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Documentary-Loking for Autistic children 3 to 4 yr old-Mercury damaged

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- Arnoldgore

Documentary-Loking for Autistic children 3 to 4 yr old-Mercury damaged

From Billie Gentile via MoMA:Looking For Parents Of 3 or 4 Year Old Autistic Children Who Believe TheirChildren Were Damaged By Mercury"First, thank you all for the responses you have sent so far, and I amfollowing through on some of them. I am still looking for a few other cases.It has occurred to me that my query should be more specific. Therefore, whatI believe would be most appropriate for this documentary is:A child, boy or girl, born AFTER July 1999, when government agencies knewthat thimerosal-containing vaccines were an issue but only "recommended"that manufacturers remove thimerosal. It is important to focus on a childwith no pre-conditions, such as RhoGAM shots prior to birth, problemsassociated with birth process, children born to families with a history ofmedical or neurodevelopment problems, or any other issue that might beblamed for the child's current condition. In other words, it must be clearthat the vaccines were the only culprit that could have caused the problems.For the purposes of this documentary, it is important that the child berecently diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorder, that the parentsbe certain that the vaccines injected into the child did, in fact, stillcontain thimerosal. It is also important that the child still exhibits somesymptoms of autism. In other words, it is fine that the child is receivingtreatment, but it is importa nt than an audience can see what autism lookslike. This means that the child cannot be too far advanced in recovery as aresult of any therapy.Please detail original symptoms, diagnosis, treatment (if any), and currentsymptoms and e-mail to Laura Bono at ldbono or Jo Pike atJPiker.Thank you.Bill GentileOriginal MessageLooking for parents of 3 or 4 year old autistic children who believe their children were damaged by mercury A documentary film maker called me earlier this week. He is a university professor at Kent State and has just accepted a position in D.C. at American University. He has a niece with autism. She is 7. They are realizing now that she is mercury poisoned. He wants to do a documentary about this problem but rather than focus on theolder kids, he wants to focus on the kids that could have been prevented if the government would have acted in a timely manner when they had the information about mercury in vaccines and did nothing about it.(CDC study in Feb. 2000, telling mfrs. in 1999 that they had to stop puttingthimerosal in by March 2001 and not recalling vaccines with mercury, etc.) I think it is a great angle. If you are willing to talk on camera about your child and your beliefs aboutmercury, he wants to talk to you. He would have to come and spend severalhours to a day with you and your family. Don't be shy. Please considertelling your story so the public will know about this tragedy and providethe necessary pressure on the government to do research to CURE ourchildren. The documentary will be a television story that focuses on the Burtoncommittee report, "Mercury in Medicine." He believes the committee'sfindings represent a turning point in the debate about thimerosal and theincidence of autism. In addition to families with young children, he'll also be interviewingexperts across the spectrum, including physicians who are treating andresearching autism, as well as spokespersons for groups spearheading effortsfor reform. He plans on pitching the story to NOW With Bill Moyers, a very serious PBSseries that broadcasts on Friday nights. If Moyers doesn't go for it, he'llpitch the story to another outlet, possibly Nightline. The film maker wants hopes to get the story done as quickly as possible, sothat it can be aired as soon as possible. This documentary - by an experienced film maker-could be wonderful for theentire autism movement. It could help us get the word out even more thatthis devastating disorder could be have been prevented in ALL children butespecially the young ones if the government had admitted their failures andrecalled the vaccines. Contact me at ldbono @ nc.rr.com. In addition to your email address, give meyour phone number so I'll know how to contact you, and the age of yourchild. Thank you! Laura BonoJo PikeMoMA, Moms On A Mission For Autism www.momsonamissionforautism.org A ChapterOf The Autism Autoimmunity Project www.autismautoimmunityproject.org AutismOne www.autismone.org Facts For Media www.factsformedia.comBut this is what the LORD says: "Yes, captives will be taken from warriors,and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contendwith you, and your children I will save." (Isaiah 49:25, NIV)Sandy Mintzhttp://www.vaccinationnews.com http://www.vaccinationnews.com/Scandals/past_scandals.htm "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." - Wendell Phillips (1811-1884),paraphrasing John Philpot Curran (1808) http://www.909shot.com http://www.redflagsweekly.comALL INFORMATION, DATA, AND MATERIAL CONTAINED, PRESENTED, OR PROVIDED HEREIS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED ASREFLECTING THE KNOWLEDGE OR OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHER, AND IS NOT TO BECONSTRUED OR INTENDED AS PROVIDING MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISIONWHETHER OR NOT TO VACCINATE IS AN IMPORTANT AND COMPLEX ISSUE AND SHOULD BEMADE BY YOU, AND YOU ALONE, IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.IN ADDITION, THE FACT THAT THIS EMAIL HAS BEEN FORWARDED IN NO WAYNECESSARILY IMPLIES ENDORSEMENT OF THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE AUTHOR ORAUTHORS OF THE ARTICLE OR EMAIL.

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