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Order Controls Education

" The first volume of this series introduced The Order, presented three

preliminary hypotheses with examples of the evidence to come. We also

asserted that any group that wanted to control the future of American

society had first to control education, i.e., the population of the future.

This volume will outline the way in which education has been controlled by

The Order. "


HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies

" HAARP itself is located halfway between Anchorage and Fairbanks Alaska. Its

first phase was completed in 1995, and it employed a 3 by 6 grid of 18

antennas. There are three towers designed to transmit extremely low

frequency (ELF) waves. When these towers signal such beams on up through the

atmosphere, into the ionosphere, they affect the electrojet (the high

altitude jetstream, with ultra-high speed winds, that have a good deal to do

with the weather patterns on earth below) in a controlled manner. The main

strategy consists of beaming these ELF waves in such a way as to hit at

right angles to the electrojet. This causes the river of electro-magnetic

energy to spread sideways. "


Stone warns of threat to civil liberties, should history repeat

" A careful look at our own history shows that when faced with the pressures,

anxieties and fears of a wartime climate, we have tended repeatedly to err

on the side of restricting civil liberties, in a way that may have seemed

appropriate and reasonable at the time, but which later we frequently came

to regret, " Stone said.


Surveillance by design

" This scheme is costing £1.2 billion and is being phased in starting in

August. According to transport officials, it's going to shorten queues and

cut fraud. And it's being managed by EDS, our old friends with the giant

off-shore government databases. Isn't that nice? "


Is Your Television Watching You?

" Under the USA Patriot Act, passed a month after the 9/11 terrorist attack,

the feds can force a noncable TV operator to disclose every show you have

watched. The government just has to say that the request is related to a

terrorism investigation, said Jay Stanley, a technology expert for the

American Civil Liberties Union. "


Angel of the apocalypse

" Texas is Bibles and guns, patriots and born-again Christians, righteous

folk who believe in just retribution for murderers, whether in Dallas or

Baghdad. Paul Sheehan looks at how Lone Star values shape George W. Bush's

view of the world. "


Ashcroft insists rights being upheld

" Attorney General John Ashcroft yesterday told a House committee the Justice

Department, in its pursuit of terrorists since the September 11 attacks, had

not violated civil liberties and remained intent on 'protecting and

nourishing an environment of freedom.' "


Gun Ownership in Iraq

" As I have repeatedly said, the coming war in Iraq isn’t about al-Qaeda. It’

s also not about weapons of mass destruction. It’s about the control of the

price of oil at the margin and placing U.S. troops in the Middle East to

keep the pipelines open. "


Biometric cards for all or none: MP

" A proposal to embed fingerprints on the identity cards issued to permanent

residents could be unconstitutional unless a similar measure is adopted for

all Canadians, a Liberal member of the Commons immigration committee said

yesterday. "


Big Brother makes his presence felt

" WASHINGTON - Free speech, a key tenet of the US Constitution, is facing

unusual challenges in pre-war, post-September 11 America, where wearing an

anti-war T-shirt prompted an arrest and lampooning the Vice-President's wife

drew a letter from a White House lawyer. "


Inquiry into 'forced' sterilisation of gypsies

" A special investigation has begun into claims that more than 100 gypsy

women in Slovakia were sterilised against their will. "


Oops journalism

" The corporate-controlled media's employees - who falsely call themselves

journalists - breathlessly feed the American people a daily diet of lies,

distortions and disinformation packaged as news. "


Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York

" If American forces carry out a pre-emptive strike on the Yongbyon facility,

North Korea will immediately target, carry the war to the US mainland, " he

said, adding that New York, Washington and Chicago would be " aflame " .


School roll could be replaced with eye scan

" At its recent national conference, delegates passed a resolution calling

for a ban on the use of " Big Brother " biometrics until those concerns can be

allayed. " The privacy implications are huge, " said AWU national secretary

Bill Shorten this week. "


Implantable-chip firm misses final deadline

" Applied Digital Solutions, maker of the VeriChip and Digital Angel, has

missed a final date to make a required payment of $46.2 million to IBM

Credit Corporation. "


Who is in control?

" Now, through a maze of environmental regulations and government programs,

governments at every level not only dictate how private property may be

used, but also what color a house may be painted, the dimension and colors

of business signs and even which plants may be used for landscaping. This

power is not among those enumerated in the Constitution. "

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