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surrogate mother

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Hum. It is difficult to know how to respond to this without sounding unkind. I put myself in the position of Joan London's new babies and I think I would be glad I had such a kind loving mom and dad, even if they were older than my friends parents. I put myself in the position of Joans husband who loved her and wanted children of his own and I think she did the right thing.


Just because having a child later in life is not ideal does not mean it is horrid.

Child abuse is wrong, wrong wrong. War is wrong, wrong, wrong. Hate crimes are wrong, wrong, wrong. The life sytles of evil people like Sadam Husein is wrong, wrong, wrong.


Having a child later in life has draw backs, as does having a child at 17, which I did. But you love them and they love you and love is good, even with the drawbacks.


People clamor for world peace and yet sit in judgment on others on these types of issues. I know you are a kind person Carol and I don't mean to sound unkind, but I think your response on this is a little extreme.






Carol Minnick

Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:54 AM

RE: First cloned human embryo is ready to implant in surrogate mother



Hi Wendy –


Or having that teenager, graduating from high school, being asked from a friend “oh, I see you brought your great grandparents with you?”


I almost gagged when I read that story about Joan London with her brand new twins. Although she didn’t HAVE the babies, she still has to raise them. Well, on second thought – I guess she won’t raise them – she’ll have nannies. But that also involved a surrogate mother, although not old – I just think it is wrong wrong wrong!!




ky_wendylynn [ky_wendylynn]



I agree with you, Carol. I am an older mama - I am 41 and have a 4 month old. Although in some respects I am more patient than I was when I was younger, I am definitely more tired. I haven't closed the door entirely on having more children, but it isn't too likely. I couldn't imagine being much older than this and having babies. Even in optimum help I don't see how a 60 year old could keep up with a little one. And imagine an almost 80 year old having to put up with a teenager!



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Well, since I homeschool I won't have people ask if I am my children's great grandparents. Frankly, I don't think they'd ask that anyway since right now they think I am my older children's sister. However, if they did think that, so what?! I don't have a problem with older people having babies. It is exhausting, that is for sure. But if my body parts are functioning and nature is allowing a child to be conceived and born, how can it be wrong? Yes, there are difficulties for the older parent, just as for the younger ones, as Donna mentioned. However, that doesn't make it wrong. IMHO what is wrong is science progressing to the point where we start to tamper with what is natural. I am against surrogacy (even though the doctor who did my reversal also helps with that). I'd have rather seen Joan Lunden adopt. My personal opinion aside, I do think she and her husband will be great parents. She didn't get to enjoy her other children when they were little because of the hours she worked. There isn't a doubt in my mind that she won't lavish these babies with lots of love.




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I never said it’s wrong to have a

baby if you are old but still capable. It’s

the surrogate that I said was wrong and totally goes

against my moral fiber.










I don't have a problem with older people having

babies. It is exhausting, that is for sure. But if my body parts

are functioning and nature is allowing

a child to be conceived and born, how can it be wrong?

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