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Eat Frankenfood or go hungry

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Eat Frankenfood or go hungry


By Thomas Smith


07/14/03: Here in America, possibly because of our Puritan heritage, we seem

to feel the need to cast any rotten evil thing that we do in a guise that

makes us appear as the world’s benefactor. This is no less true of

corporations than it is of government. Nowhere else in the world does a

nation’s propaganda ministry spend so much effort to appear " good " while

justifying the most evil things the mind of man can imagine. In America, the

" cover story " has been raised to an artform. Consider the willful

destruction of the world " s food chain by a merger of corporate and

government interests as a case in point.


A conference on genetically engineered agricultural products was recently

sponsored by the US department of Agriculture in Sacramento, California.

Police in riot gear were sent to control the angry crowds that swarmed the

streets making very clear the fact that they do not want to be forced to

consume GM food.


The US department of Agriculture who, theoretically represent the interest

of the American people, presented the needed " cover story " for the forcible

promotion of GM foods. According to their story, it seems these GM food

products were developed to " reduce hunger and improve nutrition by using

advanced technology " . The benefit is designed to be all for the small farmer

who can " reduce the use of pesticides on his GM crops " . Of course they can

use less pesticide--pests don’t like to eat franken food any more than

people do.


US Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman said " What we’re talking about is

increasing food productivity in areas of the world where people are both

hungry and poor. Many developing countries get 90% of their food from local

production and there isn’t any infrastructure. That means that, without

infrastructure, they save seed from one year to the next and do not have to

come to the seed companies to buy seed to plant crops every year.


Lets get the facts on the table. What Ann Veneman was really talking about

is building a government/corporate monopoly that alone has absolute control

over the food supply of the entire world. The independent farmer who does

all the work becomes enslaved. Having total control over the food supply has

been a dream of those who manage the American food chain since Wesson first

started to engineer edible oils in 1911.


Where is our antitrust protection from these ravening wolves? Exactly what

is it that the FDA doesn’t understand about its responsibilities to assure a

safe food supply.


A glimpse at agricultural history


The step up to using genetic engineering technology to render our crops

impervious to herbicides is a natural extension of the practice of

establishing hybrid seed technology that is now an accepted fact throughout

agriculture. Once, before the profit motive dominated every area of life,

seeds reproduced their own kind with great repeatability. When seed

companies got into the act they selectively bred a variety of hybrid seed

that would not reproduce themselves. When the farmer, typically not any less

gullible that most of us, bought into this scenario he found himself forced

to buy seed every year for whatever price the seed purveyor chose to ask.

Previously, with the expenditure of a little extra work every year he could

save his seed and not have to pay anybody anything to plant his crops.


Now the farmer has to come to the seed companies every year, hat in hand, to

see what his seed is going to cost him. He is forced to pass on these costs

in the price of food.


GM agriculture was specifically developed to make the crops immune to the

use of herbicides. When weeds develop in a field containing a food crop, the

farmer sprays the field with an herbicide. Theoretically, if the

concentration of herbicide is correct, it kills the weeds and spares the

crops. The repeated use of this technology has bred a weed population that

has proved increasingly resistant to the use of herbicides. The window

between a lethal dose of herbicide for the weeds and a safe dose that would

not kill the crop also has narrowed dramatically. The money making solution

to this dilemma is to " engineer " the gene structure of the crop for

increased resistance to the herbicide.


The keystone cops of the scientific community


Bad science; really, bad, inept, corrupt and bungled science is the norm in

the agricultural community. The reality of what they’re doing is far removed

from the cover story presented by the US Department of Agriculture. Thinly

veiled profit motives that rape the environment commonly masquerade as

science in this community. There are at least three major scientific

blunders hidden in Ann Veneman’s plan to " reduce hunger and improve

nutrition by using advanced technology " . If this community’s standard for

advanced technology were the norm in other industries, as for example the

transportation industry, we would all be still riding in horse drawn

buggies, whose wheels kept falling off.


First the process results in development of herbicide resistant weeds. When

a field containing both weeds and herbicide resistant crops is sprayed with

an herbicide the herbicide is supposed to kill the weeds and leave the

crops. What actually happens is that the herbicide kills most of the weeds

but not all. Those weeds that are not killed reproduce as herbicide

resistant weeds. As this process is repeated from year to year a new class

of weeds evolves that is immune to the herbicide. This process, at least

outside of the agricultural scientific community, has been well understood

for over a hundred years as the process of natural selection.


As the evolution of increasingly resistant weeds proceeds, the " advanced

technology " of the agribusiness community prescribes ever increasing doses

of herbicide. Within a short time however, the weed population has become so

resistant to the herbicide that it no longer works. That is where we are now

in the battle of the weeds. That is why there is such pressure to market GM

food products that can stand the ever increasing use of ever more

ineffective herbicides. The so called scientists who want to force their

" advanced technology " on the entire world have been raping our fields and

plundering our farmers for decades. This is the " infrastructure " that our

Department of Agriculture wants to force on third world nations. To a very

large extent, the American farming community has been severely damaged by

these profit oriented practices. Now we want to export them to the " poor

farmer " in other parts of the world.


Second, there is no way to prevent cross pollination of these genetically

modified products with natural non-modified strains. Birds consume the seeds

and scatter them where they will. GM seed will inevitably be transported

into fields containing non-GM crops. Bees cross pollinate GM and non GM

crops in a totally uncontrolled manner. The wind blows the pollen all over

the landscape. The use of herbicides on fields that contain a mix of GM and

non-GM crops preferentially kills the non-GM crop. The end result of this

process is to inexorably eradicate the non-GM crop and replace it with the

GM crop.


This gives the owner of the GM seed patents absolute defacto dictatorial

control over the food chain; a super efficient way to establish profit

margin superiority. By the exercise of patent rights, good food has been

rendered impossible to grow in these herbicide polluted fields. The goons

that did the destruction must now be paid dearly for the only seed that

remains capable of growing in the herbicide polluted fields. Needless to

point out, the same scientists that sell the GM seed have a close business

connection to the scientists that sell the herbicide.


Third there have been no useful studies done to provide even a " cover story "

type of assurance that the resulting GM strains are even edible let alone



More on the health effects of soy products


This engineering of the seed causes foreign herbicide resistant proteins to

be present in the crop. No long term tests to determine the effect of these

foreign proteins on the human metabolism have been conducted. Tests have

been conducted only to demonstrate the increased resistance of the crop to

being sprayed by the herbicide. The crop looks good, it is economical to

grow and provides justification to continue the use of modern herbicides.

Only one minor problem; its so inedible that the GM sponsors themselves

admit that even pests won’t eat it.


Numerous reports have been surfacing about the bad reactions we humans are

having to these foreign proteins.


Argentina, after their recent economic problems, decided to supply GM soy as

a staple to both their population and their cattle. The immediate result was

an incredible disaster. According to a report in the February issue of the

Ecologist. " The result of this use of GM soy products was anemia, hormonal

disruption, weak bones, rotten teeth and malnutrition. " The GM soy animal

feed also was reported to contain over " 200 times the glcyphosate (Roundup

herbicide) that the human GM soy products contained " . Glyphosate in any

amount interferes with the absorption of minerals, particularly iron and



When consumers ingest GM soy they also unknowingly ingest the Roundup

herbicide used for weed control in the fields. This is according to a recent

study out of Freiburg University.


The March 15, 1999 issue of The Journal of the American Cancer Society

contains an article that makes the connection between Roundup (glyphosate)

and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, a form of cancer.


The Ecologist, in January 2003, discussed the connection between farmers

that use the Roundup herbicide and increased incidence of prostate cancer.

Another California study demonstrated that pregnant women that lived within

a mile of farm where Roundup was sprayed on crops experienced a

significantly increased chance of losing their baby. A Chinese study

reported severe gastro-intestinal disorders as well as damage to the immune

system in a study they conducted with rats. Their report, released under the

auspices of the Chinese Academy of Science, also concluded that:


GM products cause food poisoning.


GM products cause cancer


GM products cause allergies and severe immune system disruption


GM products are deficient in nutritional value


The literature is replete with increasing evidence that the reluctance of

people to consume GM products is very well founded indeed.


The reaction of the American government in the " land of the free and the

home of the brave " is interesting. It is to this we turn next.


A few examples of government bullying and deception


The European Union has passed a law that prohibits the importation of GM

products into their countries for five years. This is an altogether sensible

idea that has caused a furious response from America. The US is lodging a

formal complaint with the World Trade Organization in an effort to force

Europeans to accept this frankenfood.


The US has recently suspended plans to conduct free trade talks with Egypt.

This is punishment for Egypt because they refused to join the US in a

complaint about the five year ban on GM food products put in place in the

European Union.


The US congress has recently passed a law that makes American help in

combating the AIDS virus in Africa contingent upon Africans accepting GM

contaminated food.


Despite unprecedented levels of American dictatorial coercion as well as a

famine in their land Zambia, has refused to import GM food. Mozambique and

Zimbabwe refused to import GM corn grain but had to accept milled corn

because of a serious ongoing famine. We have produced a furious reaction in

Africa by attempting to force GM food on a poor population. Nnimmo Bassey, of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria, said " African nations

should have the right to decide what their people are fed. It is immoral for

the US to exploit the famine and the AIDS crisis in this way " .[1]




The US has regulations in place to conceal the fact of GM contaminated food

in the American supermarket. The idea is to prevent Americans from being

able to choose whether or not they want to eat it; bad for business.


A step back to take a harder look at soy products in general


Those of you who have been following my work exposing our criminal epidemic

of diabetes already have a built in protection against this wholesale food

chain fraud being perpetrated by the American corporate-government complex.

Ask any American about the dangers of saturated fat and he will quickly

parrot " saturated fat is bad- it causes heart attacks " . This widespread and

totally false belief is the result of a massive marketing campaign in

America to replace good beneficial fats and oils that we once had with these

cheap junk oils. The idea was to greatly increase the profit margin of

processed food by using worthless oils instead of beneficial healthy oils.

Noteworthy among these junk oils that were successfully introduced into our

food chain by this deception is soy oil. An immediate consequence of this

marketing success has been the explosive increase in degenerative disease

including obesity and diabetes.


At one point, a few years ago, soy oil, cottonseed oil and rape seed oil

(canola) among others, were considered inedible. They were not fit even to

use as animal feed let alone human. A massive marketing campaign was

launched against healthy beneficial oils here in America. The result was a

huge gain in acceptance for cheap worthless food products that up to then

had no market. Another result was the stigmatizing and removal from the

marketplace of the more expensive beneficial oils, such as coconut oil, we

had always depended upon. The idea was, and is, that soy is easy to grow

and, if widespread market acceptance could be manufactured, the use of soy

in processed food could be made to produce immense profits.


Soybean products, even before being genetically modified, were, and remain,

almost worthless as human or animal food. There are many really good studies

that have repeatedly exposed the soy fraud..[2] Genetic modification has

simply brought products already known to be marginally edible to the point

where they are rightfully regarded as not just worthless but poisonous.


Unprocessed soy whether GM or non-GM is basically a poisonous substance.

Although considered a high protein food, the protein is locked up with

trypsin inhibitors to the extent that the protein is not available when it

is eaten. This is why diets that are high in soy content lead to

malnutrition. Diets high is soy content have been associated with Parkinson’

s disease because of their high phytate content and their disabling of zinc

absorption. Soy is associated with precocious puberty because of their

elevated phytoestrogen content. The daily amount of soy milk required for a

bottle fed infant contains the same amount of estrogen to be found in five

birth control pills.[3]


Fermented soy is a special case


Successful processing of soybeans to make them even marginally useful in a

dietary health program requires very long fermentation times. The only

healthy way to prepare soy for human consumption is by fermenting it into

products like Tempeh and Miso.


Tofu is not an acceptable processing method. Long time users of Tofu have

shown a significant increase in the development of Parkinson’s Disease and



So what can we do


While we await the collapse of this crooked corporate government complex

under the weight of its own bungling, deceit, ineptitude, thievery, bad

science and criminal misuse of force against us, we need to survive. And, we

need to routinely throw as many lawful monkey wrenches as possible into this

criminal conspiracy.


First we can go to the root of the problem; money. Refuse to buy or eat any

of this junk that’s being touted as food. Read labels in the grocery store.

Whenever you see soy oil or any soy product on the label in these processed

foods simply leave it on the shelf. In time this refusal to be deceived into

feeding your family worthless and dangerous food products will have an

effect. This desired effect can be speeded up considerably by taking the

time to tell the supermarket manager that you will not buy food containing

soy in any form. Because of GM soy’s great propensity to cross pollinate

with non-GM soy and because of labeling fraud that conceals the presence of

GM food products, you must assume that any product is contaminated with the

genetically modified strain. Do not buy or consume any food product that

contains soy or soy oil or indeed, any of the junk oils.


Second we can bombard our Congress with letters, phone calls and faxes from

an irate constituency that is well aware of the upcoming election and our

perceived need to replace unresponsive representatives. Since the rigging of

elections and the explosive increase in lying, double dealing and bribery

have become commonplace in our political arena, this technique has become

less effective than our founding fathers once envisioned. However, it is

still better than doing nothing. As the late Senator Everett Dirksen once

said, " When I feel the heat, I see the light " .


Third, those of you out there that have a few extra bucks in your jeans and

want to do something useful might consider exhausting available legal and

administrative avenues of redress through regulatory challenges. Others may

form groups to share the expense and accomplish the same thing. As long as

these " regulators " believe their chicanery goes unnoticed they do their

dirty work. When once they start getting exposed, as individuals, in the

press, in the courts and in their neighborhoods they may find it

considerably more difficult to hide the truth about what they really do. You

might start by publicly asking Ann Veneman exactly why she said that less

pesticide is required for GM crops.


These are only some suggestions. I’m sure that the remarkable inventiveness

that has characterized America throughout its history will prove helpful

once again as more and more Americans come to fully realize what is being

done to them, by whom and why.





Thomas Smith is a reluctant medical investigator having been forced into

curing his own Diabetes because it was obvious that his doctor would not or

could not cure it. www.Healingmatters.com He can be reached by email at



1 Sunday Herald, Rob Edwards, Environmental Editor


2 " Soy infant formula could be harmful to infants: groups want it pulled " ,

Nutrition week, Dec 10, 1999;29(46):1-2


Enig M.G., Fallon S.A., " Tragedy and Hype " , The third International Soy

Symposium. Nexus Magazine Vol 7, No 3, Apr-May 2000


Shepard T.H., " Soybean Goiter " , New Eng J Med 1960;262:1099-1103


3 Setchell K.D., et al, " Exposure of infants to phyto-estrogens from soy

based infant formula. " , Lancet 1997 July 5;350(9070):23-27


4 White L.R., et al, " Association of mid-life consumption of tofu with late

life cognitive impairment and dementia: The Honolulu-Asia Aging study, fifth

International conference on Alzheimer’s Disease " #487, 27 July 1996, Osaka,


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