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Cats & Vegetables ..

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Hold the Salad - Bring Your Kitty Some Meat


As popular as vegetarian diets have become for us humans, they're

extremely dangerous for our felines. A cat, a natural carnivore, who

eats a veggie only diet will go blind from a lack of an important

amino acid, called taurine, found only in animal flesh. Humans and

some other animals can manufacture their own supply of this essential

product, but cats cannot. They need to eat animal protein for their

optimal well-being.


So, what about fish? While fish oil is a good source for vitamin A, it

is only good in moderation, since a cat's system is so much different

from that of a human or other animals. Humans and dogs can convert the

beta carotene from vegetables, like carrots, to vitamin A, but cats

cannot. They need to eat animal tissue to get this vitamin that is

essential for eyesight.


The best source of vitamin A for your cat is found in an animals liver

and kidneys. Cats also need to get arachidonic fatty acid from animal

sources since they cannot manufacture this essential nutrient

themselves. A vegetable only diet would deprive them of this important

fatty acid and will result in difficulty with blood clotting, new cell

production, and reproduction. Cats need to replenish their protein

supply on a daily basis, so be generous with the meat and good

protein sources while holding off on the veggies.


Some cats do actually like a variety of vegetables, and you can offer

it as a " side " or " treat " along with their regular dry or canned main

meals. You don't need to go out and buy a side of beef. Just be sure

your little carnivore gets her daily animal protein. The main thing to

keep in mind is - if you feed your kitty only vegetables, she will

become sick very quickly and die an extremely painful death. Heaven

knows we don't want to be responsible for anything like that!





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