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Acupuncture May Provide Asthma Relief

By Lidia Wasowicz, UPI Senior Science Writer


Acupuncture may provide an option for managing symptoms of asthma,

researches say. The 5,000-year-old Chinese practice was shown in an

Austrian study to provide relief to patients with long-standing

asthma. In the study by researchers at the University Hospital of

Vienna, some 70 percent of participating patients reported an

improvement in their symptoms after 10 weeks of acupuncture treatment.

Asthma-related bronchospasms result from over-stimulation of the

parasympathetic nervous system, researchers said. Stimulation of

acupuncture points can relieve physical and emotional stress because

they trigger the release of endorphins in the brain, they said.


Tips For Parents of Overweight Children


With proper nutrition and exercise, children can avoid overweight

and such associated problems as diabetes and heart disease,

researchers say. Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Carol Foster, a

childhood obesity expert at the University of Michigan Health System,

says parents should ensure their child is gaining weight at an

appropriate pace. If uncertain, they should talk to their child's

doctor. He can make a comparison of the child's body-mass index, a

number based on weight and height, with established charts for

children of the same age and sex. For optimal health, Foster suggests

some simple food strategies: Save sugary, fizzy drinks for a

once-a-week treat; limit fruit juice to one small glass a day; give

plenty of water and low-fat milk to your child; keep in mind there are

no " unhealthy foods, " just unhealthy portions. Parents also should

encourage their children move more. They can burn off calories and

build up bones and muscles through exercise and even such activities

as walking the dog or playing in the yard, Foster said.


Nutritional Therapy For Migraines


Researchers say nutritional therapy may help prevent migraine

headaches, a painful condition suffered by some 28 million Americans.

Dr. Alexander Mauskop, a neurologist at the New York Headache Clinic,

has found a combination of riboflavin, magnesium and feverfew -- which

in the past have been used individually -- may stave off a migraine.

The therapy, MigraHealth, used to be available by prescription, but

now can be purchased over-the-counter, he said. " Nutritional migraine

treatments have long been popular in Europe, " Mauskop said. " And now

some U.S. researchers believe that deficiencies in key nutrients like

magnesium and riboflavin (vitamin B2) may be associated with the onset

of migraines. " European studies suggest magnesium and riboflavin

separately can reduce migraine frequency and severity in some

patients. Scientists also have found about half of migraine sufferers

have low blood levels of magnesium. This, Mauskp says, suggests a

nutritional correlation.


Being Youngest In Class Has Its Risks


British researchers say being one of the youngest students in the

class increases a child's risk of developing mental health problems.

The scientists surveyed more than 10,000 school children in England,

Scotland and Wales. They looked at the children's emotions, behavior,

activity level, peer relationships and social interactions. In England

and Wales, the oldest children were born in September and the

youngest in August. Comparison of their mental health scores showed

those born in the summer months were more likely to have suffered from

psychiatric disorders. In Scotland, the oldest children were born in

March and the youngest in February. A similar mental health trend was

seen there as well. The study shows a child's age relative to his

peers, rather than the season of his birth, influences mental health,

the scientists said. They say teachers should be more aware of age

differences among students and adopt a more flexible approach toward

the younger ones.


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