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Liquid vitamins - absorption vs. pills

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I found the famous Liquid Vitamins article on

numerous websites, used to explain the

superior absorption rates of various liquid

supplements. Check the URLs below for

various ways this article by David Friedman,

which appeared in Chiropractic Economics,

has been excerpted and used in marketing.

I have no connection to these websites, BTW...









furthermore -

I have used, and still purchase Body Balance

and Osteoprocare from Light Force products.

The company produces a very high quality

line of great products. The prices are not all that

expensive, either, when I compare with similar

formulas sold in vitamin stores.


The website I "sent" that promised ten thousand

dollars a month was the opener for New Century

Life, and I could not find an accessible link for the actual

information on the product, Body Complete, but

I have been involved with this product and its

"m-word" program, and while the hype is as-per-usual,

the product is great. My success with this marketing

is the first ever, for me, after 20 yrs in MLMs - why?--

because I don't have to build or advertise the company,

it is a web-based network, and now I receive my

4 bottles a month of this superior aloe-vera based

nutritional drink, free of charge. I am not making the

promised millions, but at least I am happy with the

trade-off, while the "business" grows under me.






Write me at lupo if you want

more information on Body Complete or New

Century Life.

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Many of the mlm type companies have many

good products. That depends upon one’s own perspective. Supplements

over against whole foods, etc.etc.

But the companies doing the research to

develop their various products, or to come up with a slant on an older product,

pick network marketing as a particular marketing method because it “can”

succeed fairly quickly with little cost in advertising, which is a large

expense in today’s commercial world. That cost becomes involved in the distributors

efforts to successfully market.

And while each of the companies may have

a very good product, most of the people who involve themselves with network

marketing do so because of the “opportunity” that they have become

convinced that they can work and achieve more, or at least additional, income

than jobs. They may use some of the products, but their main interest is often

the money. And that gets the company’s product out there.

So, most of the network marketing

companies have replicating websites that talk about the money on the front

page. And is left “searching” sometimes, for the products that

they have heard about.

This is not to say that nobody exists

who decides to try a product and “Hey, it works.” I will tell all

my friends and associates about it.” And then they would sign up for the

opportunity to make money as well. Their purpose would be divided They are

interested in health, want to show others what worked for them, or at least

what they judged what worked for them,. and also have the desire to make some

extra bucks. All of which is fine.

But, perhaps, for the purposes of the h

& h here, and moderators can correct me if I need to be, I think that it

would be better to know why said product worked in your body, and post the

information so that it would be available to all. I participate in a company

that has bromelain in many of the products. But, even before I got involved

with them for another reason, I knew about bromelain and its use as a digestive

enzyme as well as for an anti-inflammatory. I’ve posted stuff about how

it works, etc.

I’ve seen similar posts about

other things here. And it is the sharing of the information about what and how

things work that I would judge is the most appreciated here, rather than the

posting of information that is on another website on which the first thing that

one is confronted with is the 10,000 bucks a month thing, or whatever semblance

to that one would be confronted with.

I don’t know whether or not if

somebody posted information as to what and why something worked for them, and

then if need be somebody wrote back as to where they could get such and such a

product, then perhaps something could be posted. Or even, look at the headers

and contact the individual privately rather than on the board, if requested.

That gets around the negativity that surrounds what can be construed as “commercial


I suppose that even with the signatures,

if need be, just to use an example, if Donald practiced Reiki in my area, I

would look him up and give him my business. Arrangements could be made by

contacting privately.

Sometimes, commercial links can be

posted in the links, or the file area of the particular as well.

Don’t know what the policy is for that here. There are commercial links

there. As well as non-commercial. As far as I remember anyways.







Thursday, August 28, 2003

8:48 AM




Liquid vitamins - absorption vs. pills



I found the famous Liquid Vitamins

article on



numerous websites, used to explain




superior absorption rates of various




supplements. Check the URLs below




various ways this article by David




which appeared in Chiropractic




has been excerpted and used in




I have no connection to these

websites, BTW...


























furthermore -



I have used, and still purchase Body




and Osteoprocare from Light Force




The company produces a very high




line of great products. The prices

are not all that



expensive, either, when I compare

with similar



formulas sold in vitamin stores.






The website I " sent " that

promised ten thousand



dollars a month was the opener for

New Century



Life, and I could not find an

accessible link for the actual



information on the product, Body

Complete, but



I have been involved with this

product and its



" m-word " program, and

while the hype is as-per-usual,



the product is great. My success

with this marketing



is the first ever, for me, after 20

yrs in MLMs - why?--



because I don't have to build or

advertise the company,



it is a web-based network, and now I

receive my



4 bottles a month of this superior

aloe-vera based



nutritional drink, free of charge. I

am not making the



promised millions, but at least I am

happy with the



trade-off, while the

" business " grows under me.
















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All three of those web sites are promoting products. I do not consider

that to be unbiased source medical or nutritional information. It's like

asking the tobacco companies if cigarettes are bad for your health.


Body balance is highly absorbable because of the BIOAVAILABILITY of the

ingredients, not because it is liquid. Being liquid, the RATE of

absorption may increase, not the AMOUNT absorbed. Go read the spec

sheet for Body Balance on Life Force International's web site, it says

it there in PRINT.


It was unsubstantiated claims, like being liquid makes it 98%

absorbable, that got Seasilver in trouble with the FTC.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> I found the famous Liquid Vitamins article on

> numerous websites, used to explain the

> superior absorption rates of various liquid

> supplements. Check the URLs below for

> various ways this article by David Friedman,

> which appeared in Chiropractic Economics,

> has been excerpted and used in marketing.

> I have no connection to these websites, BTW...


> http://liquid-vitamins.info/


> http://www.hopeforcancer.com/liquid_vitamins.htm


> http://www.healthyforgood.com/article1.htm


> furthermore -

> I have used, and still purchase Body Balance

> and Osteoprocare from Light Force products.

> The company produces a very high quality

> line of great products. The prices are not all that

> expensive, either, when I compare with similar

> formulas sold in vitamin stores.


> The website I " sent " that promised ten thousand

> dollars a month was the opener for New Century

> Life, and I could not find an accessible link for the actual

> information on the product, Body Complete, but

> I have been involved with this product and its

> " m-word " program, and while the hype is as-per-usual,

> the product is great. My success with this marketing

> is the first ever, for me, after 20 yrs in MLMs - why?--

> because I don't have to build or advertise the company,

> it is a web-based network, and now I receive my

> 4 bottles a month of this superior aloe-vera based

> nutritional drink, free of charge. I am not making the

> promised millions, but at least I am happy with the

> trade-off, while the " business " grows under me.




> Lil


> Write me at lupo <lupo if you want

> more information on Body Complete or New

> Century Life.

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While that is true, it is also true that MLM products tend to be way overpriced,

especially if you do not become a marketer.


>Many of the mlm type companies have many good products. That depends upon

one's own perspective. Supplements over against whole foods, etc.etc.



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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> While that is true, it is also true that MLM products tend to be way

> overpriced, especially if you do not become a marketer.


> >Many of the mlm type companies have many good products. That

> >depends upon one's own perspective. Supplements over against whole

> >foods, etc.etc.


While that is true, there are of course exceptions. Big Pharmacy

has control of Immunocal in Germany and a couple of other

countries, and they charge TWICE the US retail price. And in the

USA few people pay retail; by getting it from Immunotec you get 40%



Might be something to do with a combination of resource extraction

plus keeping the cost prohibitively high in order that people can

stay sick, who knows?


Duncan Crow (not an Immunocal distributor)

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