Guest guest Posted September 15, 2003 Report Share Posted September 15, 2003 > " Militarily Insignificant " > > By Robert S. Finnegan > Managing Editor > Southeast Asia News > > 09/14/03: As the body bags continue to make their sad way home to America > from the quagmire that is now " liberated " Iraq, I am compelled to ponder a > recent statement made by a highly placed Bushite and quoted in Time > Magazine: that the casualties following the war that America " won " in Iraq > are " militarily insignificant. " Hmm. Tell that to the families and loved > ones that have paid the ultimate price for unflinchingly honoring their > military commitment in the so-called war on terror. Tell that to the > victims and families of the recent bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad. > > " Bring 'em on " crows our Idiot-in-Chief. It would now appear that " the > terrorists " are doing exactly that. Is this terrorism, or simply patriotism > on the part of the Iraqis? Only they can answer this question. One would > think however, that Americans would react much in the same way if their > country were invaded. > > Consummate cowards, Bush and his band of schoolyard bullies and junkyard > dogs now hold our nation hostage with the Patriot Act and threats. " If you > aren't with us, you are against us . . . " spouts Bush. How presidential, > right out of the Hitler dialogues. What about North Korea Mr. President? > Perhaps Kim Il Sung, unlike Saddam, has more bite than bark? My uncle > Robert J. Finnegan gave his life in that long-ago " war " at Chosin > Reservoir, a Purple Heart warrior with the United States Marine Corps. How > long have American servicemen and women been in Korea now? Here we go again. > > Better to stick with the soft targets like Iraq, Mr. President, right? Not > nearly as messy and besides, North Korea has no oil reserves and as far as > weapons of mass destruction go Uncle Kim has Saddam beaten hands-down, by > his own admission. North Korea is far to dangerous a proposition for your > administration. > > I have news for you, Mr. President. It is not you and your staff, or their > families for that matter that are doing the dying in this " war " in Iraq. > The heroes that are being blown away on an almost daily basis I am sure do > not appreciate your braggadocio and judging from recent interviews I have > conducted with both retired and active duty military personnel neither do > their fellow servicemen and women in the line of fire, who are now > increasingly questioning the purpose behind this farce. As a former Marine, > I know only too well that even the military has its limits, and your > appearance in a military uniform on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier > recently was an insult to all those who serve honorably in our armed > forces. Bill Clinton Act II. Despite the current spin on the record of your > military service, we know and keep the score. Apparently your Dad could not > erase that one. You would do well to remember that these are the > individuals that keep you in power regardless of your obvious contempt for > the lives of American military personnel. Be advised that we are not fooled > easily. You need to think about that - long and hard. It's a tough job, > that thinking business, but this is one issue that needs every little brain > cell of your attention, however few they may be. > > It has not been forgotten in military circles that had your Dad let General > Schwartzkopf do his job in the last Iraq war our military would in all > probability not be there now. The arrogance of the present administration > is breathtaking. Re: Rumsfeld in a recent interview - " that is not for you > to know " in response to a question posed by a journalist. Condescension at > its best and utter contempt for the 4th Estate, a known pillar of > democracy. So much for your so-called commitment to our constitution, the > First Amendment and our democracy Mr. President. > > Perhaps you should at this time also personally conduct all casualty calls > from here on out Mr. President, explaining in person and in detail to the > families of the dead why their loved ones have sacrificed their lives for > this so-called " war " . Do yourself a favor and drop the freedom and > democracy crap, most of us by now in the military know the score. In any > event, with casualties being labeled " militarily insignificant " by your > people you should have the time. Explain to the survivors, the wives, > husbands, parents, siblings and children why their dead servicemen and > women are " insignificant. " > > Your administration, Mr. President is now looking more and more like the > Nazi party as they attempt to gut the Constitution of the United States and > pillage our country and the world. The sheep that inhabit the majority of > the American electorates will ultimately pay the same price that the > Germans did following WWII for burying their heads in the sand as their > leaders lead them down the path to destruction and world condemnation. So > much for Nixon's " silent majority. " And in addition, to think that you, our > " Commander-in-Chief, " an Alfred E. Newman clone that has his hand on the > button of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world is frightening indeed. > You may even wind up like Hitler in the end. Hopefully Laura is prepared > for that. > > Rather than " liberating Iraq, " you, Mr. President and your contingent of > rouges have created a new terrorist state. Regardless of the professed > statements by traitors such as Powell, Rice and Rumsfeld to the contrary, > this is also a covert war on Islam. Lies on top of lies. How's that for > justifying the invasion of a sovereign nation - especially in light of the > casualties our armed forces continue to sustain and in the absence of > evidence of weapons of mass destruction, the supposed reason for the > pre-emptive attack in the first place? > > Is Saddam Hussein a dirt bag? You bet. A toothless dirt bag, with massive > oil reserves. Easy pickings for America and Haliburton. > > The propaganda machine of the White House, Mr. President is presently > churning out lies at record levels. Bad lies at that. Where is the outrage? > How long can you expect to maintain this farce? Why have Americans not > demanded a renewal of our representative government? Are there actually > that many mindless rednecks holding sway over our country? Or have > Americans become so soft that they are willing to die on their knees rather > than their feet? Beer and pornography? What a way out. You, Mr. President > put the Roman Emperor Caligula to shame. Horses for Senators? More like > horses-asses. More like sheep and at least Caligula had an IQ that was > supposedly above bath water temperature. > > How many of our servicemen and women need die on the patch of sand that is > now modern-day Iraq to become " militarily significant " in your estimation? > Can you spell Vietnam? This is a classic case of history repeating itself - > in spades, with one notable exception: you, Mr. President make former > President Richard Nixon look like a choirboy. > > Just recently, Mr. President, your top NSA advisor Condoleeza Rice defended > your request for an unprecedented 87 Billion dollars to support the > continuing war in Iraq, citing the age old refrain that " freedom is > priceless. Tell that to the American military veterans, the elderly and the > homeless who the United States Government continues to screw in the name of > " freedom " . The freedom to starve, freeze and die on the streets of the > richest nation in the world and in the decrepit VA hospitals that are > charnel houses straight out of some middle-age nightmare. You seem to > forget, Mr. President, that this is OUR MONEY. > > In the meantime the American version of Heinrich Himmler, U.S. Attorney > General John Ashcroft would have Americans who dare speak out against this > atrocity labeled as terrorists. This is a man who has sworn to uphold the > constitution, our employee. Those that scoff at the prospect of > concentration camps for patriots who dare to challenge the present > administration had better envision razor wire and the possibility of having > their citizenship revoked at the whim of the Justice Department - for any > reason. Take a good hard squint at Patriot Act II, America. Should it pass > journalists such as myself will probably top the list of those to be > labeled and carted off immediately, and with us goes your last hope for > salvation. We realize that most of you do not have the guts to speak out... > All we ask is that you get out of our way. Feeling like cowards? You are. > > What fun, being interrogated by my brother Marines at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba > while living in a wire cage. I do however, to the orange > jumpsuits, they appear to be in fashion these days in " democratic America " . > The patriotic " color of the day " . It cannot be any worse than boot camp in > 1975, at least I am prepared for it. Name, rank and serial number Mr. > President. Geneva Convention.. Or have we by now abrogated this too? The > code of conduct, something you would know nothing about. > > So come and get me John, and pack a lunch. I'm waiting. > > Southeast Asia News Managing Editor Robert S. Finnegan is a former Senior > Editor of The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Indonesia and the lead investigator of > the Bali bombing for the paper. His published reports may be accessed > through an online search: keyword's Finnegan+Robert+Bali. E-mail > <seanews1seanews1 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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