Guest guest Posted December 4, 2003 Report Share Posted December 4, 2003 Free Newsletter for those interested ... > > > > > THE WYSONG e-HEALTH LETTER > ~Thoughts for Thinking People~ > 12/04/03 > > > > TABLE OF CONTENTS: > PAGE 1 > > SHORTS: > AUTISM-VACCINE LINK > CHILDHOOD OBESITY EPIDEMIC > CINNAMON AND BLOOD SUGAR > HEALTHY CHOLESTEROL LEVELS > MEDITERRANEAN DIET TO PREVENT LUNG CANCER > MICROWAVE " ZAPS " NUTRIENTS > OBESITY LEADS TO CANCER > OMEGA-3's TO PREVENT DEPRESSION > SUGAR INCREASES BIRTH DEFECT RISK > SUN PROTECTS AGAINST CANCER > > PAGE 2 > > RELEVANT PRODUCTS > > WYSONG WORKS - REAL COMMENTS FROM REAL PEOPLE LIKE YOU > > HELP US HELP YOU > > WHAT'S NEW ON THE WYSONG WEBSITE? > > SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER > > NEW BOOK - THE TRUTH ABOUT PET FOODS > > WYSONG BREEDER AND SHELTER/ADOPTION SHOWCASES > > FREE SAMPLE > > FREE NEW TAPE OR CD FOR SUBSCRIBERS > > MAKING A BETTER WORLD > > PAGE 1 > > SHORTS > Current Research and Thoughts You Can Use for Health and Healing > ...And Which Verify The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > > AUTISM-VACCINE LINK: A recent study presents the first epidemiological evidence, based upon tens of millions of doses of vaccines administered in the United States, that associates increasing thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative) levels from vaccines with neurodevelopmental disorders. Specifically, the study showed statistical increases in the incidence rates of autism, mental retardation and speech disorders in those who had received thimerosal-containing vaccines compared to those given thimerosal-free vaccines. > During the 1990s, the U.S. childhood vaccination schedule exposed some children to up to 125 times the federal limit on mercury exposure set by the Environmental Protection Agency. Autism rates have increased 10 times since the late 1980s, and the CDC says that one in 300 American children may suffer from the condition. (Exp Biol Med (Maywood), 2003; 228(6):660-4.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Vaccine Safety > Vaccine Risks > Supplements to Take if Vaccinated > Childhood Vaccine Dangers > Vaccines for Everyone > More Childhood Vaccine Dangers > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > CHILDREN AND TODDLERS NEWEST VICTIMS OF OBESITY EPIDEMIC: One out of five American children has a weight problem - and they're getting that way earlier than ever. 15% of children and adolescents, or about 9 million children, are overweight. And overall, 20% to 30% of children in this country are either overweight or at risk of becoming so. Obesity in children causes a multitude of health problems - high cholesterol and high blood pressure (risk factors for heart disease), impaired glucose tolerance (a precursor to Type 2 diabetes), fatty liver (which can lead to cirrhosis) - as well as the potential for psychological problems and almost certain social ostracism. > In a culture that values convenience over solid nutrition, parents are feeding their children more and more foods that are not real food, but laced with chemicals, preservatives and non-nutritional elements. And nearly 30% of American children are sedentary in their leisure time, preferring to spend their time watching TV, playing video games, or on the computer. > Pediatric endocrinologists and dieticians have so far been largely ineffective in treating childhood obesity. The solution to this skyrocketing health crisis lies with the children's caretakers to restore the principles of natural activity and eating balances within the home. (1) (Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, 2003, Seattle. Int J Epidemiol, 2001; 30(5):1129-36.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > The Synorgon Diet: How To Achieve Healthy Weight In A World Of Excess > Obesity is a Serious Health Issue > Childhood Obesity and Diabetes > Childhood Obesity and T.V. > Reversing Obesity in Children > Obesity Continues to Increase in Modern Societ > Obesity on the Increase > Overweight Children > Television Obesity > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > CINNAMON AND BLOOD SUGAR: A new study has found that just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics. The active ingredient in cinnamon mimics insulin, activates its receptor, and works synergistically with insulin in cells. All volunteers with Type 2 diabetes who were given cinnamon powder daily responded within weeks, with blood sugar levels that were on average 20% lower than the control group. Some even achieved normal blood sugar levels. Blood sugar started rising again after the diabetics stopped taking cinnamon. Cinnamon has additional benefits including lowering blood levels of fats and " bad " cholesterol and neutralizing free radicals. (2-3) (Diabetes Care, 2003; 26:3215-8.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Preventing Diabetes > Beating Diabetes Naturally > Preventing and Reversing Diabetes > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > HEALTHY DIET FOR HEALTHY CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: A recent study shows that a diet that includes almonds and several other specific plant foods can lower cholesterol - specifically LDL, the " bad " cholesterol - as significantly as a leading cholesterol-lowering " statin " medication. A diet rich in raw almonds, soluble fiber, plant sterols, and soy, plant and vegetable proteins can reduce LDL cholesterol levels by up to 30% in just two weeks. (4-7) (J Am Med Assoc, 2003; 290(4):502-10.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Lipid Nutrition - Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease > Soybean Oil Lowers Cholesterol > Lowering Cholesterol > Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Can Cause Heart Disease > Beware of Lipid-Lowering Drugs > Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Violent Deaths > Increased Fiber with a Decreased Fat Intake Lowers Cholesterol > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > MEDITERRANEAN DIET TO PREVENT LUNG CANCER: There has been growing interest over recent years in the potential preventive role of the Mediterranean diet in the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. A new study has discovered that although other foods in a Mediterranean diet - carrots, tomatoes, and white meat - showed initial promise, olive oil and sage are the components of this diet associated with decreased lung cancer risk. (4,8) (Nutr Cancer, 2003; 46(1):30-7.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Lipid Nutrition - Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease > Cancer and Diet > Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil for Cancer > Olives Are Special > The Mediterranean Diet Decreases Cardiac Risk > Tomatoes Decrease Cancer Rates > Lung Cancer and Processed Foods > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > MICROWAVE " ZAPS " NUTRIENTS: Broccoli " zapped " with water in the microwave lost up to 97% of some of the antioxidants it contained! Portuguese researchers examined the levels of three major antioxidant groups in broccoli after cooking. Microwaved broccoli lost 74%-97% of these compounds. Boiling results in a similar loss of antioxidants. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11% or fewer of its antioxidants. Many antioxidants and other bioactive compounds are water-soluble and during heating they leach into the cooking water. To > minimize nutrient loss when microwaving or boiling broccoli and other vegetables it is important not to overcook them and to use a minimal amount of water. (J Sci Food Agric, 2003; 83(14):1511-6.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health Program > Microwave Dangers > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > OBESITY LEADS TO CANCER: According to a 16-year study involving close to 1 million people, excess weight contributes to 20% of all cancer deaths in women and 14% in men. Those who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of death from various cancers, including esophageal, colon and rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma, as compared to people of normal weight. If Americans maintained healthy weights, more than 90,000 cancer deaths could be avoided each year, according to researchers. Add this to the existing evidence that links excess body weight to heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and you have an impressive argument for getting and staying thin. (1) (N Engl J Med, 2003; 348(17):1625-38.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > The Synorgon Diet: How To Achieve Healthy Weight In A World Of Excess > Healthy Weight > Obesity is a Serious Health Issue > Cancer and Diet > Obesity and Oxidation > More on Obesity and Oxidation > Colon Cancer and Fat > Fat and Cancer > Fat Moms Can Induce Children's Cancer > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > OMEGA-3's TO PREVENT PREGNANCY DEPRESSION: New research has shown that omega-3 essential fatty acids found in certain kinds of fish may significantly reduce the risk of depression during pregnancy. Researchers have found that pregnant women who have a deficient intake of omega-3's have double the risk of depression than women with a normal to high intake. A developing fetus draws on the fatty acid stores of its mother for optimal neurological growth. Due to concern about mercury exposure from fish and its impact on the brain development of the fetus, many pregnant women are hesitant to eat a diet rich in fish. (4,9) (American Psychiatry Association Annual Conference, May 20, 2003.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Lipid Nutrition - Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease > Fish for Mental Health > Depression and Omega-3 Fatty Acids > Natural Treatment of Depression > Post-Partum Depression > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > SUGAR INCREASES NEURAL TUBE DEFECT RISK: Recently researchers compared the diet of approximately 500 mothers of children with neural tube defects such as spina bifida, with mothers who had healthy babies. They found the risk of defects doubled in women who ate large amounts of foods that give a rapid sugar punch, and among obese women it quadrupled. Scientists believe that the sudden release of large amounts of glucose may interfere with the development of babies in the womb - in particular the formation of the tube of bone around the spinal column. (Am J Clin Nutr, 2003; 78(5):972-8.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Sugar Affects Estrogen Levels > Folic Acid and Birth Defects - A Matter of Absorption > Fructose Glut > Beware of Carbohydrates and Sugars > Sugar, Sugar Everywhere > Vitamin B-12 for Neural Tube Defects > Sugars as a Cause of Disease > Folic Acid and Neural Tube Defects > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > SUN PROTECTS AGAINST CANCER: New research has once again shown the dangers of avoiding the sun. Scientists stated that staying out of the sun completely may increase your chances of developing cancer. This is because the sun is a major source of vitamin D. A lack of sun can reduce levels of vitamin D, which may increase the risk of cancer. Studies have suggested this vitamin can protect against colon, breast, prostate and other cancers. For years, experts have advised people to cover up in the sun to protect themselves from skin cancer. (9) (Br Med J, 2003; 327:1228.) > *Further Reading: > The Wysong Optimal Health ProgramT > Fighting Fire with Fire > Breast Cancer and Sunlight > Vitamin D for Prostate Cancer > Vitamin D as an Anti-Cancer Agent > Light - The Ultimate Health Food > Sunscreens Cause, Not Prevent Skin Cancer > Vitamin D and the Sun Protect Against Cancer > Sunscreens Cause Cancer > Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D > The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources > Prevention/Therapy Guide > > > >>>EMAIL THIS NEWSLETTER TO A FRIEND > > For product recommendations relevant to the above (numbered footnotes), news, coupons, samples, testimonials, and other crass commercial stuff that, yes, helps keep us afloat and feed the kids, but can benefit you too, scroll down to Page 2 below. > > For a complete listing of back archived issues of the Wysong e-Health Letter, click here (or go to, click on " Newsletter " and select " Archives " ). > > *To obtain the listed reading materials, please click on the item of interest, or write to eHealthLetter, or visit, click on " Newsletter " and select " Archives. " > > > Best of health to you and yours from all of us here at Wysong. > > > Having trouble with the links, or unable to read this format? Just go to, click on " Newsletter " and select " Current e-Health Letter " to obtain the Web version of this email. If you prefer to receive the e-Health Letter in text-only format, just send an email to eHealthLetter. > > > To , please send an email to eHealthLetter with the word " " in the subject line. > > > > PAGE 2 > > THE WYSONG e-HEALTH LETTER > ~News, Products, Ideas, Raves, Offers~ > > > RELEVANT PRODUCTS > 1. The Synorgon Diet - How to Achieve Healthy Weight in a World of Excess, by Dr. Wysong: This book provides a fundamental, unique understanding for why excess weight in people and animals is a modern epidemic. The cure is as simple as rediscovering our genetic roots, our intimate link with our environment, and reconnecting. No problem can ever be truly solved without correct fundamental understanding. In this book you will come to learn not only the roots of obesity but disease itself. With that understanding you can take control of your own weight and health destiny. Much like the correct combination can open the vault door to a trove of riches, the Synorgon understanding opens the door to healthy weight and a new life of vitality riches. 270 pp. illustrated, scientifically referenced, and indexed. > > 2. Cinnamon Ecstasy: Wysong Sweet SensationsT are unrefined, natural sweeteners that are naturally balanced to supply a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fiber to assist in sugar metabolism. Use Cinnamon Ecstasy to add natural nutrition with a touch of health-promoting cinnamon to toast, rolls, baked goods, or bagel-spreads. Nutritionally superior to white sugar. Sweet SensationsT are also available in Original Sweet ToothT and Chocolate CravingT. Use anywhere you normally use other sweeteners to give sweets a nutritional boost. For more information, please read " Healthy Condiments. " > > 3. CarboprinT: A nutritional supplement designed to aid in sugar and carbohydrate metabolism. Includes natural phytonutrient extracts and concentrates of fenugreek seeds, gymnema sylvestre leaves, and other scientifically proven nutrients. For more information, please read " Rationale for Carboprin. " > > 4. Lipid Nutrition: Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease, by Dr. Wysong: This book explains how fats and oils can be both villains and heroes in the search for health for both humans and animals. This is a complex subject which Dr. Wysong simply explains without sacrificing technical correctness. You'll learn why the current " fat free " craze is dangerous, what is so special about omega-3 fatty acids and other essential fats, how to increase the good fats in the diet and reduce the bad, and how to change the diet so the powerful preventive and healing effects of fats and oils can perform as they are naturally designed to. Lipid Nutrition can be one of those rare books which replaces the reading of dozens of others. 170 pp. illustrated, scientifically referenced, and indexed. > > 5. Chocolate TherapyT: A delicious velvety chocolate packed with flavorful nutrition - including nutritious, raw almonds and natural fiber from whole ingredients. Here's the healthy, intelligent natural cure for your chocolate attacks. And you thought chocolate had to be a sin! For more information, please read " Healthy Snacks. " > > 6. Trail MixT: A special blend of seeds, nuts, and dried fruit consisting of organic sunflower and pumpkin seeds, organic dates, raisins, currants, raw almonds and cashews. A nutritious high energy snack. For more information, please read " Healthy Snacks. " > > 7. Fibermin E.F.A.T: A soluble fiber-rich supplement with naturally chelated minerals and essential fatty acids. For more information, please read " Rationale for Fibermin E.F.A. " > > 8. Herbed Extra Virgin Olive OilT: A nutritious herbal olive oil used as a dressing/spread for bread, pastas, and salads. High in healthful essential fatty acids. Contains flavorful, beneficial herbs and Wysong's natural antioxidant OxherpholT. For more information, please read " Rationale for Nutritious Oils. " > > 9. Wysong Nutritious OilsT: E.F.A.T, E.F.A. with Fish OilT and Marine LipidsT are dietary supplements providing a wide range of unaltered essential fatty acids (including omega 3's, 6's and 9's) known to exert numerous beneficial structural and metabolic effects. For more information, please read " Rationale for Nutritious Oils. " > > 10. Wysong Sun Products: Wysong SunscreenT and Tanning LotionT contain only natural ingredients, and are formulated to protect, nurture and soothe the skin during and after sun exposure. Wysong products use topical nutrition and natural antioxidants to prevent solar damage while stimulating the natural protective tanning mechanisms. > > > WYSONG WORKS - REAL COMMENTS FROM REAL PEOPLE LIKE YOU > Veterinary Kudos > Internet: " As a veterinarian who has had a nutritionally oriented career for almost 50 years, your views and activities have always been of interest to me. I have admired the work you have done in the field of animal nutrition. " > > Superb Health & Disease Reversal > Internet: " I contacted you 3 months ago regarding my diabetic cat and whether or not I could feed him Wysong. To make a long story short, since I switched him to your product, I feel like I have my old cat back. After 2 years of dealing with this diabetes, he has never seemed healthier. In addition to that his insulin dose has been reduced by 2 ½ units since I switched him. " > > > HELP US HELP YOU > As you know, this newsletter as well as much of the Wysong educational material is available free. But as you also might imagine, maintaining the website, the e-Health Letter r base and doing all the question answering, research, writing and editing takes a number of people who have families to feed, and an enormous amount of money and time. The support can only come from one place - those of you who purchase Wysong products. Our goal is to continue to bring to you information and products that can make a real difference in your life, value far beyond any cost to you. When you think on it, what is the value of disease, pain and incapacity you never experience, or disease reversed naturally because of applying perhaps just one of the ideas revealed to you by Wysong? We hope it is worth your continued allegiance and we thank you, for without your support we could not be here. > > > WHAT'S NEW ON THE WYSONG WEBSITE? > ( > > To help you keep up with what's new on our website, here are a few suggestions for viewing in November, 2003: > > NEW TESTIMONIALS > In 'Love the Philosophy, Information and Honesty': > . A 50-year nutritionally-oriented veterinarian admires the work of Wysong in the field of animal nutrition. > . Nine-month-old cats are transitioned intelligently to adult foods because an owner took the time to read Wysong educational material. This person especially liked the CD. The cats are begging for ArchetypeT. (Read about gift baskets being used for good Christmas gift ideas.) > > In 'Superb Health, Disease Prevention and Reversal': > . After two years of dealing with a diabetic cat, the owner switched to Wysong. Now the cat " has never seemed healthier " and the insulin dose was reduced 2 1/2 units. > . A Texas cat with a shiny coat is 13 years old and loves Wysong. > . From Massachusetts comes a note about a Pekinese puppy with no more digestive problems after switching to Wysong. > > In 'Much Better than Other Diets': > . The owner of an 18-year old calico Persian cat is very happy with Geriatrx Feline Diet, and says thanks to Wysong for a healthy cat. > > Read all the details at Click on: Learn/Feedback, then Testimonials, then the title listed, then scroll down to the bottom for the newest testimonials. > > > NEW LOOK > 1. Attempting to make things easier for you, we have simplified the approach under Products/Ordering. After choosing Human or Pets, you may choose Products or Learn. The pet information and the pet products are together for your ease of finding corresponding material. > > 2. Also, there is a new Browse Category: " New Products " at the top of the browse list under Human Products and also under Pet Products. Watch this link for new products we are constantly adding. > > > NEW PRODUCTS > 1. Please note the new coming soon " OriginsT " announcement. Click on Products/Ordering, then Human, then Human Products. Origins is an " un-cereal " that is non-thermally processed. Origins can be eaten as a hearty breakfast food, a snack, a topping and more. Food exactly as nature intended. Check out the good news. > > 2. Speaking about new things: Have you seen the Quality of Life Products under the Pet Products browse list? > Hoping to duplicate the exercise and mental stimulation pets would receive in the wild, Wysong is offering an expanding line of exciting products to enhance the quality of life for companion animals. Every product featured has been reviewed for quality, durability, practicality, and contribution to making pet ownership easier, more humane, enjoyable and healthy. > Click on Products/Ordering, Pets, Pet Products, then Quality of Life. Scroll down to see all these new products. This is a growing section, so keep checking for new things. > > > $3 - SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER FOR SUBSCRIBERS - $3 > Here is a discount to help you try our many new products: Take $3 off any order that includes products you have not previously ordered. Order must total at least $25. Just mention this offer when ordering. > > > NEW BOOK - THE TRUTH ABOUT PET FOODS > Dr. Wysong's new book, The Truth About Pet Foods, is now available. > You will find it to be, without question, the most important book ever written on pet health and nutrition. > Although it is scientifically documented, it is an easy and entertaining read. 256 pages, 32 chapters, illustrated and in economical soft cover. > This will be a provocative and controversial book because it takes a no-holds-barred critical look at a mega-billion dollar industry, and an institutional and professional mindset that does not want to be dislodged. Using compelling logic and scientific proof, Dr. Wysong makes the case that the modern approach to pet health and feeding has it all wrong. > However, this is not just a critique, it will empower you with knowledge and practical ideas on how you can take control of your pet's health and avoid the epidemic of degenerative diseases plaguing both pets and humans. > Even if you do not have a pet, the information will be equally helpful to you and your family. > If applied, the information in this book can do more to prevent and cure disease, and optimize health, than the sum total of all medical measures combined. > If you do not agree, we'll refund every penny. > $12.95, plus $3.50 shipping and handling. > You can use our discount offer even if your order does not total $25, and forget the shipping and handling charge if you are a r. > > > WYSONG BREEDER AND SHELTER/ADOPTION SHOWCASES > We will be providing two showcases of pet availability. > If you are a shelter, rescue organization, or an individual looking for a home for a pet, send a description - or better yet, a video - that we can put on the website. > If you are a breeder, or just a pet owner with young ones you wish to sell, and you have been feeding according to Dr. Wysong's optimal health principles, let us showcase your Wysong litter. Send a video and other information that would be helpful to those looking for a healthy pet. Since good health from good nutrition is actually genetically transmitted, we will help for free if you provide details on how you have been feeding. > > > FREE SAMPLE > Free small sample of ArchetypeT with any order upon request. This is probably the most ideal food we have yet created. If you doubt it, let your pet decide. It is pure gustatory bliss. The health dividends are a great bonus, too. > > > FREE NEW TAPE OR CD FOR SUBSCRIBERS > Be sure to get a copy of Dr. Wysong's new tape or CD: " How to Optimize Your Pet's Health. " Thought provoking and provocative, to say the least. This is the only place you will get the real goods on the 12 billion dollar pet food scam perpetuated on the American public. You will never look at your pet's food bowl the same, and if you put Dr. Wysong's ideas into action, you will make your pet the healthiest it can be and save money at the same time. We'll send you a free copy of this hour-long tape or CD with any order from Wysong, or upon request. > > > MAKING A BETTER WORLD > We would like to support your charitable and philanthropic efforts. (For compatible non-profit, tax exempt organizations only.) > For any orders we receive from referrals, we will provide funds or product equal to 100% of their first order and 10% of all their subsequent orders for a year. > Just give your members our website address ( or toll-free number (1-800-748-0188) and tell them to mention your organization when ordering. > Or we can provide free catalogs in quantity. You would then mark the catalog order forms with a code of your choosing and tell our customer service department so orders from your members can be properly credited. > Catalogs or other literature we produce that you would like to distribute are provided free. > > The Wysong e-Health Letter is an educational newsletter. Opinions expressed are meant to be taken for their argumentative/intellectual interest value, and not interpreted as specific medical or legal direction for individual conditions or situations. The e-Health Letter does not represent all-inclusive knowledge, nor can it affirm or deny facts or data gathered from cited references. Before initiating any health action or changing existing therapies, individuals should read the references cited in the e-Health Letter or request them from Wysong Corporation (eHealthLetter), and seek and evaluate several alternative, competent viewpoints. The reader (not the Wysong e-Health Letter) must assume all responsibilities from the application of educational and often controversial information presented in the e-Health Letter. > > © Copyright 2003, Wysong Corporation. This newsletter is for educational purposes. Material may be copied and transmitted provided the source (Dr. Wysong's e-Health Letter, is clearly credited, context is clearly described, its use is not for profit in any way, and mention is made of the availability of the free Wysong e-Health Letter. For any other use, written permission is required. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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