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REMEMBER, you are where you are suppose to be at any given time.






This was posted on another I'm on. I would feel remiss if I didn't post it here on earthchanges too. Peace - AnnaHi everyone,Byron is not usually one to go off on a doom and destruction tangent of thismagnitude, so I am forwarding this to you for your discernment as to what hismessage means to you personally.As for myself, I find it very interesting and a little troubling that I ampresently in Alberta at the very safe location that I chose 2 years ago. Thiswas supposed to be an extended visit with my family in Alberta and then on toOntario for a lengthy visit with my daughter. I had originally planned toleave for Ontario today, but those plans were changed just a few days ago whenshe decided to come to me instead. She will be here on Monday (little skip ofJOY :o) What with the New Moon and Mars being closest to Earth on the same day (27thAugust) and my daughter and I now being committed to staying at this locationat least until mid-September, well, it makes me wonder if this change of planswas divine intervention at work.What I *have* learned is that regardless of what our best-laid plans andintentions are, they will always be at the mercy of whatever the universe hasalready dictated for us.In light of that, please think about what is going on in your life at thistime. Do things also seem to be coming together for you and/or your family atthis time? I am most interested to know if this IS hapening to others and I amnot just reading too much into what is going on in my own life and the lives ofmy family at this time...Now, on to Byron's latest missive. If you wish to correspond with him, I willbe happy to forward any letters to him on your behalf, with your email addressintact so he may respond directly.Namaste'Di_____________________Dr. Byron Weeks Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:07 AMEXPECT A MAJOR CATASTROPHIC EVENT either natural, or staged, or a combinationof both, on or before Labor Day. The sinister Luciferians who are runningeverything and have advance information, will be in their bunker cities waitingit out. When they emerge from the black holes which they have been preparingand stocking for years in eager anticipation of the catastrophe that will catchunawares an ignorant and faithless people, LOOK OUT! Then begins the rapidinstitution of MARTIAL LAW, and the National ID cards and implanted chips inthe right hand or forehead. This is the beginning of the Mark of the Beastgovernment system and the implementation of the Illuminist plans for thedestruction of freedom. Avoid the freeways and main roads. Those who try toescape to their preplanned hiding places, or to go across borders, will befacing road blocks and deadly force, with possible apprehension and beingplaced on helicopters and boxcars for transport to the killing abattoirs andcremation ovens. Expect epidemics and terrorism, blown briges, breaking dams,etc.How to prepare? This will be difficult. Pray to God for guidance. Go inland forat least 300 miles from any coastlines before August 27... Or seek refuge inhigh mountain areas. Get out of the big cities. There will be earthquakes andtidal waves. If you live within 40 miles of a volcano, leave and head for aless volcanic area. Have food and water for at least a week. You may well needweapons for self defense. Sooner or later, Russia and China will start nuclearattacks upon the cities, taking advantage of chaos. Expect U.N. troops tomiraculously appear in the midst of everything. THEY ARE ALREADY HERE. Houseto house searches for guns will begin early. May God be with you all.Dr. Byron Weeks

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