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Jury acquits pilot, who questioned IRS, of tax-evasion counts

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Jury acquits pilot, who questioned IRS, of tax-evasion countsBy Shirley DowningdowningAugust 9, 2003http://www.gomemphis.com/mca/local_news/article/0,1426,MCA_437_2169609,00.htmlA federal jury Friday found FedEx pilot Vernice Kuglin not guilty of evadingincome taxes on $920,000.The question of tax payment was unresolved at the end of the five-day trial."I think it is safe to assume the IRS will attempt civil collection, but sheis not guilty of tax evasion," said defense attorney Robert Bernhoft ofMilwaukee."I feel justified," a grinning Kuglin said after the verdict was returned atmidafternoon. She stood outside the federal building, chatting withsupporters and jurors.Federal prosecutor Joe Murphy was not available for comment.Kuglin, 58, was charged with six counts of tax evasion that could have meantup to 30 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines.The government accused Kuglin of filing false W4 forms for the period from1996 to 2001.Kuglin, a pilot for FedEx since 1985, said she had paid taxes like anyoneelse for most of her life. But about 10 or 11 years ago, she began toquestion the federal tax system. She began to read court documents, legalopinions and the federal tax code.She said she found what she felt were contradictions. She wanted to knowwhere in the federal tax code it said she was liable for taxes.Kuglin wrote the Internal Revenue Service twice in 1995 with questions butsaid she didn't get a response.Murphy, in closing arguments on Thursday, said Kuglin did have anopportunity to discuss her situation with the IRS, to learn what she owedand what documents she was required to file "and she didn't."Defense attorney Larry Becraft of Huntsville, Ala., said Kuglin decidedmandatory payment of income taxes "did not apply to her."After the verdict Friday, Becraft said the federal tax code is a confusingconglomeration that "at best is a walking due process violation."He said the average American simply doesn't understand the tax code.Juror Barbara Snodgras of Memphis said the jury did not convict because "weall felt that the prosecution didn't prove its case."When asked if she planned to start paying federal income taxes again, Kuglinreplied: "I will pay all the taxes for which I am liable."********If this email is cut short, changingplanet/messagesYou can help us make a difference. Click here for details:http://changingplanet.supremalex.org/help.htmChanging Planet News - Where Ethics, Science and Spirituality BlendCOLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS PROJECT: If this email sparked emotions in you, positive or negative, please pray, meditate, visualize or concentrate on the best possible outcome for Humanity and Earth for AT LEAST 10 seconds. On the web at http://changingplanet.supremalex.org

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