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Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic

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I agree. The use of ALL supplements should be short term and should not

make up for a poor lifestyle.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Believe it or not, although I support Primal Defense purely because

> it seems to produce short-term results, I don't believe it to be

> the best product for the job of culturing the bowel bacteria.


> The reason I don't believe it is is the solution to bowel problems

> is that PD contains several soil based and a couple of

> animal bowel bacteria. Although the soil based and the friendly

> yeast quickly overpopulate and overwhelm bad bowel bacteria (and

> probably good and neutral bacteria too, short-term) they are

> essentially transient populations; they diasppear as the proper

> bacteria starts to fluorish as it gets a chance to outcompete.

> Using animal bacteria that are meant to be more permanent but are

> not native to humans is not well-studied, and the Gastroenterology

> Journal expresses concern about the wisdom of such a move.


> Regardless of this wisdom or lack of it, the bottom line is that a

> good portion of the PD mix is transient and not at all useful in

> the long term. And people who use it long term find this when they

> stop taking it and experience a relapse.


> So what I recommend is more of a permanent fix. Use Primal Defense

> temporarily if you feel it's right for you, and after a month or

> two, switch to a cheaper but more useful, natural formula of human

> probiotics such as one containing several bifidobacteria strains

> and a few lactobacilli strains, and feed it inulin to establish a

> natural bowel culture. That's it; there can be eubacteria or a

> strain of staphylococcus in it, or special breeds of organisms you

> can use depending on whether you're fighting candida, such as DDS-1

> and etc... anyway I've read an awful lot of the literature now, and

> getting to normal evolutionary organisms is most desireable in my

> view.


> Here's a short list of a few good potent brands; there are many

> others I'm sure:

> http://www.consumerlab.com/results/probiotics.asp


> Don't forget the inulin. In using it we again validate the

> approach, just as they did in medieval times, ancient Greece, and

> ancient China. If interest justifies the bother with the product,

> several companies will undoubtably start to offer the sugar- and

> FOS-free type properly packaged and labelled (instead of in an

> unlabelled ziploc bag hehe). Meanwhile, it's being put into foods

> on an industrial level as a sugar and fat replacer and thickener.


> Here's the science on inulin. This is the only location for this

> exhausive work online:

> http://members.shaw.ca/duncancrow/inulin_review.html


> Duncan Crow

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Are you advising people to use Vitamin C, or E, or A, or the B complex,

etc., " short term? " If I lived under ideal circumstances, in a perfectly

unpolluted environment, with perfect soil in which to grow perfect plant

foods, and was never exposed to excess stresses, and had no illnesses or

physical shortcomings, I'm still not sure I wouldn't benefit from



Their seems to be a knee-jerk suspicion of any nutrient that doesn't enter

our body as part of a whole food. I find this a foolish reaction. I take

it for granted that most nutrients are best obtained in foods, but that

doesn't mean that nutritional extracts which are encapsulated or tableted

are worthless. It isn't all or nothing. The extracted nutrients are " less "


I have " never " known any adult that considered nutritional supplements as a

substitute for natural foods. People understand what the word " supplement "



As for the folly of using supplements in an effort to " make up for a poor

lifestyle, " I must disagree. If a person insists on living on junk foods,

they have far " more " to gain from using supplements.


I do think that people ought to research the progress of the science of

nutritional supplementation, looking for the best quality and forms of the

nutrients they use, as well as dropping the more exotic and expensive

products from their daily supplements regimen, as research shows them to be

of little or no value, and substituting products of better quality and






" Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6


Monday, October 06, 2003 8:55 PM

Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



I agree. The use of ALL supplements should be short term and should not

make up for a poor lifestyle.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Believe it or not, although I support Primal Defense purely because

> it seems to produce short-term results, I don't believe it to be

> the best product for the job of culturing the bowel bacteria.


> The reason I don't believe it is is the solution to bowel problems

> is that PD contains several soil based and a couple of

> animal bowel bacteria. Although the soil based and the friendly

> yeast quickly overpopulate and overwhelm bad bowel bacteria (and

> probably good and neutral bacteria too, short-term) they are

> essentially transient populations; they diasppear as the proper

> bacteria starts to fluorish as it gets a chance to outcompete.

> Using animal bacteria that are meant to be more permanent but are

> not native to humans is not well-studied, and the Gastroenterology

> Journal expresses concern about the wisdom of such a move.


> Regardless of this wisdom or lack of it, the bottom line is that a

> good portion of the PD mix is transient and not at all useful in

> the long term. And people who use it long term find this when they

> stop taking it and experience a relapse.


> So what I recommend is more of a permanent fix. Use Primal Defense

> temporarily if you feel it's right for you, and after a month or

> two, switch to a cheaper but more useful, natural formula of human

> probiotics such as one containing several bifidobacteria strains

> and a few lactobacilli strains, and feed it inulin to establish a

> natural bowel culture. That's it; there can be eubacteria or a

> strain of staphylococcus in it, or special breeds of organisms you

> can use depending on whether you're fighting candida, such as DDS-1

> and etc... anyway I've read an awful lot of the literature now, and

> getting to normal evolutionary organisms is most desireable in my

> view.


> Here's a short list of a few good potent brands; there are many

> others I'm sure:

> http://www.consumerlab.com/results/probiotics.asp


> Don't forget the inulin. In using it we again validate the

> approach, just as they did in medieval times, ancient Greece, and

> ancient China. If interest justifies the bother with the product,

> several companies will undoubtably start to offer the sugar- and

> FOS-free type properly packaged and labelled (instead of in an

> unlabelled ziploc bag hehe). Meanwhile, it's being put into foods

> on an industrial level as a sugar and fat replacer and thickener.


> Here's the science on inulin. This is the only location for this

> exhausive work online:

> http://members.shaw.ca/duncancrow/inulin_review.html


> Duncan Crow












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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




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That is exactly right; I am advising people to use vitamin C, or E, or

A, or the B complex, etc., " short term " . Nutrients should come from

food, and supplements should only be used to mitigate the healing

process when deficiencies exist. Supplements will not make up for a poor



If you have to take vitamin C, or E, or A, or the B complex, etc., long

term, then you should take a closer look at your diet. You could also

have absorption problems.


Have you ever had any blood tests done to determine your vitamin,

mineral, and macro nutrient levels? Or do you just supplement for the

sake of supplementation? Perhaps you even sell supplements.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Are you advising people to use Vitamin C, or E, or A, or the B complex,

> etc., " short term? " If I lived under ideal circumstances, in a perfectly

> unpolluted environment, with perfect soil in which to grow perfect plant

> foods, and was never exposed to excess stresses, and had no illnesses or

> physical shortcomings, I'm still not sure I wouldn't benefit from

> supplements.


> Their seems to be a knee-jerk suspicion of any nutrient that doesn't enter

> our body as part of a whole food. I find this a foolish reaction. I take

> it for granted that most nutrients are best obtained in foods, but that

> doesn't mean that nutritional extracts which are encapsulated or tableted

> are worthless. It isn't all or nothing. The extracted nutrients are

> " less "

> potent.

> I have " never " known any adult that considered nutritional supplements

> as a

> substitute for natural foods. People understand what the word

> " supplement "

> means.


> As for the folly of using supplements in an effort to " make up for a poor

> lifestyle, " I must disagree. If a person insists on living on junk foods,

> they have far " more " to gain from using supplements.


> I do think that people ought to research the progress of the science of

> nutritional supplementation, looking for the best quality and forms of the

> nutrients they use, as well as dropping the more exotic and expensive

> products from their daily supplements regimen, as research shows them

> to be

> of little or no value, and substituting products of better quality and

> effectiveness.


> JP


> -

> " Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6


> Monday, October 06, 2003 8:55 PM

> Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense

> probiotic



> I agree. The use of ALL supplements should be short term and should not

> make up for a poor lifestyle.

> --

> Donald E. Jacobs

> Registered Massage Therapist

> Macrobiotic Counselor

> Reiki Practitioner

> Professional Speaker

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" Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6



>That is exactly right; I am advising people to use vitamin C, or E, or

A, or the B complex, etc., " short term " . Nutrients should come from

food, and supplements should only be used to mitigate the healing

process when deficiencies exist. Supplements will not make up for a poor



Nonsense. You're attempting to invalidate the clear evidence of the

effectiveness of vitamin supplementation shown in over 50 years of use.

There are hundreds of thousands of studies showing the helpfulness of

vitamin and mineral supplementation. It's almost impossible to find

circumstances where people are not benefited by some sort of nutritional

supplementation. People can survive without it, but not optimally. People

can survive while living in toxic air, filthy water, devitalized food,

facing extreme stresses, etc. The question is not, can I survive, but can I

improve my health. You obviously didn't read my post. I said clearly that

supplements cannot make up for a poor lifestyle. But that's an ambiguous

remark. If a person " cannot " or " will not " eliminate a poor lifestyle,

then, supplements will " help " to some extent.


>If you have to take vitamin C, or E, or A, or the B complex, etc., long

term, then you should take a closer look at your diet.


That's nonsense. The question isn't whether " I have to " take vitamins. The

question is, " do I benefit from taking them. "

I always look closely at my diet, whether I take vitamins or not. I take

vitamins not simply to compensate for a poor diet, but to achieve an optimum

nutritional status, and cover deficiencies which may exist without my

knowledge from a variety of causes.



>You could also have absorption problems.


What's that got to do with taking vitamins? If I have absorption problems,

I can improve them somewhat by increasing the intake of vitamins, though,

obviously I want to get to the source of the problem.




>Have you ever had any blood tests done to determine your vitamin, mineral,

and macro nutrient levels?


Why would I take blood tests? My health status is more or less obvious to

me. I know what a sense of well being is, I know when I have clear symptoms

of illness, and I take appropriate supplements. If they don't help, I may

have to go to a doctor. Doctors don't take blood tests to determine if

you're deficient in drugs and pharmaceticals. They look for disease states

and health deficiencies, and prescribe drugs to see if they help restore

health. There are almost no cases where vitamins are harmful to the human

body, unless taken in ridiculously high doses.



>Or do you just supplement for the sake of supplementation?


That's a dumb question.



>Perhaps you even sell supplements.


That's an even dumber remark, and an insult. It's incredible that you'd

question my trustworthiness, based on 1 post of mine. What's amusing here,

is that you're the one that is making money selling Macrobiotics and Reiki,

much of which are faith healing nonsense. You can't get enough business

pedding these doubtful healing systems, on their own merits, so you seek to

discourage vitamin use, about which you need to inform yourself.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> Are you advising people to use Vitamin C, or E, or A, or the B complex,

> etc., " short term? " If I lived under ideal circumstances, in a perfectly

> unpolluted environment, with perfect soil in which to grow perfect plant

> foods, and was never exposed to excess stresses, and had no illnesses or

> physical shortcomings, I'm still not sure I wouldn't benefit from

> supplements.


> Their seems to be a knee-jerk suspicion of any nutrient that doesn't enter

> our body as part of a whole food. I find this a foolish reaction. I take

> it for granted that most nutrients are best obtained in foods, but that

> doesn't mean that nutritional extracts which are encapsulated or tableted

> are worthless. It isn't all or nothing. The extracted nutrients are

> " less "

> potent.

> I have " never " known any adult that considered nutritional supplements

> as a

> substitute for natural foods. People understand what the word

> " supplement "

> means.


> As for the folly of using supplements in an effort to " make up for a poor

> lifestyle, " I must disagree. If a person insists on living on junk foods,

> they have far " more " to gain from using supplements.


> I do think that people ought to research the progress of the science of

> nutritional supplementation, looking for the best quality and forms of the

> nutrients they use, as well as dropping the more exotic and expensive

> products from their daily supplements regimen, as research shows them

> to be

> of little or no value, and substituting products of better quality and

> effectiveness.


> JP


> -

> " Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6


> Monday, October 06, 2003 8:55 PM

> Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense

> probiotic



> I agree. The use of ALL supplements should be short term and should not

> make up for a poor lifestyle.

> --

> Donald E. Jacobs

> Registered Massage Therapist

> Macrobiotic Counselor

> Reiki Practitioner

> Professional Speaker












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To :.... -


Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




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It sounds to me that you're attempting to invalidate the clear evidence

of the effectiveness of healing diet and life style. Did you know that

there is clinic evidence published that shows that terminal cancer may

be reversed with a macrobiotic diet?


You obviously didn't read my post. I said clearly that supplements can

mitigate the healing process. If a person "cannot" or "will not"

eliminate a poor lifestyle, then, supplements will "help" to some

extent, but they are still doomed to a lifetime of poor health.


I disagree with your statement: "People can survive without it, but not


>Perhaps you even sell supplements.


That's an even dumber remark, and an insult. It's incredible that you'd

question my trustworthiness, based on 1 post of mine. What's amusing


is that you're the one that is making money selling Macrobiotics and


much of which are faith healing nonsense. You can't get enough business

pedding these doubtful healing systems, on their own merits, so you

seek to

discourage vitamin use, about which you need to inform yourself.

Who is insulting who, here? I hope the moderator is reading your post

and informs you of the policy on REAL insults. You expressed your

opinion on my qualifications, what are your qualifications?


Why would I take blood tests? My health

status is more or less obvious to


Then why do you think you need to take vitamins?

There are almost no cases where vitamins

are harmful to the human

body, unless taken in ridiculously high doses.

I'm glad that you said "almost no".


You might want to clean up YOUR act before criticizing someone else.




Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker

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Donald E. Jacobs


>It sounds to me that you're attempting to invalidate the clear evidence of the effectiveness of healing diet and life style. Did you know that there is clinic evidence published that shows that terminal cancer may be reversed with a macrobiotic diet?


That's a glaring non-sequitur. I've been "living" with what you erroneously claim I'm arguing against. I strongly believe that diet and life style can be effective in reversing disease. I've been attempting to survive heart disease without surgery, now for 10 years.>You obviously didn't read my post. I said clearly that supplements can mitigate the healing process. If a person "cannot" or "will not" eliminate a poor lifestyle, then, supplements will "help" to some extent, but they are still doomed to a lifetime of poor health.I disagree with your statement: "People can survive without it, but not optimally."


That's nonsense. Everyone knows people that are "surviving" in the worst imaginable healthe, in the worst imaginable circumstances.

>Perhaps you even sell supplements.That's an even dumber remark, and an insult. It's incredible that you'dquestion my trustworthiness, based on 1 post of mine. What's amusing here,is that you're the one that is making money selling Macrobiotics and Reiki,much of which are faith healing nonsense. You can't get enough businesspedding these doubtful healing systems, on their own merits, so you seek todiscourage vitamin use, about which you need to inform yourself.

Who is insulting who, here? I hope the moderator is reading your post and informs you of the policy on REAL insults. You expressed your opinion on my qualifications, what are your qualifications?


I didn't claim any qualifications. I simply express my views here. You said I may be "selling supplements," as a crude way of trying to invalidate my opinions.

Why would I take blood tests? My health status is more or less obvious tome.

Then why do you think you need to take vitamins?


Do you understand the meaning of the expression "non sequitur?" You really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College. I will take supplements, even if I don't detect "any" problems with my health, because the expenditure and small inconveniences involved in taking vitamins, are a small price to pay for the insurance against invisible and undetectable nutritional problems in the diet, in my health, in the evironment, in the food I eat, in the stresses I deal with, etc.

There are almost no cases where vitamins are harmful to the humanbody, unless taken in ridiculously high doses.

I'm glad that you said "almost no"


Yes, you could get sick if you eat too much celery. Why are you trying so hard to turn people against nutrtional supplements? You talk to people as if they're dumb children and can't manage their use of supplements. Obviously, you face some problems if you swallow an entire bottle of Vitamin A pills. But I'd get sick if I ate 100 Umeboshi plums.

_Yo might want to clean up YOUR act before criticizing someone else.


You started the acrimony, by suggesting, on the basis of a single post of mine, that I might be "selling vitamins." There was nothing in my post indicating anything that would give someone that impression. Clearly, you feel that people that don't agree with you, should be tarnished by your false insinuations.


Donald E. JacobsRegistered Massage TherapistMacrobiotic CounselorReiki PractitionerProfessional Speaker«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»NATIONWIDE DENTAL BENEFITS PACKAGE PLUSSAVE UP TO 80% on DENTAL, PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS,GLASSES, CONTACTS, VISION CARE, & CHIROPRACTIC.$11.95 For Single or$19.95 For an entire household per month!Immediate Coverage * No Waiting Period Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/MMerrill/ Email: MEM121«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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> I didn't claim any qualifications.



I asked you what your qualifications are, not what you CLAIMED.


> Do you understand the meaning of the expression " non sequitur? " You

> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College.


Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree. What are your degrees?


Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you make a horse's rear end

out of yourself!


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker



> -

> Donald E. Jacobs <donald.jacobs6


> >It sounds to me that you're attempting to invalidate the clear

> evidence of the effectiveness of healing diet and life style. Did you

> know that there is clinic evidence published that shows that terminal

> cancer may be reversed with a macrobiotic diet?

> _______

> That's a glaring non-sequitur. I've been " living " with what you

> erroneously claim I'm arguing against. I strongly believe that diet

> and life style can be effective in reversing disease. I've been

> attempting to survive heart disease without surgery, now for 10 years.


> >You obviously didn't read my post. I said clearly that supplements

> can mitigate the healing process. If a person " cannot " or " will not "

> eliminate a poor lifestyle, then, supplements will " help " to some

> extent, but they are still doomed to a lifetime of poor health.


> I disagree with your statement: " People can survive without it, but

> not optimally. "

> ___

> That's nonsense. Everyone knows people that are " surviving " in the

> worst imaginable healthe, in the worst imaginable circumstances.


>> >Perhaps you even sell supplements.


>> That's an even dumber remark, and an insult. It's incredible that you'd

>> question my trustworthiness, based on 1 post of mine. What's amusing

>> here,

>> is that you're the one that is making money selling Macrobiotics and

>> Reiki,

>> much of which are faith healing nonsense. You can't get enough business

>> pedding these doubtful healing systems, on their own merits, so you

>> seek to

>> discourage vitamin use, about which you need to inform yourself.


> Who is insulting who, here? I hope the moderator is reading your post

> and informs you of the policy on REAL insults. You expressed your

> opinion on my qualifications, what are your qualifications?

> ____

> I didn't claim any qualifications. I simply express my views here.

> You said I may be " selling supplements, " as a crude way of trying to

> invalidate my opinions.


>> Why would I take blood tests? My health status is more or less

>> obvious to

>> me.


> Then why do you think you need to take vitamins?

> _______

> Do you understand the meaning of the expression " non sequitur? " You

> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College. I will

> take supplements, even if I don't detect " any " problems with my

> health, because the expenditure and small inconveniences involved in

> taking vitamins, are a small price to pay for the insurance against

> invisible and undetectable nutritional problems in the diet, in my

> health, in the evironment, in the food I eat, in the stresses I deal

> with, etc.


>> There are almost no cases where vitamins are harmful to the human

>> body, unless taken in ridiculously high doses.


> I'm glad that you said " almost no "

> _

> Yes, you could get sick if you eat too much celery. Why are you

> trying so hard to turn people against nutrtional supplements? You

> talk to people as if they're dumb children and can't manage their use

> of supplements. Obviously, you face some problems if you swallow an

> entire bottle of Vitamin A pills. But I'd get sick if I ate 100

> Umeboshi plums.

> _


> Yo might want to clean up YOUR act before criticizing someone else.

> __________

> You started the acrimony, by suggesting, on the basis of a single post

> of mine, that I might be " selling vitamins. " There was nothing in my

> post indicating anything that would give someone that impression.

> Clearly, you feel that people that don't agree with you, should be

> tarnished by your false insinuations.

> --

> Donald E. Jacobs

> Registered Massage Therapist

> Macrobiotic Counselor

> Reiki Practitioner

> Professional Speaker

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Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and don't merit a serious




" Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6


> I didn't claim any qualifications.



I asked you what your qualifications are, not what you CLAIMED.


> Do you understand the meaning of the expression " non sequitur? " You

> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College.


Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree. What are your degrees?


Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you make a horse's rear end

out of yourself!


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker



> -

> Donald E. Jacobs <donald.jacobs6


> >It sounds to me that you're attempting to invalidate the clear

> evidence of the effectiveness of healing diet and life style. Did you

> know that there is clinic evidence published that shows that terminal

> cancer may be reversed with a macrobiotic diet?

> _______

> That's a glaring non-sequitur. I've been " living " with what you

> erroneously claim I'm arguing against. I strongly believe that diet

> and life style can be effective in reversing disease. I've been

> attempting to survive heart disease without surgery, now for 10 years.


> >You obviously didn't read my post. I said clearly that supplements

> can mitigate the healing process. If a person " cannot " or " will not "

> eliminate a poor lifestyle, then, supplements will " help " to some

> extent, but they are still doomed to a lifetime of poor health.


> I disagree with your statement: " People can survive without it, but

> not optimally. "

> ___

> That's nonsense. Everyone knows people that are " surviving " in the

> worst imaginable healthe, in the worst imaginable circumstances.


>> >Perhaps you even sell supplements.


>> That's an even dumber remark, and an insult. It's incredible that you'd

>> question my trustworthiness, based on 1 post of mine. What's amusing

>> here,

>> is that you're the one that is making money selling Macrobiotics and

>> Reiki,

>> much of which are faith healing nonsense. You can't get enough business

>> pedding these doubtful healing systems, on their own merits, so you

>> seek to

>> discourage vitamin use, about which you need to inform yourself.


> Who is insulting who, here? I hope the moderator is reading your post

> and informs you of the policy on REAL insults. You expressed your

> opinion on my qualifications, what are your qualifications?

> ____

> I didn't claim any qualifications. I simply express my views here.

> You said I may be " selling supplements, " as a crude way of trying to

> invalidate my opinions.


>> Why would I take blood tests? My health status is more or less

>> obvious to

>> me.


> Then why do you think you need to take vitamins?

> _______

> Do you understand the meaning of the expression " non sequitur? " You

> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College. I will

> take supplements, even if I don't detect " any " problems with my

> health, because the expenditure and small inconveniences involved in

> taking vitamins, are a small price to pay for the insurance against

> invisible and undetectable nutritional problems in the diet, in my

> health, in the evironment, in the food I eat, in the stresses I deal

> with, etc.


>> There are almost no cases where vitamins are harmful to the human

>> body, unless taken in ridiculously high doses.


> I'm glad that you said " almost no "

> _

> Yes, you could get sick if you eat too much celery. Why are you

> trying so hard to turn people against nutrtional supplements? You

> talk to people as if they're dumb children and can't manage their use

> of supplements. Obviously, you face some problems if you swallow an

> entire bottle of Vitamin A pills. But I'd get sick if I ate 100

> Umeboshi plums.

> _


> Yo might want to clean up YOUR act before criticizing someone else.

> __________

> You started the acrimony, by suggesting, on the basis of a single post

> of mine, that I might be " selling vitamins. " There was nothing in my

> post indicating anything that would give someone that impression.

> Clearly, you feel that people that don't agree with you, should be

> tarnished by your false insinuations.

> --

> Donald E. Jacobs

> Registered Massage Therapist

> Macrobiotic Counselor

> Reiki Practitioner

> Professional Speaker












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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

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" Discussions " such as this remind me of an old song by Buffalo Springfield:

" It's nobody's right, it's everybody's wrong. " This latest " My degree's bigger

than yours " falderal takes the cake.


>Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and don't merit a serious




> " Donald E. Jacobs " <donald.jacobs6


>> I didn't claim any qualifications.



>I asked you what your qualifications are, not what you CLAIMED.


>> Do you understand the meaning of the expression " non sequitur? " You

>> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College.


>Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree. What are your degrees?


>Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you make a horse's rear end

>out of yourself!


>Donald E. Jacobs

>Registered Massage Therapist

>Macrobiotic Counselor

>Reiki Practitioner

>Professional Speaker



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite Sam

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I’m hoping that enough touches (too-shays)

have been exchanged that each feel completely justified, and even?  Please!


  Don’t need the demonstration of

polarization.  One person believes in wholistic diet and another believes in

vitamins.  Some believe in the idea that death catches up with us regardless of

what we eat, or what we supplement with, others believe that life can be

prolonged, healthily, by taking various chemical supplement (ala Dirk Shaw?). 

There is room for everyone.  I was glad that nobody joined in the incinerating

of each other.  Regardless of who went first. 





Neil Jensen


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

8:17 PM



Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic


" Discussions " such as this remind me of an

old song by Buffalo Springfield: " It's nobody's right, it's everybody's

wrong. " This latest " My degree's bigger than yours " falderal

takes the cake.


>Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and

don't merit a serious




> " Donald E. Jacobs "



>> I didn't claim any qualifications.



>I asked you what your qualifications are, not

what you CLAIMED.


>> Do you understand the meaning of the

expression " non sequitur? " You

>> really need a logic-1 class at your

nearby Junior College.


>Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree.

What are your degrees?


>Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you

make a horse's rear end

>out of yourself!


>Donald E. Jacobs

>Registered Massage Therapist

>Macrobiotic Counselor

>Reiki Practitioner

>Professional Speaker



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite











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$19.95 For an entire household per month!

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Email: MEM121









To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


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distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

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> " Discussions " such as this remind me of an old song by Buffalo

> Springfield: " It's nobody's right, it's everybody's wrong. " This

> latest " My degree's bigger than yours " falderal takes the cake.



I could not agree more. This isn't a discussion and should be taken into

the private realm. At this point, I'm deleting all messages coming in

from these two.

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If you want a stop to the argument, I already said I didn't think the last post sent against me was worthy of a response. So telling us to stop the argument is unnecessary. But, Ed, you misrepresent my views when you say that I "believe in supplements," implying that I "don't" believe in a wholistic diet. I strongly believe in a wholistic diet, promote it to everyone I know, and eat a wholistic diet everyday. In fact, I used to hang out with a Macrobiotic crowd, and don't consider that diet as "natural" as the natural diet I followed, which was a Hygienic diet that frowns on cooked foods, which is nearly all the Macrobiotic diet consists of. Cooking, in the view of the wholistic diet I followed, destroys many of the nutritional values inherent in unprocessed, whole foods, making, ironically, the use of supplements more appealing.


I've been a strong proponent of wholistic eating for well over 30 years. It just happens that I "also" believe that supplements can make a modest but important difference in supporting good health and fighting illness.






Ed Siceloff

Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:43 PM

RE: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



I’m hoping that enough touches (too-shays) have been exchanged that each feel completely justified, and even? Please! Stop!

Don’t need the demonstration of polarization. One person believes in wholistic diet and another believes in vitamins. Some believe in the idea that death catches up with us regardless of what we eat, or what we supplement with, others believe that life can be prolonged, healthily, by taking various chemical supplement (ala Dirk Shaw?). There is room for everyone. I was glad that nobody joined in the incinerating of each other. Regardless of who went first.



Neil Jensen [neil] Tuesday, October 07, 2003 8:17 PM Subject: Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic


"Discussions" such as this remind me of an old song by Buffalo Springfield: "It's nobody's right, it's everybody's wrong." This latest "My degree's bigger than yours" falderal takes the cake.>Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and don't merit a serious>response.>JP>->"Donald E. Jacobs" <donald.jacobs6>>> I didn't claim any qualifications.>>>I asked you what your qualifications are, not what you CLAIMED.>>> Do you understand the meaning of the expression "non sequitur?" You>> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College.>>Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree. What are your degrees?>>Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you make a horse's rear end>out of yourself!>-->Donald E. Jacobs>Registered Massage Therapist>Macrobiotic Counselor>Reiki Practitioner>Professional Speaker-- Neil Jensen: neilThe WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/"Dragons is sooooo stupid!" -- Yosemite Sam«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»NATIONWIDE DENTAL BENEFITS PACKAGE PLUSSAVE UP TO 80% on DENTAL, PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS,GLASSES, CONTACTS, VISION CARE, & CHIROPRACTIC.$11.95 For Single or$19.95 For an entire household per month!Immediate Coverage * No Waiting Period Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/MMerrill/ Email: MEM121«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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Well I guess, JP, everybody in the world misrepresents everything that

you say. It's a tough world, and it's always the other guy who is at fault.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> If you want a stop to the argument, I already said I didn't think the

> last post sent against me was worthy of a response. So telling us to

> stop the argument is unnecessary. But, Ed, you misrepresent my views

> when you say that I " believe in supplements, " implying that I " don't "

> believe in a wholistic diet. I strongly believe in a wholistic diet,

> promote it to everyone I know, and eat a wholistic diet everyday. In

> fact, I used to hang out with a Macrobiotic crowd, and don't consider

> that diet as " natural " as the natural diet I followed, which was a

> Hygienic diet that frowns on cooked foods, which is nearly all

> the Macrobiotic diet consists of. Cooking, in the view of the

> wholistic diet I followed, destroys many of the nutritional values

> inherent in unprocessed, whole foods, making, ironically, the use of

> supplements more appealing.


> I've been a strong proponent of wholistic eating for well over 30

> years. It just happens that I " also " believe that supplements can

> make a modest but important difference in supporting good health and

> fighting illness.


> JP

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I was not trying to represent the views of

anybody in particular John.  I’m merely saying that there are all sorts of

views about wholistic diet, wholistic diet combined with supplements, people

combining alternative healing with modern medicinal (as in surgery,

pharmaceuticals, etc.), and a whole host of other things that I can’t begin to

think of, all represented on the discussion group here.  Sorry if my wording

perhaps led you to believe otherwise. 

  Actually, what you’ve stated you

believe, or more to the point can show empirical evidence for the validity of

supplementing along with maintaining a good diet, is the way I believe as well. 

Especially within a setting of therapy for the presence of disease.  I too

believe in eating correctly, and I believe in that in terms of staying well.  I

also believe in the use of herbs for shortcomings that the individual’s

physiology might represent.  That is also supplementing.  I personally

supplement because I don’t pretend to actually know all the shortcomings of my

own body, and as others would aver, I won’t pretend to know all the biochemical

reactions that perhaps those very supplements would be causing, at least, not

until they have been caused to the point of my being conscious of them.  As I

age, things change.  They change before I am aware of them.  I might need extra

vitamins that take care of the effects of stress before I’ve become conscious

of having the extra stress.

  There are all sort of reasons, including

the fact that the processing of food starts on the vine.  The air the food is

surrounded in, the water its watered with or exists in, bioengineering.  I just

think that it is a good idea to supplement.  And yeah, its blind.  But, so is

the eating of wholistic food and thinking that ok, you are giving yourself all

the nutrients you need for every situation that your person could ever go

through.  Just as one ridiculous little example---a piano falling onto the

sidewalk beside you could use up most if not all the vitamin c reserves you

have in your body.  Better go eat half a dozen limes?  Or whatever.  I find it

easier to supplement with some vitamin c and the b complex. We don’t know all

the circumstances coming, nor do we know all the circumstances we are actually

even in.  We know our general state of health and not necessarily all the

particulars, while it’s the particulars that can change the general. 

  That’s my own feeling.  I won’t

represent it to be that of everyone else.  But that is my reply to you.  Others

are welcome to their opinions as well, even though they might think that they

are more than opinions. 

  Its far better for everybody if they

decide what works for them.  If one is into a macrobiotic diet, great.  If one

is into supplementing, that’s great.  At least you are into making your own

decisions as to how to take care of yourself.  When one starts to tell the

other what to do to accomplish health, one takes the position of authority. 

Taking the position of authority sets one up in a doctor/patient relationship. 

And, for most of us, that means accepting the doctor’s word for “God’s honestâ€

which much of the time only means adding one more person’s opinion to the mix. 

We need to pick and choose out of all the choices those we will believe in

proceed to do.  That is taking responsibility for life into our own hands. 

That’s not a personal criticism of anybody, but just stated fact in the way

that I see things.

  This is a great discussion group for the

comparison of techniques and let’s say philosophies of maintaining our health,

or even approaches to healing of various disease states, as well as the many

other things that get discussed. 



 And again, sorry for any wording on my

part that led to misinterpretation





John Polifronio


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

10:27 PM




Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



If you want a stop to the

argument, I already said I didn't think the last post sent against me was

worthy of a response. So telling us to stop the argument is

unnecessary. But, Ed, you misrepresent my views when you say that I

" believe in supplements, " implying that I " don't " believe

in a wholistic diet. I strongly believe in a wholistic diet, promote it

to everyone I know, and eat a wholistic diet everyday. In fact,

I used to hang out with a Macrobiotic crowd, and don't consider

that diet as " natural " as the natural diet I followed, which was

a Hygienic diet that frowns on cooked foods, which is nearly all

the Macrobiotic diet consists of. Cooking, in the view of the

wholistic diet I followed, destroys many of the nutritional values inherent in

unprocessed, whole foods, making, ironically, the use of supplements more







I've been a strong proponent of

wholistic eating for well over 30 years. It just happens that I

" also " believe that supplements can make a modest but important

difference in supporting good health and fighting illness.
















Ed Siceloff









October 07, 2003 6:43 PM




Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic





I’m hoping

that enough touches (too-shays) have been exchanged that each feel completely

justified, and even? Please! Stop!


need the demonstration of polarization. One person believes in wholistic

diet and another believes in vitamins. Some believe in the idea that

death catches up with us regardless of what we eat, or what we supplement with,

others believe that life can be prolonged, healthily, by taking various

chemical supplement (ala Dirk Shaw?). There is room for everyone. I

was glad that nobody joined in the incinerating of each other. Regardless

of who went first.




Neil Jensen


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

8:17 PM




Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic


" Discussions "

such as this remind me of an old song by Buffalo Springfield: " It's

nobody's right, it's everybody's wrong. " This latest " My degree's

bigger than yours " falderal takes the cake.


>Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and

don't merit a serious




> " Donald E. Jacobs "



>> I didn't claim any qualifications.



>I asked you what your qualifications are, not

what you CLAIMED.


>> Do you understand the meaning of the

expression " non sequitur? " You

>> really need a logic-1 class at your

nearby Junior College.


>Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree.

What are your degrees?


>Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you

make a horse's rear end

>out of yourself!


>Donald E. Jacobs

>Registered Massage Therapist

>Macrobiotic Counselor

>Reiki Practitioner

>Professional Speaker



Neil Jensen: neil

The WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/

" Dragons is sooooo stupid! " -- Yosemite









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To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




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Email: MEM121







Subscribe:......... -


To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

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To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


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Time to quit this guys. No more

flaming. This will go on ad infinitum, or ad nauseum. I don’t

know how many people I would be speaking for, but for me, I like the sharing of

the information that both of you legitimately have. Lets keep it at that

and cut out the personal attack. If you have valid criticisms of various

approaches to health, then yeah, you can state them. AS a manner of

comparison would be best. I don’t really think that personal

attacks are necessary in doing that.





Donald E. Jacobs


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

10:48 PM




Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic


Well I guess, JP, everybody in the world misrepresents

everything that

you say. It's a tough world, and it's always the

other guy who is at fault.


Donald E. Jacobs

Registered Massage Therapist

Macrobiotic Counselor

Reiki Practitioner

Professional Speaker


> If you want a stop to the argument, I already

said I didn't think the

> last post sent against me was worthy of a

response. So telling us to

> stop the argument is unnecessary. But,

Ed, you misrepresent my views

> when you say that I " believe in

supplements, " implying that I " don't "

> believe in a wholistic diet. I strongly

believe in a wholistic diet,

> promote it to everyone I know, and eat a

wholistic diet everyday. In

> fact, I used to hang out with a Macrobiotic

crowd, and don't consider

> that diet as " natural " as the

natural diet I followed, which was a

> Hygienic diet that frowns on cooked foods,

which is nearly all

> the Macrobiotic diet consists of.

Cooking, in the view of the

> wholistic diet I followed, destroys many of

the nutritional values

> inherent in unprocessed, whole foods, making,

ironically, the use of

> supplements more appealing.


> I've been a strong proponent of wholistic

eating for well over 30

> years. It just happens that I

" also " believe that supplements can

> make a modest but important difference in

supporting good health and

> fighting illness.


> JP














$11.95 For Single or

$19.95 For an entire household per month!

Immediate Coverage * No Waiting


Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits





Email: MEM121









To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml




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Thank you, Ed, for your coolheaded and clearheaded words.




Ed Siceloff

Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:45 PM

RE: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



I was not trying to represent the views of anybody in particular John. I’m merely saying that there are all sorts of views about wholistic diet, wholistic diet combined with supplements, people combining alternative healing with modern medicinal (as in surgery, pharmaceuticals, etc.), and a whole host of other things that I can’t begin to think of, all represented on the discussion group here. Sorry if my wording perhaps led you to believe otherwise.

Actually, what you’ve stated you believe, or more to the point can show empirical evidence for the validity of supplementing along with maintaining a good diet, is the way I believe as well. Especially within a setting of therapy for the presence of disease. I too believe in eating correctly, and I believe in that in terms of staying well. I also believe in the use of herbs for shortcomings that the individual’s physiology might represent. That is also supplementing. I personally supplement because I don’t pretend to actually know all the shortcomings of my own body, and as others would aver, I won’t pretend to know all the biochemical reactions that perhaps those very supplements would be causing, at least, not until they have been caused to the point of my being conscious of them. As I age, things change. They change before I am aware of them. I might need extra vitamins that take care of the effects of stress before I’ve become conscious of having the extra stress.

There are all sort of reasons, including the fact that the processing of food starts on the vine. The air the food is surrounded in, the water its watered with or exists in, bioengineering. I just think that it is a good idea to supplement. And yeah, its blind. But, so is the eating of wholistic food and thinking that ok, you are giving yourself all the nutrients you need for every situation that your person could ever go through. Just as one ridiculous little example---a piano falling onto the sidewalk beside you could use up most if not all the vitamin c reserves you have in your body. Better go eat half a dozen limes? Or whatever. I find it easier to supplement with some vitamin c and the b complex. We don’t know all the circumstances coming, nor do we know all the circumstances we are actually even in. We know our general state of health and not necessarily all the particulars, while it’s the particulars that can change the general.

That’s my own feeling. I won’t represent it to be that of everyone else. But that is my reply to you. Others are welcome to their opinions as well, even though they might think that they are more than opinions.

Its far better for everybody if they decide what works for them. If one is into a macrobiotic diet, great. If one is into supplementing, that’s great. At least you are into making your own decisions as to how to take care of yourself. When one starts to tell the other what to do to accomplish health, one takes the position of authority. Taking the position of authority sets one up in a doctor/patient relationship. And, for most of us, that means accepting the doctor’s word for “God’s honest†which much of the time only means adding one more person’s opinion to the mix. We need to pick and choose out of all the choices those we will believe in proceed to do. That is taking responsibility for life into our own hands. That’s not a personal criticism of anybody, but just stated fact in the way that I see things.

This is a great discussion group for the comparison of techniques and let’s say philosophies of maintaining our health, or even approaches to healing of various disease states, as well as the many other things that get discussed.



And again, sorry for any wording on my part that led to misinterpretation




John Polifronio [counterpnt] Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:27 PM Subject: Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



If you want a stop to the argument, I already said I didn't think the last post sent against me was worthy of a response. So telling us to stop the argument is unnecessary. But, Ed, you misrepresent my views when you say that I "believe in supplements," implying that I "don't" believe in a wholistic diet. I strongly believe in a wholistic diet, promote it to everyone I know, and eat a wholistic diet everyday. In fact, I used to hang out with a Macrobiotic crowd, and don't consider that diet as "natural" as the natural diet I followed, which was a Hygienic diet that frowns on cooked foods, which is nearly all the Macrobiotic diet consists of. Cooking, in the view of the wholistic diet I followed, destroys many of the nutritional values inherent in unprocessed, whole foods, making, ironically, the use of supplements more appealing.




I've been a strong proponent of wholistic eating for well over 30 years. It just happens that I "also" believe that supplements can make a modest but important difference in supporting good health and fighting illness.











Ed Siceloff



Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:43 PM


RE: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic



I’m hoping that enough touches (too-shays) have been exchanged that each feel completely justified, and even? Please! Stop!

Don’t need the demonstration of polarization. One person believes in wholistic diet and another believes in vitamins. Some believe in the idea that death catches up with us regardless of what we eat, or what we supplement with, others believe that life can be prolonged, healthily, by taking various chemical supplement (ala Dirk Shaw?). There is room for everyone. I was glad that nobody joined in the incinerating of each other. Regardless of who went first.



Neil Jensen [neil] Tuesday, October 07, 2003 8:17 PM Subject: Re: Duncan Crow's on Primal Defense probiotic


"Discussions" such as this remind me of an old song by Buffalo Springfield: "It's nobody's right, it's everybody's wrong." This latest "My degree's bigger than yours" falderal takes the cake.>Your remarks reveal you for what you are, and don't merit a serious>response.>JP>->"Donald E. Jacobs" <donald.jacobs6>>> I didn't claim any qualifications.>>>I asked you what your qualifications are, not what you CLAIMED.>>> Do you understand the meaning of the expression "non sequitur?" You>> really need a logic-1 class at your nearby Junior College.>>Yes I understand it. I have a Masters degree. What are your degrees?>>Keep the replies coming. I enjoy watching you make a horse's rear end>out of yourself!>-->Donald E. Jacobs>Registered Massage Therapist>Macrobiotic Counselor>Reiki Practitioner>Professional Speaker-- Neil Jensen: neilThe WWW VL: Sumeria http://www.sumeria.net/"Dragons is sooooo stupid!" -- Yosemite Sam

«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»NATIONWIDE DENTAL BENEFITS PACKAGE PLUSSAVE UP TO 80% on DENTAL, PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS,GLASSES, CONTACTS, VISION CARE, & CHIROPRACTIC.$11.95 For Single or$19.95 For an entire household per month!Immediate Coverage * No Waiting Period Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/MMerrill/ Email: MEM121«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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