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compiled by Dee Finney


I was just reading about Preston Nichols this morning. He was

mind-controlled for over 20 years without his knowledge. Another person in

the public-eye who has a story to tell of this is Stewart Swerdlow.

This topic has been heavily on my mind, especially since I moved to

California in 1997. Some really strange stuff has happened to me here. I

will be walking through the house, or sitting at my computer or even in the

car and I'll be hit by a tremendous pulse of energy that goes through my

head, which almost knocks me out. This has happened to my partner Joe as

well, but never at the same time as me.

Other times, I will be sitting at my computer, just typing, or reading web

pages, and all of a sudden I will get so tired that I feel I'll die if don't

lay down. When I do this, I don't ever sleep, because as soon as I relax and

close my eyes, I'll see a visual message or hear a voice talk to me about

whatever it was I was reading about.

Joe will be working on his computer and suddenly get so tired he has to

sleep for 4 hours. He hasn't been able to understand either why this is, and

it is a little unsettling to me because it usually comes on when I want to

go for a ride in the car - like I am being prevented from seeing something I

shouldn't. I don't know what that might be.

I don't like the topic of mind-control, but it is obvious it is going on. We

might as well be aware of it, because whether we like it or not, it is going


Life has been really strange here.

I am presenting a series of web pages and sites that might be helpful which

I received in an e-mail:

Here is a survey to see if you are mind-controlled at all.

If you have these symptoms, let me know.

The following symptoms are of the harassment typical of electronic mind

weapon targets (non-electronic harassment usually goes with the electronic


I took this survey myself and found many of them to be happening to myself.:

1. You find that all of your family, friendship, and business relationships

are going sour and you have done nothing to cause this.

2. You find that "accidental" blocking of you as you walk or drive about, by

strangers, has increased dramatically and every day brings several

"blocking" incidents. E.g., someone slips ahead of you at the bank machine

or grocery checkout, or with cars in unexpected places in parking lots.

This is part of what targets call "street theater". THIS IS ABOUT BLOCKING



3. Telephones frequently have static or tones or echoes; you have lots of

"wrong number" calls

4. Street lights going out as you pass under them, walking or driving

5. Your watch and other batteries going dead often far too soon to be

"natural" deaths

6. You find that you are coming suddenly awake at precisely the SAME TIME,

middle of every night

7. Inescapable voice in your head and you are not mentally ill

8. Ringing in ears - may start/stop when switching on or off electronic


9. Fake telephone or clock ringing or fake knocking on your door

10. Fake, loud bird calls, outdoors, which follow you everywhere

11. Hot needles deep in your flesh, especially when trying to sleep (also

called "stings")

12. Limbs jerking wildly, especially when trying to sleep

13. Extremely powerful itching which may start as small electrical shocks

14. Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having exercised recently)

15. Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool surroundings

16. Vibration, large area of your body, or, nearby objects which should not

vibrate normally

17. Forced awakening, can't go back to sleep, as if on high doses of


18. Vivid 3-D images while awake, eyes open or closed

19. Urges to go somewhere you don't need to or at times you would not go


20. Neighbors can see thru walls, possibly by sounds from them which

"follow" you

21. Repeated instances where it seems your mind is being read

22. Repeated evidence of break-ins, small scale thefts, and sabotage both at

home and at work

23. Sudden "drop-you-in-your-tracks" fatigue at times you should not be


Here are some others:

· Sensations of heat and cold on various parts of the body.

· Manipulation of sense of taste. For instance, food and drink can be made

to taste altogether different, or to be totally tasteless.

· Manipulation of vision. The eyesight can be "made" blurry, or seem as if

were seeing through a fog.

· Manipulaton of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to

tingle, vibrate or become entirely numb.

· Frequent pain: abdominal pain, headaches, earaches, toothaches that linger

for several hours or that come and go in a minute's time. A stinging pain in

the eyes.

· Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired."

· Vivid dreams.

· Memory and concentration are continuously severely affected.

· Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy,

peace, numbness, exhiliaration, etc.

NOTE: Chemtrails which drop various toxic substances can affect all these

things as well. No one has the definitive answer to this horror either.

If you were able to answer more than one of the above in the affirmative,

you might want to take a look at the following:

To post a personal story, the site for that is the Mind Control Forum at:


The infiltration of legitimate government, law enforcement, and media is so

pervasive that not a single conventional channel for help is available to

people who are having these problems.

Ask any conventional channel for help and you will be told to see a

psychiatrist, that is, to see the same profession that is behind the entire

mind control scenario and has been from day one. That would be like a Jew in

Nazi Germany going to an SS office to ask for help in stopping the programs.

I would add a caveat to this, however, there are some good psychologists who

are helping 'alien abductees' and if you have access to someone like that,

you might get some help there, or at least access to a good sympathetic ear

or group of people who are undergoing the same harassment.

However, there are ways we can put up very stiff resistance, while waiting

for advanced technology to make it on to the scene and show the public that

we are not exaggerating when we report what is happening to us.

Here's my formula for fighting back, perhaps there is something here you can

use. I hope so, because our group needs activists very badly - these are

critical times:

1. Keep reminding yourself that you are every bit as much a soldier as the

guys who went ashore on D-Day. This is a war against freedom, and is the

most important war ever fought on this planet.

Play lots of military marches, film soundtracks, and inspirational music to

keep your fighting spirit at a high level.

2. Don't waste time and resources chasing conventional signal cures. My

arguments, which have not been accepted by all victims yet, on the topic of

the real

classified signal types are at this link:


3. Spend your time and resources doing all you can to spread the word about

FACTS ON PUBLIC RECORD (which does not include our own torment, sad to say)

which point to the availability and use of psycho-electronic weapons and

their use on involuntary experimentees:

- Brief yourself on three government recognitions that at least electronic

anti-personnel technology exists, as these three bulletins can assist when

dealing with hostile authorities including psychiatrists who want you to

take medications you do not need:




One professional scientific journal also states that voice to skull

technology exists - this is the single most important document in support of

electronic mind weapon technology to date:


- Unclassified and commercial technology available to anyone these days,


....and the fact that there are no controls on owning or using these


- MKULTRA, the REAL story which is FAR MORE than a few hits of LSD and some

drugging of patients for hypnosis in Montreal,




4. CONSTANTLY learn and review facts, over and over, and find ways to get

them to above all the public, with some effort to the government and media

people as well.

Rehearse your spiel constantly. Keep trying to think of ways to get the

story told in fewer, bolder words and phrases.

Some ideas for handouts, posters, and spiel phrasing are available from this



5. There is a message board on the Mind Control Forum for exchanging

comments with other victims. Go to: http://www.mindcontrolforums.com

Then scroll down to "Message Board".

6. There is a high-volume moderated email forum which you can join:

mc-@t... ...one BLANK email, then WAIT for confirmation

you are registered

mc@t... ...to post your thoughts after you receive confirmation

This forum is open to the public. There are some problems I see with the

forum, but it is still worthwhile for a victim who wants to network. Here

are what I see as problem areas:

- "Experts" who try to tell us all about mind control but who have never

been targeted

- Disinfo efforts by people who try to persuade you that the genuine mind

control targeting is being done with simple, conventional signals like

"microwave" or "ELF" or "ultrasound" for example. If those signal types

were being used, we would have been able to easily detect and shield them

LONG ago. We have no consistent, conclusive evidence of any conventional

signal types which are in sync with our effects.

Again, see http://www.raven1.net/qkadvice.htm for suggested criteria to test

for genuine countermeasures and genuine detection.

See http://www.raven1.net/disinfo.htm for a write-up on the subject of

disinfo agents.

- Emails written by people who know technical jargon but use it in ways

showing they don't understand the fundamentals behind the terms.

What IS GOOD about the email forum is the chance to network with other

victims - just maintain a very healthy skepticism about the technical stuff.

7. IMPLANTS. Many victims assume that because they are tracked, their

thoughts read, and are targeted in other ways, they must have implants. New


need to realize that many victims have never had surgery, unexplained

wounds, or lost time, and therefore feel they do NOT have implants.

Furthermore, the technology is highly exotic, can penetrate electromagnetic

shielding and can evade conventional electronic detection equipment. This

sophistication and assertions by many victims make it wise to NOT ASSUME you

are implanted unless you have unmistakeable x-ray proof.

It is possible to have a non-metallic implant which may not show on an x-ray


If you make claims that you are implanted, and later on, the authorities

have you x-rayed and find nothing, you have discredited yourself and in some

degree the

rest of us too.

I recommend reading this document which outlines many reasons it is wise to

not jump to conclusions about the technology in use, including implants,

before you make any claims to the authorities:


8. Some personal ways I can cushion the effects of the attacks are these -

may not work for everyone:

- During times where I am kept awake at night, I find listening to talk

shows like Art Bell http://www.artbell.com

....not only eases the discomfort, but once in a while picks up some

info relevant to government cover ups of all sorts, and it is these

cover-ups which are maintaining the torturers' secrecy

NOTE: I have been woken up in the middle of the night just in time to listen

to specific interviews, which is also part of the programming. So, just

listening to Art's show doesn't guarantee life free of anxiety - it can

actually make it worse. Use your own good judgment.

- I find that having a 20" box fan blowing over my legs at night makes the

various physical attacks a little less severe (lightest setting in cool

weather, legs bare)

- White noise, either from the fan or from white noise generators helps

during the night

- Very light medication, such as 25 mg of Amitriptylene and/or 3 mg of

Melatonin can help either get some sleep or increase restfulness when forced

to stay awake

- As much walking and other activity outdoors helps significantly

- Advice for personal coping, as well as a colleague who has time to take

telephone inquiries, is available on this web site:


Once you enter, these two titles in the clickable menu list are for personal


A Word to friends and Family!

So how's your marriage doing?

9. As to the technology, my own shielding experiments and the experiments

and experiences of others point towards technology advanced beyond what


scientists know about. Most new victims will not believe this, and spend

agonizing years and lots of money pursuing court cases and conventional

"cures", ending up no further ahead. This is why I fight back in the public

arena, hoping to get the public

to start demanding answers.

I can offer two places where, if you are open-minded enough, you can begin

to see just how advanced the technology actually is:

- "The Secret Life of Plants", by Tompkins and Bird, the edition having

CLEVE BACKSTER'S experiments as the first chapter

- http://www.raven1.net/qkadvice.htm

10. This is a kind of unusual technique for reducing the impact of the

torture, but I find that feeding and hanging out with squirrels in a park is

the single most "daily spiritually uplifting" experience I've had since

starting to look for ways to cope. When one of the little furry ones gets

confident enough to hop up on your lap and ask for a peanut, I feel as if

I've been blessed by Heaven!

Finally, there are two "comebacks" to questions from skeptics which I will

offer you here to assist with your dealings with others, be they

authorities, medics, or family, friends and business associates. These are

from a larger collection of information relative to public speaking, but

I've found are especially handy.

The full page is at: http://www.raven1.net/spiel.htm

Here are the excerpts:

1. When someone says "If these weapons exist, then why don't they use 'em

on so-and-so [Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, or any

other bad guy in the headlines]?"

Answer: "Probably because so-and-so [the bad guy] is doing things that

our government feels are useful. Not every goal of government is made


2. When someone asks "So how many of you are there?"

Answer: "In March of 2002, Cheryl Welsh, founder of CAHRA, had been in

touch with about 1,600 people world-wide who state they are being targeted.

In an April 2002 survey of about 12,000 Americans, about one percent stated

they are being targeted with psycho-electronic weapons and the harassment

which goes with the weapon attacks."

from: Eleanor White

NOTE FROM DEE: I would venture to say that number given above is much, much

higher. Most people wouldn't tell their best friend of their suspicions for

fear of being put away or drugged against their wil.



The US Air Forces's Commando Solo aircraft are used to broadcast subliminal

radio-frequency messages to manipulate the minds of military and civillian


AFF Home Page: CULTIC STUDIES - Research + Education + Victim's

Resource for information on cults.

A Lecture By Phil Schneider

Ex Government engineer tortured to death for revealing to the American

public "black" government projects and engineered atrocities towards the

New World Order.

An Experiment at Fountainbleau (Gurdjeff)

Aspartame: Poison in our food: The bitter truth about artificial sweeteners.

Astral Projection

Belief coercion within religious groups

Books and Tapes by RIE

BrainWave Control, IBVA Technologies, Inc.

Brief History Of MK-Ultra

Broken Shackles of Cult Mind Control

Cults 101: Index

Cult and Ritual Abuse

Cults using coercive persuasion and mind control techniques

Declassified Government Documents (sales page)

Earth Operations Central: Paranormal, Weird Dope and Mindcontrol

Echelon: The US National Security Agency's Global Citizens Spying System.

This covertly run network is designed to monitor and manipulate you!

Echelon: Global Surveillance

Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects

ELF Waves: A Path to War or Peace?

Healing The Effects of Ritual Abuse

High WWWeirdness: Conspiracies Cha Cha Cha

Human Rights Abuse Name List

Index and Introduction to Mind control

Information Warfare, I-War, IW, C4I, Cyberwar


Jose Delgado - http://members.tripod.com/~mdars/delga1s.htm

Jose Delgado - http://members.tripod.com/~mdars/meth/gut.htm

JoseDelgado - http://members.tripod.com/~mdars/meth/meth.htm

kim-spy: Intelligence and CounterIntelligence

Life Control Surveillance Systems

Links to Further Documents Concerning the CIA

Mind Control with Microwaves

Microwave Harassment And Mind Control

Mind-Control and Brainwashing of the Child

Mind Control Forum Home Page

Mind Control Has It Become A Reality?

Mind Control - Hemi-sync - The Controllers

Mind Control Text Files

Mind Control: The Current Situation - part 1 of 4

Mind Control: The Current Situation - part 2 of 4

Mind Control: The Current Situation - part 3 of 4

Mind Control: The Current Situation - part 4 of 4

Mind Control and Assassinations

Mind Control In The 90's

Mind Control & MK-ULTRA

Mind Control Forum

The worlds leading web site exposing the use of Remote Mind Control

against humanity, with hundreds of links to R.M.C. Victims Testimonials,

R.M.C. Technology, Protection methods and organisations, etc.

Mind Control Videos


Music Mind Control

Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality Studies by the U.S. Government

Project Open Mind

Project Open Mind - Part II - The Technology


Ex-intellegence agent exposes the truth behind the Government Agencies.

By Glenn Krawczyk.

Scientology and Dianetics - the truth revealed

Secret Societies, Drug Smuggling, & Espionage In U.S. History

S.M.A.R.T. - Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies Newsletter

A bi-monthly 12 page newsletter showing the possible connections between

secretive organizations, ritual abuse and mind control.

'Soul Catcher' Computer Chip Due...

Techniques of Deceit

The Anti-Cult Movement (religioustolerance.org)

The Anti-Cult Movement

The CIA, Mind Control & Children - part 1 of 2

The CIA, Mind Control & Children - part 2 of 2

The Cold War Experiments

The Controllers

The cult apologist FAQ

Exposing the cult's willing defenders, their "arguments",

and investigating their motives."

The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation

The Government Psychiatric Torture Site

The IBM 2020 Neural Implant

The Influencing machine

The Mechanics of Mind Control

The Mind Reading Machines

The Official Scientology and Dianetics Glossary

The Secret History of Mind Control - part 1 of 3

The Secret History of Mind Control - part 2 of 3

The Secret History of Mind Control - part 3 of 3

U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 1 of 3

U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 2 of 3

U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report - part 3 of 3

Walter H. Bowart - Interview - Nazis and the C.I. A.

What Misconceptions are there about Scientology?










Why do some people oppose Scientology? What is the Guardian's Office and

does it still exist? Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind

control? Is Scientology like hypnotism, meditation, psychotherapy or other

mental therapies?

For research purposes, here is a list of mind control projects

that have been exposed over the years:

Chapter - In 1947, the Navy conducted the first known post-war mind control

program, Project CHAPTER, which continued the drug experiments. Decades

later, journalists and investigators still haven't uncovered much

information about this project - or, indeed, about any of the military's

other excursions into this field. We know that the Army eventually founded

operations THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT; other project names remain

mysterious, though the existence of these programs is unquestionable.

Chatter - 1951 Project CHATTER, a highly classified Navy program to search

for a truth drug, began. They were looking for a way to make someone talk

"fast" in the event of a security emergency. These experiments used

barbiturates, amphetamines, and heroin. The drugs were supplied by the

Bureau of Narcotics and pharmaceutical companies. Some of the experimental

subjects included the scientists themselves, and mostly students. 1953

Project CHATTER was abandoned by the Navy.

Bluebird - 1950 Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the first CIA Director,

Roscoe Hillenkoetter. He also approved the use of unvouchered funds to pay

for its sensitive areas. This began the CIA's first structured behavioral

control program. Their goals consisted of "controlling an individual to the

point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such

fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation." Some of their experimental

subjects included North Korean prisoners of war and suspected double agents.

The newly-formed CIA plunged into this cesspool in 1950, with Project

BLUEBIRD, rechristened ARTICHOKE in 1951. To establish a "cover story" for

this research, the CIA funded a propaganda effort designed to convince the

world that the Communist Bloc had devised insidious new methods of

re-shaping the human will; the CIA's own efforts could therefore, if

exposed, be explained as an attempt to "catch up" with Soviet and Chinese

work. The primary promoter of this "line" was one Edward Hunter, a CIA

contract employee operating undercover as a journalist, and, later, a

prominent member of the John Birch society. (Hunter was an OSS veteran of

the China theatre - the same spawning grounds which produced Richard Helms,

Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell, Fred Chrisman, Paul Helliwell and a host of

other noteworthies who came to dominate that strange land where the worlds

of intelligence and right-wing extremism meet.

Hunter offered "brainwashing" as the explanation for the numerous

confessions signed by American prisoners of war during the Korean War and

(generally) UN-recanted upon the prisoners' repatriation. These confessions

alleged that the United States used germ warfare in the Korean conflict, a

claim which the American public of the time found impossible to accept. Many

years later, however, investigative reporters discovered that Japan's germ

warfare specialists (who had wreaked incalculable terror on the conquered

Chinese during WWII) had been mustered into the American national security

apparat - and that the knowledge gleaned from Japan's horrifying germ

warfare experiments probably WAS used in Korea, just as the "brainwashed"

soldiers had indicated. Thus, we now know that the entire brainwashing scare

of the 1950s constituted a CIA hoax perpetrated upon the American public:

CIA deputy director Richard Helms admitted as much when, in 1963, he told

the Warren Commission that Soviet mind control research consistently lagged

years behind American efforts

Artichoke 1951 Project BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The CIA

director approved a liaison with the Army and Navy who were interested in

finding a truth drug. Another liaison was formed with the Air Force who

wanted to study interrogation techniques. Information was also exchanged

with the Canadian and British governments.

Some of Project ARTICHOKE's experimental subjects included: suspected

agents, suspected double agents, people who "had a known reason for

deception," American college students (supposedly for more benign testing),

and foreigners (since the CIA was more likely to try certain procedures out

on them rather than American citizens.) "Terminal," or "to the death"

experiments were usually carried out in other countries.

According to Bowart, the control method used on two agents involved drugs

and hypnosis (narco-hypnosis). The subjects were hypnotically regressed and

made to relive past experiences. Posthypnotic suggestions were given to

induce total amnesia of their interrogations. The CIA called this experiment

"very successful."

Castigate - 1952 Project CASTIGATE began when the Navy and the CIA teamed up

to test a "secret potion" that consisted of a depressant, a stimulant, and

the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs were to be administered over a

three-day period. The experiment was carried out in Germany at a secret CIA

base on a military installation. Experimental subjects included one known

double agent, one suspected double agent and three defectors. Project

CASTIGATE was considered a failure.

MKNAOMI - 1952 MKNAOMI (Pronounced M-K NAOMI with M-K standing for mind

control.) TSS's agreement with the Special Operations Division of the Army's

biological research center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. SOD's job was to

produce germ weapons for the CIA's use.

MKULTRA - 1953 MKULTRA, a CIA program for the covert use of biological and

chemical weapons began. Bowart states, "According to CIA documents, MKULTRA

was 'an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects' and covered 'policy

and procedures for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations...' "

"MKULTRA was exempted from normal CIA financial controls and allowed TSS to

begin research projects without contracts or written agreements." TSS stands

for Technical Services Staff and was an agency referred to as "the Gadget

Wizards," similar to what "Q" is to James Bond.

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