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Digest Number 707

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Dear List,


I have a friend who broke his back falling from a ladder. He's in the San

Diego VA Hospital spinal cord injury program. I'd like a referral for him.

It will have to be outcall.


Contact me at jlb


Many thanks, JOE

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Frank,


I have been on this list since you first sent invitations to other health



Actually I think you have nothing to worry about!


This list has grown faster than any list I follow.


If people do not like the list they will quit. I think the ratio of

readers to posters is perhaps 100 to 1.


I am on one unmoderated list of 7,000 plus members and it is not hard to

remember the names of the regular posters.


I antagonize the trouble makers on one or two lists where I am not a

moderator and have been thanked.


One healthlist has gone steadily down hill due to two posters who know it

all; after a few weeks it is quite apparent that there is nothing new to

learn on that list.


I use the all new member - moderated choice on Moderator choices.


If the far left and right is allowed in politics and religion is frequent;

then the common sense crowd will quit.


Some of the stuff you yourself post is great.


There are some things I wish were different:


I would exclude all religion, This list has little or none.


All politics not directly connected to nutrition.


I would create a second list for the articles over 500 words.


And maybe a third list for the regular newsletters. I have been using

your newsletters before they began to be published here. For news letter I

post one or more short paragraphs and The URL to get to the whold thing.


Some days there is not enough time to browse thru the long winded stuff.


However even if you leave it just like it is I will still try to read most

of it.









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  • 8 months later...

Dear Michelle,Sounds like you are likely an Aspartame victim. Yourregimen should include a mineral supplement whichcontains the trace mineral vanadium which is thestrongest known stimulant of the osteoblast. Sincerely, Dr Jim Bowen. www.bowendrjim.com>>



I am not. I've been allergic to aspartame since 8 years old.



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