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an article on Dr raymond ife

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Dr Raymond royal rife and his famous machine

About Royal Raymond Rife

Royal Raymond Rife was an inventor and genius who won scientist of

the year awards twice.He started looking for a cancer cure in 1920.

By 1934 he cured 16 out of 16 (100% success) cancer patients in his

clinic, every one within 3 months. What he invented first was a

microscope that used prisms and various light types other than white

and was so powerful he could watch viruses alive and experiment on

them without destroying them in the process. From this his final

conclusion was that viruses are crystalline in nature. Using the

principle of resonance, he found that when you expose a virus with

its own unique resonant frequency, it would resonate. Boost the power

and it explodes (dies). This is the same principal we see in action

when a famous singer shatters a glass with their voices. Eventually,

Rife also succeeded in isolating a virus specific to cancer, finding

it gave off a distinctive purple-red emanation. This virus he named

the BX virus: Bacillus X, found in every instance of carcinoma he


From the time Rife discovered the crystalline nature of viruses on,

he decided to work and to identify and record resonant frequencies

(which he called " mortal oscillatory rates " , " mor's " ) for every

disease he could get a sample of. Then to build equipment to transmit

these special frequencies at or through a person's body. He started

with a " beam tube " , a system which apparently transmitted the

frequencies as radio waves. Rife said that if you were anywhere

within 10 feet of the beam tube, you'd get a treatment. Later

developments led to the transistorized, miniaturized Rife Generators

being made today.


The distinguished medical doctors who originally confirmed part or

this entire discovery included:

E.C. Rosenow, Sr. (Chief of Bacteriology, 32 yrs., at Mayo Clinic),

Fredrich Koch (Detroit, Brazil), Gaston Naessens (Quebec), Sakae

Inoue (Japan), Georges Mazet (France,), Franz Gerlach (Germany),

Niello Mori and Clara Fonti (Italy), Cameron Gruner (McGill Univ.),

T.J. Glover (Canada), Florence Seibert (V.A. Research Lab,Bay Pines,

Fla.), Irene Diller (Inst. of Cancer Research, Phila, Penn), Eleanor

Alex. Jackson and Virginia Livingston (NJ & San Diego clinics).

The University of Southern California sponsored a Special-Medical

Research team years ago, to evaluate this electronic therapy on the

terminally ill. After 130 days, every patient in the study had

recovered without side effects of any kind.


The medical team which evaluated the therapy for the University of

Southern California included:

Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President, Univ. of Southern California),

Milbank Johnson (then the President of the Southern Calif AMA),

Arthur Kendall (Director, Northwestern Medical School), Edward Kopps

(Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla), George Fischer (Children's Hospital,

NY), Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation, San Francisco), Whalen Morrison

(Chief Surgeon, Sta. Fe Railway), George Dock.


Rife's work was so astonishing that he was awarded 14 government

contracts to develop practical uses for his discoveries of specific



In 1944, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. published a

lengthy article in its national journal. The unique design and

principles of Rife's greatest light microscope -- with a

magnification of 60,000 combined with appropriate resolution -- was

the central focus of the article. But what was also revealed to

America's sophisticated Smithsonian Institute readership was how

Rife's microscope, combined with his 'energy medicine' instruments,

destroyed the viruses and dwarf bacteria which Rife linked to cancer,

tuberculosis and other degenerative diseases. The drug medicine

cartel was seriously threatened.

Royal Raymond Rife became the first human being to actually see a

virus. After nearly 20,000 unsuccessful attempts, Rife finally

isolated and identified the human cancer Virus, and named

it " Cryptocides Primordiales " . Rife inoculated 400 lab animals with

this virus, created 400 tumors, and then eliminated every cancer

tumor by using his instrument to modify its electronic signature.

This is all chronicled in " The Cancer Cure That Worked " Note I do not

recommend testing on animals in any form

Rife used the same technology for other " Incurable " diseases.

Constructing his own equipment, Rife painstakingly analyzed the

precise energetic signature unique to each.

By exposing disease organisms to highly modified forms of their own

unique electromagnetic pattern of oscillation, Rife discovered he

could destroy them (and nothing else) by the millions. How is this


Every biochemical compound oscillates at its own distinct frequency

pattern. Therefore, every living thing has its own unique

electromagnetic signature, and this pattern is genetically determined-

-and thus unlike any other species.

After decades of research, Rife isolated the patterns, modified them

and used them to kill the microbes that produced them! just as a wine

glass is shattered only by a particular frequency, so Rife's

frequencies destroy only the disease organism whose oscillation

pattern corresponds to the modified pattern he broadcast.

The San Diego Union of July 31, 1949 reported on the work of Dr.

Gruner of McGill University, Montreal, Canada and Dr. J.E. Hett of

Windsor, Canada. They were in agreement with and had experimental

proof that Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's discovery that cancer was caused

by a microbe was correct

In 1950 Dr. James Hillman of RCA Labs in Princeton, N.J. found the BX

cancer virus using an electron microscope.

I will now share with you some observations about cancer cells and a

classic experiment in which they are converted to normal cells, which

suggests a simple answer to how cells infected with the BX cancer

virus become cancerous. It has long been noted that cancer cells act

and appear somewhat like undifferentiated embryonic cells.

Furthermore, cancer cells apparently have mostly an anaerobic

(without oxygen) metabolism. Note that the only time in the normal

life cycle of mammalian cells in which they are of a undifferentiated

embryonic nature and also have an apparent appreciable anaerobic

metabolism is the period between the time the female egg, the ovum,

has been fertilized in the fallopian tube and just before a viable

placenta has developed in the uterus. Geneticists and embryologists

have shown that the entire development of the fetus from just-

fertilized ovum to the fully developed fetus is governed completely

by sequentially read and expressed genetic information. There is an

exceedingly complex genetic interchange and feedback control system

in operation. Some of this genetic code is used only for a short

period of time and is then sealed away not to be read or opened up

again in the individuals existence, except during chromosome copying

prior to cell division. Cancer cells act as though they have had some

set of embryonic gene sequences reactivated. However, in the now

mature differentiated mammalian cells from which this cancer cell has

been derived, the control system that normally would have deactivated

this embryonic gene sequence(s) is itself long since deactivated. The

cancer cell is in a run away catch 22 situation.


More on Royal R. Rife in Barry L. Lynes book and he can be reached


PO Box 4186

Laguna Beach, CA 92652

Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope it you seek a


The Cancer Cure That Worked (The Rife Report) is available from:

Marcus Books

PO Box 327

Queensville, Ontario, LOG 1R0, Canada.


This is a partial list of diseases that this technology has been

tried upon

HIVInfections Leukemia Heart Conditions Herpes Infections Leukemia

Multiple Sclerosis Neuralgia

Prostate Cancer, Pneumonia, Sarcoma Stroke, Warts Acne, Allergies

Arthritis Athlete's footBone spurs Candida Colds (some) Constipation

Cramps Depression Diabetes Dysmenorrhea Fever Fibroid Tumors Flu

(some strains) Headaches Insomnia Joint pain Kidney infection Lupus

Pain Paralysis

Staph & Strep Ulcers Abscesses Adenoids Alopecia Asthma Back pain

Bronchitis Carcinoma

Cardiovascular Carpal Tunnel Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Dental

infection Diarrhea.


To the serious investigator this technology is more than worthy of a

fuller investigation.

A clinic worth mentioning who use the rife machine is the flinchley

clinic located in Flinchley in London.www.the-finchley-clinic.co.uk

There are various study groups on the net dealing with this rife





I would really encourage people to look here as people have tried

these machines on all manor of complaints and with a huge amount of

feedback. I have been told there are about 10-12 of these machines in

the UK.I have also spoken to other researchers in the USA and they

have confirmed some interesting results. There is also an annual

conference where researchers from all over the planet to discuss


On Thursday, 8th March 2001, the popular British electronics

magazine " Everyday Practical Electronics " did a review on the machine

see their findings at http://www.rife.de/article/index.html




Go to www.rife.de/and look at their arthritis clinical study done

under exacting conditions with over 60 testimonies to look through

all done in Australia

Anecdotal evidence

Various people all around the planet have reported some interesting

results, one clinic reports

Good results with Candida, Fungus,irritable bowel and interesting

results with anger management particularly with autism with one

person recording a massive change in behavior.

One lady reports a huge benefit with arthritis where she has it in

her spine being able to return to work.

Many report a greater sense of well being, which is hard to measure,

but worthy of mention.

A summary of the arthritis test which 61 people took part under

strict medical protocols is given here

The results of the Arthritis Placebo Study suggest:

& #61623; An average sufferer of Rheumatoid or Osteoarthritis may experience

significant Improvement in all arthritis signs and symptoms by

undergoing an extended program of Audio Frequency Therapy.


& #61623; Under Audio Frequency Therapy the expected average reduction of

pain in many affected areas may be approximately equal to 25 percent

or greater after approximately fifty, three-hour treatment sessions.

This rate of improvement may persist until no trace of arthritis

related pain, inflammation and swelling remains. Maximum expected

recovery period for the " worst case " may be 12 months.


& #61623; This assumes that a sufferer's pain is unrelated to the following


& #61623; pain due to spinal degeneration

& #61623; pain due to major joint degeneration (joint replacements pending)

& #61623; pain due to unrelated illnesses


& #61623; Improvements in a sufferers arthritic condition under therapy may

last indefinitely, with no further treatment necessary. Elimination

or moderation of the suggested underlying causative factors

prevailing in each individual may also contribute to the total relief

of any arthritic disorder.

A cleansing dietary regimen is strongly recommended for all arthritis



& #61623; If old age " is the main cause of the arthritis disorder, an optimum

treatment program may include

& #61623; twelve months of Audio Frequency Therapy

& #61623; short term drug therapy (serious cases)

& #61623; a cleansing diet and suitable exercise program

& #61623; a program of Osteopathic or Chiropractic manipulation

& #61623; a supervised long term program of supplementary nutritional and

herbal substances to aid healing processes


Some of the leading lights in this field are Dr james bare see

http://rifetechnology.com/links.htm you can purchase a Manuel which

you can build your own machine from. See also http://www.rife.de/

Some interesting pictures can also be seen on exploding bacteria at


Se also http://www.rifeforum.com/ to see some more applications.

According to jim bare there are over 3500 machines now worldwide one

Doctor is currently treating a few hundred people each day.

Apparently it is possible to treat many people at the same time in

fact coming within a few feet of this machine you will get exposed to

the plasma wave.

According to jim bare commenting on his machines he says that there

are people who have significantly exceeded predicted survival times

using these devices. These people had a terminal prognosis, with so

certain an outcome that their Dr. was able to estimate their

remaining lifetime. Many who have used the device, are still here,

some are now back to work , in spite of their predicted demise. He

does say however that if a person has a prognosis of only a few weeks

to live, and tries the device, the results have been universally

poor. The degree of response to the device seems to be directly

related to the overall ability of a person's body to respond and

rebuild. If there is massive cancerous invasion of various organ

systems with associated failure of the organs, the results of

exposure to the device are very meager. But there have been reports

from people with multiple metastatic sites that have responded well

to the device. These people responded, as the damage done by the

cancer was not severe enough to be immediately life threatening.

Further our bodies seem to heal sites of prior tumors with scar

tissue. Meaning that an organ damaged by cancer may still shows signs

of impaired function after the tumor is destroyed. I must point out,

that treatment protocol is not fully developed for cancer, and any

use of the device is done at the users own risk.

See also the laura lee show where james bare gives an interview and

talks about Raymond rife and the machine

http://www.lauralee.com/Archives/index.htm the interview is in the

yr2000 section.


Using Rife technology, the president of a manufacturing company has

cured himself of the supposedly incurable Lyme disease. To protect

him from the FDA, we'll refer to him as Doug.

Lyme disease, spread commonly by tick bites, causes pain and a slow

degeneration of general health, can cause blindness, disintegration

of nerve fibers, and so on. Doug was at times in a great deal of

pain. But he knew about Royal Raymond Rife who had developed a super

high power microscope after a vacation to Europe earlier in this

century, a microscope powerful enough to be able to see not only

bacteria, but viruses as well. By subjecting them to specific

electromagnetic frequencies, he found that they would die when the

right frequency was applied.

Doug bought a powerful microscope and found the Lyme bacteria to look

like compression springs, so that if you could squeeze them together

from end to end they would spring back. They are able to spin, and by

spinning, drill their way into tissue, causing pain.

By wrapping several turns of wire around the condenser-lens where

light shines through the slide on a microscope, and feeding sine-

waves into the coil from a frequency generator through an amplifier,

he found the frequency where the bacteria would break apart, into

segments, or straighten out, not able to recover. The frequency is

usually 864 Hz for these particular bacteria, sometimes 432, 345,

312, or 305. By treating himself every month for eight months, he is


A woman with cancer found out what Doug was doing and wanted to try

the equipment on herself. Rife had published the specific frequencies

for different diseases. Hers was just over 2,000 Hz. Doug started

just below the target frequency and dialed upwards. The woman

commented at a certain point that she could feel something from the

coil, precisely when the target frequency was reached, although she

didn't know what that frequency was supposed to be, and could not see

the generator dial. Six weeks later her doctor reported to her that

blood tests were indicating the cancer was gone.


My husband uses it and feels it is killing lyme bacteria (B

burgdorferi). He is off the couch and working part time now. Others

share similar results with an EMEM3 machine. Testimonials have been

written for a wide number of other ailments . Note these are just

testimonials!!(Hubby's lyme is MD diagnosed by two American medical

doctors, we can provide references).


My right breast was so painful from a mass growing in it (diagnosed

as cancer). I could not wash or even let water run over it. I also

went blind in one eye and had a bad cough that would not go away. I

felt I had nothing to lose by trying the machine. I use

alternatives...vitamins and homeopathy all the time and they helped

until the pain was so severe I didn't think I could take it any

longer. After using my machine for one month the severe pain left.

For the next several months very strange things happened to me. The

sight returned to my blind eye and my cough went away. Finally after

six months I was positive I did not have any more cancer. I had blood

tests taken (CA125) and they came back negative for cancer. My whole

family is excited about my recovery. "


I caught mono from my girlfriend. I got so sick I wished I was dead.

I started using my machine everyday. After two weeks I felt great and

to this day the Mono is gone. I hate being sick. "


For 30 years I lived out of my medicine closet. I constantly had a

migraine and other allergy type problems. A friend asked if I wanted

to try his Rife machine and I declined because I am skeptical about

new things. Finally, I tried it when I felt I was coming down with a

cold. The next morning I felt great. No cold. I finally bought my own

machine and I do not get headaches or allergies anymore. I never felt

better. "


I take several drugs for a chronic sinus infection I've had most of

my life. I watched a friend of mine use this machine to get rid of

his gout. I finally decided to try his machine. After a couple of

days I didn't need my pills anymore. My sinuses feel great. I bought

my own machine. Now my mother is using it for cancer.


We had a collie with cancer around one of her nipples and a mass

under her front leg. It spread into the lymph glands. We treated her

with the Rife instrument on the areas that had all been X-rayed,

including the skull and ribs, which had showed hot spots. After three

weeks using the instrument, we had her X-rayed again and the tumor

under the nipple was almost gone, the mass under the leg couldn't be

found, and the hot spots on the skull and ribs were clearly smaller.


I've been using a Rife instrument for approximately six weeks. Within

a month, a rapidly developing and painful rheumatoid arthritic

condition in my left heel and ankle has all but disappeared. There is

rarely even a twinge!


I have never known my menstrual cramps to cease in such a short

period of time (2-3 minutes) until I used my Rife unit. I noticed no

ill effects whatsoever, just a calm, relaxed feeling. "

This information is taken from the orion project found at



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