Guest guest Posted August 6, 2003 Report Share Posted August 6, 2003 DeepBlackLies Bringing in-depth reporting of crime and corruption in high places __________________ TESLA DOOM WEAPONS & AUM SHINRIKYO By David Guyatt When it comes to Aum Shinrikyo - the sinister Japanese cult said to be responsible for the Tokyo subway Sarin attack in 1995 - almost anything is possible. But some serious journalists and independent scientists who have investigated the shadowy background of Aum, are unravelling sinuous connections that leap-frog the Aum story into another league altogether. These focus on claims that Aum were intimately involved in the research and development of futuristic doomsday weapons that make today’s nuclear missiles look like children’s toys. These weapons, they believe, are so advanced that they don’t “officially” exist in the armouries of the major powers. These involve the use of Tesla Electromagnetic pulse, earthquake inducing and Plasma weapons being covertly tested in remote regions of the world. Laying at the centre of these allegations are a series of powerful earthquakes, strange fireballs and aerial lights manifesting above Western Australia. They also revolve around the major January 1995 quake which laid waste to the Japanese City of Kobe. The latter resulted in the crash of the Tokyo stock exchange - itself directly leading to the collapse of England’s spook-infested Barings bank. Suggestions that the Kobe event may have been caused by a laser-powered seismic weapon continue to circulate. Extraordinarily, Aum’s charismatic guru, Shoko Asahara, predicted the Kobe quake nine days before the event. In an 8 January 1995 radio broadcast, Asahara stated “Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995. The most likely place is Kobe.” Hideo Murai, the late Science and Technology minister for Aum Shinrikyo also adhered to this view. Murai - said to have been the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived - was murdered in a Yakuza orchestrated assassination shortly after speaking on the record to foreign news correspondents.[ii] Murai presented his allegation in an April 7 1995 news conference at the Foreign Correspondent Club in Japan. In answer to questions about the Kobe quake, Murai said “There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody may have used a device that applied force inside the Earth.” The Aum leadership believed the Kobe quake an act of war: “The City of Kobe was hit by a surprise attack…” they claimed, adding the City was an “…appropriate guinea pig.”[iii] Aum’s singular interest in weapons of mass destruction - including sophisticated earthquake, weather and plasma weapons - were considered serious enough to launch a special investigation by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Chaired by Senator Sam Nunn, the committee spent five months conducting hundreds of interviews of “both government and private individuals.”[iv] These included classified briefings from numerous US intelligence agencies. Their findings were published in an October 1995, 100 page report on the Aum cult. The Nunn report, in addition to outlining Aum’s large international membership and massive finances of US$1 billion plus, also revealed the cult ’s fascination for Tesla weapons. The Senate report describes Aum’s visits to the New York based International Tesla Society (ITS), where they sought to obtain a number of his books, patents and papers. A representative of the ITS told Senate investigators that Aum’s interest focused on Tesla’s experiments with “resonating frequencies,” adding that “Tesla had experimented in creating earthquakes.” Significantly, the report also states that Tesla claimed “…with his technology he could ‘split the world’ in two.” This astonishing assertion closely parallels remarks made by Soviet Premier Krushchev to the Presidium in 1960, where he referred to “…the advent of a new class of Soviet Superweapon, so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used.”[v] Not least, the Senate report mentions Tesla’s development of a “ray gun in the 1930’s, which was actually a particle beam accelerator,” and which was said to be able to “shoot down an airplane at 200 miles.[vi]” Following Tesla’s death in 1943, the US government seized his papers and research notes, placing them under national security lock and key. An undoubted genius during his life, Tesla’s papers curiously remain highly classified today - 53 years later. In addition to visiting New York’s ITS, Aum personnel also travelled to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Their studies here included researching the so called “Tesla Coil” - a device used for alternating currents. Additionally, they also uncovered Tesla’s work on “high energy voltage transmission and on wave amplification, which Tesla asserted could be used to create seismological disturbances.”[vii] As intriguing and informative as they are, this is not the place to provide a detailed background of Aum Shinrikyo’s ideology. However, it is important to note that the cult shared one common thread with their arch rivals, the militaristic Soka Gakkai. The latter is a truly enormous and powerful Japanese religious cult with 15 million members and massive finances. The cult have thoroughly infiltrated every aspect of Japanese life and, according to veteran reporter Jack Amano, have “covert cells” operating throughout all government departments. Every major Japanese business corporation is riddled with members, Amano states.[viii] Moreover, SG have enormous influence over current Japanese foreign policy. Both cults adhere to the cataclysmic teaching of the 18th century prophet monk, Nichiren. This doctrine states that an apocalyptic “final war” (saishu senso”) is to be fought against the “Christian west and the Islamic world.” Also known as the “100 hundred year war” it pre-dates WW11 and continues to be fought in the shadows, even as we speak.[ix] ENTER THE RUSSIAN BEAR By the early nineties, Asahara and his fellow Aum leaders had made giant inroads into the former Soviet Union. Operating at the highest levels, agreements were reached for the Russians to provide advanced weaponry to Aum. Unsurprisingly, as soon as pen was put to paper - between the Russian government and official representatives of the Japanese government - to ratify the agreements hammered out by Aum - the leadership of Soka Gakkai again felt free to re-commence hostilities against their rival. This resulted, Amano says, in the now infamous Tokyo gas attack. Vilified throughout the world - for an act of sabotage they did not engineer - Aum Shinrikyo’s growing reach and power was effectively crushed, leaving Soka Gakkai in the driving seat once more. The Nunn report makes clear that Aum sought to selectively recruit Russian scientists into its fold. They targeted, in particular, physicists, chemists, biologists and others engaged in advanced military weapons research. The Senate report also states that Aum were in the process of purchasing a gas laser for plasma-weapons research from their Russian contacts, one of who was Oleg Lobov, Premier Yeltsin’s close confidante. Lobov was paid a significant sum of money for his assistance. The figure may have been as much as US$900 million. It is also clear that Aum received significant assistance from various Russian intelligence services, according to “Vitaly Savitsky, head of the Russian Duma’s religious affairs committee.”[x] Aum’s intelligence connections also extended to Toshio Yamaguchi, head of Japan’s foreign intelligence service - and allegedly a Soka Gakkai devotee. TESLA WEAPONS? But the real question is do powerful Tesla-type earthquake weapons really exist? According to conventional scientific wisdom, the answer is a categorical no. Yet, there are many who harbour simmering doubts, and still others who maintain that “conventional wisdom” inside the scientific community merely reflects a mind-set rusted closed by prolonged conservative values. Despite this, electromagnetic pulse and plasma weapon R & D is rapidly occurring behind the misnomer of “Non Lethality,” and clearly parallel Tesla ’s work. Major US defence contractors and leading government weapon research laboratories are intensely interested in “Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).” Research includes “Radio Frequency and Particle Beam Weapons,” “Air and Space Based Directed Energy Weapons,” and, among many others, “DEW Weapons Effects on Personnel.”[xi] Of interest too, is a paper written by Australian defence analyst, Carlo Kopp, which outlines in considerable detail an “Electromagnetic Bomb.” The “E-Bomb,” Kopp says, has the ability to inflict damage “… not unlike the experience through exposure to close proximity lightning strikes.”[xii] In a broadcast dated 27 February 1996, Beijing radio outlined advances in particle beam energy technology and alluded to a “weapon even more powerful than the ‘death ray.’” The broadcast likened the weapon to a “Thunderbolt,” adding that the moment it struck it’s target (vaporising it), a temperature of 8000 degrees Celsius would be produced.[xiii] Not least are the comments of Boris Belitsky, a leading Russian Science and Engineering correspondent, broadcast on Voice of Russia, 24 February 1997. Belitsky in replying to a question on Russian military applications of microwave generators, stated “they can be used to fire a plasmoid, that is, a blob of plasma…”[xiv] Despite the uncanny similarity of these latter-day lightning and directed energy weapons to his own published research almost 100 years ago, the name Tesla remains unuttered. Tesla, clearly has become an Orwellian “non person” in the scientific and weapon research community. His classified research papers, however, may well have been dusted down and quietly re-cycled? A brief foray into the literature of Tesla reveal an ingenious inventor years ahead of his time. Born in Serbo-Croatia in the former Yugoslavia, Nikola Tesla settled in the USA where he received citizenship. Today, his work - at least that part which is not hidden under national security wraps - is undergoing a marked, although unofficial revival. He is belatedly credited with the discovery of alternating AC/DC currents, fluorescent lighting, free energy and remote-controlled robots. However, his inquiring mind carried him into far wider realms. During the late 1890’s, Tesla built a “lightning bolt machine” at Shoreham, Long Island, NY. Funding for the project, dubbed “Wydenclyffe” was provided by banker-entrepreneur, J. P. Morgan. The construction consisted of an enormous 187 foot high tower, capped by a 55 ton, 68 foot metal dome. Tesla was confident his machine would work as envisaged - following previous experiments in Colorado where he had accidentally destroyed the generating station at Colorado Spring’s Electric Company. Former US Army Colonel and missile specialist, T. E. Bearden, credits Tesla with the invention of what he calls the “Tesla Howitzer.” This, Bearden maintains was able to transmit electric energy over vast distances wire-lessly. Tesla himself argued that this device could destroy entire armies and thousands of airplanes at a distance of hundreds of miles.[xv] It is this device, using Scalar waves, that lays at the heart of discussions of an earthquake weapon. Bearden’s work, however, is generally regarded as being theoretical rather than practical. Non-the-less, Tesla claimed his inventions were not only possible but fairly straight-forward. The fact that many of his more exotic weapons concepts arose at the turn of the last century is, of course, remarkable. Nor should we loose sight of the fact - which I have repeated because of its significance - that his work papers remain veiled behind US national security classification. If such weapons do, indeed, exist, and covert testing is taking place - as cited by Archipelago journalists and others tracking this story- then we would expect solid evidence of unusual earthquakes and related events to surface. The Kobe earthquake, though interesting, must be viewed with caution. Aum guru Asahara’s prediction could just as easily be predicated on known geological forecasting. This rationale, however, does not appear to fit the facts regarding a large number of powerful quakes and other curious energy events that peppered Western Australia over the last few years. TESLA WEAPON TESTING IN THE OUTBACK? In 1995, British born Geologist/Geophysicist, Harry Mason, stumbled across a strange, unaccountable earthquake which rumbled across the vast open spaces of Western Australia two years earlier. The event took place at 11.03 p.m., on 28 May 1993 with an epi-centre close to Banjawarn sheep station in the Leonora-Laverton area - North-west of Perth. The event registered 3.7 on the Richter scale and was assumed to have been the first ever recorded quake in that part of Australia. Mason, who was very familiar with the region and it’s geological composition, was intrigued. Initially believing the tremor was the result of a meteorite impact, he set about gathering detailed data.[xvi] Eyewitnesses reported sighting a fireball trailing across the sky just minutes before the subsequent tremor. This was followed by a bright blue flash and shortly afterwards, by an earth tremor measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale. Shortly following this a “large hemisphere of orange light, lined with a silverish glow, rose above the apparent blast site.”[xvii] Extraordinarily, the dome of light remained in place for two hours, and then rapidly vanished like “someone turning off a switch.”[xviii] Extensive interviews soon revealed to Mason, a number of major inconsistencies with his meteorite theory. For one thing the object was heard before it arrived overhead and clearly was moving at a sub-sonic speed. Aware that meteorites generally have entry speeds of around 25,000 mph, Mason was bemused. In addition the object gave of “no sparks or other drop off fragments, and appeared to arc up over the observers before seeming to plunge down to the North.”[xix] Moreover, the fireball emitted “a fiery spherical white-blue-yellow light…” and “…flew at relatively low altitude,” and “emitted a regular pulsed swooshing roar” similar to a Diesel freight train engine roar[xx] Some witnesses told Mason they thought they had observed a jumbo jet or plane crash. Subsequent flights over the estimated impact site revealed no crater or blast damage. As his detailed investigation continued, Mason became increasingly convinced that the Banjawarn event was not a meteor.[xxi] In time, his thoughts increasingly turned towards the peculiar group that had purchased the Banjawarn sheep station in late April 1993. Representatives of Aum Shinrikyo had first arrived at the station in early April 1993 and commenced negotiations to buy the property five weeks before the powerful quake. By May 1993, four other Aum members, including a nuclear physicist arrived on site. By September 1993, Guru Shoko Asahara, arrived with his entourage and remained for a few weeks. Throughout, a series of unusual geological investigations by Aum scientists in, and around Banjawarn, were undertaken. These involved the curious activities of Aum’s chief arms dealer, Kiyode Hayakawa. Visiting Banjawarn station, he set about conducting extensive electromagnetic tests with electronic probes. The data he accumulated was fed into a laptop computer. Hayakawa remains central to the story. He had extraordinarily good contacts in Russia, travelling there no less than 21 times and repeatedly meeting with the chief of Russia’s Security Council. It was Hayakawa who decided to purchase the sheep station, just days prior to the energy event and subsequent ground tremor. In researching part in the Aum story, journalist Jack Amano, is convinced that Hayakawa’s sojourns to Russia reaped rewards: “Aum’s Russian scientists had provided detailed designs and the theoretical grounding to develop a technology more powerful even than the ultimate weapon predicted by Asahara.”[xxii] Not least in the Aum efforts, was the acquisition of related US weapons data obtained by hacking into “sensitive US databases.” [xxiii] This, with the aid of Japanese government funding, Russian technological know-how and advanced equipment provided by major Japanese transnational corporations, a terrifyingly powerful super-weapon was being constructed in secret. Meanwhile, Geologist, Harry Mason, was gathering information that made him pause for thought. Intriguingly, just a few kilometres from Banjawarn, is a military facility located at Laverton. Mason says that press photo’s of this facility “are identical”[xxiv] to the Alaskan HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Project) programme. HAARP has received intense media speculation in recent years, due to its Tesla-like research programme. In an early, detailed essay, Mason concludes “One is certainly left with the impression that someone has been utilising the Leonora-Laverton region as their own private testing ground.”[xxv] In a private telephone conversation with the US Senate Investigations Chief Council, Dan Gerber, Mason was told that Aum had “developed” nuclear bombs and were thought to be conducting a “crash” programme to build an “Earthquake Inducing Weapon.”[xxvi] As he continued his research, Mason began to gather a significant amount of additional data relating to what he terms “beam events.” These are bright beams of light that hang suspended from the sky, often for prolonged periods. He states that these include “orange beams, small bright white lights and vivid blue-white energy discharges” in the more uninhabited regions of Australia. These also include observations of “diffuse orange energy ‘cylinders’ coming down and striking the ground, whilst clouds overhead light up with exotic colours.” These beams, some experts believe, are a clear “signature” of Scalar wave weapons. In addition there have been other unexplained “fireball” events - notably a 1st May 1995 explosion above Perth, estimated to have been in excess of 1 megaton of TNT energy equivalence. US NAVY TO THE RESCUE? Additional investigation by Mason centred on the South East Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia. An area unknown for earthquake activity until 1970, an amazing 173 tremors measuring between 3-0 on the Richter scale occurred between 1970-3, with the majority between March and early October 1970. The epi-centres of these events are spaced exactly 10 kilometres apart, along “8 lines each 50-70 km long. Several similar events have occurred subsequently. With the present figure standing at 246 (through 1995), Mason concludes they are “abnormally regular,” and believes Australia is being surreptitiously used as a testing ground for advanced “scalar E/M weapons exercises. Originally, Mason thought these tests may have been of Russian KGB - or more probably French origin.”[xxvii] However, recent data points to Scalar EM weapon tests conducted from the top secret US Navy Exmouth Peninsula Tx facility.[xxviii] The US Navy connection is intriguing. It was the US Navy who were responsible for Project “Prime Argus” - a precursor programme to HAARP. Argus was responsible for exploding three atomic bombs in the Van Allen belts and, thereafter monitoring the resultant effects. Researchers who have recently investigated the son of Argus, project HAARP, maintain this is an advanced weapon system capable of acting as an impenetrable planetary-wide missile shield.”[xxix] Behind the construction of HAARP lay the scientific patents of Bernard J. Eastlund. Previously classified as Secret, Eastlund’s patents are now partly available for inspection. They are revealing for the sheer scope of what the HAARP project may be capable of, including “weather modification.” Eastlund had in fact used much of Tesla’s work to arrive at his concepts, a fact he openly acknowledged. Moreover, the original Prime Argus project was also concerned with looking “at ways to cause earthquakes.”[xxx] Whether Tesla’s earthquake inducing devices, and other terrifying weapons of mass destruction are being secretly tested by the major powers is, so far, unproved. But the fact remains that serious military research demonstrates these are within grasp. Who knows, they may even have been grasped - considering the 100 year lead-time of Tesla’s inventions?. Those of us closeted outside the secret world of weapons research are left to squint and speculate. Weapons that can mimic cataclysmic natural disasters open a Pandora’s box of deniability, and are, therefore, of great value in today’s “I didn’t do it” doctrine of political survival. The fact that Aum did acquire significant advanced weapons from Russia, and that Japan is presently re-militarising itself as part of the “China containment” strategy must be of concern - even disregarding the dark visions of the prophet Nichiren and his festering adherents inside Soka Gakkai and the Japanese military, industrial and intelligence complex. Similarly, one cannot disregard the EM weapon advances of the US, nor forget the touted joint US-Soviet-Japanese missile shield, which might easily switch from defensive to offensive posture? If we are on the brink of a new class of weapons so terrifying in their destructive potential that they prompted Kruschev to sound his warning 36 years ago, should not the public at least be permitted knowledge of what is being done in their name and with their tax dollars? Apparently not. As ever, Joe and Jane citizen are to be left blinking in ignorance - a fact their masters regard as “blissful” - as they are Goose-stepped into a brave new world. In one experiment in 1896, Tesla accidentally triggered an earthquake across a dozen New York city blocks. This, Tesla later said, was caused “by a little piece of apparatus you could slip in your pocket.” As local police stormed his lab, the wily inventor lifted a sledge-hammer and smashed the oscillator to pieces, bringing an end to the pandemonium.[xxxi] That one simple act of common-sense wouldn’t go amiss today. ENDS ---------- ---- Sources on url Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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