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The Resistance Begins -- FW: last night was great

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The Resistance Begins.....



Inca chemtrails

05 December 2003 01:21


last night was great


What a night to remember,


Just wanted to give you a quick update on the meeting last night for those

who were not able to make it. More people than expected showed up. We even

had out of Towner's and international activists from around the globe

wanting to participate. The energy in the room was buzzing! It became very

clear how deeply people feel about the Chemtrails that are relentlessly

being sprayed in our skies and everyone had many stories and much to share.

There was so much to share in fact that we had to extend the meeting for an

extra hour!


Although the meeting was meant as an organizational meeting for those who

want to take action, because it was our first meeting of the kind, we felt

it important to give folks a chance to air out and share their hearts and



In the last hour though, a smaller group remained and we really grounded all

our passion into specific steps that we wanted to take and directions we

wanted to go in. Our goal is to make Santa Cruz a Chemtrail Free/No Spray

Zone so that we can be a model city for others to follow. Our angle of

approach is to build awareness and participation locally and to stay local

in our foundational endeavors. This will keep it " close to home " and we can

deal with our local elected representatives and influential people, which is

much more realistic and practical than trying to work with large Federal

Agencies or massive corporations.


Our plan is to go step by step and build a very solid and broad based

foundation of awareness, participation, and endorsements, including doctors,

lawyers, hospitals, health care workers, and other notable community members

who can help us move forward dramatically.


We know that there are many, many people in the community who are very much

aware of the situation and outraged as we are. As our cohesiveness as a

group grows, and our ability to professionally interact with all levels of

the Santa Cruz community increases, more and more quality people will step

forward and offer assistance of all kinds.


All that will come in time, but for now, we have initiated an unstoppable

force of people dedicated to waking up their fellow Santa Cruzian's and

speaking out. This issue will not go away. It is up to all of us as

courageous pioneers to seize the moment and rapidly take our agenda for a

Chemtrail Free Santa Cruz to everyone. This issue transcends all cultural

and political belief systems. We can reach out to everyone. And we need your



All of us know many people. If we told all our friends, and even people we

interact with throughout the day, we would increase the public awareness of

Chemtrails dramatically! Keep it simple and stick with the basic facts, no

speculations or theories, and refer them to our local website:




There was a small core group of people that stayed for the last hour and we

focused on practical steps that we are going to take action on. The idea is

to work from various angles, including lab tests, contacting media,

petitioning, tabling at events, planning for a big educational event in the

near future, networking with hospitals, doctors, health care workers,

becoming a non-profit group, etc., etc. Various people are helping in

different ways.


If you were not able to make it to the meeting but feel compelled to work

more deeply on this issue, please email us. Even if you are from out of town

there are still things you can do! We are having another action meeting on

Monday at 6pm. Our " action committee " is not an educational forum or about

experience sharing. It is not about theory or debate about causes etc. this

is for those who want to plug-in somewhere and help. Just let us know.

Whatever level you want to participate in is perfect and we honor that.

Thank you for caring and being aware. This is a huge serious issue. It is a

relentless assault on our health and we intend to put a stop to it.


Thank you,






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