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Gulf War Syndrome (Planetnews) PART 1/2

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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@PLANETNEWS broadcast...Gulf War SyndromeBiological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members, andCorporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary Population A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley in Houston, Texas on January 15, 1996 Transcript by Leading Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington 98597With Editorial Commentary by Val Valerian World Wide Web Site: <A HREF="http://www.trufax.org/">http://www.trufax.org</A> Introduction (Applause) Thank you so very much. I am Joyce Riley, and I am here because I love my God and I love my country, and I love my fellow man. We are going to hear a story tonight that unfortunately is the saddest story, not only of the 20th century, but of America's history. You are going to hear about the destruction of the United States military. I am sorry to have to bring you this story. I wish it wasn't true. I wish that I could protect you from what you are going to hear tonight, because it has taken me a year to investigate this story. During that time, I went through the worst depression you can imagine. I finally came to the conclusion one day that - yes, our country had provided the biologicals to Saddam Hussein that were used on our troops. Our troops are sick and they are dying. My story started in 1991, when I decided to go back to the Air Force Reserve. I had been stationed in the late 1970's in New York State, and I had been involved as a flight nurse in the Air Force. I got out and was living my life, but then I heard that there was a war and that many of our men were going to die if they didn't have adequate care, and that they needed trained flight nurses. So, I decided to back into the service of my country. I went back to Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio and I volunteered to go to Saudi Arabia. As it was, I didn't go to Saudi Arabia because the cease-fire came, so I served active duty missions on a C-130 aircraft for about six months. After that, I returned back to Houston to my job, where I was a heart, lung, kidney and liver transplant nurse in Houston, Texas. I became very ill and I could get no answers. I didn't know why I was sick. No one would talk with me about it. No one would help me with it, and I had to find out the answers myself, alone. The Problem So, I began the investigation myself to answer the question of why I was sick. I didn't even go to the Persian Gulf. They call it the Persian Gulf disease and the Persian Gulf Registry. They do that for a reason, because then they can exclude all of us who are sick who didn't go to the Persian Gulf. Well, I didn't go and I was still sick, and I wanted to know why. The only thing I had in common with those who did go is that I had received the immunizations and that I had a lot of contact with Gulf War veterans who were returning back to the states, and with other members of our unit. Little did we know at the time that the biologicals that were used were impregnated in the equipment they had, such as tents and duffle bags. It was being spread to all of us and we didn't even know it. We were being told a lie. America, I am sorry to tell you that we have been told one of the biggest lies this country has ever perpetrated upon us. They are telling us there is no Gulf War disease. They are telling us biologicals were not used. They are not even telling you that between 10,000 to 12,000 Gulf war vets have already died. I began my investigation and I went into depression the day I realized we had been lied to. I had been involved with President Bush and with the White House, because I had been involved in organ transplantation. I wrote a letter and called the White House and invited him to come to Houston with Dr. Cooley to sign an organ donor card. He and Barbara did accept the invitation, and I met with them, and they signed an organ donor card. President Bush told me at the time that "I appreciate what you are doing. If this had been available years ago, perhaps my daughter Robin might not have died." He told me that. Well, little did I know that during that same time they were making the poisons that were going to eventually kill us. At the end of the program, I am going to play an open letter I wrote to President Bush. He lives in Houston, as do all of the players in what you are about to hear tonight. They all reside in Houston. I do believe that the Lord gave me this story to tell, because a nurse from Houston,Texas just doesn't "come across" this information -- that biological warfare has been perpetrated on the American people. I knew when I heard the story that I had to move on it. I had to let Americans know. I would not be quiet, because, you see, I knew that the government was actively covering it up. What I am going to show you tonight is not opinion. It is not conjecture. It is proof. I am going to show you documentation on the overhead projector -- the evidence to support what I am saying to you. The basic fact is that biological agents were used on our troops. Chemical agents were used on our troops. Germ warfare was used on our troops -- using biologicals that were made in the United States of America. It was made in Houston, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida. It was passed through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and through companies such as American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in Maryland. It was passed to Saddam Hussein -- sold to Saddam Hussein, as late as 1989. Just prior to the war. The American government was involved in the provision of biological warfare (components) to Saddam Hussein. They knew exactly what they were doing. Our troops did not know what to expect, nor were they protected. We later found out that we had no adequate biological/chemical detection capability. The lies are going on and on. I released the story on my radio show on May 4, 1995 with Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson. We had security in the studio because I had made the mistake of sending out some news releases in advance. I was afraid that we would be stopped from doing the program. We had someone there to argue a temporary restraining order, if necessary. But, we didn't need it. Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson named names, places and times. The sad part is that it is real. When I heard them naming names and places, I thought "oh, my word. I'm going to have ten lawyers on my door tomorrow." No one showed up. No one has come to me and said, "you shouldn't be saying this". The reason being that they don't want to fight me in court. They know its true. So, what I am going to show you tonight is absolute evidence of the saddest story in American history. A Letter I am going to start with a letter written to me from a young man in Wichita, Kansas. It begins, "please forgive me for not writing sooner. I have been out of town on the job. My only hope is to reach other vets and the public to let them know it is true and many of us are dying from this illness. I will not give up until we are recognized and taken care of by our government, who continues to blackball us on this endless journey." That is one Gulf War veteran who understands, and I have received so many phone calls it has been impossible to return them. At our unit at Kelly Air Force base, we were very spirited, with a mission to fulfill. We were going to take care of that mission. Well, unfortunately, it was not the way it was. Let's go back in time and look at a little history. I am going to show you a lot of information that is incredibly important. You must understand that America has been doing this for a long period of time. It has been experimenting on both civilians and military members. 1970 Vaccine "Safety" Tests at the University of Maryland (Slide Shown) This is a 1970 article that appeared in a newspaper in Maryland (reads article): "Research volunteers. Volunteers needed for 30 day in-patient vaccine safety tests. Very pleasant environment. Pay $20 per day. Call the University of Maryland." One lady did call that number and was involved in those tests. She is very ill today. They experimented on her. That was not the first time that experimentation was done. (Slide Shown) This is another article that appeared: "University of Maryland may have tested drugs for the CIA." How many of you are familiar with MKULTRA. It involved the experimental use of LSD on the public without their knowledge. I'll read a little more of this article. "The Central Intelligence Agency has notified the University of Maryland that the school may have been involved in so-called mind-bending tests and drug experiments sponsored by the agency between 1953 and 1964. The University is about one of eighty institutions that conducted experiments under a program code-named MKULTRA." It goes on to identify where the tests were done, and states that they are now going to protect all the researchers involved with the program. They want to provide the researchers with confidentiality. However, those that were experimented upon do not even know they were involved in a test. "Critics disclose that human subjects did not know what they were getting either before or after the tests, and both the Army and the institutions involved said they did not follow up on the personnel." Now, I want you to notice here that the people involved in this were 44 colleges, 15 research foundations or chemical companies, 12 hospitals and three prisons. Now, we are going to go into prisons in just a few minutes as far as how it was tested on the prisoners. 1970 Appropriation of Money to Create Human Immune Deficiency Virus (Slide Shown) Another document that I want you to remember as long as you live is this. This document appeared on my fax machine. I believe it to be the origin of the appropriation of the money to make the AIDS virus [Editor note: See Matrix III Volume One]. This is the appropriations hearing for 1970 for the Department of Defense. It is House Bill 15090. I want you to see that the Department of Defense appropriated $10 million in 1970 to make a synthetic biological agent. Ask yourself why the Department of Defense needs this kind of agent. There are two things about the field of biological agents I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. It says that "we believe that within a period of five to ten years, it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired." What does that sound like to you? It goes on down here to say, "within the next five to ten years, it would probably be possible to make a new ineffective microorganism which could be different in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organism. Most importantly, it might be damaging to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." Basically this says it will destroy the immune system. This was appropriated in 1970. In 1975 the first recorded "AIDS" related death occurred. Perfect timing. It goes on to say, "a research program to explore feasibility could be completed in approximately five years at a cost of $10 million." Now, look at this part down here, which says, "it is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken, lest it lead to yet another method of mass killing of large populations." That is in your government documentation. Now, getting involved with killing of large numbers of people is not what a government is for. I want you to get this document. Get this House Bill. What the Government and Media Say About Gulf War Syndrome What is the U.S. Government saying about the Gulf War? This is an 1996 article from Time Magazine that says, "No Gas Used Against the Troops." What is the government propaganda saying? They are saying that "there is no scientific or medical evidence that chemical or biological weapons were deployed at any level against us." That is an absolute lie. I will show you proof that they knew that chemical and biological agents were used. After my radio show, an article came out in the Houston Chronicle which said, "Gulf War Syndrome Doesn't Exist". Now, here we have a documented number of Gulf War veterans that have already died, and they come out and say there is no Gulf War illness. There is something really wrong. Now, you didn't hear much about the Gulf War illness for about four years, until the Nicholsons went forward with this information. Here is another article from the Washington Times , "Pentagon Says There Is No Gulf War Disease." That article also came out shortly after we went on the air. The Los Angeles Times, "Government Study of Veterans Finds No Evidence of Gulf War Disease." Now, let's look at the documentation from the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board, which is nothing but cover-up information. They are not telling the veterans the truth. They told us that they contacted every one of us to see if we were sick. No one contacted us. I have not heard of any person being contacted. But, look at this. A million men and women went to the Gulf. That's a large number of people. Why do we need to go over there in the first place? What were we doing over there? I am not sure. What Was Really Behind the Gulf War: Malthusian Population Reduction [Editor Note: The reason for the Gulf War, upon analysis, was threefold. It was to infect the U.S. military and subsequently the U.S. and world population, and secondly to reacquire Kuwait oil fields, which are owned by a well-known family in London, and thirdly to test weaponry on Iraq, to whom factions sold weapons to be used against our own troops. Part of the cover-up involved with Gulf War syndrome is also meant to conceal the fact that President Bush and other members of his administration held stock in some of the biotech companies that produced the biological weapons used against U.S. troops and shipped to Iraq. Another part of the cover-up involves conventional arms, specifically a company known as U.S. Arms, who sold Iraq conventional weapons to be used against U.S. troops. Former Secretary of Agriculture Ron Brown, who was in the aircraft that was blown up in Bosnia, was on the board of Directors of U.S. Arms. Four individuals on the plane were to testify in an upcoming hearing. Traces of thermite, denoting explosives, were found on the bodies. Thirty-seven people were murdered. President Clinton recently claimed Executive Privilege as a reason for not disclosing certain documents to Congress relating to arms shipments to Iraq. Do you understand, yet? Other reasons for securing the area involved control of vital earth grid points in Southern Iraq. Interestingly, there are also large underground facilities in the Middle East, some of them of rather ancient, and alien, origin, which still today contain high-tech equipment]. 50% of Gulf War Veterans Are No Longer in the Service - More Than 10,000 Are Dead A million Gulf War vets went, and a million of them have the potential of being sick. I will tell you a little bit why later. By their own admission, some 697,000 active duty service members and some 180,000 national guard went to the Gulf. What they say now is that 489,000 of them have since separated from the military. Now, ask yourself why in an all-volunteer force, after a war, would 50% of the individuals involved get out of the military? It is not a statistic that even makes sense. One out every two have gotten out of the military since Desert Storm? I wonder why. Possibly because they had to, because they were sick and were forced out. This is another figure that scares me. To date, the VA reports that more than 489,400 Gulf War veterans have received medical care in VA facilities. One out of every two. Ask yourself why. You don't go to the VA unless you have no where else to go. Here is another item that was faxed to me from the VA. You see here that by their own admission they say that 5,729 Gulf War veterans have died since the war. We know the figure is now between 10,000 to 12,000. Clinton-appointed Chairman of Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense Lie in 1994 About Presence of Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Gulf This is an item that came out from Chief of Staff Shalikashvilli and Secretary William Perry. This letter came out May 24, 1994. It says, "There have been reports in the press of the possibility that some of you were exposed to biological weapons agents. There is no information, classified or unclassified, that indicates that chemical or biological weapons were used in the Persian Gulf. There have also been reports that some veterans believe there are restrictions on what they can say about potential exposures. Anybody attached to CBW units needs to know that they are free to speak now. You should not feel constrained to discuss these issues." The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense say there were no chemical or biological weapons used. In fact, there is plenty of evidence. It has already been presented on the floor of the Senate, and I am going to show it to you. [ Editor Note: Here she is referring to the Reigle Report. We might also remind you that the father of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was in the Nazi SS ]. Active Duty Military Intimidated Into Silence I was approached at one point in time by someone who lead me to Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson, who are heroes in my mind. They are both Ph.D. scientists at the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center. Their daughter was in the 101st Airborne that did deep insertions into Iraq. Many of the 101st Airborne have called me and many of them are sick. The 82nd Airborne is sick. Men and women at Fort Hood, Texas are sick. Camp Pendleton. Camp LeJeune. Fort Riley is really sick right now. These people are not allowed to talk about this in the military. They are not allowed to tell people about the Gulf War Illness. They are not allowed to admit to it. I have even visited Gulf War vets at Brook Army Medical Hospital, and they are not even allowed to talk about it. I took some Gulf War information over there and the patients had to hide it so the doctors would not see it. So, the Nicholson's daughter came back from Iraq sick. She gave the disease to the family - to Garth and Nancy, who live in Houston, and also to the family cat. The cat died. Before the cat died, they tested all of their blood. They found that they were positive for something called Mycoplasma Incognitas, which is the chief biological agent we find to be responsible for a lot of the illness of the veterans. Mycoplasma Incognitas I will explain this to you by saying that Mycoplasma Incognitas is between the size of a bacteria and a virus. It travels through a population, and as long as your immune system is all right it will not affect you. But, according to the Nicholson's, who are both Ph.D. cellular biologists, they found that the scientists who were involved in this horrible plot inserted 40% of the HIV envelope gene into the Mycoplasma. What this means is that it doesn't give you HIV, but it gives you the symptoms. So, they found this and realized that they had a germ warfare agent on their hands. It is the first biological agent identified. There have been others. U.S. Government Refuses to Dispense Known Treatment to Affected People The Nicholson's went to the laboratory to discover how to treat this. They found that an antibiotic called Doxycycline was the most effective. The United States military will not allow military members under their control to have Doxycycline or VA hospitals to dispense Doxycycline. They are simply not allowed to have it. I got a call from a Special Forces commander who had been retired for one year. He said: "I have had it. I came home. I served my country. I got my blood sent to Dr. Nicholson for free testing and got my prescription for Doxycycline. I went to have it filled and not only did that take away my military ID card, but they would not allow me to have the Doxycycline to save my life." You see, the disease is contagious, and now the wives and children are getting it. It is going to affect you in the general population. That is why it is so important to understand how serious this is. It is not just the United States. It is a worldwide program. There were 28 countries that served with the United States in Iraq. All 28 countries now report that their men and women are also sick. But Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson revealed that a Houston company was involved in the manufacture of a biological weapon that was sold to Iraq and was used on American soldiers in the Gulf War. Since we came out with the names of these companies, there have been lawsuits filed against those corporations. Symptoms of the Syndrome These are the symptoms of the syndrome. You may look at this and it may not seem very significant to you, so if you look at aching joints and go to your doctor and say "I have aching joints" or you say "I have chronic fatigue ", or you say "I don't have the memory I used to", they will not say anything. When I am talking about memory loss, I am talking about the kind where you have to wear a beeper so your family can find you. One young man told me, "I can only remember today. I can't remember what happened yesterday." He was 27 years old. We are talking about a problem known as night sweats. Any Gulf War veteran who has the Mycoplasma knows about night sweats. You have to change your linens twice a night. The muscle spasms get so bad that you can't stand it and people scream in pain. There is also loss of eyesight, breathing problems, and chest pains because the Mycoplasma settles in the atrium of the heart. All of these are problems that become worse. The problem is that the government is telling the people of the United States "there is no Gulf War Illness". The doctors in this country think there is no Gulf War Illness. So, when people come in and complain about the symptoms , they are turned aside and told that the problem is psychological in nature. Deformed Children Caused by U.S. Corporate Genocide Now, you are not being told about the babies that are being born deformed. There is a Gulf War Baby Foundation formed to register babies who have contracted the syndrome. There are so many that are being born deformed. You are not being told about this. Dan Rather doesn't tell you about it, does he? No. And so, you think that if it isn't on the nightly news it must not be true, right? If a tree falls in the forest and Dan Rather doesn't cover it, does it still make a noise? Think about it. Gulf War babies are severely deformed. In fact, according to Nation Magazine,"studies have shown that 67% of babies born to Gulf War veterans are deformed. What have they done to our future generations? What have they done to their DNA? There was an article that appeared in Life Magazine in November 1995 featuring a man in the 82nd Airborne at Fort Brag, North Carolina. This young man has a child with no arms and no legs. I know of a nurse in San Antonio who knows of 50 children like this. When our soldiers risked their lives in the Gulf, they never imagined that their children would face these consequences or that their country would turn its back on them. You are hearing what perhaps 1% of the country knows today. It will take your help to get this story out. There is no way these parents can afford to take care of these children. (Shows pictures of children). The Reigle Reports and Congressional Knowledge About the Problem Covered Up This is something that the government is trying to keep you from knowing about. The Reigle report is evidence that biological and chemical weapons were used on our troops. It was presented to the United States Senate, but it has been withheld from you. They don't want you to see it. A news release went out that Senator Reigle from Michigan was a brave man for doing this. He is no longer in the Senate. He had to pay for the report to be done. The Feb 1994 news release said, "Reigle Uncovers U.S. Shipment of Biological Warfare Materials to Iraq Prior to Gulf War". The release went on to say, "there is evidence of transmission to family members. I am deeply troubled that the United States permitted the sale of deadly biological agents to a country with a known biological warfare program." There is no blood ban stopping Gulf War veterans from donating blood to the general blood supply that the general population uses. Reigle also sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Perry on Feb 9, 1994 and talked about the exposure of Gulf War veterans and the transmission of the disease to spouses and children. He found out that we had been exporting these biological substances through ATCC. This information is known to every Senator that was in office in 1994. Why aren't they doing something about it. Why weren't you told about it? Reigle also said to Secretary Perry, "without proper treatment and testing, their condition will worsen. They cannot wait. Many are now destitute, with their savings spent on medical care not provided by the government. According to Senator Reigle, "the Department of Defense refuses to acknowledge any part of the problem. Their blanket denials are not credible. To my mind, there is no more serious crime than an official military cover-up of facts that could prevent more effective diagnosis and treatment of sick U.S. veterans. It is an astonishing example that the Defense Department is going to deny reality." The Veterans Administration is not treating Gulf War veterans, but only monitoring their blood to see how well the biological warfare agents worked. They are not treating the Gulf War veterans. (Here she details the bacteriological substance shipped. See attachment from the Reigle Report at the end of this transcript). Proof of Chemical Weapon Use from the Schwartzkoff NBC Log (Slide Shown) Here is how we know the biologicals were used. What I am showing you was once a classified document. It is part of the Chemical-Biological log that belonged to General Norman Schwartzkoff in CENTCOM. He was responsible for central command. The NBC log is sort of a roadmap of the war and what transpired. You can see here that it says, "Colonel Dunn has confirmed that the soldiers of the 3rd AD have blisters, characteristic of mustard chemical agent, on upper and lower arms." Remember the official statement? "No Biological or Chemical Weapons Used". The log continues, "ARCENT advised that casualty happened on afternoon of 28 Feb, a reddening of the skin and small blisters." I want you to know that I talked to several of the MEDIVAC flight nurses who accompanied the troops out of the theater of operations, and they told me that many of the men had no skin on them, that their skin was falling off. Evidence of a chemical burn. So, this is known information. Some of the autopsies done at Dover, Delaware found that some of the deaths were due to chemical poisoning. Schwartzkoff's NBC log continues, "Msgt Blue called. Commanders Guidance for Disposition of captured chemical and biological munitions." They had captured them and they knew they existed. Continuing, "field destruction is OK, but bulk destruction may have international implications." I have a number of these pages that were released under a FOIA request, and there are about 100 pages that were released to the Gulf War Veterans of Georgia. My hat is off to all the Gulf War Veterans that have been trying to take this message to the public for the last four years. (Slide Shown) Anybody who was in Desert Storm knows what these are. The little "PB" pills which are a pre-treatment pill for a nerve agent. In other words, if you were going to be affected by a nerve agent such as Soman, you would take this pill in advance and it was supposed to help you. However, you should never take this unless you actually are affected, because it builds up in the body and it creates many problems. International Media Comes to the U.S. to Investigate (Slide Shown) This is an article that came out of the Sunday Times in London. The BBC has been over here investigating this quite heavily because they have so many people in England that are sick from all of this. The Italian equivalent to "60 Minutes" has been over here filming on the subject, because the Italian soldiers are sick also. It's country after country. U.S. Companies Sold Iraq New Genocidal Anthrax Toxin This is why I am scared about what is going on with the biological warfare. It hasn't stopped, because Saddam Hussein still has these things. Reading the Sunday Times article, we see that "Russia has developed a powerful new poison with no antidote that could be used in biological weapons. It is a variation of the anthrax toxin that causes death within days. It has been genetically engineered to make it resistant to antibiotics. The toxin is so powerful that a tiny amount that would fit on a pinhead would theoretically kill 500,000 people." Can you imagine what that would do to the WATER SUPPLY? Saddam Hussein had thousands of pounds of this substance that was given to him by United States companies.

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