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SOTA Instruments Inc. has recently concluded a small trial conducted in conjunction with a medical doctor in Nigeria using the Silver Pulser for blood electrification. It is not a secret that it is very expensive and very difficult to get medical studies done in North America. However, because of the current situation in Africa, where so many people are sick, government regulatory bodies are easing up the requirements and, of course, the cost of doing studies there is not near so costly.SOTA relies on doctors who have been exposed to the Beck Protocol (microcurrents for blood electrification) to approach them about conducting a study.When that happens, a practitioner's heart is in the right place and money is not the primary issue. Whenever the company has approached a researcher to do a study, the costs quoted are prohibitive.MALARIA A Medical Doctor in Nigeria contacted SOTA in 2001 asking if the blood electrification aspect of the Beck Protocol was effective against Malaria. He was informed we didn't know but it could be. We sent him a unit to try on one person who was willing to try it and whose life would not be put into danger by trying it. About two months later we heard back from him-the units had been effective with malaria in 5 out of 6 people.Then we began the long journey (almost eighteen months) of putting together a proper small trial study. The Nigerian government gave us a letter of support. Unfortunately due to cultural differences everything took a lot longer to accomplish. We learned much about patience. In the end, we decided to stop the study prematurely (we were originally hoping to have 60 people included in the trial). When we stopped the trial, 37 people had been enrolled.Stopping prematurely meant that several of them had not finished the protocol or the testing. Another limitation was the fact once people tested negative for malaria, they no longer returned to complete testing and lab work (they were well so why keep returning to the doctor).Of the 37 people, 12 were women and 25 were men. The age range was from 18 to 38. Subjects were either asymptomatic or symptomatic with malaria.We were unable to test the protocol on individual's with resistant malaria cases. The type of malaria was P. Falciparum, known to be the worst strain.Blood Electrification was administered daily for one hour until lab work showed negative for malaria. Each person was to be tested for malaria on days 0, 3,7, 14 and 28.Only 8 people completed all the testing. Of these 7 tested negative for malaria and 1 still tested for malaria.14 people completed the blood electrification and tested negative, but they did not complete all of the lab work subsequent to testing negative.11 people didn't finish the protocol due to the study being stopped. Of these 11, all of their malaria loads were reduced, but not negative.3 people's records weren't complete so we cannot use the details.1 person was removed from the study before beginning because they also had typhoid and due to the parameters of the study they could not be included with the study.An important note is that the majority of people testing negative showed negative between day 3 and day 7 testing. Also, virtually everyone had a significant reduction or elimination of symptoms on day 3.This study is by no means conclusive, however we feel it has given us some good information as to the possible effectiveness of blood electrification as per Bob Beck with malaria. We are very much interested in continuing the research in this area, and are doing our best at finding funds that may be available to us now that we have an indication of the effectiveness.We have other research projects that are in the beginning administrative stages. Once completed we will release the information.Reported by Lesley PuntHealth, Hope, Joy & Healing :May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3John 2Jennifer RubyEmail advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.http://www.rubysemporium.comSymphonicHealthhttp://www.LivingNow.net/rubysemporium4life/24Hr TollFree Transfer Factor Info line 1-866-315-4002 ____________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

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