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In UK: Dump Your Toothbrush, Says Health Minister (PLANETNEWS)

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There has been considerable studies showing that fluorinated water is BAD for your health and does not stop tooth decay and now the UK is telling people to have their CHILDREN drink a glass a day ..... this is down right scary ...T-


Well, we all know by now that fluoride is a toxin that causes fluorosis ofthe teeth (black mottling), osteoporosis and perhaps Alzheimer's...But, the aim to to depopulate the "useless eaters" worldwide.....It is also being banned in many countries. Studies have proven that inareas where there is no fluoridation there is much less decay than influoridated areas.The Independent, 23 October 2003.Dump your toothbrush, says health ministerBy Marie Woolf Chief Political CorrespondentChildren up and down the country will be delighting at the latestpublic health advice from ministers: throw away your toothbrush.Drinking a glass of fluoridated water is now the "preferredmethod" of preventing tooth decay, according to the public healthminister, and is cheaper and easier than brushing.Melanie Johnson wrote to MPs last week informing them thatbrushing requires "ongoing positive personal action by theindividual". But people who drink fluoridated water can protecttheir teeth "without needing to take any personal action".Ms Johnson's letter, designed to persuade MPs not to block herproposals to make it easier to add fluoride to the public watersupply, says "there are important reasons to consider waterfluoridation as the preferred method of preventing tooth decay ona population basis".She goes on to compare brushing with drinking fluoridated water,and concludes that the latter brings more health benefits.She adds: "An alternative to water fluoridation is fluoridetoothpaste. But water fluoridation delivers greater reductions indecay than toothpaste and reaches the whole population ratherthan just those who adhere to a regular cleaning regime usingfluoride toothpaste."It is also cheaper - water fluoridation costs around 50p perperson per year; a year's supply of toothbrushes and toothpastecosts around £10."Her comments have outraged MPs, who will vote today on thegovernment proposals in a standing committee on the water bill.Simon Thomas, environment spokesman for Plaid Cymru and a memberof the committee, said: "She seems to be saying we should stopbrushing our teeth and should drink fluoride with water. It'scrazy."These proposals are full of contradictions. She says that it isnot possible to encourage people to eat more healthily. But whatabout all these government obesity programmes?"A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said the governmentwas "only going to encourage areas with poor dental health tofluoridate water".letters---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.529 / Virus Database: 324 - Release 17/10/03Nancy Belle, Editor PLANETNEWS broadcast<A HREF="www.TheGalleryScene.com/NancyBelle">BelleAire Art 1</A><A HREF="www.CafeDel-Arts.com/galleryloaded.asp?id=274">BelleAire Art 2</A>

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I could not find any toothpaste at walmart without floride so I just purchased a box of baking soda and have been using that instead....


My boyfriend, of course, thinks he needs floride, so I will continue to buy the poison for him.


bye cindy


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