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The Process of Cellular Health has become Irreversible 2

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The Process of Cellular Health has become Irreversible


Milestone 1: Breakthrough Discovery The first step towards control of

cardiovascular disease was discovery of the connection between lipoprotein

(a) and vitamin C.


The human body produces the risk factor, lipoprotein (a) to compensate for

loss of the body's own vitamin C production. As a result, every second human

being dies from heart attacks and strokes, while cardiovascular diseases are

essentially unknown in the animal world. This discovery attracted my

interest in vitamin research.


By 1991 the conceptual work was completed and I summarized it in two

scientific articles: Solution to the Puzzle of Human Cardiovascular Disease

and A Unified Theory of Human Cardiovascular Disease Leading the Way to the

Abolition of This Diseases as a Cause of Human Mortality. These publications

presented for the first time the scientific rationale that heart attacks and

strokes are preventable and that cardiovascular disease can be eradicated. I

invited as co-author Linus Pauling, who agreed to support these far-reaching



Milestone 2: Entirely new Understanding of the Nature of Cardiovascular



This new understanding clarified that the primary cause of cardiovascular

disease is not high cholesterol or a fatty diet. These factors can only

become risk factors if the wall of our arteries is already weakened by

vitamin deficiency - and only then.


It became also clear that atherosclerotic plaques in our arteries are not

preordained events; these plaques are nothing but a scaffold of Nature

trying to stabilize and repair the blood vessel walls during vitamin

deficiency. Finally, this new scientific rationale can also explain why we

get infarctions of the heart and not the nose or ears.


Obviously, a new scientific rationale that could suddenly explain so many

unsolved mysteries about the number one health problem would not go

unnoticed. At that time, it became clear to the pharmaceutical companies and

to the medical opinion leaders that the cholesterol dogma and a huge

prescription drug market would eventually collapse. The time this would take

was only dependent on one factor: How fast can the discovery of the

scurvy-heart disease connection be spread globally. Thus it was in 1990 that

a giant battle for public perceptions started, with a multi-billion dollar

industry fighting for its survival. But there were also other voices early

on. One of the first congratulations came from the head of Cardiology of

Harvard Medical School, Professor Valentin Fuster. In July 1992 he wrote me,

" You may be quite correct in your predictions about the role of vitamin C in

cardiovascular disease " , and he announced that his own department would

start in this line of research.


Milestone 3: Media Support for Vitamins The next step in this process was

the key media support for vitamins and nutritional medicine. The title

story, The Real Power of Vitamins in the April 1992 issue of TIME Magazine

was triggered by an international conference on vitamins held by the New

York Academy of Sciences in February of that year. Many scientists

contributed to this conference. I was privileged to be one of them and to

introduce our new understanding about the nature of cardiovascular disease,

including the key role of vitamins and its prevention.


media, this issue of TIME Magazine became a watershed event, and media

coverage about vitamins changed forever. From then on, essentially every

epidemiological study showing the benefits of vitamins in the prevention of

cardiovascular disease made front page news. Only weeks after this TIME

Magazine article, an important epidemiological study by James Enstrom and

his colleagues from the University of Los Angeles, received national

attention. It showed that long-term vitamin C supplementation, as opposed to

the average American diet, could cut the rate for heart disease almost in

half. Thus the suddenly available and positive media coverage led to a

change of perception in favor of vitamins, with world-wide repercussions.




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