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Why Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Bad

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Frank wrote:



>Why Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Badby Douglas C. Smith, M.D.

>I no longer recommend psychiatric medications to anyone.

>This seems radical in this country because we are in the midst of the

" biological revolution. " Everyone seems to assume medications are are

specifically effective for various mental illnesses which are at least in part

chemical or genetic in origin. I believe the science behind this is seriously

flawed. It is based on false assumptions that lead to self-perpetuating

mythology (and huge profits for drug companies).

>I first gave up on tranquilizers, then antidepressants, then all psychiatric

drugs. I learned


I assume that this also refers to schizophrenia. The drugs Dr. Smith

eschews are the same ones which have given back to many people control

of their lives. It may be true that these drugs do have unwanted side

effects in some, but without them, many, many people would still be

locked up in padded cells or dead from having committed suicide. Even

vaccines, which have wiped out scourges like small pox, have

undesirable, and in some instances very bad side effects. So? Until

there is something better, we will use what we have.


What will the good doctor do when he is presented with one burning with

raging dellusions? Tell him to go home, take two aspirins (would he

allow the aspirins?) and call me in the morning?



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Gettingwell , Morton Bodanis <mortonmb@c...>




> Frank wrote:


> >http://www.antipsychiatry.org/drsmith1.htm

> >Why Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Badby Douglas C. Smith, M.D.

> >I no longer recommend psychiatric medications to anyone.

> >This seems radical in this country because we are in the midst of

the " biological revolution. " Everyone seems to assume medications

are are specifically effective for various mental illnesses which are

at least in part chemical or genetic in origin. I believe the

science behind this is seriously flawed. It is based on false

assumptions that lead to self-perpetuating mythology (and huge

profits for drug companies).

> >I first gave up on tranquilizers, then antidepressants, then all

psychiatric drugs. I learned



> >

> I assume that this also refers to schizophrenia. The drugs Dr.


> eschews are the same ones which have given back to many people


> of their lives.


**{I believe this is where you and Dr. Smith differ in this basic

concept. His point is if you disable people's brains you are not

giving people control of their lives.}



It may be true that these drugs do have unwanted side

> effects in some, but without them, many, many people would still be

> locked up in padded cells or dead from having committed suicide.


**{The point made by the alternatives is that an indepth look shows

that these drugs cause suicide and psychosis.}




> vaccines, which have wiped out scourges like small pox, have

> undesirable, and in some instances very bad side effects. So?

Until there is something better, we will use what we have.



**{The articles posted here are just that, articles to provide

information. We all have to decide for ourselves whether we want

allopathic treatment, natural methods, or none at all in any area of

health including mental illness, vaccines, etc. The presumed reasons

that we are here is to find that better way.}




> What will the good doctor do when he is presented with one burning

with raging dellusions? Tell him to go home, take two aspirins

(would he allow the aspirins?) and call me in the morning?





**{There have been probably been 100s of posts here putting forth

alternatives to psych drugs and their dangers. If you choose not to

believe them that is your right, but if you didn't believe any of the

people quoted, who have been involved in the field for 20 or 30

years, how much chance would anything anyone else would have to say

on the subject.

Frank }

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califpacific wrote:


>Gettingwell , Morton Bodanis <mortonmb@c...>




>>Frank wrote:





>>>Why Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Badby Douglas C. Smith, M.D.

>>>I no longer recommend psychiatric medications to anyone.

>>>This seems radical in this country because we are in the midst of



>the " biological revolution. " Everyone seems to assume medications

>are are specifically effective for various mental illnesses which are

>at least in part chemical or genetic in origin. I believe the

>science behind this is seriously flawed. It is based on false

>assumptions that lead to self-perpetuating mythology (and huge

>profits for drug companies).



>>>I first gave up on tranquilizers, then antidepressants, then all



>psychiatric drugs. I learned





>>I assume that this also refers to schizophrenia. The drugs Dr.






>>eschews are the same ones which have given back to many people






>>of their lives.




>**{I believe this is where you and Dr. Smith differ in this basic

>concept. His point is if you disable people's brains you are not

>giving people control of their lives.}



>It may be true that these drugs do have unwanted side



>>effects in some, but without them, many, many people would still be

>>locked up in padded cells or dead from having committed suicide.




>**{The point made by the alternatives is that an indepth look shows

>that these drugs cause suicide and psychosis.}






>>vaccines, which have wiped out scourges like small pox, have

>>undesirable, and in some instances very bad side effects. So?



>Until there is something better, we will use what we have.



>**{The articles posted here are just that, articles to provide

>information. We all have to decide for ourselves whether we want

>allopathic treatment, natural methods, or none at all in any area of

>health including mental illness, vaccines, etc. The presumed reasons

>that we are here is to find that better way.}







>>What will the good doctor do when he is presented with one burning



>with raging dellusions? Tell him to go home, take two aspirins

>(would he allow the aspirins?) and call me in the morning?









>**{There have been probably been 100s of posts here putting forth

>alternatives to psych drugs and their dangers. If you choose not to

>believe them that is your right, but if you didn't believe any of the

>people quoted, who have been involved in the field for 20 or 30

>years, how much chance would anything anyone else would have to say

>on the subject.

>Frank }





The following is from another post:


I have a video with Dr Abram Hoffer and he says in that

something like the schizophrenias that are brought about

by nutritional deficiencies can be successfully treated

with dietary changes. But he is quite clear to say

that NOT every schizophrenic is that way. In fact, he

recommends medications as well.


It would be quite inhumane to treat a schizophrenic

exhibiting acute symptoms by putting them in a

straight jacket while you fed them for two weeks

a super duper diet.







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Gettingwell , Morton Bodanis <mortonmb@c...>




> califpacific wrote:


> >Gettingwell , Morton Bodanis <mortonmb@c...>

> >wrote:

> >

> >

> >>Frank wrote:

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>>http://www.antipsychiatry.org/drsmith1.htm

> >>>Why Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Badby Douglas C. Smith, M.D.

> >>>I no longer recommend psychiatric medications to anyone.

> >>>This seems radical in this country because we are in the midst


> >>>

> >>>

> >the " biological revolution. " Everyone seems to assume medications

> >are are specifically effective for various mental illnesses which


> >at least in part chemical or genetic in origin. I believe the

> >science behind this is seriously flawed. It is based on false

> >assumptions that lead to self-perpetuating mythology (and huge

> >profits for drug companies).

> >

> >

> >>>I first gave up on tranquilizers, then antidepressants, then all

> >>>

> >>>

> >psychiatric drugs. I learned

> >

> >***********************************************************

> >

> >

> >>I assume that this also refers to schizophrenia. The drugs Dr.

> >>

> >>

> >Smith

> >

> >

> >>eschews are the same ones which have given back to many people

> >>

> >>

> >control

> >

> >

> >>of their lives.

> >>

> >>

> >

> >**{I believe this is where you and Dr. Smith differ in this basic

> >concept. His point is if you disable people's brains you are not

> >giving people control of their lives.}

> >

> >

> >It may be true that these drugs do have unwanted side

> >

> >

> >>effects in some, but without them, many, many people would still


> >>locked up in padded cells or dead from having committed suicide.

> >>

> >>

> >

> >**{The point made by the alternatives is that an indepth look


> >that these drugs cause suicide and psychosis.}

> >

> >

> >Even

> >

> >

> >>vaccines, which have wiped out scourges like small pox, have

> >>undesirable, and in some instances very bad side effects. So?

> >>

> >>

> >Until there is something better, we will use what we have.

> >

> >

> >**{The articles posted here are just that, articles to provide

> >information. We all have to decide for ourselves whether we want

> >allopathic treatment, natural methods, or none at all in any area


> >health including mental illness, vaccines, etc. The presumed


> >that we are here is to find that better way.}

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >>What will the good doctor do when he is presented with one


> >>

> >>

> >with raging dellusions? Tell him to go home, take two aspirins

> >(would he allow the aspirins?) and call me in the morning?

> >

> >

> >

> >>Morton

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >**{There have been probably been 100s of posts here putting forth

> >alternatives to psych drugs and their dangers. If you choose not


> >believe them that is your right, but if you didn't believe any of


> >people quoted, who have been involved in the field for 20 or 30

> >years, how much chance would anything anyone else would have to


> >on the subject.

> >Frank }

> >


> Frank


> The following is from another post:


> I have a video with Dr Abram Hoffer and he says in that

> something like the schizophrenias that are brought about

> by nutritional deficiencies can be successfully treated

> with dietary changes. But he is quite clear to say

> that NOT every schizophrenic is that way. In fact, he

> recommends medications as well.


> It would be quite inhumane to treat a schizophrenic

> exhibiting acute symptoms by putting them in a

> straight jacket while you fed them for two weeks

> a super duper diet.

> David


> Morton



Dear Morton,


The way that I see it is that Dr. Hoffer was a great pioneer who

showed that there can be a great benefit by treating mental illness

with nutritional substances. He started out treating exclusively with

drugs and only after accidently discovering the nutritional

connection changed over time.


With that he originally discovered that niacin worked well with some

patients. Later he discovered that B-6 helped some others.


He or some others determined that Folic acid helped others.


These scientists were actually building on things discovered by

earlier scientists and the huge recovery of about half of the then

institutionized mentally ill recovered when niacin was made available

to the public in the early part of the last century.


No, Dr. Hooffer never said that all are cured with niacin or any

nutrient. He never held himself up as the final authority and I am

suprised that you choose to use him for such.


From what I have read and posted, mental illnes can be caused by a

number of deficiencies which could be a vitamin, or a mineral or even

fatty acids or amino acids and probably a number or other things.


Determining which and how much can be a a very complex issue.


The were also a number of posts showing that mental illness could be

brought on by toxic substances, including quite a few,

pharmacueticals, which would indicate the removal in the process of

trying to get well.


I don't have all of the answers to cure mental illness nor did I ever

claim to. And neither did anyone that I posted here. including Hoffer.

But, I do approve of using a natural means with no adverse side

effects as opposed to toxic chemicals which have tragic consequnces

for quite a few.


So, I am not sure really what your point has been in your earlier

posts and these as well.


You don't put forth your views or someone else's views who would

refute these people in a manner that we could logically discuss it.



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Hello I am new to your board. My mother was treated as a psych patient all

her life, with profound stress to family and barbaric medical treatment.

Her sanity was restored by Armour thyroid, estrogen and progesterone. I am

coming to think that mental illness has a lot to do with thyroid hormone.


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  • 7 months later...

http://www.antipsychiatry.org/drsmith1.htmWhy Psychiatric Drugs Are Always Bad

by Douglas C. Smith, M.D.

I no longer recommend psychiatric medications to anyone. This seems radical in this country because we are in the midst of the "biological revolution." Everyone seems to assume medications are are specifically effective for various mental illnesses which are at least in part chemical or genetic in origin. I believe the science behind this is seriously flawed. It is based on false assumptions that lead to self-perpetuating mythology (and huge profits for drug companies). I first gave up on tranquilizers, then antidepressants, then all psychiatric drugs. I learned that there are certain general principles that govern all psychoactive substances and biologic treatments. General Principles:(1) "Mental illnesses," even severe ones, are relational (I'd say spiritual as well). Psychiatry, by focusing almost exclusively on biology, is making itself increasingly irrelevant. (2) Psychoactive substances provide at best, temporary relief, but always make things worse in the long run. They make things worse directly (chemically) and indirectly by distracting from the real issues. (3) All psychoactive substances have rebound and withdrawal-related problems. "Relapse" rates, in general, during withdrawal from psychiatric drugs, are about 10 times higher than would be expected if the drug had never been taken.(4) "All biopsychiatric treatments share a common mode of action -- the disruption of normal brain function" (Peter Breggin, M.D., Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry, Springer Pub. Co., 1997, p. 3). Drugs never correct imbalances. They never improve the brain. They "work" by impairing the brain and dampening feelings in various ways. THE AUTHOR, Douglas C. Smith, M.D., graduated from Indiana University (1982 - Phi Beta Kappa) and Indiana University School of Medicine (1986) and completed his psychiatry training in 1990 and is board certified in psychiatry. He also has had additional training in psychoanalysis. He currently lives and practices in Juneau, Alaska. He is on the board of the National Association of Rights Protection and Advocacy and the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. This article is from Dr. Smith's website, www.skepticalpsych.com, and is reproduced here with his permission. (Note: Dr. Smith should not be confused with Douglas A. Smith, the webmaster of this website.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my newspaper article,

Vitamin protocols reverse mental illness


http://zeek.ca/4u/article.php?op=Print & sid=149


I outline orthomolecular approaches and also the brain damage

caused by chronic tranquilizer use.


In other articles posted here:

http://zeek.ca/4u/topics.php?op=viewtopic & topic=9


I report that the SSRIs triple suicide risk for example, and also

give a couple of little known herbal options, and I even deal with

the subject of aggression caused by a vitamin and mineral



Duncan Crow

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Another good reference on this subject is " Depression Cured At Last! " by

Dr. Sherry Rogers. It is a 700 page book and is very comprehensive. As

it says on the first line of the book's jacket, " DEPRESSION IS NOT A



Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> In my newspaper article,

> Vitamin protocols reverse mental illness


> http://zeek.ca/4u/article.php?op=Print & sid=149

> <http://zeek.ca/4u/article.php?op=Print & sid=149>


> I outline orthomolecular approaches and also the brain damage

> caused by chronic tranquilizer use.


> In other articles posted here:

> http://zeek.ca/4u/topics.php?op=viewtopic & topic=9

> <http://zeek.ca/4u/topics.php?op=viewtopic & topic=9>


> I report that the SSRIs triple suicide risk for example, and also

> give a couple of little known herbal options, and I even deal with

> the subject of aggression caused by a vitamin and mineral

> deficiency.


> Duncan Crow

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