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First cloned human embryo is ready to implant in surrogate mother

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(Why don't they make sure she is at least 60 as well, with a womb transplant

too, may as well go the whole hog.)


First cloned human embryo is ready to implant in surrogate mother, scientist


By Charles Arthur Technology Editor

16 September 2003



An American scientist claims to have made the world's first cloned human

embryo and says he will implant it in a surrogate mother later this year.


Dr Panyiotis Zavos, a fertility specialist at the University of Kentucky,

also said he had created hybrid embryos by putting human DNA into " emptied "

cows' eggs. He insisted that this was not in poor taste but was done as a

scientific model for future human cloning efforts.


But the claim met scepticism from other scientists, who pointed out that the

work had not been published in scientific journals where others could verify

the procedures and data.


He joins a burgeoning group who have claimed to have made cloned embryos or

even humans. Dr Severino Antinori and the Raelian cult made separate claims

last year but neither has been verified.


Dr Zavos said at a meeting in London yesterday that he created the cloned

embryo earlier this year with cells taken from a woman. " We attempted to

transfer [implant] it in July but our surrogate [mother] developed

complications and we had to postpone, " he said. " But we will try again this

year. " The embryo was at an early stage, where it had only grown to about

eight cells, and had been kept frozen - as is commonly done with embryos for

test- tube babies - until the surrogate was ready to receive it.


The experiment is being done in a secret location outside the US and Europe,

which outlaw human cloning for reproduction. Some sources speculated that Dr

Zavos, a Cypriot by birth, may be doing the work in the Middle East or even

China. But Dr Jackie O'Connell of Cambridge University expressed doubts over

the research and its chances of success if it were true. " The major problem

with cloning is that many embryos survive to the blastocyst stage, of 128

cells, but then there's a massive rate of attrition. Most implanted cloned

embryos never reach maturity. "


Dr Zavos said that the purpose of his cows' egg experiment was to understand

the mechanisms of cell developments and cloning methods. " We aren't creating

humans by putting DNA into bovine eggs, " he said. " We aren't interested in

creating monsters. "


Dr Zavos said that he chose not to submit his work to the best-known

scientific journals, Science and Nature, because he preferred to be

published in journals read by reproductive scientists. His latest work on

the bovine-human hybrid is to be published in an online peer-reviewed

journal called Reproductive Biology Medicine.

17 September 2003 01:31


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I get so disgusted with reports like this –

women past their child-bearing years having children. I think there must have been a reason why the

good Lord made women NOT able to conceive after menopause.

Ok women –

who in their right mind would WANT to take care of a baby when you’re 60

years old??????






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I agree with you, Carol. I am an older mama - I am 41 and have a 4 month old. Although in some respects I am more patient than I was when I was younger, I am definitely more tired. I haven't closed the door entirely on having more children, but it isn't too likely. I couldn't imagine being much older than this and having babies. Even in optimum help I don't see how a 60 year old could keep up with a little one. And imagine an almost 80 year old having to put up with a teenager!


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How about adding human growth hormone to

your “diet” in order to feel young again.  Or putting in the stuff

to stimulate its production in your body.  Another hormone therapy?  How do

those types of things relate to the change of hormone levels that occurs as we age. 

What would be the thoughts on aging and using the kind of things to put the

hormone levels back to what they were when we were younger.  My own thought is

that if we do that through the various supplements that supposedly stimulate

their production, or the hormones themselves we could have some unforeseen








Thursday, September 18, 2003

6:10 AM




First cloned human embryo is ready to implant in surrogate mother



I agree with you, Carol. I am an older mama - I am 41 and

have a 4 month old. Although in some respects I am more patient than I

was when I was younger, I am definitely more tired. I haven't closed the

door entirely on having more children, but it isn't too likely. I

couldn't imagine being much older than this and having babies. Even in

optimum help I don't see how a 60 year old could keep up with a little

one. And imagine an almost 80 year old having to put up with a teenager!














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Hi Wendy –


Or having that teenager, graduating

from high school, being asked from a friend “oh, I see you brought your great

grandparents with you?”


I almost

gagged when I read that story about Joan London with her brand new twins. Although she didn’t HAVE the babies,

she still has to raise them. Well,

on second thought – I guess she won’t raise them – she’ll

have nannies. But that also

involved a surrogate mother, although not

old – I just think it is wrong wrong wrong!!






ky_wendylynn [ky_wendylynn]




I agree with you, Carol. I am an older mama - I am 41 and

have a 4 month old. Although in some respects I am more patient than I

was when I was younger, I am definitely more tired. I haven't closed the

door entirely on having more children, but it isn't too likely. I

couldn't imagine being much older than this and having babies. Even in

optimum help I don't see how a 60 year old could keep up with a little

one. And imagine an almost 80 year old having to put up with a teenager!







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Hi Wendy?


Was it hard getting pregnant, or was your baby a surprise.


I am 42 and sort of would like a baby...I have a 20 year old and a 15 year old, so I have no intentions of seeing any type of specalist about it since I already have 2, but sometimes I think another baby would be nice, it it happened naturally.


A lady at my church had a baby this year and she is 42..her baby was a big surprise to her.




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