Guest guest Posted October 23, 2003 Report Share Posted October 23, 2003 > > > Millions of Americans Look Outside U.S. for Drugs > Desire for Low Prices Often Outweighs Obeying Law > > By Mary Pat Flaherty and Gilbert M. Gaul > Washington Post Staff Writers > Thursday, October 23, 2003; Page A01 > > Fifth of five articles > > PORT OF ANDRADE, Winterhaven, Calif. -- William Brooks has a good job and > good prescription drug benefits. He also has rosacea, a skin ailment he > treats with an ointment. His employer's health plan picks up most of the > cost, leaving him to pay only $14 when he fills his prescription. > > But Brooks said he can buy the ointment for $6 -- and does -- " over there, " > jutting his thumb toward the narrow road into Los Algodones, Mexico, a few > hundred feet away. " I seem to be getting the same thing, " he said. > > Brooks, 48, is one of millions of Americans who have turned to Mexico and > other countries in search of bargain drugs. > > What makes him different is this: He is the director at the Andrade port of > entry for the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, in charge of > stopping prescription drugs from illegally entering the country. > > The port director embodies a national contradiction: Although U.S. law bans > nearly all imports of foreign medications, Americans are bringing in those > drugs in record numbers. > > Mexico, Canada and other countries have become the discount pharmacies for > many Americans, those looking simply to save money as well as the uninsured > struggling to pay for their medications. > > In the process, the nation's drug distribution chain is being breached, > exposing consumers to risk and swamping regulators, according to state and > federal records and interviews with dozens of federal agency officials, > state investigators, academics and security specialists for the > pharmaceutical industry. > > Customs estimates 10 million U.S. citizens bring in medications at land > borders each year. An additional 2 million packages of pharmaceuticals > arrive annually by international mail from Thailand, India, South Africa > and other points. Still more packages come from online pharmacies in Canada. > > At peak season at Andrade, when snowbirds flock to the desert crossing west > of Yuma, Ariz., 13,000 people a day return from Mexico, " and nearly > everyone has medications, " Brooks said. " The pharmaceuticals are absolutely > the draw. " In northern Mexico, farmacias edge out strip joints and cantinas > on many of the main drags. > > At San Ysidro, Calif., which abuts Tijuana, Mexico, 90 million people a > year cross, leaving inspectors there with an average of five seconds to > size up what travelers may have in their packages, supervisory inspector > Joseph W. Misenhelter said. " Medications are only one of our concerns. " > > At the Washington Dulles International Airport mail site, between 10 and 15 > tractor-trailer loads of international parcels arrive daily. Enforcement > agents who peer through X-ray scanners and scour labels looking for pills > and vials are " pulled a lot of ways, " with terrorism -- not illegal > pharmaceuticals -- as their first priority, Dulles chief inspector Hal > Zagar said. > > The Food and Drug Administration said that nearly all of the medications > brought in from foreign sources by individuals are illegal and possibly > unsafe. But agency officials have said they do not want to be the ones > seizing medications from seniors. Customs and border inspectors who are the > frontline enforcers of federal law allow in most pharmaceuticals, because > " we are not in the business of taking away medication from people who need > it, " as Brooks said. > > The debate over allowing Americans to take advantage of cheaper drugs from > overseas has been a recurring battle in Congress for the past three years. > Proposals have ranged from allowing imports from about 30 countries to > allowing them only from Canada. That debate continues, with the issue of > opening the borders now linked to the question of whether to add a > prescription drug benefit to Medicare. > > As those congressional debates continue, however, many Americans have > reached their own decisions, buying foreign medication pill by pill and > package by package. > > Top FDA officials say sheer volume makes inspecting every package at the > border or in the mail impossible. Customs inspectors set aside packages > that appear to be medications so an FDA inspector can decide whether they > can be released to the buyer. But the agency does not have inspectors on > site every day, even at large border crossings and mail facilities. > > In 2001, the FDA proposed that all medication mailed into the United States > be returned to its sender, except for a fraction that doctors could import > for gravely ill patients. The proposal went in a memo to Health and Human > Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson. Two years later, the memo remains > unanswered. > > The FDA is trying to develop strategies to assess risks and identify prime > targets for enforcement. " We can't win this playing man to man, " FDA > Commissioner Mark B. McClellan said. > > If the FDA decides to hold packages, citizens can appeal, a process that > can take months and creates huge backlogs of stored medications. It also > lands the agency at the center of an emotional debate on how to make > medication more affordable. > > " We get beat up, " said William K. Hubbard, the FDA's senior associate > commissioner. " It's more phone calls from the Hill. The politics of seniors > drives the political issue and will for a while until we give people a way > to get their drugs here. " > > Laura M. Nagel, deputy administrator of the Drug Enforcement > Administration, is concerned about prescription narcotics and other > controlled substances coming across the borders and by mail. She said she > has " nothing but sympathy for these poor, lower-pay-grade customs > inspectors who are becoming pharmacists as they work against the tide. " > > But after years of promises that the FDA would take action, Nagel's > sympathy is at its end: " I want my law enforced. " > Exception to the Rule > > As the forces reshaping the U.S. drug distribution system come to bear on > the country's gatekeepers, " discretion " -- a word that Brooks and customs > inspectors near San Diego and Laredo, Tex., all used -- has overtaken > regulation. > > U.S. officials draw a bright line at smuggled medications or obvious > counterfeits or drugs that have been rejected for the U.S. market. But a > traveler who has a prescription and buys no more than a three-month supply > of medication for his own use will most likely be allowed in. > > Even that allowance strays from the original 1954 regulation, revised in > 1988, for travelers who bring in foreign medication. Known as the > personal-use exemption, the 1988 revision came when AIDS was surging and > domestic treatments were scarce. The FDA responded by saying that patients > with life-threatening illnesses under a doctor's care could import a few > months' worth of medications, even if the drugs were not approved in the > United States. > > But that exemption opened the floodgates. It rapidly became abused and > misquoted by everyone from Congress members to Internet pharmacy owners who > say anyone is entitled to bring in a three-month supply of any medication. > In the absence of enforcement, foreign imports poured in. Today, the result > is confusion. > > The FDA's " lax " response to abuses of the personal importation exemptions > coupled with the rise of the Internet has led to " a massive problem, " said > Benjamin England, a former regulatory counsel at FDA headquarters and > 17-year veteran of the agency now in private practice in Washington. > > " It didn't take long for someone to fill the opening that created, and now > you've generated a whole market, " he said. " By the time FDA recognized the > problem, the economic engine was running wide open and it was out of their > hands. They let it become a political issue because they didn't address it > when they should have, and that's where they're stuck. " > > An incident this summer in Miami was " a real train wreck, " England said. > > In May, the FDA released nearly 2,140 mail packages of counterfeit Viagra > that had been seized seven months earlier in Miami because they did not > appear to be made by Viagra's manufacturer, Pfizer Inc., according to > customs and FDA records. Samples from the packages, mailed from Belize, had > been sent to the FDA for testing. In January, the lab concluded that some > pills were less than full strength and others some were overly strong -- a > more serious risk, given Viagra's side effects. Despite that information, > the FDA headquarters released the packages to the U.S. customers who had > ordered them. Some of the FDA's Miami staff questioned that decision: > " Shouldn't we refuse entry particularly on a Rx drug like Viagra? " one > wrote in an e-mail. The reply from a supervisor: " We released it because we > do not have the resources to deal with mail entries. " > > The FDA headquarters has since said it made " a mistake " and sent letters to > customers warning them that the agency could not vouch for the safety of > the foreign shipment. But the FDA did not share with consumers what the lab > tests had found, a copy of the letter shows. An FDA spokesman later said > that the agency had sent a standard letter. > > Since 2000, customs officials have asked the FDA for written guidelines on > what ought to be held for FDA inspection. If the FDA will not ban virtually > everything -- as current law demands -- what should customs stop? > > Three times since 2000, FDA officials have testified they are preparing the > answers. But written guidance has yet to come, Elizabeth Durant, director > of trade programs for customs, told a congressional committee this past summer. > > " If FDA told us to just ship it back, we could ship it back, " she said. > > In addition to the personal-use exemption, regulators struggle with another > loophole. > > The DEA is moving to close an opening through which painkillers and other > controlled substances cross U.S. land borders. Since 1970, travelers who > obtained a prescription narcotic abroad -- presumably for a medical reason > -- were allowed to bring it home without a U.S. prescription. In 1998, to > stop widespread abuse, the law was amended to limit a traveler crossing > from Mexico or Canada to an amount less than " 50 dosage units " of any given > drug. > > Some travelers just shifted to carrying in their drugs in increments of 49 > doses apiece. > > " An exemption for legitimate travelers has got bastardized, " said Elizabeth > A. Willis, chief of drug operations for the DEA. The DEA now is proposing a > limit of 50 doses total per trip -- a change that would cut but not > eliminate the traffic, Willis acknowledged. > Americans Invade Mexico > > Hugo Moreno, all pumped-up chest and wraparound sunglasses, flashes a > dazzling smile and tilts his chin: " What are you looking for? We'll have > it. C'mon over, look at these prices. " > > He works the sidewalk in front of the " Purple Pharmacy, " as the big shop > directly across the border in Los Algodones has come to be called by > American customers who cannot manage its proper name, " Pharmacia Liqui's. " > > With his running patter, Moreno, 23, has undeniable curb appeal, slinging > jargon he picked up at college in Arizona, winking to the men as he points > out the Viagra prices, bending down to boost an older woman with a cane > from the street to the pavement. > > " In there, " he says nodding toward the clerks, " you need to know a little > something about medicines. Out here, " he says with a grand sweep of his > arms, " it's all personality. " > > Not that Moreno would have to work hard. Americans flock here. > > Even on a slow June morning, license plates from throughout the Southwest, > Midwest and West could be seen on cars whose doors opened to let out > gaggles of white-haired men and women. Trunks popped to release canes, > walkers and at least one portable oxygen tank -- every bit of that > equipment summoned to aid an older person in a slow and deliberate walk to > Los Algodones's pharmacies. > > Painted as purple as Barney, Liqui's is anything but subtle. A sandwich > board posts prices for hot brand names -- Lipitor, Fosamax, Premarin, > Captopril -- that translate into a list of maladies hitting older > Americans: high cholesterol, osteoporosis, menopausal effects, heart > failure. Sheets of paper -- 144 in all -- curtain the store's front > windows, each one an " especial. " > > Inside, bottles of drugs sit in glass cases. Many are generics, some made > in Mexico, others repackaged in Mexico with their manufacturing site not > apparent. Others, with Spanish labels, say they were made in Germany or > Panama. > > Medications, including bottles labeled as the blood thinner Coumadin -- > which requires a prescription in the United States and regular blood > testing to monitor dosages -- could be bought off the shelf. > > Dick Kujawa, 63, and his daughter, Dee Blake, of Mesa, Ariz., studied the > prices. A recently retired warehouse worker, Kujawa lost prescription drug > coverage when he shifted onto Medicare. His daughter and her husband run an > Internet-based business, " and don't have health insurance because it's so > high for self-employed people, " she said. > > She was shopping for an antibiotic. Her father takes medications for high > cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart failure. His drug bills run > about $700 every three months, he said. A sign offering Zocor, a > cholesterol medicine, caught their attention. At about $28 for 30 pills, > each 80 milligrams, that cost would be half what he pays in the United > States, he said. > > " That's worth the trip, even if it is the generic, " he said. Guessing > whether a drug is the same might not be the best system, he said, but " it > should be embarrassing to our country that we have to come down here for > medicine, period. " > > Inside the Purple Pharmacy, Virginia Plowman, 65, of Mesa scanned the list > of medications in her hand, some hers, some from friends. Until she turned > 65 and had to rely on Medicare, she " didn't think about drug costs. I > always had insurance. " > > The price for Zetia, another cholesterol-lowering drug, disappointed her. > At $31 for 20 pills of 10 milligrams, it cost more than the $50 she paid at > home for 90 pills. But she had already seen savings on Prilosec and > Celebrex that she was considering but was determined to shop around " since > that's what I'm here for. " > > While Los Algodones retains a rustic air, the main street of Tijuana has > converted to a veritable medication mall. The painted burros are still > there for tourist photos and so are the leather stores. But along a street > once thick with strip clubs and bars, farmacias dominate, with " we have > English " and signs for " smoothees " jostling signs for menopause medication. > > Ignacio Romo, head of the pharmacists association in Tijuana known as Union > de Farmacias y Boticas de Tijuana, winces at the explosion of pharmacies > along Revolucion Avenue. Romo, who has run one small drugstore in a Tijuana > neighborhood since 1951, said " it's become anarchy " along the avenue. > Speaking through an interpreter, he said he worries " the professionalism of > pharmacists is being degraded " by shops that post clerks in medical coats > but offer no real expertise. " Just because you dress like a nun doesn't > make you one, " Romo said. > > Elsewhere in Los Algodones and Tijuana, doctors were offering to write > prescriptions for controlled substances in exchange for $20 or $30, no > medical exam needed. A pharmacy in Los Algodones had preprinted and signed > prescription pads on hand to give to American buyers in case they were > challenged at the border. Another pharmacy in Los Algodones sold an > American a generic antibiotic that was unapproved in the United States. A > clerk in white coat packed it in a baggie and suggested the American hide > it in a pocket to get it past customs. > > In both towns were American shoppers who insisted they were saving at least > half on drugs they need for chronic illnesses. Joyce Ernst, 65, of Las > Vegas looked over the pills offered for sale and scanned the Physicians' > Desk Reference, confident she could tell by sight if they matched the drugs > she bought back home. > > She decided against a full complement of Pariet, a treatment for stomach > ulcers, because the pills looked slightly different. She bought just seven > tablets to alternate those with her U.S. medicine " as a test. It's worth a > shot. " She bought Xenical, which aids in weight control, because at $90 it > was $30 less than what she had paid the previous month at her drugstore -- > a bill she carried in her hand as she ducked in and out of the pharmacies > lined nearly door-to-door along Revolucion Avenue in Tijuana. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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