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calcium in cow's milk

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Right on.

The calcium in cow's milk cannot be assimilated by human beings. Cow's milk

actually leaches calcium from the bones. See









" Carol " <carolminnick

Re: osteoporosis in young women

Hi Michelle,

I am much older than you - by 30 years - but I recently had the

problem of " osteopenia " , which is almost osteoporosis. I had the

bone scan done, and my doctor told me I had to drink more milk and

take calcium pills. But at the time I was already drinking 3 big

glasses of milk per day, eating cheese and ice cream, and taking

calcium pills. So instead of following doctor's orders, I went

completely opposite - I eliminated dairy from my diet, and

eliminated my calcium pills. But at the same time I also added the

red yeast rice supplements (for bones, not cholesterol), calcium-

rich veggies (naturally-occuring calcium), and also added high

quality wholefood supplements. I also eliminated pretty much all

meats from my diet. So now my bone scan shows that my bones are

like a 25-year old. It took about 2-3 years for me to reverse my

way-out-of-balance body.

Carol M. >>




Jock Doubleday

Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.

A 501©3 California Nonprofit Corporation

323 E. Matilija, Suite 110-131

Ojai, CA 93023





The information contained in this email is not a substitute for

professional caregiver advice.


Jock Doubleday is the author of Spontaneous Creation: 101

Reasons Not To Have Your Baby in a Hospital. He is also

active in the international endeavor to bring the dangers of

vaccination to light.


" The study of the evolution of disease patterns provides evidence that during

the last century doctors have affected epidemics no more profoundly than

did priests during earlier times. Epidemics came and went, imprecated by

both but touched by neither. They are not modified any more decisively by

the rituals performed in medical clinics than by those customary at religious

shrines. " (Ivan Illich, Limits to Medicine)

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I'm prompted to put my 2-cent's worth in here because it appears the variable of "what condition is the milk?" has not been addressed. The calcium, as well as all the other nutritional elements in cow's milk as well as any other animal's milk, is definetly not available when this kind of food has been subjected to heat, i.e. "cooked" (pasteurized) because (depending upon the type of pasteurization process used) all or most of the enzyme content is destroyed or denatured and without these catalysts all or most of the nutrients in the milk are either not "available" at all or are at great effort by the milk consumer's thusly stressed digestive system.


On the other hand, all the nutrients, including the calcium, available in "raw" (uncooked, i.e. unpasteurized) milk is not only available but easily digested (compared to cooked, i.e. pasteurized milk).


I'm 64 years old this December and have been drinking only raw, unpasteurized milk for over 30 years with the only side effect that I have not yet evidenced with any symptom of osteoporosis, et al. I prefer goat milk but, if it is not available I will drink and use raw cow's milk (provided it, too, comes from animals totally free of chemical fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide raised feed and routine use of antibiotics, et al, since these are relatively unknown and therefore unmonitored sources of fluorides---which are bio-accumulative enzyme and protoplasmic poisons and their residual presence in food products as well as medications (over 50% now in human meds, higher in Vet meds) which can be the source of so-called food allergies and subsequent chronic ill-health.


--Rose Marie Waldram A CITIZEN ALLERGIC TO FLUORIDE, POB 457, Greenacres, Washington 99016 (509) 927-2559

jockdoubleday wrote:

Carol,Right on. The calcium in cow's milk cannot be assimilated by human beings. Cow's milk actually leaches calcium from the bones. Seehttp://gentlebirth.org/nwnm.org/Diet_Prevents_Osteoporosis.htmhttp://gentlebirth.org/nwnm.org/Better_Business_Bureau.htmhttp://gentlebirth.org/nwnm.org/Got_Milk_Too_Bad.htmhttp://gentlebirth.org/nwnm.org/Child_Got_Milk_Too_Bad.htmJockwww.SpontaneousCreation.org"Carol" <carolminnickRe: osteoporosis in young womenHi Michelle,I am much older than you - by 30 years - but I

recently had the problem of "osteopenia", which is almost osteoporosis. I had the bone scan done, and my doctor told me I had to drink more milk and take calcium pills. But at the time I was already drinking 3 big glasses of milk per day, eating cheese and ice cream, and taking calcium pills. So instead of following doctor's orders, I went completely opposite - I eliminated dairy from my diet, and eliminated my calcium pills. But at the same time I also added the red yeast rice supplements (for bones, not cholesterol), calcium-rich veggies (naturally-occuring calcium), and also added high quality wholefood supplements. I also eliminated pretty much all meats from my diet. So now my bone scan shows that my bones are like a 25-year old. It took about 2-3 years for me to reverse my way-out-of-balance body. Carol M. >>Jock DoubledayDirectorNatural Woman,

Natural Man, Inc.A 501©3 California Nonprofit Corporation323 E. Matilija, Suite 110-131Ojai, CA 93023 http://GentleBirth.org/nwnm.orgwww.SpontaneousCreation.orgjockdoubledayThe information contained in this email is not a substitute for professional caregiver advice. Jock Doubleday is the author of Spontaneous Creation: 101 Reasons Not To Have Your Baby in a Hospital. He is also active in the international endeavor to bring the dangers of vaccination to light."The study of the evolution of disease patterns provides evidence that duringthe last century doctors have affected epidemics no more profoundly than did priests during earlier times. Epidemics came and went, imprecated by both but touched by neither. They are not modified any more decisively by the rituals performed in medical clinics than by those customary at religious

shrines." (Ivan Illich, Limits to Medicine) «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»NATIONWIDE DENTAL BENEFITS PACKAGE PLUSSAVE UP TO 80% on DENTAL, PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS,GLASSES, CONTACTS, VISION CARE, & CHIROPRACTIC.$11.95 For Single or$19.95 For an entire household per month!Immediate Coverage * No Waiting Period Pre-existing Covered * No Limit on Benefits http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/MMerrill/ Email: MEM121«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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