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HERBS: Vitamins and Minerals in Herbs (REMEDIES, HEALTH, RECIPES)

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VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN HERBSAll herbs contain some vitamins and minerals in varying amounts. Thefollowing list is of those herbs that are the best source.A - Alfalfa, dandelion greens, nettle, watercressB1 (Thiamine) - Dandelion greens, sunflower seeds, thymeB2 (Riboflavin) - Dandelion greens, thyme, watercressB3 (Niacin) - Anise, dandelion greens, landcressB5 (Pantothenic acid) - Catnip, dandelion greens, nettleB6 (Pyridoxine) - Anise, dandelion greensB12 (Cobalamin) - AlfalfaBiotin - Alfalfa, dandelion greens, thyme, watercressCholine - Alfalfa, dandelion greens, nettle, parsley, watercressFolic Acid - Red raspberryC - Most herbs but particularly dandelion greens, parsley and watercressD (Ergocalciferol) - Alfalfa, landcress and watercress, nettle, red raspberryE (Tocopherol) - Alfalfa, dandelion greens, landcress and watercress,red raspberry (I think this is E anyway... they text was scrambled a bit...)K (Quinones) - Alfalfa, yarrowP (Rutin) - Lemon peel, nettle, red raspberry, rue***MineralsCalcium - Alfalfa, anise, dandelion greens, nettle, watercressChlorine - Most herbsFluorine - Garlic, landcress and watercress, sageIodine - Cayenne, peppermintIron - Dandelion greens, garlic, landcress and watercress, nettle, parsleyMagnesium - Cayenne, dandelion greens, parsley, red clover, watercressManganese - Land and watercress, nettle red, cloverPhosphorus - Alfalfa, cayenne, dandelion greens, garlic, sage, watercressPotassium - Dandelion greens, parsley, watercressSilicon - Dandelion greens, parsley, watercressSulphur - Cayenne, garlic, landcress and watercress, nettle, parsleyZinc - Dandelion greens, garlic, nettle, rosemary***soource unknown to me...

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