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Background on Laetrile & Sloan Kettering's Confict of interest-discrediteing

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Background on Laetrile & Sloan Kettering's Confict of interest-discrediteing


It was all an effort to gain monopoly control of the product.arnoldThis should be writ large:Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in NY City that did the studies on apricotseeds back in the 1970's went looking for a drug that used cyanide as thechemo agent very shortly after they claimed that apricot seeds did notaffect cancer at all. You can read between the lines of that one and youwill be correct. The point is, for an institution that is owned andfinanced by the drug industry, as Sloan Kettering is nothing more than thefactory outlet for the Pharma Cartel, there is no money in pushing theseeds of a fruit. These people need a patentable product. Read the study. You will be amazed at the bias and lack of scientificpenetration. The seeds were found to bring cancer into remission but whenpatients were taken off the seeds their cancer returned. The researchersconcluded that the seeds were not a cure for cancer and therefore not worthpursuing.As Bob observed above the MSK then went out looking for other cyanidebearing drugs for something they could patent and sell at extortionateprices to cancer patients. They failed because the active ingredient isactually Vit b17 not cyanide.


Apricot seeds are not forbidden. It is illegal to sell apricot seeds as a cure for cancer or for the treatment of any disease but apricots are nothing more than fruit and you can eat them till your hearts content. My healthfood store sells the seeds but they do so as a food product as they sell walnuts, almonds, peanuts and cashews. The problem people run into with the legal authorities is when they attempt to sell the seeds as medicine or as a treatment for a particular disease, most notably , cancer. That is what is illegal. People have been misinformed and mislead on this issue for a long time. Apricots are food and the seeds are readily available so long as you do not make any medical claims about them, they are perfectly legal to sell as you would any seed from any legal plant.Apricots are a tasty fruit and we eat them all the time. Some sellers of the seeds hype them as a medical cure for cancer and raise the price of something that would otherwise be very cheap. Or at least cheap compared to what they are really worth. I am not saying that the seeds do not have value as medicine, i'm not saying that at all. In fact there are many researchers and doctors who have stated that they are in fact useful in the treatment of cancer. Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in NY City that did the studies on apricot seeds back in the 1970's went looking for a drug that used cyanide as the chemo agent very shortly after they claimed that apricot seeds did not affect cancer at all. You can read between the lines of that one and you will be correct. The point is, for an institution that is owned and financed by the drug industry, as Sloan Kettering is nothing more than the factory outlet for the Pharma Cartel, there is no money in pushing the seeds of a fruit. These people need a patentable product. The idea is to make money, not cure disease. It's unfortunate that too many people have not yet figured this out. Many seeds of many fruits have similar qualities as apricot seeds, it's just that apricot seeds has more of them. THey are legal so long as you make no medical claims when you sell them.BOB

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I have read the story multiple times.  At

first I was shocked, but, even now, I am taken back a step at the incredulous

lack of regard for people who have become sick with cancer. 

  But, even more than Sloan Kettering, one

can simply stand there with one’s mouth hanging open, at the support of

all this by the American FDA and its counterparts worldwide.  All the

regulatory agencies, like the FDA, came into being with the rationale of

protecting the consumer.  Yet, provably, what they do is to protect the interests

of each and every various established industries that they all are supposed to

protect the consumer from.  Since the FDA was established, it has had

innumerable of its managers move on to become Presidents, Vice Presidents, CEO’s,

etc. of the companies they have supposedly regulated.

  It would be one thing if they just told

us that we were on our own, but, no, once one realizes one is on his own, one

has to be careful not to offend those who put him on his own.  We are not just only

on our own, but we have to fight against these people to establish ourselves on

our own.





Elaine [mem121]


Thursday, September 11, 2003

1:19 AM

*§ @y


Background on Laetrile & Sloan Kettering's Confict of





on Laetrile & Sloan Kettering's Confict of interest-discrediteing






It was all an

effort to gain monopoly control of the product.



This should be writ large:


Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in NY City that did the studies on apricot

seeds back in the 1970's went looking for a drug that used cyanide as the

chemo agent very shortly after they claimed that apricot seeds did not

affect cancer at all. You can read between the lines of that one and you

will be correct. The point is, for an institution that is owned and

financed by the drug industry, as Sloan Kettering is nothing more than


factory outlet for the Pharma Cartel, there is no money in pushing the

seeds of a fruit. These people need a patentable product.


Read the study. You will be amazed at the bias and lack of scientific

penetration. The seeds were found to bring cancer into remission but when

patients were taken off the seeds their cancer returned. The researchers

concluded that the seeds were not a cure for cancer and therefore not worth



As Bob observed above the MSK then went out looking for other cyanide

bearing drugs for something they could patent and sell at extortionate

prices to cancer patients. They failed because the active ingredient is

actually Vit b17 not cyanide.







Apricot seeds are not forbidden. It is illegal

to sell apricot

seeds as a cure for cancer or for the treatment of any disease but

apricots are nothing more than fruit and you can eat them till your

hearts content. My healthfood store sells the seeds but they do so as

a food product as they sell walnuts, almonds, peanuts and cashews.

The problem people run into with the legal authorities is when they

attempt to sell the seeds as medicine or as a treatment for a

particular disease, most notably , cancer. That is what is illegal.

People have been misinformed and mislead on this

issue for a

long time. Apricots are food and the seeds are readily available so

long as you do not make any medical claims about them, they are

perfectly legal to sell as you would any seed from any legal plant.

Apricots are a tasty fruit and we eat them all the time. Some sellers

of the seeds hype them as a medical cure for cancer and raise the

price of something that would otherwise be very cheap. Or at least

cheap compared to what they are really worth.

I am not saying that the seeds do not have value as


i'm not saying that at all. In fact there are many researchers and

doctors who have stated that they are in fact useful in the treatment

of cancer. Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in NY City that did the

studies on apricot seeds back in the 1970's went looking for a drug

that used cyanide as the chemo agent very shortly after they claimed

that apricot seeds did not affect cancer at all. You can read between

the lines of that one and you will be correct. The point is, for an

institution that is owned and financed by the drug industry, as Sloan

Kettering is nothing more than the factory outlet for the Pharma

Cartel, there is no money in pushing the seeds of a fruit. These

people need a patentable product. The idea is to make money, not cure

disease. It's unfortunate that too many people have not yet figured

this out.

Many seeds of many fruits have similar qualities as


seeds, it's just that apricot seeds has more of them. THey are legal

so long as you make no medical claims when you sell them.













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Email: MEM121









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