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NWNM Today newsletter (volume 7, Nov. 14, 2003)

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" I have one share in corporate Earth, and I am nervous about the management. "

- E.B. White


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November 14, 2003


Dear friends,


Welcome to another issue of NWNM Today. This issue concerns vaccination and

contains your letters on organic agriculture and other subjects.


Great news! My book " Spontaneous Creation " is going to press! It took only

five years.


If you want to see the book's cover and a sample chapter, go to




" Spontaneous Creation " is published by the 501©3 California nonprofit

public benefit corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.


The book's retail price is $19.95, plus $4.95 shipping and handling: $24.90.


For newsletter rs who send a check by January 15, shipping and

handling charges will be dropped. So the cost to you will be only $19.95. (If


want two books, it's $39.90 total, etc. . . .)


Make your check or money order out to:


" Spontaneous Creation Publishing "


and send to:


Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.

323 E. Matilija, Suite 110-131

Ojai, CA 93023



There's also a money-back guarantee. If you don't like the book for any

reason, you can send it back within 60 days for a full refund. We think you'll


to keep it and share it with your friends.


The first printing is a SOFTCOVER edition. If you want a HARDCOVER edition,

you'll have to wait until the second printing (date TBA).


The first 1,000 softcover edition books will be hand-signed by the author.


To mothers and babies and fathers!


In health,


Jock Doubleday

Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.

A 501©3 California nonprofit corporation




* * *


NWNM Today, Vol. 7: " Vaccination "



Recently I gave the below talk on vaccination at a local California high

school. I had only five minutes at morning assembly, so the material had to be

highly condensed . . .



" Does Science Tell Us that Vaccination Is Effective? "

by Jock Doubleday


Five years ago I founded the 501©3 California nonprofit corporation Natural

Woman, Natural Man, which advocates various natural living philosophies and

practices, such as natural immunity.


Natural immunity comes from eating the right foods, drinking pure water,

loving a lot, laughing a lot, getting good exercise, etc.


Researching natural immunity, I found myself also researching artificial

immunity--aka vaccination.


Vaccination science, it turns out, takes two forms: 1) controlled studies and

2) epidemiology.


Epidemiology: study of disease in populations.


Controlled study: You take two large groups of people, match them by age and

other factors, vaccinate one group and don't vaccinate the other. Then you

compare incidence of disease over a period of several years. That's a long-term

study. Short-term studies don't give us any relevant information about

vaccination efficacy.


Now, I'd like to ask you how many long-term controlled studies you think

there are for all vaccines for all diseases in the world, since the beginning of



That's not a rabbit, it's a zero.


We live in an age of scientific studies. Governments and private

organizations study anything and everything. Recently, the National Endowment

for the

Humanities spent $25,000 to study why people lie, cheat, and act rudely on

Virginia tennis courts.


The National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke

spent $160,000 to study whether or not someone can " hex " an opponent by

drawing an " X " on their chest. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism spent over a million dollars to find out if drunken fish are more

aggressive than sober fish.


The National Science Foundation recently awarded a grant to study the history

of the fax machine.


Everything is being studied all the time. Everything, that is, except



So . . . if we don't have any long-term controlled studies on vaccination,

we're left with epidemiology to tell us whether or not vaccines work.


Epidemiology looks back into history at the rise and fall of disease. It is

the science of body count.


I have charted mortality rates for the most famous diseases in the United

States, Great Britain, and Australia. The numbers on which these charts are


are the unaltered, raw government numbers from 1900 to the present.


[show charts from www.healthsentinel.com]


You see, natural immunity takes care of the disease in every case. Incidence

of disease is falling, falling--then the vaccine is introduced at the very end

of the disease's decline. Time and time again, vaccination takes credit for

the eradication of a disease it didn't eradicate.


Sometimes, as in the case of scarlet fever and typhoid fever, no vaccine is

introduced before disease incidence declines to virtually zero.


I have talked to many doctors about these numbers. Not one of them has seen t

hese numbers, or the charts based on them, in medical school. When I email

them the graphs, they say, " These numbers must be wrong. " But the numbers are


wrong. These are the only numbers we have. These are the government numbers.

There are no other numbers.


A question: If vaccination doesn't work, why have mortality rates fallen at

the same time (1900 to late 1960s /early 1970s) and in so many different



An answer: Public sanitation measures. Cleaner water, better nutrition,

better living conditions.


I won't go into vaccine hazards right now. Let's just say that I wouldn't put

vaccination high on my list of things to do.


Fortunately, each of you is allowed three kinds of exemptions for any

vaccination, for yourself and for your children. These three exemptions are

religious, medical, and philosophical. Many vaccines are " mandated, " but no

vaccine is

mandatory. You can always get out of receiving any vaccine, even when you are

traveling to another country. The government gives its citizens an out, not

because citizens' health is at issue, or because the government wants its

citizens to have freedom of choice, but because the government doesn't want

continually to be sued for vaccine adverse events. It's simply a question of



Further, Edward Jenner, inventor of vaccines, and Louis Pasteur, creator of

the germ theory of disease, were the Barnum & Bailey of medicine. They weren't

scientists. They were, quite unfortunately for us, showmen and hucksters. They

were salesmen.


For the scoop on Pasteur's massive hoax, read Ethel Douglas Hume's book,

" Pasteur Exposed: The False Foundations of Modern Medicine. " Regarding Jenner,

read Neil Z. Miller's book, " Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? "


Real scientists and real science tell us that artificial immunity, aka

vaccination, is an emperor with no clothes on. As far as real science is


there is no evidence that you should vaccinate yourself or your children,

ever, for any reason.


Disease exists. Vaccination is not the answer.


Thank you.


* * *


In a message dated 10/15/03 2:55:09 AM, CKARENCH writes:


Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do.


I always felt very alone with the choices I've made regarding childbirth,

vaccination etc. your informative emails have confirmed what I believed were the

right choices.


Over the seven years in which my life has been blessed by my son I have

sometimes thought " maybe they're right: maybe it is irresponsible of me not to


him vaccinated " .


Now thanks to your mailings I feel empowered with knowledge and I realise my

gut instincts were right. I can now walk into my doctor's surgery with my

head held high without feeling defensive about repeatedly refusing to allow them

to vaccinate my son.


So thanks again.




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In a message dated 10/2/03 10:09:14 AM, jini writes:




I'd like to reply to the reader letter recommending a product called Primal

Defense. I've had to do a fair amount of research into bacterial soil organisms

as numerous readers (of my books on natural healing for IBD and IBS) have

asked my opinion on this product.


Products containing bacterial soil organisms are largely experimental at this

time. Soil organisms have not been approved for human use in Europe and even

their use with animals is stringently controlled and monitored. People using

these products are likely to see good results initially as soil organisms are

aggressive competitors in the gut and will destroy yeast and other pathogens.


However, unlike GRAS (generally recognized as safe) probiotics such as

acidophilus and bifidus, soil organisms are spore-formers and these spores can

remain indefinitely in the gut--the ramifications of which are unknown.


and bifidobacteria have been used by humans for hundreds of years and there

are hundreds of long-term studies proving their safety and benefits to human

gut flora.


The same cannot be said of bacterial soil organisms. So far, no one

(including Garden of Life), has been able to provide me with any long-term (20


studies on the effects of human consumption of bacterial soil organisms.

Personally, this is one experiment I would not want to be a part of!


Jini Patel Thompson

Author of " Listen To Your Gut: Natural Healing & Dealing with IBD &

IBS " and " The IBD Remission Diet "



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In a message dated 10/3/03 7:22:45 AM, steve writes:




I think that intentionally consuming soil organisms in a package sounds a bit

immoderate. I wouldn't say quacky, but perhaps a consumerist response to

something else--that we don't eat enough raw food and I would go so far as to


raw local food. So a practitioner has devised a product to respond to the



There are a few stories going around about this, and the circumstance implies

to me that an over-processed, treated, irradiated, chlorine-bathed food

supply may not carry e. coli 0157 or salmonella but also is perhaps too pure.


We seem to see a lot of radical response to illness that may better be reso

lved through sensible consumption of good food, like oatmeal with raisins, later

a salad with a sandwich and then a dinner of stir-fried vegetables and rice.


It would also be good to get outside and kill a quarter acre of weeds with a

heavy Connecticut field hoe between 10AM and noon as well.





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In a message dated 10/17/03 11:48:05 AM, goddess.denise writes:


Dear Jock,


.. . . My understanding (from a wide variety of health conscious gurus . . .)

has been that disease thrives in an acid system and the American diet is high

in foods (wheat, sugar, meat . . .) that causes the inner metabolism to be

highly acidic.


So it has been my understanding that to create a healthier inner flora we

must eat lots and lots of greens and cut out all those nasty processed foods,


well as some other dietary changes) to cause our bodies to be more alkaline.

.. . .


Thanks from a regular reader,

Denise Springer

For a natural solution to ADHD/ADD, depression, anxiety/panic & addictions....



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In a message dated 10/13/03 10:31:30 AM, rhsinfo writes:


Dear Jock:


Currently, the USDA requires a mere one-quarter of a mile between GE farm

crops and either conventional or organic farms. This is absurd; and it certainly

does not take into account wind or bee pollination, floods or other weather

conditions, or any movement of birds, insects, or small animals. For those

farmers who are organic, there is legitimate and serious concern about their


being contaminated by GE crops. In Europe, research has already shown that GE

crops have resulted in cross-pollination and crop pollution, because GE genes

can and do jump between species.


In the US, it is estimated that conventional and organic soy and corn crops

are now almost completely contaminated by GE soy and corn. However, since both

GE crops and GE foods are not labeled in the US (because of FDA failures), we

have no way of knowing how much we are eating.


Today, there are more than 33,000 different GE foods available. Not just corn

and soy, but potatoes and oil rapeseed are also regularly found in many

processed foods. US cotton is also now genetically engineered. Monsanto is


about adding GE wheat next year. Thousands of different foods contain GE soy

(from all kinds of soy burgers to beauty aids) and GE corn (from cornstarch,

corn meal, and corn syrup to lecithin and frozen and prepared foods). The most

recent figure is that 60 percent of all processed foods contain at least one GE

crop. . . .


GE crops are not safe. GE seeds are not safe. We all are guinea pigs for a

huge global experiment based on corporate greed. . . .


I hope by now you have received an advanced review copy of " The Uterine

Crisis. "


All my best,




* * *


In a message dated 11/08/03 9:28:01 PM, Laneyiswiseone writes:


Dear Jock,


I love your newsletter!


Thank you for turning me on to Affinity health products. I went to your web

site (http://just-2.com/id/jock). Although it was a bit glitzy for me, I

reseached the products and read the testimonials and was impressed by what I


These are quality products, and very inexpensive considering how they have

changed people's lives. I am especially interested in the menopause blend.


I am going to become a distributor!


Yours sincerely,

Deesa Laney



* * *


From the excellent article, " Unvaccinated Children, " by Richard Moskowitz


" The refusal of significant numbers of parents to vaccinate their children

has created a sizable group of people needing very much to be studied, and has

raised a number of important public health issues. Foremost among them is the

fear that a large reservoir of unvaccinated persons could contribute to

epidemic outbreaks that might involve vaccinated individuals as well. Equally

pressing are the immediate practical questions of how best to protect the

unvaccinated persons from disease, how to prevent such outbreaks if possible,

and how to

treat them effectively if they do occur.


" The long-term question which interests me the most is what the general

health of this unvaccinated group will be like, and what we can deduce from this

data concerning how vaccines really act.


" I would like to begin by proposing that we use the terms vaccinated and

unvaccinated instead of immunized and unimmunized, since the basis of the

vaccination controversy is the belief of many parents that the vaccines do not


a true immunity', but rather act in some other fashion--or, in my view, that

they act immunosuppressively.


" This may sound like a purely semantic distinction, but in fact it bears

directly on the first question raised above. If the vaccines conferred a true

immunity, as the natural illnesses do, then the unvaccinated people would pose a

risk only to themselves. Children recovering from the measles or polio or

whooping cough need never fear getting them again, no matter how often they are

reexposed in the future. So, the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in

the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing

argument against vaccinating anybody, even those who desire it, because if the

vaccine produces authentic immunity, then this rebound phenomenon should not



" Furthermore, we should be skeptical about the " outbreaks " that are reported

to have occurred. Pertussis, or " whooping cough, " is actually rather difficult

to diagnose conclusively, as it requires special cultures or antibody tests

that many laboratories cannot perform and that many doctors, in the presence of

suggestive symptoms, rarely take the trouble to order. Conversely, there are

other cases of pertussis with typical signs and symptoms but negative cultures

and no detectable antibodies. In other words, whooping cough as a clinical

syndrome need not be associated with the organism Bordetella pertussis, against

which the vaccine is prepared, or indeed with any microorganism whatsoever.


" Reservoirs of people unvaccinated against measles, mumps, or diphtheria, on

the other hand, should result in periodic outbreaks of these diseases. But

again, authentic immunity, would insure that only the unvaccinated would fall

ill, which has never proved to be the case. All known out breaks of these

diseases in the post vaccine era have included large numbers of vaccinated

people as

well; an. in many instances a large majority of the cases had previously been

vaccinated, some of them quite recently.


" The argument that parents should vaccinate their children to protect society

as a whole from epidemic does not make sense. Such epidemic argue rather

against vaccinating the ones who were vaccinated but still came down with the

disease as soon as they were exposed to it. Likewise, if we accept partial or

temporary immunity--conceding that the vaccine are not that effective, but that


have no other alternative to these rebound epidemics--then are we not simply

throwing good lives after bad, rather like acknowledging that our patients are

addicted to dangerous drugs yet fearing to withdraw them or even withhold

them from others, lest the original error be fully or frankly exposed? . . .


" Taking responsibility for not vaccinating is no different from taking

responsibility for a homebirth or any other form of alternative health care. It

calls for not a substitute for conventional care, but rather a different

relationship to the healing process and the health-care system, based on


choice and direct participation. We still need help when our children get sick,


we need to know that this help is available to us.


" . . .The homeopathic approach to epidemic diseases in general was first

employed by Hahnemann in 1799, during an extensive scarlet fever epidemic in the

province of Saxony.2 After he had treated a dozen or so cases in the usual

homeopathic fashion, giving small doses of remedies capable of producing similar

illnesses experimentally, Hahnemann realized that one remedy helped to cure at

least 75 percent of the cases, a second remedy covered another 15 percent or

so, and the remaining 10 percent required a variety of different remedies

corresponding to the unique features of each case. The principal remedy, which

corresponded to the genus epidemicus (the main characteristics of the outbreak


a whole), was then given out prophylactically to people exposed to the

disease, and also to patients in the early stages of illness--before the


point, when other remedies would sometimes be needed, was reached.


" The results were quite dramatic. Those so treated either did not get sick at

all or suffered much milder illnesses, on the whole, than their compatriots

who were not treated or who received the drugs and other heroic measures in

standard practice at the time. . . . "



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Subsequent issues of NWNM Today will address the following topics:


Vol. 8: FEMININE HYGIENE (January & February 2004)

Vol. 9: NATURAL FERTILITY (March & April 2004)

Vol. 10: CHILDBIRTH (May & June 2004)

Vol. 12: DRUGS or HERBS? (July & August 2004)

Vol. 13: READERS' VOTE (September & October 2004)

Vol. 14: BREASTFEEDING (November & December 2004)

Vol. 15: CHEMICALS (January & February 2005)


Feel free to write to jockdoubleday with your questions, concerns,

anecdotes, and ideas.


In health,

Jock Doubleday

Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.

A California Nonprofit Corporation




The information contained in this email is not a substitute for professional

caregiver advice.


Jock Doubleday is the author of Spontaneous Creation: 101 Reasons Not To

Have Your Baby in a Hospital, to be published soon. He is also active in the

international endeavor to bring the dangers of vaccination to light.


Permission is granted to all parties to reproduce, post, and distribute all

or any part of this newsletter.

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