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Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner



(General Information and an Overview)





The causes of Diabetes have been identified by Research Scientist and Naturopathic Doctor, Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D., N.D.


In all cases of diabetes, the Diabetic will have: 1) a parasite, the Pancreatic Fluke (Eurytrema pancreaticum); 2) a virus (believed to be carried by the fluke) and 3) a fungus (sorghum mold) located in the pancreas and/or islets. The problem with the production or utilization of insulin will result mainly from these three pathogens in the pancreas, although impaired liver function will normally be involved as well. The liver will be burdened with other parasites, pathogens and toxins, as well as numerous uncalcified cholesterol-type soft stones that can be easily purged without surgery.


The development by Dr. Clark of highly sensitive and accurate diagnostic equipment and non-invasive testing procedures enabled her to make these astonishing findings.


Further testing allowed Dr. Clark to discover the presence of common toxins that accumulate in and damage the pancreas and Islets, facilitating the residence and reproduction of the pathogens. The most common toxins are 1) wood alcohol, found in Aspartame (artificial sweetener) and in processed foods and drinks; 2) isopropyl alcohol, (rubbing alcohol) from topical application and personal grooming products; 3) Kojic acid, a natural food mold found on coffee, and 4) gold, absorbed from dental gold and jewelry.


Once the fluke, virus and fungus are destroyed; the toxins eliminated or avoided, and other important kidney and liver clearing measures are followed, Dr. Clark found Diabetes can then start to reverse.




Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner




Type I and Type II, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent Diabetics can reverse their Diabetes from 50% to 100%, normally within 2 to 6 months. This opinion is based on the cases that have followed the program so far and is not intended to be a scientific or statistical claim.


Recovery or reversal of Diabetes can be measured by:


1. The normalization or improvement of fasting and non-fasting blood sugar levels.


2. The reduction or elimination of insulin or oral medications. Close monitoring of blood sugar levels is required. Your Doctor will need to make any required adjustments in insulin or oral medication dosages.


3. Improved circulation and the reduction or elimination of numbness in the extremities.


4. Improved kidney function.


5. Improved cholesterol levels and liver function.


6. The reduction of the progression of nerve damage.


7. Weight normalization.



Note: The extent to how closely the Diabetic follows the Program is typically the extent to which their Diabetes reverses, including the Maintenance Program. Not all Diabetics may be able to attain 100% reversal.




Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner





The parasite can enter the body in tiny larvae (egg) form, undetectable to the human eye, and can come from many sources, including, but not limited to:


a.) meats, fish and poultry, even slightly undercooked


b.) dairy products (protected larvae often survive pasteurization)


c.) produce not properly washed, from contaminated soils or water


d.) contact with pets or livestock (all harbor parasites)


e.) swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams, which is part of the natural habitat of the parasite


f.) an infected mother (parasites and larvae can be found in blood, semen, breast milk and any organ, including the uterus)






Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner





The protocol to reverse Diabetes is comprehensive and multi-faceted. It is non-medical, non-drug, non-invasive and safe. However, the Diabetic must consult with his/her doctor in order to safely adjust, reduce or eliminate insulin requirements or oral medications. An important note of caution: The production or utilization of insulin can start to recover in as little as two (2) to three (3) weeks, therefore the Diabetic must monitor blood sugar levels often and adjust medication accordingly in order to avoid overdosing.



The protocol includes:


1. Destroying the parasite, virus and fungus with a combination of several non-prescription supplements and simple and safe bioelectronics.


2. The avoidance or removal of specific toxins.


3. Kidney cleansing supplements and liver clearing procedures. Impaired kidney and liver function can be improved. Note: The Diabetic may not show any signs of reversal until liver clearing procedures are repeated several times.


4. Extremely important procedures to prevent reinfection.


5. The Maintenance Program.


Note: The Program and Protocol incorporates new and revised findings of Dr. Clark that are not published in any of her books.





Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner





Client #1 “Wilbur”


Wilbur is a 67 year old slightly under-weight white male. At his first visit he was taking two different prescription oral diabetes medications and had just been told by his doctor he must start using insulin shots. He was experiencing fasting a.m. blood sugar levels of up to 250. Several days after going on the Recovery Program, he started reporting normal fasting blood sugar levels with spiked levels on some days. The spiking pattern (normal, high, normal) continued for a few more weeks, then stabilized between 79 to 120, and remained stable for several months while on the Maintenance Program. He was advised he must stay on the Maintenance Program. Insulin shots were not required, and he gradually eliminated the oral meds. He had regular blood work and check-ups done during the course of the Program and reported improved cholesterol (LDL) levels and reversed an elevated thyroid (TSH) level as well. (Hypothyroidism will often improve with the Program.) He considered himself to have recovered 100%.



Client #2 “Karen”


Karen is a 52 year old white female, moderately over-weight and insulin-dependent for over 20 years. At our first meeting, Karen was requiring up to 60 units of insulin daily. Several weeks after starting the Program, her fasting blood sugar levels began to drop, and insulin had to be reduced. Over the course of the next several months, blood sugar levels continued to drop dramatically and insulin requirements continued to be reduced accordingly. At our out last meeting, Karen reported requiring only 5 to 7 units per day, an approximate 90% reversal. Karen said she felt she could accomplish a 100% reversal in the near future. She reported a long-time problem of numbness and cold in her feet had resolved, and without dieting, lost several inches and pounds and was now at normal weight. She reported her asthma of many years had cleared as well.



Client #3 “Roy”


Roy is a 74 year old male, moderately over-weight. At our first meeting, Roy was taking two oral diabetes medications and was still experiencing elevated fasting blood sugar levels between 205 and 264. Approximately 2 weeks after starting the Program, Roy’s fasting blood sugars started to show early signs of reversal, dropping to 145. He was unable to understand why the liver clearing procedures were required, and therefore refused to do them, which made him unable to make any more progress. This client did not comply with the program and did not reverse, even though he had early indications.


Client # 4 “Chelsea”


Chelsea is a 20 yr. old young woman diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. She was insulin-dependent, averaging 60 total units of insulin per day. She had been experiencing fasting morning blood sugars of up to 180. Approximately 60 days after she started the Diabetes Recovery Program, she reported she had reduced her daily insulin by nearly one-half. No other details of her progress have been provided at the time of this writing.


Client #5 “Chuck”


Chuck is a 67 yr. old, slightly overweight male diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes for over 10 years. He was experiencing fasting morning blood sugar levels of up to 157 although he was taking 2 different types of oral diabetes medications. After 4 months into the Program, he reported several days fasting sugars all in the normal range, at which time he started to gradually reduce both oral diabetes meds. He was very thorough in doing frequent kidney cleanses and several liver cleanses. Within 9 months on the Program, he was completely off all diabetes meds. During that time he also went on the Maintenance Program. He was able to attain normal fasting sugars, exceptions would be when he would eat cakes, cookies, wine, etc. The spike in sugars after eating sweets would last one day, then blood sugars would return to normal the next day. Traveling, restaurant eating and drinking alcohol would bring the same result, but he would always stabilize the next day.


Chuck had regular check ups and blood work done during the course of his Program. In addition to his doctor reporting him ‘to be nearly diabetes free’, without dieting his weight went from 210 lbs. to 164 lbs., and his total cholesterol levels improved. Just after a bad case of the flu reported in early fall of 2001, there was an apparent case of reinfection at which time Chuck had to return to daily use of the zapper and take high daily doses of the 3 parasite herbs.


Client # 6 “Sherryl”


Sherryl is a 63 yr. old woman diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. She had only recently been diagnosed diabetic, and was experiencing slightly high fasting blood sugars of up to 131 while taking 2 oral diabetes medications. Nearly 3 months after her initial consultation, she reported that she had been following the Program only “sporadically” because of family events. Her doctor had her stop both oral diabetes meds. for one week to see how she did. She reported that she was now on her 10th day in a row with no oral diabetes meds. No other information or progress was reported at the time of this writing.



Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner







Should you elect to proceed with the Diabetes Recovery Program, please follow the instructions below. Whether the Program is done by e-mail, mail or phone, the Fee is the same.


1) Find the following three (3) forms attached:


a) Questionnaire


b) Parasite Symptomology


c) Consent and Waiver


2) Fill out these three (3) forms completely, and sign the Consent and Waiver.


3) Return the 3 forms to us by regular mail at the following address, and include the Program Fee in the form of a check or money order or supply your credit card number and expiration date:

Dr. Clark Research Association

PO Box 77

Fairmount, IL. 61841


4) The Program Fee includes all information necessary to start the Program; the Program Protocol and a scheduled long-distance phone consultation with a knowledgeable person that will discuss the program with you.





It also includes the products you will need to start this program and that you will need for the first few months. Because every case is individual and it is impossible to determine the length of the program ahead of time, depending on the progress you will have to replenish supplies as time goes on. Also, all Diabetics should follow the weekly maintenance program once the have accomplished the program which will also require purchase of products.


5) As soon as we receive your 3 completed forms and the Program Fee, we do the following:


a) E-mail or mail to you the Program Protocol. As soon as you receive it, your consultant will contact you to set a time and date for the Consultation to review the Program Protocol. The long-distance consultation takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour, sometimes longer.


b) The consultation includes reviewing the entire Program, making any changes or adjustments that may be required, and answering any additional questions you may have.


6. Once you start on the Program, you report your progress once per week preferably by e-mail. You should chart and report your morning fasting blood sugar levels, and any other symptom improvements. Based on your progress, you can then determine when you are ready for the Maintenance Program, as outlined in the Program.



The following three (3) forms are attached:



Parasite Symptomology

Consent and Waiver




Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner





Name: Date:


Address: Email:


Phone: (am) (pm)


Date of Birth:



1. Have you recently been, or are you now under the care of a physician for any reason? If yes, please explain, including any diagnosed conditions or diseases:







2. Please list any prescription medications you are taking now:




3. Please list any nutritional or natural supplements you are taking now:





4. Please list any known or suspected allergies you may have:




5. Do you have mercury amalgam (‘silver’) dental fillings? Approx. how many? Number of crowns? Any gold? Number of root canals? Other dental work?




6. Please list any other health concerns that are not included on the attached Parasite Symptomology list.







Below is a partial list of parasite-related or parasite-caused symptoms. The term “parasite” as used herein is meant to include any parasitic type of pathogen, including parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungus.


CIRCLE ANY SYMPTOM OR HEALTH CONDITION you have a history of, or that you currently have:


Constipation Respiratory Infections

Diarrhea Asthma

Gas and Bloating Frequent Infections

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Depression

Crohn’s Disease Headaches and Migraines

Intestinal Pain Mood Swings

Colitis Concentration Problems

Indigestion or Heartburn Numbness and Tingling

Bladder Infections Puffy or Droopy Eyes

Endometriosis Over or under Weight

PMS/Painful Periods Acne

Vaginal Yeast Infections Hair Loss

Systemic Candida Iron Deficiency

Joint or Muscle Pain Low Blood Sugar

Allergies (food or airborne) Sugar Cravings

Environmental Illness Hives and Rashes

Chemical Sensitivity Arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid)

Chronic Fatigue/CFIDS Autoimmune Diseases

Nervousness DIABETES

Sleep Disturbances MS / ALS

Tooth Grinding/Clenching Cancer



Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., Nutritionist / Natural Health Practitioner


C O N S E N T and W A I V E R




I, _____________________________am informed as follows:

(print name)


1. That Nancy Callahan, B. Sc., nutritionist, who developed this program, is not a doctor and is not a health care provider that requires licensure by the State of Arizona.


2. That by law none of our consultants are allowed to diagnose or prescribe, but can discuss my health concerns with me, can provide me with information, educational materials, etc., and can make general recommendations; and that nothing said, given, recommended or implied herein constitutes the practice of medicine.


3. That no information or recommendations given to me should be considered a diagnosis for any disease, nor a substitute for medical care.


4. That all information about the workability of this program is based on the application of the program on customers by nutritionist Nancy Callahan, including the presented case histories and the other not mentioned cases who have completed the program. No other claims are made about the program and what it will do for my specific case.


5. That the zapper in the US is not to be considered or used as a medical device, and that no claims are made with regards to what bio electronics will do for me.


6. I understand if I follow the Program as provided and am taking insulin or oral diabetes medications, I could over-dose or over-medicate when my blood sugar levels stabilize UNLESS I carefully monitor them, and adjust or reduce the medications with my doctor’s approval.





_________________________ ________________________

(signature) (date)



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