Guest guest Posted September 8, 2003 Report Share Posted September 8, 2003 JustSayNoNew Illness Discovered Among DoctorsNew Illness Discovered Among DoctorsFrom our medical reporter Lilly Novartis with Executive Dysfunction, a new disorder, Delusional Doctor Syndromehas been identified among the medical profession. The condition mainlyafflicts psychiatrists but many general practitioners are also fallingvictim to this debilitating disorder.The condition is believed to be related to Narcissistic Personality Disorderand Borderline Personality disorder and is characterised by ever-increasingfantasies about mental illness and demands for money and favors from drugcompanies. Many of those afflicted see every human condition as adysfunction and some have arrived at the point where abnormality is nownormality itself with not one human on the planet being free of mentaldysfunction in one form or another.Scientists have not been able to identify the cause of this condition but itis believed to be genetic and a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmissionsystem in the brain. Others believe it is caused by excessive handling ofdrug company paycheques.The doctors suffering from this condition have a grandiose sense of selfimportance, exaggerating achievements and talents and they expect to berecognised as superior without commensurate achievements. They arepreoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance or ideallove. They believe that they are special and unique and can only beunderstood by, or should associate with other special people who fantasiseabout labeling perfectly normal people with mental disorders. They have aneed for excessive admiration by drug company representatives. They have asense of entitlement and unreasonable expectations of especially favourabletreatment especially large paycheques from drug companies for promotingmental illness as a product. They exploit personal relationships takingadvantage of patients for their own ends.They lack empathy with patients and are unwilling to recognise and identifywith the feelings of others, preferring to label them with fictitiousdisorders instead. They are envious, arrogant and haughty.In spite of these debilitating symptoms these doctors are quite oftensuccessful. While they are very poor at treating patients they often workvery well inventing new diseases for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manualof the American Psychiatric Association and writing articles for Medscapeand the New York Times. Others find employment in Academia where theirability to categorise every form of human behaviour as an illness attractslarge research grants from the pharmaceutical industry. Those suffering fromthe disease are encouraged to join the self help group where they can meetsimilarly afflicted individuals.The group is called The American Psychiatric Association and it meets at1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825 Arlington, VA. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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