Guest guest Posted November 22, 2003 Report Share Posted November 22, 2003 Please Forward To Friends And Contacts --- THE WORLDWIDE CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING IS THE REASON MOST PEOPLE ARE UNABLE TO ACT --- CHEMTRAIL CHEMICALS NUMB THE MIND AND CAUSE SICKNESS AND DEATH. Unite, and Take Action against the Nasty and Evil 'Final Solution' taking place Worldwide. ------------ STOP CHEMTRAILS ------------ --- Please FORWARD to friends and contacts who do not like to be poisoned every minute of every day simply by breathing air. --- WWW.STOP-CHEMTRAILS.COM Home website for 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Key STOP Press, STOP CHEMTRAILS News: For those who have not yet had more than enough information overload on the evils of global Chemtrail Spraying and still want to be even more 'better informed' (will we be killed first by too much information --- and not enough action --- or by poisonous Chemtrails?): --- GET A BREAKTHROUGH ON STOPPING CHEMTRAILS NOW: ACTION to start a BREAKTHROUGH on 'Chemtrails' Get on the phone and tell some big air-time, rush hour DJs that planes flying overhead are dropping CHEMICALS onto us. Tell them there is widespread sickness because of this massive unloading of chemicals into our air. There is a tradition with good DJs of warning the public of things they should know. If they or their researcher does not believe you, tell them to look up 'CHEMTRAILS' on the Internet. And tell them to LOOK UP in the skies. Mass e-mail all the research staff and DJs at BIG Radio Stations. Pick one BIG Radio Station at a time. An idea to try is this: 1) Mask / hide all their (radio station) email addresses. Put some main DJs in the C/c box of your email, and all the other DJs and research staff in the hidden B/c box. 2) Send the email -- ie put these addresses in the top box of the email, the 'To' box -- to your state government and their various departments, such as health, etc., then people at the radio station will see that you are serious because your email is essentially aimed at government and you are just letting the Radio Station know of your urgent complaint. --- This approach may catch the Radio Station's or DJ's interest. You can email this information.... 100th MONKEY CHEMTRAIL BREAKTHROUGH Time For The 100th Monkey Breakthrough on Chemtrails -- Do you want to help Initiate a world BREAKTHROUGH on Chemtrails? The world is having a problem waking up. An issue is needed which should annoy the heck out of just about everyone and Unite us in action. 'Chemtrails' is probably that issue. People worldwide are becoming very sick. Chemtrails is THAT Issue (to wake the world UP) because it is the CHEMTRAIL CHEMICALS which are Keeping Everyone Numbed and Apathetic.... --- Free RESOURCES to WARN people all over the world they are being poisoned by planes dropping masses of toxic chemicals on them (or diluted from other parts of the world): 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' POSTERS..... USA 'Letter' Format --- (8.5 x 11 inches) : Or, immediately download USA Poster image file: UK / European 'A4' Format --- (210 x 297 mm) : Or, immediately download UK-EU Poster image file: 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Decal / Bumper Stickers: Or, immediately download STICKER image files: CHEMTRAILS RADIO INTERVIEW --- Isle of Man Radio, central UK, October 2003: TO SUM IT UP: The evils of Chemtrails in one go: Powerful Anti-Chemtrail article by Jim Marrs, Award-Winning Aviation Writer: --- ------ The AIM of 'Stop Chemtrails' : " OUR AIM IS THAT NO PLANES TAKE OFF FROM RUNWAYS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WITH THE INTENTION OF DROPPING UNHEALTHY SUBSTANCES ONTO THE VARIOUS LIFE-FORMS BELOW. " ------ The PURPOSE of 'Stop Chemtrails' : ------ WE ARE FOR..... 1] Deciding on powerful and non-hostile ACTIONS to get Chemtrail Spraying in our skies STOPPED as soon as possible. 2] Collecting the relevant DATA together so we can all participate in carrying out those ACTIONS. 3] Carrying out those Plans and Actions. OUR WORLD needs many things changing. If you feel the general public are slow to realise change needs to happen extensively across our world, START BY INFORMING THEM THAT PLANES ARE FLYING ACROSS THE SKY DROPPING TOXIC CHEMICALS ONTO THEM, and that is WHY they do not have much vitality, are often ill, or are always chronically ill, and have witnessed friends and relatives die when it did not feel their time to die.... THEN PEOPLE WILL BE AWAKE -- And we can ALL start tackling the many other things which need changing in the world. --- The BREAKTHROUGH is starting...... United Kingdom: A friend in southern England speaks to many people locally and MOST of them know there is something very odd happening in the sky, but as they have NO information --- until they meet people like my friend or find Chemtrail information on the Internet --- they are not sure what exactly is going on in the sky. Get the information to them one way or the other. TRY POPULAR RADIO DJs. People are used to reading so much dire and awful stuff in print, in newspapers etc., however word-of-mouth and the spoken word can grab people's attention - especially a BIG AIR-TIME DJ talking to tens of thousands of people as they file into work in their cars etc. in the morning may very easily grab their attention.... especially if dozens of cars begin pulling over so the occupants can get out and stare up in the sky. And over to the USA....... From a major USA city, posted in late October 2003: " .......I have noticed that they don't care when they spray and how obvious it is. On Saturday, they started spraying at 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM and perhaps longer. It was the most heavy spraying I have witnessed so far in my region. It was a complete whiteout by 12 noon and they continued spraying over the whiteout and lines were visible all over the sky. VERY THICK!!!!! A few of my friends called me and reported what they saw and for the first time, they admitted that chemtrails are real. In the past 2 weeks, 4 people who never believed me about chemtrails told me that they actually believed it now. The news is spreading fast. People/friends who used to look at me with a blank stare are now believers. So I will continue to plant the seed and move on does work even if you get those looks at first. " chemtrailtrackingusa/message/100118 --- 'Stop Chemtrails' --- NEWS: Proboard's 'STOP CHEMTRAILS', ex-forum, is now a Resource Centre for information and resources to GET CHEMTRAILS STOPPED WORLDWIDE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. All information at Proboard's 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' is now OPEN TO THE PUBLIC for 'free use' and distribution to friends and activists: REGISTER for 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' to be on our MAILING LIST for Updates and signs of breakthrough as people demand NOT to be poisoned from the skies and by the air we breathe. JOIN / Register : --- THE FINAL HOPI WARNING --- UNITE AND ARISE FOR SURVIVAL " We will see a halo of MIST around the heavenly bodies as a warning that we must reform, and telling us people of all colour must unite and arise for survival and we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas. " " We must do what we conceive to be the right thing and not bother our heads or burden our souls with whether we will be successful. Because if we don’t do the right thing, we will be doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part of the disease and not a part of the cure. " - E F Schumacher. " ALL TRUTH passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, IT IS ACCEPTED AS SELF-EVIDENT. " --- THE WORLDWIDE CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING IS THE REASON MOST PEOPLE ARE UNABLE TO ACT --- CHEMTRAIL CHEMICALS NUMB THE MIND AND CAUSE SICKNESS AND DEATH. Unite, and Take Action against the Nasty and Evil 'Final Solution' taking place Worldwide. STOP CHEMTRAILS --- World-Action ...... 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' NEWS List: stop-chemtrails-news --- ACTION TO STOP WORLDWIDE SPRAYING OF POISONOUS 'CHEMTRAIL' CHEMICALS --- STOP CHEMTRAILS ------------ STOP CHEMTRAILS ------------ Please FORWARD to Friends and Contacts. Please FORWARD to friends and contacts who do not like to be poisoned every minute of every day simply by breathing air. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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