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The War on Cancer Herbs, Cancer Foods and Alternative Cancer Treatments:


The FDA Protection Racket


By Lanny Messinger (Sept. 27, 2003)


I remember listening to a news report in the 1970s about a man who was arrested forhaving a Volkswagen full of apricot pits. As absurd as that sounds the FDA is stillwaging war against natural, God-given remedies and the people who promote them. The latest casualty is Jason Vale who is currently in federal prison for selling andpromoting apricot pits on his website. Jason used apricot pits to successfully treathis own cancer.


Government statistics reveal that drugs approved by the FDA kill over 100,000Americans every year! The number of Americans killed by herbal remedies is 0. Whythen is the FDA aggressively attacking people who sell cancer herbs and other naturalremedies? The answer to this question was given by the most credible witness youcould imagine—Dr. Herbert Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA:


“The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. Whatthe FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day.


"First, it is providing a means whereby key individuals on its payroll are able to obtainboth power and wealth through granting special favors to certain politically influentialgroups that are subject to its regulation. This activity is similar to the 'protectionracket' of organized crime: for a price, one can induce FDA administrators to provide'protection' from the FDA itself.


"Secondly, as a result of this political favoritism, the FDA has become a primary factorin that formula whereby cartel-oriented companies in the food and drug industry areable to use the police powers of government to harass or destroy their free-marketcompetitors.


"And thirdly, the FDA occasionally does some genuine public good with whateverenergies it has left over after serving the vested political and commercial interest ofits first two activities.” [WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin]


Dr. Herbert Ley became the Medical Director for the FDA in 1966. In July of 1968 Dr.Ley was appointed head of the FDA. He resigned in December 1969.


According to the FDA’s own website “Ley also strongly castigated drug industrypractices in general, warning them that ‘unless there is a major change in the drugindustry emphasis on sales over safety, the industry as we know it today may well beburied within the next several years in a grave it has helped dig—inch by inch,overpromotion by overpromotion, bad drug by bad drug'”


When Dr. Ley resigned, Secretary of HEW Finch praised him as a “gifted scientist anda dedicated public servant [who] coped strenuously with an unwieldy agency.”


Even the courts have exposed the FDA’s fraudulent war on apricot pits and VitaminB17 (aka “Laetrile” or “amygdalin” that is extracted from apricot pits). The FDA hasforever claimed that laetrile is toxic. In one court case they even went so far as toplace a big sign in the courthouse lobby which stated: “BEWARE OF LAETRILE! IT ISTOXIC!”


However, in that very court case Dr. Bruce Halstead testified as an expert witness ontoxicology that aspirin, sugar and salt were more toxic than Laetrile. His testimonycaught the FDA attorneys with their pants down, because they had not realized thatDr. Bruce Halstead had been commissioned by the FDA to write the definitive book ontoxic substances, the FDA's own "TEXTBOOK ON TOXICOLOGY". Here’s how that caseended:


Judge: "You are telling me that you have filed suit in this court that Laetrile is toxic,and you don’t have a single witness or a shred of evidence to support such a suit?"


Attorney: "That is correct, Your Honor."


Judge: “Then why have you filed such a suit?"


Attorney: " Because, Your Honor, Laetrile may be dangerous."


Judge: "Dangerous to whom?"


Attorney: "Dangerous to the Federal Government, Your Honor."


Judge: "How could Laetrile possibly be dangerous to the Federal Government?"


Attorney: "Because, Your Honor, the Government may lose control."


Judge (angry): "Case dismissed!"


Of course laetrile is only “dangerous” to the parasitic FDA officials whose salaries arefunded by U.S. taxpayers and to the gargantuan pharmaceutical corporations whohire and plant FDA officials and make billions of dollars every year killing over 100,000Americans with their man-made poisons. (It is important to note that this numberdoes not include the hundreds of thousands of people who are not killed by thesedrugs, but who suffer the adverse side effects of these so-called "medicines"; sometimes the side effects are worse than the disease and many FDA-approved"medicines" and "food additives" are known to cause cancer!)


But the fraud doesn't just stop there: Laetrile, or vitamin B17, is contained in manynatural foods that we eat every day, such as:


Grains: brown rice, barley, flax seeds, millet, quince


Legumes: lentils, fava beans, garbanzo beans, lima beans, buckwheat


Berries: blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries


Nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans


Greens: spinach, alfalfa sprouts, mung bean sprouts, beet greens


Other: yams, brewer’s yeast, bamboo shoots, grape seeds, apple seeds


Therefore, laetrile is a natural, God-given substance provided in the very foods weeat. “Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12.


However, according to the FDA we are all supposed to drop dead from eating almonds,rice and alfalfa sprouts. In spite of this absurdity the FDA continues to foist theirfraudulent propaganda upon the American people and persecute anyone who mightpose a threat to their corporate profit “protection racket”.


The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are predatory birds of a feather. Inthe words of Dr. Gary Glum, "The FDA and the FTC are the leg-breakers for thepharmaceutical cartels." There is no constitutional provision for FDA/FTC activities. The FDA and FTC are nothing more than mafia-style, criminal organizations that are ina state of treason to We the People. When it comes to health fraud, the FDA and FTCare the biggest culprits.


(By the way, I have been eating apple seeds for many years--whenever I eat anapple--and I have never observed any negative reaction from eating them.)


[The court case quotes above were taken from Dr. Phillip Binzel's book ALIVE ANDWELL. This book is a must for cancer patients and those who do not wish to becomecancer patients.]




{Common Law copyright 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced anddistributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it bereproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyonewishing to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the authorat Lanny.}






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