell non-

>pastuerized/non-homogenized milk in texas, so with that in mind

>where do I obtain this " good milk " that supposedly exists but is

>illegal to sell




Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

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