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Nutrients for inhibition, sleep, hypomania w/note to Julia Ross

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" Allen Darman "

Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:51:25 -0000

Nutrients for inhibition, sleep, hypomania w/note

to Julia Ross


Dear group:


I recently posted the following to another egroup. I thought that

perhaps some in this group might find this post of interest.




Dear group:


I wrote the following post to a person in our sister egroup

safeharbor2 that had just purchased some GABA in which to try for

help with sleep. Although this material is a bit redundant to older

posts that I have made to this group, I thought some might find it



Specifically for Julia Ross: I can't thank you enough for your

book " The Mood Cure " . In my opinion it is the first published book

that that contains solid advice on which amino acids to use for

inhibition, as well as contains much other excellent material as

well. Amino acids for inhibition are a key part of the equation for

many persons that are struggling with benzo addiction, sleep issues,

anxiety, hypomania, and the like. My only suggestion to you in

regard to using nutrients for inhibition is to trial the nutrient

combination of 500 mg. (or perhaps 1000 mg. for some) of L-carnitine

in the morning and 3 to 5 capsules of phosphatidyl choline (Solgar's

sells phos chol caps) during the day (this can be taken in divided

doses or all at once). This nutrient combination can be

unparalleled in regard to slowing down the spontaneous rate of

neuronal firing in the brain, just like lithium, but without any

negative side effects whatsoever. It's effect on me when I first

discovered this nutrient combination in the fall of 1997 was

absolutely profound. I believe that this nutrient combination of

carnitine and phosphatidyl choline is a " must worthy trial " in

almost any person that is hyperactive, talks louder than normal,

talks faster than normal, cannot stay focused on one task, is

bipolar, is anxious, etc. I do admit that there may be other

nutrient factors involved for this nutrient combination to work, but

as any chemically compromised person ought to be taking nearly the

entire vitamin and mineral range for the most part, these cofactors

should be already covered.




Allen Darman



Dear (xxx) and the group:


Try adding taurine to the GABA. Taurine is generally more

inhibitory than GABA for most. If and/or when this combination of

amino acids helps you, then try adding tryptophan to it. Tryptophan

can swing both ways... for some persons it is excitatory, and for

some it is inhibitory. Only you can determine this yourself (via

trial and error). Glycine is also a known inhibitor as well.

Glycine is a rather weak inhibitor for me, but I have used it in

combination with tryptophan, taurine, and GABA for sleep for years

with great success.


Margot Kidder once stated that 1000 mg. each of tryptopan, taurine,

and GABA helped her before bedtime. I commonly use 1500 mg. to 2000

mg. of each of these aminos, as 1000 mg. is often not enough of each

of these inhibitory nutrients for me. Dosage is an individual

issue, but this is the general ballgame (1000 mg. to 2000 mg.) that

works for many.


I do suggest that you read Julia Ross's book " The Mood Cure " as

well. Ms. Ross also suggests tryptophan, taurine, GABA, and glycine

for inhibition as well.


The three amino acids of tryptophan, taurine, and GABA helped me to

resolve an 18 month addiction to Klonopin for sleep in the fall of

1997. I got off Klonopin in less than a month quite easily, and was

getting the best sleep of my entire adult life way back in September

of 1997. This has continued since. I have easily taken 1200 or more

doses of these three amino acids since 1997, along with some other

nutrient inhibitors.... however these three amino acids represent

the heart of what I am doing.


I have also played quite a bit with histidine as an inhibitor in the

past few years, and it clearly helps me, but for some persons it may

not help them, if not may actually hurt them (some persons are

already too high in histamine, and histidine is a key nutrient

precursor to histamine, an allergic mediator).


I also commonly take methionine with my bedtime nutrient regime as

well. Methionine is neutral in regard to inhibition/excitation for

me, but I take it for other reasons.


The calming minerals of calcium and magnesium are often helpful in

combination with inhibitory amino acids before bedtime as

well. Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption.


In addition to these inhibitory amino acids and minerals, I have

found that 3 to 5 capsules (I use Solgar caps, they are fairly

cheap) of phosphatidyl choline really help me to slow down as well.

For some reason that I still don't understand, I need to take 500

mg. of L-carnitine in the morning for this phos chol supplementation

to work for me. This carnitine and phos chol combination acts just

like lithium for me... it has a really profound effect in (1)

slowing down " my brain speed " , (2) lowering the volume of my speech,

and (3) slowing down my speech rate as well.


The source www.jomarlabs.com really cuts down on the cost of

taurine, GABA, glycine, and carnitine vs. what you would pay in a

health food store. I highly recommend this source for all amino

acids except glutamine, which can be purchased much cheaper

elsewhere (a whole lb. can be bought elsewhere for under $35.), and

tryptophan, which they do not carry.


I sincerely hope that this helps.









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Dear group:


I recently posted the following to another egroup. I thought that

perhaps some in this group might find this post of interest.




Dear group:


I wrote the following post to a person in our sister egroup

safeharbor2 that had just purchased some GABA in which to try for

help with sleep. Although this material is a bit redundant to older

posts that I have made to this group, I thought some might find it



Specifically for Julia Ross: I can't thank you enough for your

book " The Mood Cure " . In my opinion it is the first published book

that that contains solid advice on which amino acids to use for

inhibition, as well as contains much other excellent material as

well. Amino acids for inhibition are a key part of the equation for

many persons that are struggling with benzo addiction, sleep issues,

anxiety, hypomania, and the like. My only suggestion to you in

regard to using nutrients for inhibition is to trial the nutrient

combination of 500 mg. (or perhaps 1000 mg. for some) of L-carnitine

in the morning and 3 to 5 capsules of phosphatidyl choline (Solgar's

sells phos chol caps) during the day (this can be taken in divided

doses or all at once). This nutrient combination can be

unparalleled in regard to slowing down the spontaneous rate of

neuronal firing in the brain, just like lithium, but without any

negative side effects whatsoever. It's effect on me when I first

discovered this nutrient combination in the fall of 1997 was

absolutely profound. I believe that this nutrient combination of

carnitine and phosphatidyl choline is a " must worthy trial " in

almost any person that is hyperactive, talks louder than normal,

talks faster than normal, cannot stay focused on one task, is

bipolar, is anxious, etc. I do admit that there may be other

nutrient factors involved for this nutrient combination to work, but

as any chemically compromised person ought to be taking nearly the

entire vitamin and mineral range for the most part, these cofactors

should be already covered.




Allen Darman



Dear (xxx) and the group:


Try adding taurine to the GABA. Taurine is generally more

inhibitory than GABA for most. If and/or when this combination of

amino acids helps you, then try adding tryptophan to it. Tryptophan

can swing both ways... for some persons it is excitatory, and for

some it is inhibitory. Only you can determine this yourself (via

trial and error). Glycine is also a known inhibitor as well.

Glycine is a rather weak inhibitor for me, but I have used it in

combination with tryptophan, taurine, and GABA for sleep for years

with great success.


Margot Kidder once stated that 1000 mg. each of tryptopan, taurine,

and GABA helped her before bedtime. I commonly use 1500 mg. to 2000

mg. of each of these aminos, as 1000 mg. is often not enough of each

of these inhibitory nutrients for me. Dosage is an individual

issue, but this is the general ballgame (1000 mg. to 2000 mg.) that

works for many.


I do suggest that you read Julia Ross's book " The Mood Cure " as

well. Ms. Ross also suggests tryptophan, taurine, GABA, and glycine

for inhibition as well.


The three amino acids of tryptophan, taurine, and GABA helped me to

resolve an 18 month addiction to Klonopin for sleep in the fall of

1997. I got off Klonopin in less than a month quite easily, and was

getting the best sleep of my entire adult life way back in September

of 1997. This has continued since. I have easily taken 1200 or more

doses of these three amino acids since 1997, along with some other

nutrient inhibitors.... however these three amino acids represent

the heart of what I am doing.


I have also played quite a bit with histidine as an inhibitor in the

past few years, and it clearly helps me, but for some persons it may

not help them, if not may actually hurt them (some persons are

already too high in histamine, and histidine is a key nutrient

precursor to histamine, an allergic mediator).


I also commonly take methionine with my bedtime nutrient regime as

well. Methionine is neutral in regard to inhibition/excitation for

me, but I take it for other reasons.


The calming minerals of calcium and magnesium are often helpful in

combination with inhibitory amino acids before bedtime as

well. Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption.


In addition to these inhibitory amino acids and minerals, I have

found that 3 to 5 capsules (I use Solgar caps, they are fairly

cheap) of phosphatidyl choline really help me to slow down as well.

For some reason that I still don't understand, I need to take 500

mg. of L-carnitine in the morning for this phos chol supplementation

to work for me. This carnitine and phos chol combination acts just

like lithium for me... it has a really profound effect in (1)

slowing down " my brain speed " , (2) lowering the volume of my speech,

and (3) slowing down my speech rate as well.


The source www.jomarlabs.com really cuts down on the cost of

taurine, GABA, glycine, and carnitine vs. what you would pay in a

health food store. I highly recommend this source for all amino

acids except glutamine, which can be purchased much cheaper

elsewhere (a whole lb. can be bought elsewhere for under $35.), and

tryptophan, which they do not carry.


I sincerely hope that this helps.



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