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Raw Food Diet Dangers?

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My brother-in-law and two of his/our friends

have embarked (at about 50 yrs old) on a very

limited, nearly 100% raw food vegan diet, whereby they

ingest NO fats, very little oil, NO animal products,

NO cooked vegetables or grains, NO dairy, and

NO PROTEIN, except in the form of nuts and seeds.


The results have been horrifying. He looks like a

skeleton, or an Aids patient. The photos of Jews released

from the concentration camps look better than he does.

My female friend has yellow feet and hands. She is a

ghastly color, whitish-yellow, and she says it is not

from hepatic overload (my theory) but instead is

concentrated carotenes, not to worry. She is

not as skinny, but is getting there. My other friend has

aged so much in the 1-1/2 yrs of this diet, I almost

did not recognize him!


In the case of my brother-in-law, his mother is

devastated and fears he is dying. He is achieving the

goal of simultaneously freaking out everyone, while

blissfully elevating himself with this self-righteous,

self-destructive regimen he claims is the ultimate

healthy diet, while he is literally wasting away.


How can this be good? BTW, these people are defensive

about the diet to the extent that it is a cult with them -

all they want to talk about, and all day long they are

snacking like rabbits on carrots and fruit, never satisfied.

They treat food as if it is a medication, and their personal

deprivation is almost addictive.And, this method is quite

expensive, it is not due to economy that they choose it.


I sent him these links to a few websites which show the

"other side" of dietary extremism. I doubt he will read them,

because this path is a form of zealotry that will not

accomodate detractors. I don't care, I am very afraid

for him. I am passing this on and I hope it helps someone.

Any stories you might have of "raw-food survivors" or information

that might open some eyes would be appreciated.






check out some of the links - this is the homepage





this one has many articles besides the one on this page


**Try plugging some keywords about raw food diet and

vitamin B12 or EFA or protein deficiency into Google

and see what you come up with yourself.




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I know people like that.  People that take

enemas everyday to clean their colon.   The people I know do not maintain an

explicitly raw food diet, but some will stay away from sugary vegetables and

fruit (because of the thought that they have candida), and will eat mostly raw

foods and seldom cook.  They are very low on energy, consider themselves to be

sick, and must treat themselves this way.

  Two thing you are:

  You are what you eat

  You are what you think. 


My own thought as to the enemas, how could

you have a dirty colon, food compaction, if you are eating correctly?  Daily

enemas destroy the health of the colon.  Your smooth muscle tissue is meant to

move things out, not enemas.  Enemas are emergency.  And daily they destroy the

colon’s ability to cleanse yourself.  These people juice everything,

getting rid of most of the fiber of plants and vegetables, although one of the

things they do eat is “healthy” salads.  They worry about what they

eat.  “WORRY!” They also have no energy to work.  So, some of them

live on governmental subsidy---us taxpayers.  They can do that because they get

SICK, and can’t work because they are so damned “healthy.” 

And there is no speaking about it to them.  They’ve swallowed another

bait—hook, line and sinker. 

  But it is my own thought, that there is

something dreadfully wrong in the person’s spirit and mind that drives a

person to act in this way.  They don’t see your logic because they are

actually operating from a different faith perspective, which will control how

any of us see the “facts.” 

  On the other hand, sometimes when there

is enough contact with reality, eventually some light gets through and they can

make positive changes.  One just hopes that that happens within a context that

permits them to actually become healthy and heal damage.

  Another point to consider is that people

come to all this from all individualized circumstances.  Circumstances that may

have already caused a certain degree of physical changes, mental as well, that

would actually prevent the benefits of a raw food diet.  As for myself, I think

that a raw food diet would be something to do for a short term.  Like fasting. 

But one has to consider that we need to have proteins.  Carbohydrates and fats

as well.  In a body that is constantly moving towards death, one need to have

whole protein.  It takes protein to repair and replace tissue and cells that

have died. Much more difficult to get in raw food, vegetarian diet, from what I

understand about things. 

  The key to everything is balance. 

Moderateness.  But that doesn’t mean that one could moderately drink

poisons.  There are so many various factors that could be causing what appears

to be going wrong.  Organic vegetables?  Clean water?  What was the state of affairs

in their body before they started?  Do they make themselves sick with mental





Lupo [llupowitz]


Monday, August 18, 2003 9:29





Food Diet Dangers?









My brother-in-law and two

of his/our friends



have embarked (at about 50 yrs old)

on a very



limited, nearly 100% raw food vegan

diet, whereby they



ingest NO fats, very little oil, NO

animal products,



NO cooked vegetables or grains, NO

dairy, and



NO PROTEIN, except in the form of

nuts and seeds.






The results have been horrifying. He

looks like a



skeleton, or an Aids patient. The

photos of Jews released



from the concentration camps look

better than he does.



My female friend has yellow feet and

hands. She is a



ghastly color, whitish-yellow, and

she says it is not



from hepatic overload (my

theory) but instead is



concentrated carotenes, not to

worry. She is



not as skinny, but is getting there.

My other friend has



aged so much in the 1-1/2 yrs of

this diet, I almost



did not recognize him!






In the case of my brother-in-law,

his mother is



devastated and fears he is dying. He

is achieving the



goal of simultaneously freaking out

everyone, while



blissfully elevating himself with

this self-righteous,



self-destructive regimen he claims

is the ultimate



healthy diet, while he is literally

wasting away.






How can this be good? BTW, these

people are defensive



about the diet to the extent that it

is a cult with them -



all they want to talk about, and all

day long they are



snacking like rabbits on carrots and

fruit, never satisfied.



They treat food as if it is a

medication, and their personal



deprivation is almost addictive.And,

this method is quite



expensive, it is not due to economy

that they choose it.






I sent him these links to a few

websites which show the



" other side " of dietary

extremism. I doubt he will read them,



because this path is a form of

zealotry that will not



accomodate detractors. I don't care,

I am very afraid



for him. I am passing this on and I

hope it helps someone.



Any stories you might have of

" raw-food survivors " or information



that might open some eyes would be

















check out some of the links - this

is the homepage















this one has many articles besides

the one on this page






**Try plugging some keywords about

raw food diet and



vitamin B12 or EFA or protein

deficiency into Google



and see what you come up with






















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$19.95 For an entire household per month!

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Email: MEM121







Subscribe:......... -


To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




Your use of

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Yep, moderation in everything, even moderation. Isn't this like the hallelujah

diet? I get this newsletter from Chet Day, and very often find articles about

the problems with the raw diet.








in CA.




" Lupo " <llupowitz wrote:




>My brother-in-law and two of his/our friends

>have embarked (at about 50 yrs old) on a very

>limited, nearly 100% raw food vegan diet, whereby they

>ingest NO fats, very little oil, NO animal products,

>NO cooked vegetables or grains, NO dairy, and

>NO PROTEIN, except in the form of nuts and seeds.


>The results have been horrifying. He looks like a

>skeleton, or an Aids patient. The photos of Jews released

>from the concentration camps look better than he does.

>My female friend has yellow feet and hands. She is a

>ghastly color, whitish-yellow, and she says it is not

>from hepatic overload (my theory) but instead is

>concentrated carotenes, not to worry. She is

>not as skinny, but is getting there. My other friend has

>aged so much in the 1-1/2 yrs of this diet, I almost

>did not recognize him!


>In the case of my brother-in-law, his mother is

>devastated and fears he is dying. He is achieving the

>goal of simultaneously freaking out everyone, while

>blissfully elevating himself with this self-righteous,

>self-destructive regimen he claims is the ultimate

>healthy diet, while he is literally wasting away.


>How can this be good? BTW, these people are defensive

>about the diet to the extent that it is a cult with them -

>all they want to talk about, and all day long they are

>snacking like rabbits on carrots and fruit, never satisfied.

>They treat food as if it is a medication, and their personal

>deprivation is almost addictive.And, this method is quite

>expensive, it is not due to economy that they choose it.


>I sent him these links to a few websites which show the

> " other side " of dietary extremism. I doubt he will read them,

>because this path is a form of zealotry that will not

>accomodate detractors. I don't care, I am very afraid

>for him. I am passing this on and I hope  it helps someone.

>Any stories you might have of " raw-food survivors " or information

>that might open some eyes would be appreciated.





>check out some of the links - this is the homepage





>this one has many articles besides the one on this page


>**Try plugging some keywords about raw food diet and

>vitamin B12 or EFA or protein deficiency into Google

>and see what you come up with yourself.





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Actually, it's not moderation that is important. It is balance that is.

A raw food diet is actually healthy if it is balanced in all of the

nutrients that a person needs. And as the persons needs change, so must

the foods in the diet change.


Many people on a raw food diet do them for the sake of everything raw

must be good for you (If some is good, more is better and all is best).

Some even eat raw meat. They are focusing on food being raw, rather than

what their body needs at the time.


Chet Day claims in his long article, that most people on the hallelujah

diet actually cheat and eat meat. If that is true, than how does that

cause protein deficiencies? I would think that the hallelujah diet is

not balanced and the amounts and types of foods and does not change with

the changing needs of the body.


Vegans often focus on not eating animal products strictly for the sake

of not eating animal products. French fries and a diet cola is vegan,

but not very healthy. Vegans who eat balanced diets are usually healthy.

Vegans who don't are not.


Rather than stereotype all of a group as being bad (all vegan is bad,

all raw is bad, all fat is bad, all carbohydrate is bad, etc.), it is

better to recognize that there is some good and some bad in everything.

And everything is constantly changing.


The best plan is to eat to optimize your health. Monitor your health

with the help of medical doctors, nutritionists, TCM, etc. Take

vitamins, minerals, and food supplements, as needed (not forever), to

mitigate the effects deficiencies, not to make up for lack of lifestyle.


I'm sure this post will generate a lot of hate mail.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Yep, moderation in everything, even moderation. Isn't this like the

> hallelujah diet? I get this newsletter from Chet Day, and very often

> find articles about the problems with the raw diet.



> http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-dangers.htm


> http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-baby.htm


> Lynn

> in CA.




> " Lupo " <llupowitz wrote:


> >Hello,

> >

> >My brother-in-law and two of his/our friends

> >have embarked (at about 50 yrs old) on a very

> >limited, nearly 100% raw food vegan diet, whereby they

> >ingest NO fats, very little oil, NO animal products,

> >NO cooked vegetables or grains, NO dairy, and

> >NO PROTEIN, except in the form of nuts and seeds.

> >

> >The results have been horrifying. He looks like a

> >skeleton, or an Aids patient. The photos of Jews released

> >from the concentration camps look better than he does.

> >My female friend has yellow feet and hands. She is a

> >ghastly color, whitish-yellow, and she says it is not

> >from hepatic overload (my theory) but instead is

> >concentrated carotenes, not to worry. She is

> >not as skinny, but is getting there. My other friend has

> >aged so much in the 1-1/2 yrs of this diet, I almost

> >did not recognize him!

> >

> >In the case of my brother-in-law, his mother is

> >devastated and fears he is dying. He is achieving the

> >goal of simultaneously freaking out everyone, while

> >blissfully elevating himself with this self-righteous,

> >self-destructive regimen he claims is the ultimate

> >healthy diet, while he is literally wasting away.

> >

> >How can this be good? BTW, these people are defensive

> >about the diet to the extent that it is a cult with them -

> >all they want to talk about, and all day long they are

> >snacking like rabbits on carrots and fruit, never satisfied.

> >They treat food as if it is a medication, and their personal

> >deprivation is almost addictive.And, this method is quite

> >expensive, it is not due to economy that they choose it.

> >

> >I sent him these links to a few websites which show the

> > " other side " of dietary extremism. I doubt he will read them,

> >because this path is a form of zealotry that will not

> >accomodate detractors. I don't care, I am very afraid

> >for him. I am passing this on and I hope it helps someone.

> >Any stories you might have of " raw-food survivors " or information

> >that might open some eyes would be appreciated.

> >

> >http://www.healers-network.com/Articles/whisnant.html

> >

> >http://www.beyondveg.com/index.shtml

> >check out some of the links - this is the homepage

> >

> >

> >http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-dangers.htm

> >

> >this one has many articles besides the one on this page

> >

> >**Try plugging some keywords about raw food diet and

> >vitamin B12 or EFA or protein deficiency into Google

> >and see what you come up with yourself.

> >

> >Lil

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Thank you Donald.  That is a point that I

was trying to get across.  You did it better.  Balance is indeed the key.  I do

not consider a raw food diet to be bad, if it is a part of an attempt at a

balanced lifestyle, as well as an attempt at better meeting the body’s

needs.  But, as you say, most people who go for what they are participating in

as an end in itself rather than a means to an end---that end being a better

lifestyle that has inherent to it certain values.    So, as a means to an end,

the raw food diet would have to take into account the present health of the

person considering it.  That is where working with professionals (again, not

for the sake of working with professionals but as a means of gaining the

necessary knowledge of how one’s body is presently working or not

working), or, gaining the requisite amount of the correct knowledge oneself, is

a necessity.  If one has the value that the raw food diet is the ultimate value

that he desires to serve, and that it is the ultimate means to maintain one’s

health because of the logic of it, then perhaps he should work towards it

rather than implement it in a body that can’t make use of the enzymes

present in a raw food diet.  In other words, to take stock of the fact that is

everybody is in a different, individualized place as to what they can and can’t

do with their bodies. 





Donald E. Jacobs


Tuesday, August 19, 2003

8:14 AM



Raw Food Diet Dangers?


Actually, it's not moderation that is important. It is

balance that is.

A raw food diet is actually healthy if it is

balanced in all of the

nutrients that a person needs. And as the persons

needs change, so must

the foods in the diet change.


Many people on a raw food diet do them for the

sake of everything raw

must be good for you (If some is good, more is

better and all is best).

Some even eat raw meat. They are focusing on food

being raw, rather than

what their body needs at the time.


Chet Day claims in his long article, that most

people on the hallelujah

diet actually cheat and eat meat. If that is true,

than how does that

cause protein deficiencies? I would think that the

hallelujah diet is

not balanced and the amounts and types of foods

and does not change with

the changing needs of the body.


Vegans often focus on not eating animal products

strictly for the sake

of not eating animal products. French fries and a

diet cola is vegan,

but not very healthy. Vegans who eat balanced

diets are usually healthy.

Vegans who don't are not.


Rather than stereotype all of a group as being bad

(all vegan is bad,

all raw is bad, all fat is bad, all carbohydrate

is bad, etc.), it is

better to recognize that there is some good and

some bad in everything.

And everything is constantly changing.


The best plan is to eat to optimize your health.

Monitor your health

with the help of medical doctors, nutritionists,

TCM, etc. Take

vitamins, minerals, and food supplements, as

needed (not forever), to

mitigate the effects deficiencies, not to make up

for lack of lifestyle.


I'm sure this post will generate a lot of hate



Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Yep, moderation in everything, even

moderation. Isn't this like the

> hallelujah diet? I get this newsletter

from Chet Day, and very often

> find articles about the problems with the raw




> http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-dangers.htm


> http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-baby.htm


> Lynn

> in CA.




> " Lupo "

<llupowitz wrote:


> >Hello,

> >

> >My brother-in-law and two of his/our


> >have embarked (at about 50 yrs old) on a


> >limited, nearly 100% raw food vegan diet,

whereby they

> >ingest NO fats, very little oil, NO

animal products,

> >NO cooked vegetables or grains, NO dairy,


> >NO PROTEIN, except in the form of nuts

and seeds.

> >

> >The results have been horrifying. He

looks like a

> >skeleton, or an Aids patient. The photos

of Jews released

> >from the concentration camps look better

than he does.

> >My female friend has yellow feet and

hands. She is a

> >ghastly color, whitish-yellow, and she

says it is not

> >from hepatic overload (my theory) but

instead is

> >concentrated carotenes, not to worry. She


> >not as skinny, but is getting there. My

other friend has

> >aged so much in the 1-1/2 yrs of this

diet, I almost

> >did not recognize him!

> >

> >In the case of my brother-in-law, his

mother is

> >devastated and fears he is dying. He is

achieving the

> >goal of simultaneously freaking out

everyone, while

> >blissfully elevating himself with this


> >self-destructive regimen he claims is the


> >healthy diet, while he is literally

wasting away.

> >

> >How can this be good? BTW, these people

are defensive

> >about the diet to the extent that it is a

cult with them -

> >all they want to talk about, and all day

long they are

> >snacking like rabbits on carrots and

fruit, never satisfied.

> >They treat food as if it is a medication,

and their personal

> >deprivation is almost addictive.And, this

method is quite

> >expensive, it is not due to economy that

they choose it.

> >

> >I sent him these links to a few websites

which show the

> > " other side " of dietary

extremism. I doubt he will read them,

> >because this path is a form of zealotry

that will not

> >accomodate detractors. I don't care, I am

very afraid

> >for him. I am passing this on and I

hope it helps someone.

> >Any stories you might have of

" raw-food survivors " or information

> >that might open some eyes would be


> >

> >http://www.healers-network.com/Articles/whisnant.html

> >

> >http://www.beyondveg.com/index.shtml

> >check out some of the links - this is the


> >

> >

> >http://www.chetday.com/hallelujah-diet-dangers.htm

> >

> >this one has many articles besides the

one on this page

> >

> >**Try plugging some keywords about raw

food diet and

> >vitamin B12 or EFA or protein deficiency

into Google

> >and see what you come up with yourself.

> >

> >Lil














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$19.95 For an entire household per month!

Immediate Coverage * No Waiting


Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits





Email: MEM121









To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




Your use of

is subject to the

Terms of Service.

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I don't know why you would get any hate mail

in response to this reasonable approach.


I agree that balance is the best approach,

and that suggests omnivorous eating, without

too many empty calories or processed *frankenfood* --


Therein as well is delight and enjoyment, which is the

emotional component of dining, which these

*orthorexia nervosa* neurotics are replacing with

a narrow idea of "purity" - I agree that a "clean" diet

is preferable, of course - but not THAT clean - lol -


I actually enjoy my diet, because I don't place

impossible limits on it, and because I consider

*cooking* as an art form, which would be sorely

missed. Certainly in this hot summer weather,

I cook a great deal less and eat more salads, etc.

but there are seasons to foods and the time for

heavy meals is a natural change that comes with

the colder times, when we are warming our bodies

and our souls with food.


I think if my impression of the raw-foodists were -

gee, they look radiant and wonderful! - I would

have not been so distressed. I think the whole thing

is not so much about diet, per se, as it is about

CONTROL. You can't control much, but you can

(or some can) control what you put in your mouth.


Like someone said - You are what you eat...

and these guys are VEGETABLES






I will follow this with Donald's letter, and

also send another post from the

www.beyondveg.com site


Re: Raw Food Diet Dangers?Actually, it's not moderation that is important. It is balance that is. A raw food diet is actually healthy if it is balanced in all of the nutrients that a person needs. And as the persons needs change, so must the foods in the diet change.Many people on a raw food diet do them for the sake of everything raw must be good for you (If some is good, more is better and all is best). Some even eat raw meat. They are focusing on food being raw, rather than what their body needs at the time.Chet Day claims in his long article, that most people on the hallelujah diet actually cheat and eat meat. If that is true, than how does that cause protein deficiencies? I would think that the hallelujah diet is not balanced and the amounts and types of foods and does not change with the changing needs of the body.Vegans often focus on not eating animal products strictly for the sake of not eating animal products. French fries and a diet cola is vegan, but not very healthy. Vegans who eat balanced diets are usually healthy. Vegans who don't are not.Rather than stereotype all of a group as being bad (all vegan is bad, all raw is bad, all fat is bad, all carbohydrate is bad, etc.), it is better to recognize that there is some good and some bad in everything. And everything is constantly changing.The best plan is to eat to optimize your health. Monitor your health with the help of medical doctors, nutritionists, TCM, etc. Take vitamins, minerals, and food supplements, as needed (not forever), to mitigate the effects deficiencies, not to make up for lack of lifestyle.I'm sure this post will generate a lot of hate mail.-- Donald E. Jacobs

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