Guest guest Posted June 28, 2003 Report Share Posted June 28, 2003 tapa-chemtrails , GaleWildAngel@a... wrote: Conflict of Interests Between Doctors and Drug Companies - The entanglement between doctors and drug companies is creating controversy in both the public and academic worlds as it becomes clear that the integrity of medical research and the prescription habits of doctors are being influenced. The close relationship between doctors and drug companies is attracting increasing public and academic scrutiny, as drug costs grow ever higher. Despite evidence that information from drug company representatives is often overly positive, 80 percent to 95 percent of doctors see drug reps regularly. Many doctors also receive gifts from drug companies each year. In the United States an estimated 80,000 drug company representatives, backed by more than $19 billion of industry's combined annual promotional budgets, are visiting doctors every day. Evidence has shown that gifts from drug companies influence doctor’s prescribing habits and have been associated with an increase in prescriptions of the promoted drug. Nonetheless, meals Forms of Drug Company Conflicts of Interest   Face-to-face visits from drug company representatives   Acceptance of direct gifts of equipment, travel, or accommodation   Acceptance of indirect gifts, through sponsorship of software or travel   Attendance at sponsored dinners and social or recreational events   Attendance at sponsored educational events, continuing medical education, workshops, or seminars   Attendance at sponsored scientific conferences   Ownership of stock or equity holdings   Conducting sponsored research   Company funding for medical schools, academic chairs, or lecture halls   Membership of sponsored professional societies and associations   Advising a sponsored disease foundation or patients' group   Involvement with or use of sponsored clinical guidelines   Undertaking paid consultancy work for companies   Membership of company advisory boards of " thought leaders " or " speakers' bureau "   Authoring " ghostwritten " scientific articles   Medical journals' reliance on drug company advertising, company purchased reprints, and sponsored supplements and expenses for travel or accommodation for industry-sponsored educational meetings, which often highlight the sponsor’s drug, are commonly accepted by doctors. The industry has recently implemented a voluntary code to address relationships with health care professionals. However, many question the effectiveness of such codes considering that if a company flies 300 doctors to a golf resort, reimburses their costs, pays them to attend, and educates them about the company's latest drug, in order to train them to become members of the company's stable of paid speakers, the entire activity would be in compliance. Further, many professional societies rely on industry sponsorship and their medical journals often rely on industry-funded research trials, advertisements and industry-sponsored supplements. Currently, an estimated 60 percent of biomedical research and development in the United States is privately funded. However, there is an abundance of strong evidence that industry- sponsored research tends to yield results that are favorable to sponsor much more often than non-industry studies. The many conflicts of interest have led one expert to say that the medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, many experts agree that the entanglement between drug companies and doctors is part of the reason for ever-increasing drug costs and part of the reason why attempts to control costs are undermined. British Medical Journal May 31, 2003;326:1189-192 (Part 1, Full Text Article) British Medical Journal May 312003;326:1193-1196 (Part 2, Full Text Article) Gangsters In Medicine? Author: Thomas Smith Valley@h... c. 2002-3 By Thomas Smith All rights reserved 12-23-2 The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies. Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have prescribed. In these deaths the doctor did not follow the instructions on proper administration of the drugs. For example, Glucophage, a diabetic oral hypoglycemic, should never be prescribed for patients with Kidney disease or Congestive Heart Failure because it can cause fatal Lactic Acidosis in these patients. A warning label is prominently placed on the medication container to warn of this potential misuse. However, JAMA reported that almost 1/4 of the patients who had been prescribed Glucophage had Kidney damage or Congestive Heart failure or both. The annual death toll from synthetic prescription drugs, both from the correctly prescribed and the incorrectly prescribed, amounts to about 231,000 deaths every year. To put this into perspective, this is the equivalent of a world trade center disaster every week for over a year and a half or the crash of two fully loaded 747 aircraft every day of the year. No information was reported on the number of outpatient and doctor's office deaths caused by these very same drugs when prescribed by these very same doctors. The reported figures alone, however, make drug deaths caused by physicians the third leading cause of death in the US. It is far ahead of accidents, drunk driving, homicides, airline accidents, as well as all other disease with the sole exceptions of cancer and heart disease. Many of these drugs responsible for the death statistics cited are diabetic drugs. None of these drugs cure or even were intended to cure diabetes. During the time a patient is on the drugs his body is suffering great damage due to the uncontrolled progress of the disease. This is in addition to the risk and damage caused by the drug itself. According to Dr. Mendelsohn, author of " Confessions of a Medical Heretic " , 2.4 million unnecessary operations are performed every year and they cost over 12,000 lives. When the records of six New York hospitals were examined it was found that 43% of the Hysterectomies that were performed were medically unnecessary. No one should ever submit to any surgical procedure without first obtaining several unrelated medical opinions, at least not here in the United States. Women are particularly vulnerable to this type of victimization. Disease in America. According to the World Health Report 2000 the United States ranks twelfth, that is second from the bottom, in their thirteen country survey of sixteen available health indicators. We are dead last for low birth weight and neonatal and infant mortality. We rank between ninth and twelfth for all life expectancy categories between one year and 40 years. Another study ranked the United States as fifteenth in the twenty-five industrialized countries studied. Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Hyperinsulinemia are so widespread in the United States that it is estimated that over half the population exhibits one or more symptoms of these life destroying diseases. Symptoms of Adult onset diabetes are now being routinely noted in six year old children. Obesity and it's related Endocrine dysfunction are commonly observed in teenagers. Heart Failure, a symptom of advanced Type II Diabetes, remains in the top three killer diseases in the Westernized countries. Although the cause and cure for Type II Diabetes and related endocrine failure has been increasingly well understood in the scientific community for the last forty years, this disease is not being cured by todays orthodox treatment regimens. In order to find a cure it is necessary to seek alternative medical approaches to this disease. Some of the economics of Medicine. A large part of this medical disaster that the United States currently experiences is due to the way our medical community is organized. Basically it is not organized to heal and to cure disease; the medical community, particularly at its upper levels, is a commercial venture organized to make money for its practitioners. Although the record of the United States Medical community in the cure of disease is deplorable, the same cannot be said for its ability to produce income and profit. For example, for the top fifteen pharmaceutical companies, including such names as Abbot, Wyeth, Hoffman-La Roche, Merck and others, the second quarter revenue for 2002 was reported as $63,520.6 million and the corresponding reported income was 11,731.8 million respectively. This is second only to the defense industry in the United States. In 1997, the latest year for which we have the figures, the earnings of physicians were reported by Broad as averaging around $200,000 per year. The lowest reporting specialty, Rheumatology reported $158,500 and the highest, cardiovascular surgeon, reported $363,300. When examining the numbers, we noted that the high salaries seemed to be concentrated in members of the AMA. Those belonging to less powerful trade unions did not fare nearly so well even though they did most of the actual patient care work. For example, the median staff salary of registered nurses was $35,256 US. The Cardiac surgeon, for example, does nothing whatsoever to cure cardiac disease. Three to five percent of the heart surgery patients die on the operating table. Cardiac surgery provides no better three year survival rate than no treatment at all. A Harvard survival study of 200,000 patients revealed that the long term survival rate of patients subjected to surgery was no better than the survival rate of those that had no surgery. Of course, your cardiac surgeon will not tell you this when you need to make a decision on whether or not to elect cardiac surgery. Never in history have so many accumulated so much wealth for providing their customers or clients or patients with so little real benefit. Exceptions to the rule. Many doctors of integrity are as much victims of the system as are their patients. Today's doctor is not free to treat disease as his conscience dictates. He is forced to administer approved protocols whether they are known to work or not. To deviate from these approved protocols invites law suits, peer criticism and censure from State medical licensing boards. This writer knows of two local doctors who tried to buck the establishment and really help their patients. Both lost their license to practice medicine. One is currently working as an administrator in a California hospital and the other has started a nutritional clinic. Takeover of the American medical Association. This sad state of affairs is directly traceable to the takeover of the American Medical Association by the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations in the early part of the twentieth century. At the turn of the century the medical community was in a sad state of disrepair. There were no qualifications to become a doctor. If one wanted to be a doctor it was only necessary to hang out a shingle and start the practice of medicine. Medical schools were poorly financed, often taught contradictory medical philosophies and had little impact on the practice of medicine. In 1910 the American Medical Association, toadies AMA, was on the verge of bankruptcy. Few doctors belonged to it and even fewer paid any attention to it. Quackery of all kinds was rampant. The market was flooded with fake cancer cures and 80 proof liver tonic. It was in this environment that Rockefeller and Carnegie moved in and bought the AMA and then used it to take control of the entire United States medical establishment. In 1910, Henry Prichard president of the Carnegie foundation, bought control of the AMA for the sum of $10,000. He then financed the publication of the Flexner report, as it was then called, to gain popular support for the changes that were to be made in the medical community. With public backing secured by the publication of the Flexner report, Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced a major upgrade in medical education by financing only those medical schools that taught what they wanted taught. Predictably, those schools that had the financing churned out the better doctors. In return for the financing, the schools were required to teach course material that was exclusively drug oriented. That is why today our doctors are so heavily biased toward synthetic drug therapy and know little or nothing about nutrition. Dr. David Edsall, former dean of Harvard medical school, said " I was, for a period, a professor of Therapeutics and Pharmacology, [at Harvard] and I knew from experience that students were obliged then by me and by others to learn about an interminable number of drugs, many of which were valueless, many of them useless, some probably even harmful.... " For a time, these changes actually improved the practice of medicine in the United States. Then, as the distorted medical curriculum began to churn out doctors whose only concern was prescribing synthetic drugs, things began to deteriorate into what we see today. Today the average medical doctor receives 3 hours or less training on nutrition despite the fact that our bodies are constructed entirely of what we eat and drink. Toadies doctor receives much of his ongoing education from detail men. The detail man is the drug company salesman whose job it is to teach the doctor how to use the latest drugs. Treatment instead of cure. Even with all of this history the medical doctor retained a great deal of his autonomy through the 1930's and into the late 1940's. In 1949 another major change took place in the medical community that set the stage for the disaster we see today. It was in 1949 that the medical community reorganized itself into the competing medical specialty groups we see today. Prior to 1949 a doctor was a doctor; he dealt with all disease and injury. After 1949 this was not so. The reorganization established many of the specialties that we know today. It was then that the Cardiac Specialist, the Endocrinologist, the Hepatic and Biliary Specialist and many other professional specialty groups were formed. The symptoms of the then raging epidemic of Type II Diabetes were divided among the specialty groups so that each group had their own set of proprietary symptoms. The story given out for the reorganization was that it would help to focus more attention on the then current Diabetes epidemic. However, in practice it caused the entire medical community to treat their own proprietary symptom set and nobody focused on curing the disease anymore. This was the origin of the " treat the symptom " and " ignore the cause " philosophy that now dominates the entire medical community. This was the turning point event that led to the removal of the word " cure " from the medical vocabulary. Today, if you mention the " c " word around your doctor he will usually glaze over and pretend not to hear you. He only responds to the word " treatment " . Under the Rockefeller and Carnegie influence their pharmaceutical firms started to pour out the vast array of synthetic drugs that the doctors trained to their medical school standards now prescribed almost to the exclusion of any other remedies. Among the first drugs to be marketed this way were the oral hypoglycemic agents. They were deliberately designed to treat the symptom while not curing the disease. Insurance fraud. Since the name of the medical game was money, a means had to be devised to provide the patient with money that could only be used to pay for approved medical treatment. Enter the insurance company concept. Today employees have, as an important part of their remuneration for their work, a health insurance policy. This health insurance policy does not pay for all health related needs; it only pays for those health related services that are approved. These, of course, are the synthetic drug therapies that are known to work poorly, if at all. In order to secure effective medical treatment from the alternative sector of the economy the patient must pay for it himself; insurance companies specifically exclude virtually all alternative treatment. One wonders why so many continue to pay for an insurance program that cannot, even in principle, be of any real benefit to them. Government coercion in medical practice. In the ordinary course of events, good medicine would eventually drive out bad medicine. As more and more people discover ways to maintain and improve their health, without drug therapy, they will simply abandon bad medicine and resort to alternative therapies. Indeed, this is happening. Also happening is a concerted government effort to discredit and declare unlawful those effective therapies that represent the greatest threat to orthodox medicine. In the last fifty years many effective cures have been developed for many of the major killer diseases that we have. In each instance the developer has been branded a quack, his business has been ruined and in some cases he has been sent to jail. Even with outright governmental attacks on those that would promote effective therapies in America, the tide is turning. More and more Americans are waking up to the reality of our medical community. More and more they are finding it to be a fraud and they are turning to less conventional treatments and modalities. Informed Americans that require effective medical treatment for anything more serious than a head cold are turning away from orthodox drug quackery in droves. The medical community is trying hard to make it illegal to refuse their treatment. A major effort is currently underway (Codex) to severely restrict the availability of nutritional supplements to those that use them throughout the world. Our government is seriously considering mandatory vaccination programs. Many believe that our Food and Drug Administration, FDA, represents the American people and that the FDA acts to insure that our food and drugs are safe and effective. Nothing could be further from the truth. The FDA acts entirely to restrain and manage competition between and among those that manufacture our food and drugs. They do this only for the purpose of minimizing competition in business. Rockefeller is famous for proclaiming the only sin is competition. Willy Ley, a former head of the FDA, said it best when he said " What the Food and Drug Administration does and what the public thinks that it does are a different as night and day " . Today in America the practice of medicine is not free. It is one of the most tightly controlled commercial enterprises in the world. That is why it produces such extraordinary income for it's favored and such misery, disease and death for its victims. What to do. Given the growth of the medical monster that ate the United States, what can we who live here do to effectively manage our own health. Perhaps the single most important thing that we all must do is to recognize that our health is our most important possession. We have no choice but to accept total responsibility for our own health. To leave such an important consideration to someone who clearly has much to gain by lying to us just does not make sense. Typically, we buy our cars and houses with a great deal more wisdom than we bring to the doctor's office when we go there. The modern orthodox medical community treats symptoms; they do not cure disease. When you visit the doctor, it is perfectly in order for you to ask bluntly whether or not the treatment he wants to give you will cure the disease you have. Some years ago, when I had a serious case of Type II Diabetes, I asked my doctor that question about the treatment he offered me. First he pretended he did not hear me. When I persisted and made eye contact and repeated the question he replied " this is the prescribed treatment " . Such an evasive answer to such a direct question sent me to the library where I did the research to get a better answer. I quickly discovered that the drug he offered me would not only not cure the disease, but that it was guaranteed to put me on the road to becoming an invalid long before my time. Fortunately I rejected his treatment. I went on to search the scientific literature where I quickly found what I needed. It had nothing to do with synthetic drugs. It took me about 3 1/2 months to fully reverse my diabetes. That was seven years ago. The disease remains in full remission to this day. There is one important caveat that must be mentioned at this point. If you are currently under a doctors care and are dissatisfied with the results you are getting, do not just stop taking the prescribed medication. Get your doctor, or another doctor if yours will not cooperate, to help wean you off prescription drugs and to help you to devise a workable alternative therapy. Many of these synthetic drugs will produce serious side effects if they are abruptly discontinued. When I had the problem I had not yet taken prescription medication. After accepting full responsibility for your own health, the second most important consideration is to do your homework and learn about the disease or disability that you have. Buy books, attend seminars, to newsletters, search the internet, learn about what it takes to actually reverse the disease that afflicts you. Investigate alternative medical practitioners. Many Naturopaths and Chiropractors can be of great help in actually curing disease. Do not fall for the idea that only doctors are smart enough to understand these things. Look for that unusual doctor that will risk really trying to help you; and, realize that he is taking a substantial risk when he does so. In other words, do the best you can to find something better for yourself than what your doctor offers. Help each other. If you discover something important, don't be afraid to share the information. Be vocal when government organizations attempt to restrict or deny your access to natural nutritional supplements. If you are fortunate to find a doctor with this kind of integrity, understand the importance of what you have found and give him all of the support that you can give. There is a medical doctor in California, we will call him Doctor Q, that refused to compromise his integrity in his practice of medicine. He ended up in jail, put there by his fellow doctors. His patients got together, got him out of jail and had a special bill passed in the State legislature to protect his practice of medicine. Today he still runs a flourishing practice where he ministers to patients from all over this country. He is actually curing disease not just treating it. Third, after accepting responsibility for your own health and becoming informed, recognize that medicine is a business. Your doctor is a paid consultant just like your electrician or plumber and he is listed in the same yellow pages. You have every right to get the information for which you are paying. When your doctor retreats into arrogance and refuses to provide direct answers to direct questions, consider getting another doctor. There really are many safe and effective therapies that go far beyond drugs. However, we must demand them on the firing line, in the doctor's office, when we need them. Thomas Smith is a reluctant medical investigator having been forced into seeking a cure for his own Diabetes because it was obvious that his doctor would not or could not cure it. He has published the results of his successful Diabetes investigation in his special report entitled " Insulin: Our Silent Killer " written for the layman but also widely valued by the medical practitioner. This report may be purchased by sending $25.00 US to him at PO Box 7685 Loveland, Colorado 80537. He has also posted a great deal of useful information about this disease on his web page He can be reached by telephone at 970 669-9176. Medical Research or Drug Company Secrets? Ideally, medical research should be independent and should receive its support from non-industry sources, such as governments. However, funding for such research can be hard to come by, if not non-existent. In reality, drug companies have become the largest sponsors of medical research. The research produces valuable information, but a recent report voiced concern that the sponsors' influence and control over the studies may represent a conflict of interest. Pharmaceutical companies represent such a large portion of medical studies that results could inappropriately impact healthcare policies, leaving them in favor of drug treatment rather than non-drug alternatives. At the same time, this research " monopoly " could make it harder for alternative opinions to be heard, thus furthering the use of drugs and possibly causing important new routes of research to be overlooked. The report noted that pharmaceutical companies spend more time on the generation and dissemination of information than they do producing medicines. Though this is partly to satisfy licensing requirements and protect patents, companies also use this data to promote sales of their medications. The authors worry that as independent sources of information decrease, prescribers will become reliant on drug-company representatives for information on medications. The report, which focuses on multinational drug firms, brings up the fact that medical research results are selectively released and often kept secret from the public. Only select data is made publically available through papers in medical journals, presentations at medical conferences or product labeling. One author stated that when results support a product, there is ample information released about the product and its functions. Conversely, if a product does not perform well in a study, information is often hard to come by. Publication is a major way that research studies can raise awareness about a drug, however publishing information that may cast doubt about a drug could cause product sales to go down. To increase drug sales, it is necessary that the publication show the product in a positive way. As a possible result of this, the report states that trials with negative results tend to be published much later than those with positive conclusions. Additionally, authors note that company-sponsored studies tend to have results that favor the sponsor's product much more than those sponsored by other sources. Though it is unclear why this trend happens, according to the report, a bias in trial design is possible. The study also notes that drug companies have threatened legal action to stop the publishing of negative material and to recover the value of lost sales. Moreover, about 30 percent of researcher's contracts contain a statement allowing sponsors to delete information from a report and delay publication. Many journals also receive income from drug companies through advertising. As a result, publishers may be influenced to publish results that are favorable to the sponsors, thereby furthering the prevalence of positive results in published reports. Another aspect of the dilemma is that regulations in place do little to control drug companies' promotions of their products. Much of the policing is left up to the drug companies' themselves. The authors mention drug firms' funding of patient-advocacy groups and giving gifts to doctors as potential problems. Though authors state that pharmaceutical companies' investment in medical research produces a lot of valuable information, they believe that the companies' control over the studies and lack of openness regarding research threatens patients' best interests. They state that consumers should be aware of the potential consequences of industry-dominated research. The Lancet November 2, 2002; 360: 1405-09 More Drug Company Conflict of Interests A government review of widely prescribed anti-depressant drugs may not be trustworthy as most of the members have ties to the drug manufacturers. The side effects of Seroxat, Prozac and other antidepressant drugs in the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) class were undergoing an “intensive review†because many patients have reported severe withdrawal symptoms when trying to come off Seroxat. Additionally, the drugs have been associated with a small number of suicides, committed shortly after patients, who were not previously in severely depressed states, began taking the drugs. However, two of the four scientists on the review board hold shares in GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of Seroxat. Two other members of the review team were involved in the promotional press launch of Seroxat, and the chairman of the team was one of the signatories to a paper that concluded withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs are rare and relatively mild. In addition, the review will not take into account first-hand evidence from patients, only reports from their doctors. The team was drawn from the committee on the safety of medicines, which is part of the Department of Health's medicines control agency. The committee maintains that team members leave the room if they have personal interests such as shareholdings to an aspect of the discussion. Reportedly, several members of the team did declare personal interests and left the room during some discussions, however meeting minutes showed that all members did not declare all of their manufacturer connections. The medicines control agency stated that the system for preventing conflicts of interests works well and that there has been no evidence showing that team members did not act with integrity. The Guardian March 17, 2003 <A HREF= " " > kenings/</A> " When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of oursouls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight. " ~ Michael Bridge " People are like stained-glass windows, They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. " - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross --- End forwarded message --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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