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Cheap and effective TOOTHPASTE ...

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For the last few years I have successfully used a homemade concoction

that is so cheap, so effective, so easy to make, as to almost qualify

for " Believe it or not " .


Take a spoon, add a dab of baking soda, enough drops of Colloidal

Silver (you do use CS don't you?) to make a paste, add a single drop

of Oil of Oregano, and sprinkle sea salt to your liking. Try it. You

teeth and you dentist will like it. Only problem is you can not make

it up in quantity and store it.


Uncleben ..

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reply-- my dentist suggests that I keep handy, near the tooth

brushes, a small dish of the celtic sea salt, and just wet the tooth

brush, dip it into the salt, and forget all the

other " flavorings " ... the coarse salt is great for the gums as well as

the teeth. why bother with all the other expense ?? My teeth are 83

years old, and gums, ditto.










At 05:46 PM 8/29/03 +0000, you wrote:

>For the last few years I have successfully used a homemade concoction

>that is so cheap, so effective, so easy to make, as to almost qualify

>for " Believe it or not " .


>Take a spoon, add a dab of baking soda, enough drops of Colloidal

>Silver (you do use CS don't you?) to make a paste, add a single drop

>of Oil of Oregano, and sprinkle sea salt to your liking. Try it. You

>teeth and you dentist will like it. Only problem is you can not make

>it up in quantity and store it.


>Uncleben ..











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