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>Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:57:44 -0400


>Greg Palast July 14 - Bill Gates': Killing Africans for Profit and PR.

Mr. Bushs Bogus AIDS Offer




>Monday July 14, 2003


>Bring back Jayson Blair! The New York Times has eliminated the scourge of

plagiarized journalism by eliminating journalism altogether from its front page.


>Check this Sunday's edition: " Bill Gates is no ordinary philanthropist, "

gushes a Times reporter named Stephanie Strom, re-writing one of the digital

diva's self-loving press releases. Gates has saved 100,000 lives by providing

vaccines to Africans, gushes Stephanie, according to someone on the payroll of

Bill Gates. And he's making drugs for Africans, especially for AIDS victims,

" cheaper and easier. " Stephanie knows because she asked Bill Gates himself!


>Then we get to the real point of this journalistic Lewinsky: " Those who think

of Mr. Gates as a ruthless billionaire monopolist may find it hard to reconcile

that image with one of a humorously self-deprecating philanthropist. "


>Actually, that's not hard at all.


>Stephanie, let me let you in on a little secret about Bill and Melinda Gates

so-called " Foundation. " Gate's demi-trillionaire status is based on a nasty

little monopoly-protecting trade treaty called " TRIPS " -- the Trade-Related

Intellectual Property Rights rules of the World Trade Organization. TRIPS gives

Gates a hammerlock on computer operating systems worldwide, legally granting him

a monopoly that the Robber Barons of yore could only dream of. But TRIPS, the

rule which helps Gates rule, also bars African governments from buying AIDS,

malaria and tuberculosis medicine at cheap market prices.


>Example: in June 2000, at the urging of Big Pharma, Bill Clinton threatened

trade sanctions against Argentina for that nation's daring to offer low-cost

drugs to Southern Africa.


>Gates knows darn well that the " intellectual property rights " laws such as

TRIPS -- which keep him and Melinda richer than Saddam and the Mafia combined --

are under attack by Nelson Mandela and front-line doctors trying to get cheap

drugs to the 23 million Africans sick with the AIDS virus. Gate's brilliant and

self-serving solution: he's spending an itsy-bitsy part of his monopoly profits

(the $6 billion spent by Gates' foundation is less than 2% of his net worth) to

buy some drugs for a fraction of the dying. The bully billionaire's

" philanthropic " organization is currently working paw-in-claw with the big

pharmaceutical companies in support of the blockade on cheap drug shipments.


>Gates' game is given away by the fact that his Foundation has invested $200

million in the very drug companies stopping the shipment of low-cost AIDS drugs

to Africa.


>Gates says his plan is to reach one million people with medicine by the end of

the decade. Another way to read it: he's locking in a trade system that will

block the delivery of cheap medicine to over 20 million.


>The computer magnate's scheme has a powerful ally. " The president could have

been reading from a script prepared by Mr. Gates, " enthuses the Times' cub

reporter, referring to Mr. Bush's AIDS plan offered up this week to skeptical

Africans. The US press does not understand why Africans don't jump for Bush's

generous offer. None note that the money held out to the continent's desperate

nations has strings attached or, more accurately, chains and manacles. The

billions offered are mostly loans at full interest which may be used only to buy

patent drugs at a price several times that available from other nations. What

Africans want, an end to the devastating tyranny of TRIPS and other trade rules,

is dismissed by the Liberator of Baghdad.


>We are all serfs on Microsoft's and Big Pharma's 'intellectual property.' If

Gates' fake philanthropy eviscerates the movement to free Africans from the

tyranny of TRIPS, then Bill and Melinda's donations could have the effect of

killing more Africans than then even their PR agents claim they have saved. And

for our own Republic, we can only hope that when the bully-boy billionaire

injects his next wad of loot into the Bush political campaign, he uses a condom.


>Greg Palast is author of the New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy

Money Can Buy. Subscribe to his writings for Britain's Observer and Guardian

newspapers, and view his investigative reports for BBC Television's Newsnight,

at www.GregPalast.com.



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. "

-- Albert Camus

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Hi Neal,

From what I understand Gates had to invest in the drug companies and

donate $$$$$$ for drugs and vaccines, as part of the deal the

government made with him, from what I read he did not have much of a



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What a terrible punishment! Imagine the injustice of it for poor ol' Bill.

Forced to increase his bottom line just becuz he broke the anti-trust laws.


>Hi Neal,

>>From what I understand Gates had to invest in the drug companies and

>donate $$$$$$ for drugs and vaccines, as part of the deal the

>government made with him, from what I read he did not have much of a





Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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I agree. After the Hillary Plan to put Gates thru the wringer for

not donating in the form of campaigne contributions, he is wise to do

the " expected " thing, to keep in business.

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Sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The

Justice Department went after him for anti-trust violations, and imo,

it was probably at the request of people who make less money than

Gates. We're surrounded by anti-trust violations, but they went after

Gates and nobody else. To say Hilary was behind it makes no sense,

and I would love to see some links to articles making this claim.


You can dislike political figures all you want, but please, back up

your claims with some facts. I don't like Dubya, but I'm not making

up wild stories about him.



, " missourinaturegirl "

<missourinaturegirl> wrote:

> I agree. After the Hillary Plan to put Gates thru the wringer for

> not donating in the form of campaigne contributions, he is wise to do

> the " expected " thing, to keep in business.

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Bill Gates was tried for operating an illegal monopoly by the Reno Justice Dept.

and found guilty! The Repugnican candidate running against Clinton's Vice

President was appointed as pResident by Reagan's and his daddy's appointments to

the Supreme Court. Gates contributed $16 million in soft money to the to the

Repugnican Party. Can you conceive of the concept of bought and sold, in a

political sense? A bought and sold judge determined Mr. Gates' " punishment. "

This " punishment " included the requirement that he extend his monopoly to the

education computer field (not is so many words, but that was the effect) -- the

only area in which Micro$oft did not have a monopoly.


Not one of these things is, as you say, made up! Every one of these statements

can be verified with a little research (You use the Web to do that). The Bush

Crime Family is a bunch of thugs, murderers. Money, dough, moolah... is the only

language that they understand. Bill bought his way out.


Hey, these thugs are not even trying to hide the the theft of the U.S.

government to " The Military/Industrial Complex, as Eisenhouer called it.

(Mousilini, whom most would agree was an expert on fascism, defined fascism as

corporate control of government.) It was recently exposed that the Republican

Attorneys General Association (RAGA) was operating an extortion racket --

soliciting campaign contributions from corporations that were due to be tried in

court before the same prosecutors who were solicition the donations! One of

these animals, William Prior, Alabama, has been appointed by Bush to a Federal

Court Judgeship, a lifetime appointment. Source: The Nation

<http://www.thenation.com/outrage/index.mhtml?bid=6 & pid=835>. He has not yet

been approved by the Congress. He, like all of the judges appointed by the

Reagan and Bush administrations, is a rabid right wing zealot. And on and on and

on it goes.


The article to which you object was researched and written by Greg Pallast, the

most respected investigative journalist in the UK. Greg just happens to be an

American and he, unlike the American press, is NOT FOR SALE. NONE OF THESE

THINGS WERE MADE UP. Greg can document EVERY word of his article. So, Sorry

back. Your naivete astounds me!


>Sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The

>Justice Department went after him for anti-trust violations, and imo,

>it was probably at the request of people who make less money than

>Gates. We're surrounded by anti-trust violations, but they went after

>Gates and nobody else. To say Hilary was behind it makes no sense,

>and I would love to see some links to articles making this claim.


>You can dislike political figures all you want, but please, back up

>your claims with some facts. I don't like Dubya, but I'm not making

>up wild stories about him.





Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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Yes, I can, and I don't understand how you make Hillary out to be the

villain when she's a DEMOCRAT. Also, the AG in my state is a

REPUBLICAN, so if this is some conspiracy involving the democrat

Hillary, why are so many AGs of both parties in on it? That makes no

sense. And I still haven't seen anything saying she was behind it,

other than your claim.

I ran this by some politically savvy friends, and they all wanted to

know where on earth I had heard such a silly assertion. It just isn't


One does not have anything to do with the other.


Your entire post below is anti-republican, so how do you make a

connection between the Bush family and Hillary Clinton? I don't

understand your reasoning. Truly, if you are going to imply that I'm

too stupid to do the research online, perhaps you could back up your

assertions about Hillary with just ONE valid link.




, Neil Jensen <neil@s...> wrote:

> Bill Gates was tried for operating an illegal monopoly by the Reno

Justice Dept. and found guilty! The Repugnican candidate running

against Clinton's Vice President was appointed as pResident by

Reagan's and his daddy's appointments to the Supreme Court. Gates

contributed $16 million in soft money to the to the Repugnican Party.

Can you conceive of the concept of bought and sold, in a political

sense? A bought and sold judge determined Mr. Gates' " punishment. "

This " punishment " included the requirement that he extend his monopoly

to the education computer field (not is so many words, but that was

the effect) -- the only area in which Micro$oft did not have a monopoly.


> Not one of these things is, as you say, made up! Every one of these

statements can be verified with a little research (You use the Web to

do that). The Bush Crime Family is a bunch of thugs, murderers. Money,

dough, moolah... is the only language that they understand. Bill

bought his way out.


> Hey, these thugs are not even trying to hide the the theft of the

U.S. government to " The Military/Industrial Complex, as Eisenhouer

called it. (Mousilini, whom most would agree was an expert on fascism,

defined fascism as corporate control of government.) It was recently

exposed that the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) was

operating an extortion racket -- soliciting campaign contributions

from corporations that were due to be tried in court before the same

prosecutors who were solicition the donations! One of these animals,

William Prior, Alabama, has been appointed by Bush to a Federal Court

Judgeship, a lifetime appointment. Source: The Nation

<http://www.thenation.com/outrage/index.mhtml?bid=6 & pid=835>. He has

not yet been approved by the Congress. He, like all of the judges

appointed by the Reagan and Bush administrations, is a rabid right

wing zealot. And on and on and on it goes.


> The article to which you object was researched and written by Greg

Pallast, the most respected investigative journalist in the UK. Greg

just happens to be an American and he, unlike the American press, is


EVERY word of his article. So, Sorry back. Your naivete astounds me!


> >Sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The

> >Justice Department went after him for anti-trust violations, and imo,

> >it was probably at the request of people who make less money than

> >Gates. We're surrounded by anti-trust violations, but they went after

> >Gates and nobody else. To say Hilary was behind it makes no sense,

> >and I would love to see some links to articles making this claim.

> >

> >You can dislike political figures all you want, but please, back up

> >your claims with some facts. I don't like Dubya, but I'm not making

> >up wild stories about him.

> >

> >8)


> --

> Neil Jensen: neil@s...

> The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

> " Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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Just what in He** are you talking about woman? I made no claims re. Ms. Clinton.

So just where do you get this " your claim " bs?


>Yes, I can, and I don't understand how you make Hillary out to be the

>villain when she's a DEMOCRAT. Also, the AG in my state is a

>REPUBLICAN, so if this is some conspiracy involving the democrat

>Hillary, why are so many AGs of both parties in on it? That makes no

>sense. And I still haven't seen anything saying she was behind it,

>other than your claim.

>I ran this by some politically savvy friends, and they all wanted to

>know where on earth I had heard such a silly assertion. It just isn't


>One does not have anything to do with the other.


>Your entire post below is anti-republican, so how do you make a

>connection between the Bush family and Hillary Clinton? I don't

>understand your reasoning. Truly, if you are going to imply that I'm

>too stupid to do the research online, perhaps you could back up your

>assertions about Hillary with just ONE valid link.






Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" If you don't know what to uglify is, you are a simpleton. "

-- The Gryphon to Alice

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Hahahaha! Here's what happened. I replied to missourinaturegirl AND

I posted the remark I was replying TO : <BR>



missourinaturegirl <missourinaturegirl>

Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:50am




I agree. After the Hillary Plan to put Gates thru the wringer for

not donating in the form of campaigne contributions, he is wise to do

the " expected " thing, to keep in business.


YOU replied to me thinking I said you made up the other stuff. I was

responding to the ridiculous " Hillary claim. "


When you replied to MY reply, I didn't catch that you were a different

poster. SO, my remarks RE Hillary still stand, they just don't apply

to what you said. Your response RE my response was in reply to the

wrong statement. I didn't say your article was necessarily bogus, I

said missourinaturegirl's reply to it was. I also emailed her

privately and got no response.




, Neil Jensen <neil@s...> wrote:

> Just what in He** are you talking about woman? I made no claims re.

Ms. Clinton. So just where do you get this " your claim " bs?



I think if you go back to my original post, you will see your own error.




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OK young lady, i forgive you (actually i always did, i just felt like sounding

grouchy this morning).


>Hahahaha! Here's what happened. I replied to missourinaturegirl AND

>I posted the remark I was replying TO : <BR>



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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You, grouchy? ;)


heh heh



, Neil Jensen <neil@s...> wrote:

> OK young lady, i forgive you (actually i always did, i just felt

like sounding grouchy this morning).


> >Hahahaha! Here's what happened. I replied to missourinaturegirl AND

> >I posted the remark I was replying TO : <BR>


> --

> Neil Jensen: neil@s...

> The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

> " Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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