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> There is an extraordinary number of citizens being diagnosed

> with

> Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus,ALS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimers,

> BiPolar Depression, Fibromyalgia, Parkinsons...and the list goes on.

> I do not believe that this epidemic of diseases is naturally

> occurring. More and more disease labels are being invented for

> conditions that may be variations of only several causes. Each

> person may present with a slightly different symptom complex

> according to genetic factors, past bodily insults, or what

> coinfections one may harbor.. Many independant researchers feel that

> these so called separate diseases, have common infectious causes.


What many people are not getting yet is that there's something a

layer deeper and much simpler going on here. Let's put this in

perspective; a nutritional deficiency links all of these disorders

and allows the infection to occur in the first place.


When one has been sick, toxic, or under chronic stress or trauma,

they become weaker, and the body may fail to use the energy to

convert monosaccharide sugars from one form to another, a process

that is necessary for health. These glyconutrients are thus

'conditionally esential', that is, they are essential nutrients if

your body is not converting them in the quantities needed to make

properly formed glycoprotein receptor sites on the outside of the



The importance of this may arrive as a revelation. Glycoprotein

receptors, hairlike structures that function as docking stations on

the outside of the cells, absolutely must be intact and formed

correctly for normal cellular function to occur. Hormonal messages

to grow and repair, immune system recognition of pathogens and

cancer, immune system activity levels, and the ability to

distinguish 'self' from 'not-self' occurs at this level.


I note that 86 diseases, including the diseases linked to infection

above arise due to a lack of cellular control and the presence of

malformed cellular receptor sites, however this receptor

malformation occurred. One might correctly say is that these

diseases are the result of a deficiency of glyconutrients. At the

very least, in ANY disease, if you don't address the basic cellular

function by restoring these crucial structures, all of your other

efforts may be hampered, as most of your efforts, including drugs,

depend on successful adhesion to the cell receptors, thus it's

crucial that these glycoprotein structures are not malformed.


A person can take glyconutrients as a supplement until they're well

enough that their own manufacture of properly formed receptors

begins to occur again (healthy as a horse). It's not a chicken-or

egg scenario either; as a precaution, glyconutrient supplementation

or foods containing them result in both a direct suppression of

infection (UTI with mannose is one example), plus of course the

restoration of normal immune system function, which agrees with the

concept of infection triggering all those autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmunes are corrected with this approach, as are overactive

immune responses such as asthma and allergic symptoms.


The importance of glyconutrients can not be underrated; it has been

termed a " disruptive technology " because of the use of it can

virtually eliminate every other player in the pharmaceutical arena.

This new facet of health science rated a whole chapter in the

standard medical text " Harper's Biochemistry " in 1996, and products

are in the American PDR for food products. Billions are currently

being spent by Big Pharma to try to incorporate this technology in

order to survive.


Duncan Crow

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