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Dark Side of Celluar Phone / Tower Use The New World Order

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Towers Of Power I I


Recently received an e-mail from Robert I. Macdonell. In it he recalls having read a paperback book dealing with various CIA activities some 30 or more years ago.


He says: "One of the stories had to do with radio transmission experiments. It was said a transmitting unit with generator was placed on a duce-and-a-half and backed into the square of an Irish town where rioting was taking place. The story went on to say that about half of the rioters fell down in convulsion. Robert continued: "Another article I read more recently stated that when wireless first started on a large scale naturalists noticed a rash of birds pushing their young and/or eggs out of their nests. "I forgot where I had seen or heard information which indicated the cell towers now in place have a dual purpose: in time of emergency; a certain frequency would be broadcast in the area of the local population requiring incapacitation," he added. The latter is an intriguing thought and one, I know, some people to. So, what of these transmission towers and can they generate sufficient concentrated energy and at the correct frequencies to influence the thought processes of people? With a population of around 60 million and a relatively tiny island like Great Britain it seemed a good place to start researching. The low-powered cellphone network is already well-established and a mobile phone there is a commoditity as cheap and as common as french fries. So popular have they become that the main telecomms supplier, BT, just announced it is gradually withdrawing its network of telephone boxes from high streets around the UK. It cites a huge downturn in use and revenue as the reason for this decision but it could be argued that a choice in communicating relatively anonymously via landline will be extinguished. The proliferation of transmitter masts throughout the UK has meant virtual blanket coverage is almost established and in many instances the installation of these intrusive masts was carried out against the wishes of the local population, its councils and even planning authorities. As a result, towers of power appear on every skyline and even vie for position on church steeples; seemingly limitless supplies of money smoothing the way with hard-pressed farmers and an always poverty-pleading local church diocese. Many people in Britain are very concerned by the well-documented detrimental affects to health from radio waves and their close-proximity to humans. But now a new menace has arrived and it threatens to drown everyone in a wave of electromagnetic pollution. It's a high power, mobile radio system called TETRA that was first introduced in the late 1990s. TETRA [Terrestrial Trunk Radio System] is a European-wide system and is already underway in countries such as France. We are informed that it is essentially to be used as a network for emergency services and the system will eventually cover 20MHz of spectrum between 410MHz and 430MHz across the entire continent. In Britain the number of TETRA transmitters installed and operating are in excess of 700. Testing was initially conducted with a power output of some6W and this caused numerous complaints of interference. However, the entire grid of base stations is set to operate at 25W erp, or more than four times this amount. Just what degree of impact it has on the human mind and body can only be guessed at, but it is obvious from earlier studies such potentially harmful radiations can be linked to cancers and antisocial behaviour. I do know that this new breed of blanket super-transmitter is already producing bizarre effects particularly upon the electrical/electronic systems of vehicles. The British TV and press have featured stories of phantom "lock-outs" where car owners are unable to access their own vehicles using radio remote keyfobs. Vehicle rescue services such as the AA and RAC have maps plotting these incidents. I watched a TV news report highlighting one such event in a supermarket car park, while in England last year. The car would only start after it had been pushed several yards towards the parking entrance and away from a microwave transmitting dish clearly visible in the vicinity. Other "culprits" seem to be mainly MOD establishments and airports. The reason perhaps is anti-terrorist signal jamming at 433 and 418MHz and radar equipment. Come 2004 and Britain will have been pretty much saturated with these new high-powered installations. This kind of network has the potential to inflict untold harm on the population. Can it also be used to subdue, insight to violence and instill other forms of mind control on all who are enveloped in its power? G-fs ---- Related story: Towers Of Power II http://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/sectow02.htm ---- http://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/sectow.htm


(We found an OLD "Man from U. N. C. L. E. tape called "The Green Opal Affair" Carol O'Connor was a baddie bent on kidnapping high world officials and performing MIND CONTROL SURGERY on them. U. N. C. L. E. was the GOOD guys and stopped this. TODAY, THEY are the ones doing the kidnapping and mind control. Uncle stood for United Network Command for Law Enforcement. The end of each show THANKED the REAL U. N. C. L. E. for it's help and cooperation.)



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