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Meat without Antibiotics-How close are we?

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- Arnoldgore

Meat without Antibiotics-How close are we?

Hi Health Activists & Consumers,This story really made me feel I was impacting mainstream agricultural policy, in a belated way. I am now a vegetarian-sort of-I don't ear red meat, but I eat fish. When I first decided to cut out red meat 24 years ago, my decision was based on the prevalence of growth hormones in beef and the implications that the growers really did not care about the health of their consumers. Well over the years beef sales have severely declined. McDonald's has taken the "bull by the horns" so to speak and said they would be taking measures to discontinue purchase of antibiotic treated beef if nor yet-hormone free beef. From the following it appears to be somewhat qualified, but I think the marketing giants have seen the trend and are trying to do something about it. Since then I have seen that individual differences may be more important in dietary beneficial habits, for those who have a need for meat, organic, hormone and antibiotic free is the way to go arnoldSubj: FW: McMedicine - HSI 6/27/2003 1:31:13 AM Eastern Standard Time sandym sandym Sent from the Internet (Details) McMedicineHealth Sciences Institute e-AlertJune 25, 2003**************************************************************Dear Reader, You may have heard the news last week that McDonald's Corporation has told its meat suppliers to discontinue the use of antibiotics in animals. On the surface, this new policy sounds like good news - especially given the fact that McDonald's is one of the largest meat purchasers in the U.S. And while I'm very happy to see McDonald's taking a step in the right direction, when you examine the details, this directive doesn't have very sharp teeth. Which is too bad, because what we need right now is genuinely persuasive action on the part of major meat buyers like McDonald's. -----------------------------No guarantees -----------------------------Let's start by getting the glaring weaknesses out of the way.First of all, this new policy won't even be in effect until 2005. Okay - better late than never - but the policy only applies to McDonald's direct suppliers. Indirect suppliers will be "encouraged" to follow the new guidelines. And guess what those indirect suppliers provide? All of McDonald's beef and pork. (Direct suppliers provide about 70 percent of the poultry McDonald's buys.) Apparently incentives will be offered to help encourage indirect suppliers to comply with the policy, but just how effective these incentives and encouragement might turn out to be is anybody's guess. In other words, let's not jump to the conclusion that McDonald's meat is going to be anything close to antibiotic-free. A non-profit organization called Environmental Defense was instrumental in coaxing McDonald's to establish the new antibiotic policy and hopefully that association will extend to help implement the plan when it goes into effect. But if McDonald's is lax in enforcing this new policy, and if other restaurant and grocery chains don't step up and demand meat from animals that have not been loaded with antibiotics, the repercussions in human resistance to antibiotics could create major health problems in years to come. -----------------------------Worst-case scenarios -----------------------------As I told you in the e-Alert "Got Antibiotics?" (5/8/02), besides being used to treat sick animals, antibiotics are routinely used to make livestock and poultry grow faster and larger. This has led to an overuse of antibiotics in farm animals that may play a significant role in the development of human antibiotic resistance. And if that doesn't sound scary enough, consider this: approximately 80 percent of the total antibiotic production in the U.S. is used in agriculture. And it gets even scarier. Because a study out of the University of Maryland last year supported the theory that agricultural antibiotic use may be introducing new antibiotic- resistantstrains of bacteria into the human population - while at the same time making antibiotics less effective in fighting disease. The study evaluated the medical impact of simultaneously using the same antibiotics in livestock animals as is used in medicine for humans. With mathematical models, the scientists calculated the average human's every day exposure to animal bacteria, along with bacteria's rate of transmission. Their conclusion: by the time an antibiotic-resistant bacteria infection could be detected in humans, its course would be irreversible.-----------------------------Sources in your neighborhood -----------------------------McDonald's new policy will provide at least some benefit for McDonald's customers, but what if you never step foot in McDonald's - are there steps you can take to insure that the chicken, beef, and pork you eat don't come with a side order of antibiotics? There are. But to get started, a little research will be in order. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy provides an exhaustive online list of grocery retailers and restaurants in the U.S. that do not use or sell meat that's been treated with antibiotics. By searching for entries in your state you can also find local meat producers that forego antibiotics. (See "IATP's Guide for Meat Raised Without Antibiotics" at: iatp.org.) When searching this list you'll find many individual restaurants, but among them, a few national chains stand out: Chipotle doesn't serve pork raised with antibiotics, and T.G.I. Fridays hasn't served antibiotic beef since 2001. There's another chain on the east coast that isn't quite as common to the landscape as those two but it's cropping up in more places: Chicken Out serves only hormone- and antibiotic- free chickenand turkey. So while McDonald's is not exactly the leader its press release makes it out to be, the new policy might at least prompt other restaurants, fast food chains, and grocery stores to follow suit. If nothing else, the attention this announcement received in the mainstream media will help make the public more aware that antibiotic resistance in humans is a serious problem, ticking away like a time bomb. Hopefully it will be diffused by the responsible actions of meat producers and consumers before it's too late.************************************************************** Remove the threat of toxic 'squatters' in your bodyIt's uncomfortable to think about 'smart,' drug-resistant parasitic creatures securing themselves inside our digestive tracts - and perhaps spreading to vital organs, even invading the brain with destructive results. But it's far worse not to deal with the distinct possibility that you - and your loved ones - may now be infected with parasites sapping your health and well-being.Discover the common symptoms of parasitic infection and find out how to protect you and your family. http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SPRPT/W610D619/home.cfm(if you can't open here use the HTML links listed below)**************************************************************..and another thingAn HSI member named Bruce wants to know if there might be a health problem hiding in his deodorant: "If there is any link between aluminum and Alzheimer's, why is there little or no discussion of aluminum in deodorants?" Actually, we have discussed the aluminum contents of deodorants, but it's been awhile since we addressed this issue. In the July 1998 HSI Members Alert we told you that the average person may absorb anywhere from 10 to 100 mg of aluminum every day through aluminum deodorants, cookware, baking soda, antacids, and other sources. And although the cause of Alzheimer's disease remains unclear, research indicates that aluminum toxicity may be one of the primary culprits. Fortunately, a hair tissue analysis can determine if your body has stored unhealthy amounts of aluminum. And as always, a preventive approach is the best defense. In that 1998 Members Alert, HSI Panelist, Marty Milner, N.D., explained how he helped discover a way to reduce dangerous levels of aluminum. Dr. Milner wrote: "In a group of fibromyalgia patients being treated with malic acid, we were amazed to note that the aluminum levels in their tissues - as measured by hair analysis - dropped dramatically. This was an incredibly important development, because aluminum is notoriously difficult to chelate (remove)."Malic acid is available in most health food stores (magnesium malate is the preferred form). But Dr. Milner warns that it is possible to over-do it. You should only attempt aluminum chelation if you have established, through hair analysis, that your aluminum levels are high. The aluminum chelation protocol calls for 500 mg of malic acid three times a day for no more than three weeks at a time. And Dr. Milner highly recommends that you work with a professional who can monitor your tissue levels and advise you on the protocol. If you believe you may have elevated aluminum levels, ask your doctor for a hair tissue mineral analysis. To Your Good Health,Jenny ThompsonHealth Sciences Institute************************************************************** THE ULTIMATE HRT ALTERNATIVEGo through menopause the natural way... without Hormone Replacement TherapyHSI has uncovered an alternative three times more effective than HRT that:* Cancer-preventives instead of increasing risk...* Protects heart instead of attacking it...* Doesn't just treat symptoms, rejuvenates your entire body!Find out how to look and feel your best with this breakthrough report.http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SHORM/W610D621/home.cfm(if you can't open here use the HTML links listed below)**************************************************************Sources: "McDonald's: Reduce Antibiotics in Animals" Dave Carpenter, Associated Press, 6/19/03, ap.org "McDonald's Calls for Phase-Out of Growth Promoting Antibiotics in Meat Supply, Establishes Global Policy on Antibiotic Use" McDonald's Corporate Press Release, 6/19/03, mcdonalds.com "McDonald's Says No More Playing Chicken with Antibiotics" Environmental Defense, press release, 6/17/03 "Eat Well, Eat Antibiotic-Free" Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, iatp.org "Antibiotic-Free Meats Are New Health Trend in Food Service" Keep Antibiotics Working, press release, 11/13/01, keepantibioticsworking.comCopyright ©1997-2003 by www.hsibaltimore.com, L.L.C.The e-Alert may not be posted on commercial sites without writtenpermission.**************************************************************Before you hit reply to send us a question or request, please click here http://www.hsibaltimore.com/ealert/questions.shtml**************************************************************HTML links for AOL, CompuServe and other users<ahref="http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SPRPT/W610D619/home.cfm">http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SPRPT/W610D619/home.cfm<ahref="http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SHORM/W610D621/home.cfm">http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/610SHORM/W610D621/home.cfm**************************************************************If you'd like to participate in the HSI Forum, search past e-Alerts andproducts or you're an HSI member and would like to search past articles, visit http://www.hsibaltimore.com**************************************************************To learn more about HSI, call (203) 699-4416 or visithttp://www.agora-inc.com/reports/HSI/WHSIC313/home.cfm.Sandy Mintzhttp://www.vaccinationnews.com http://www.vaccinationnews.com/Scandals/past_scandals.htm "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." - Wendell Phillips (1811-1884),paraphrasing John Philpot Curran (1808) http://www.909shot.com http://www.redflagsweekly.comALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HEREIS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED ASREFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BECONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. 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Before you eat any more fish, you may want

to read this article:







whole-food supplements that provide nutrients

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Elaine [mem121]












without Antibiotics-How close are we?



This story really

made me feel I was impacting mainstream

agricultural policy, in a belated way. I am

now a vegetarian-sort of-I don't ear red meat,

but I eat fish

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