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Food Biotech Is Risky Business

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Food Biotech Is Risky Business


This article explains that insurance companies are refusing

to insure genetically engineered foods. This is a good

in-depth article that sheds a lot of light on the topic of

liability from genetically engineered crops. One of the most

revealing statements in the article comes from the chief

economist for the Insurance Information Institute,

" Genetically modified foods are among the riskiest of all

possible insurance exposures that we have today. And there's

a good reason. No one company knows where this path of

genetically modified foods is ultimately going to take us in

terms of either human health or environmental

contamination. "


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't even require

biotech companies to notify the agency if a company is

bringing out a new genetically engineered food unless the

product contains a known allergen or has a significant

nutrient change. And the Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) is turning a blind eye to the potential damage

genetically engineered crops are posing to the environment.

Further, organic crops are being contaminated by cross

pollination from genetically engineered crops and the U.S.

Department of Agriculture (USDA) is acting like this

contamination of organic crops is not even taking place.


When these three government agencies are doing such an

incredibly inadequate job in regulating biotech crops, it

should not be a huge surprise that the insurance companies

are staying away from providing coverage for genetically

engineered foods. Genetically modified foods can be found in

75 percent of processed foods -- everything from

cornflakes, bread, pasta and soy sauce to ice cream and

candy, making the potential reach of a class-action lawsuit

far-ranging. Millions of people eat genetically modified

foods every day without knowing it -- because the FDA

considers them " substantially equivalent " to regular foods,

they're not labeled. But a recent study found that only 24

percent of Americans believe they have eaten GMO foods.


Wired December 1, 2003


Food Biotech Is Risky Business

By Kristen Philipkoski


Story location:



02:00 AM Dec. 01, 2003 PT


The genetically modified food industry has battled

opposition from consumer and environmental groups to get its

food on the table. Its lobbyists have cajoled skeptical

politicians; its scientists have produced studies

contradicting other studies suggesting the food is somehow



Now the industry faces another hurdle with long-range, dire

consequences: It may be uninsurable.


The reason, industry representatives say, is that the Food

and Drug Administration does not regulate GMO products.

Without government regulation, no one knows the rules, and

that troubles insurers.


" When it comes to a drug or medical device, what

underwriters look to as most important is FDA oversight, "

said Thomas Greany, senior vice president and national

practice leader for medical technology at Marsh, a

risk-management firm. " It gives a great deal of comfort that

FDA has high standards, and if something happens, a method

or standard operating procedure is in place to handle

adverse outcomes. "


The genetically modified foods currently on the market are

likely safe, said Michael Taylor, a senior fellow at

Resources for the Future. But with the industry evolving

toward more significant genetic changes, he said, FDA

oversight would help ensure safety as well as encourage

wider public acceptance. A recent study found that 89

percent of Americans believe the FDA should regulate

genetically modified foods.


Groups concerned about the long-term health and

environmental effects of genetically modified organisms

agree, and empathize with insurers.


" Insurers should be concerned about this, " said Craig Culp,

a spokesman for the Center for Food Safety in Washington,

D.C., promoting organic and sustainable agriculture. " It

doesn't take much in terms of the regulatory landscape for

them to suddenly find themselves in a position of paying out

a lot of money because of genetic contamination. "


Now, when agricultural biotech companies can get coverage,

it's limited and expensive. Even if genetically modified

crops prove to be safe for humans and the environment, the

perception of risk can be enough to do damage, because

insurers know all too well how that can influence a jury.


The top five insurers in Great Britain recently declared

they'll have nothing to do with the genetically modified

crop industry. Despite fewer protests by American consumers

against agricultural biotech products than Europeans, U.S.

insurers also express fears about class-action suits against

GMO producers.


" Genetically modified foods are among the riskiest of all

possible insurance exposures that we have today, " said

Robert Hartwig, the chief economist for the Insurance

Information Institute, an industry trade association in New

York. " And there's a good reason. No one company knows where

this path of genetically modified foods is ultimately going

to take us in terms of either human health or environmental

contamination. "


Agricultural biotech companies say insurers should treat

their products in the same way they do conventionally grown



Researchers worldwide recognize GMO products as

" substantially equivalent to their conventional

counterparts, " said Lee Quarles, a spokesman for Monsanto, a

leading agricultural biotech company based in the United

States. " Therefore, there is no justification that would

establish why the insurance model should be any different

for a biotech versus a nonbiotech product -- when both are

recognized as safe and substantially equivalent to one

another. "


The FDA's website says its job is to " see that the food we

eat is safe and wholesome, the cosmetics we use won't hurt

us, the medicines and medical devices we use are safe and

effective, and that radiation-emitting products such as

microwave ovens won't do us harm. "


That's no small order, and a labyrinth of legislation

determines how these tasks are executed. The agency must

first determine what is a risk and then whether the product

requires approval of a product before it hits the market.


The FDA decided in 1992 that genetically modified foods are

" substantially equivalent " to regular food, and therefore do

not require pre-market approval. Instead, companies

voluntarily provide the FDA with a statement that their

products are safe.


In January 2001, members of the FDA filed a proposal calling

for some pre-market FDA oversight of genetically altered

foods, but it was never enacted.


" The FDA is still looking into mandatory reporting, " said

Michael Herndon, a spokesman for the agency.


Without the FDA setting guidelines for consumers and

insurers, critics believe insurers are more likely to face

large payouts in various scenarios. Cross-contamination of

conventional or organic crops from genetically modified

fields is one potentially litigious scenario. Some farmers

have already filed such lawsuits. In other cases, Monsanto

has sued farmers for patent infringement.


Others fear genetically modified foods could pose a health

threat to humans when eaten directly, or when consumed

indirectly from livestock fed with genetically modified



Every insurance company is in the business of risk, but it's

not a topic companies enjoy talking about with the press.

Representatives from Chubb insurance, which has a large life

science unit, and Prudential declined to comment for this

story. A representative from American International Group,

which covers some biotechs as well as malpractice, flood,

and terrorism, did not respond to requests for comment.


" Some insurers view it as potentially one of the biggest

long-term problems this industry might face, " said the

Insurance Information Institute's Hartwig.


Genetically modified foods can be found in 75 percent of

processed foods -- everything from cornflakes, bread, pasta

and soy sauce to ice cream and candy, making the potential

reach of a class-action lawsuit far-ranging. Millions of

people eat genetically modified foods every day without

knowing it -- because the FDA considers them " substantially

equivalent " to regular foods, they're not labeled. But a

recent study found that only 24 percent of Americans believe

they have eaten GMO foods.


Companies cannot count on juries to rule in their favor,

even taking into account that most Americans' knowledge of

GMO foods remains low.


" The real risk that you're running is the capricious and

arbitrary behavior of a jury, " Greany said.


In 2000, the industry got a glimpse of what biotech

companies could face in terms of liability. A genetically

modified corn product called Starlink, made by Aventis

CropScience, was approved only for animal feed, but it

accidentally made its way into Taco Bell tortillas. Courts

awarded farmers a $110 million settlement, and a $6 million

settlement to individuals claiming they suffered severe

allergic reactions.


Meanwhile, a man who won $10,000 in a Starlink lawsuit

claiming he suffered allergies is apparently not allergic to

the corn after all, according to a study published recently

in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


" In today's litigious climate, where people seem to sue for

things both real and imagined, (liability) can be a very

costly proposition for companies and their insurers, " said

David Zoffer, an attorney in Chapel Hill, North Carolina,

who runs a litigation management and outsourcing consulting



In other cases, farmers claiming their fields have been

contaminated by nearby genetically modified crops have been

unable to win judgments. Monsanto sued Percy Schmeiser, a

Canadian canola farmer, for growing its genetically modified

version of the grain, although Schmeiser says the seeds

drifted onto his land from a neighboring farm, ruining a

crop he spent 40 years perfecting. Monsanto won two lower

court rulings in Canada on the matter. The Canadian Supreme

Court will hear the case in January.


The high court's decision " could be precedent-setting for

North America, " the Center for Food Safety's Culp said.


With the number of acres of genetically modified crops

worldwide up to 145 million in 2002 and growing,

cross-contamination -- and the potential for lawsuits

resulting from it -- will likely increase in the coming

years. The burden of liability could be heavily influenced

by the outcome of these early lawsuits.


With so much uncertainty, it's not surprising insurance

companies are skittish.


When risky businesses get insurance, a significant gap

exists between how much coverage they can get and the amount

of damage they may incur, Greany said.


A company the size of Monsanto would likely buy insurance

with coverage for between $200 million and $300 million in

assets. But lawsuits could result in settlements in the

billions, experts said.


One option for difficult-to-insure companies is to

self-insure by setting money aside for themselves. Or they

can set up what's called a captive insurance company, often

in Bermuda, where the tax situation is particularly

favorable. Companies can establish captives individually or

as a group within the same industry. But these options are

much less efficient than a traditional insurance plan,

Greany said.


There is always a limit to the amount of insurance coverage

available to an industry at any given time. Marsh tracks

those numbers closely. It can change day to day, and has

been steadily decreasing over the past three years,

according to the company's 2003 " Limits of Liability "



" For biotech, the most that would be available today is

about $700 million, " Greany said. " Three years ago it would

have been about $1 billion. "


Despite the concerns from insurance industry

representatives, Monsanto officials insist coverage is not a



" Monsanto has had no difficulty getting commercial

insurance, " spokesman Quarles said. " This is not something

that we are concerned about at this time. "

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