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Paul nightwatching

07 December 2003 08:04


Cc: home.news;

newseditor; etc.: etc.;

I have SERIOUS concerns about what has

been going on and still is going on in OUR SKIES!


Dear Seal,


I have heard your recent single, " Get it Together " ,

it is very good and apt to what I am involved in,

please help us all to make this publicly known.

People have a right to know what the heck is going

on up there in our skies Seal!


Some organization has been given license to spray

chemicals on an unsuspecting public without them

being consulted in this matter whatsoever. These

people feel they have a right to do just whatever they

like to us all and screw the consequences of their

actions it seems.


I can tell you are a caring person, Seal, that is why

I have contacted you personally. We need someone

like you to tell people what has being going on right

above their heads in the skies of our nations. This is

an International effort, and Dr. Edward Teller the

Father of the H-bomb is part of it. They have been

spraying chemicals on the population of planet earth

for years! And people get ill because of it.


I hope you will look into this and do something

about it as we have done. I have witnessed this all

over the summer in my home city of Brighton, East

Sussex, England. My contacts have also in their

home residences. eg Isle of Man, South England,

North England.


I will leave with you this information below for you.

Kind thoughts, and thank you for your time and

your song.


Mr. Paul T, Brighton,

East Sussex an SCI Independent.

Like you say in your song: " We gotta do something "



Image: http://www.stop-chemtrails.com/earth33.jpg





" The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.

Even now in this very room. You can see it when

you look out your window. Or when you turn on

your television. You can feel it when you go to

work. When you go to Church. When you pay

your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled

over your eyes to blind you from the truth. "

--- Morpheus





I am sending you this to inform you of the people

who are doing something to STOP CHEMTRAILS!

A very real thing being conducted all over planet Earth!


Chemtrails are part of a Matrix, that matrix is

a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy!

When you look at it, you can see it is a specially

selected few, who desire control over the many.


You look up into the sky on a clear day and

gradually what do you see? Clear blue skies?


No you'll see chemtrails, Neo!






They are not like plane contrails, they do not

behave in the same way. Contrails dissipate in a

short time, but chemtrails form a thick all-covering

cloud base.


This shows you why no one can tell you what

the matrix is. You have to see it for your Self !


Visit this website neo!






Why the USA Won't Sign the Kyoto Protocol!



The related invention patents!




Aerosol Programs Patently Obvious



Stormy Weather .......

Government’s secret efforts to control the weather



" Each of us is put here in this time and this place

to personally decide the future of humankind.

Did you think you were put here for something less? "

--- Chief Arvol Looking Horse


" You may take our lives but you'll never

take our FREEDOM! " --- Braveheart



Image: http://www.stop-chemtrails.com/poster70uk.jpg


Image: http://www.stop-chemtrails.com/chemad1.jpg





With some thought's to ponder and get you

motivated to Action. Autumn November 2003

Report ........


Article Compiled by Paul. From Brighton,

East Sussex, England. An active independent

member of Stop Chemtrails, International.



No copyright - information for action! This article

can be copied whole or in part, It would be nice

if you let me know though if you wish to do so,

first so I know where you are.



--------- What are CHEMTRAILS? ---------



altitude aircraft, The Globalisation/NWO Junta's

Attempt's to control and Manipulate the weather

whatever the cost's to the Public health and well being.





We must start taking care of our Selves and our

home planet. We have the right to clean air, water

and a good healthy earth. Please Stand up for

that right.


You do not have to be unwell, protect and maintain

your health. Remember to Stay Positive as much

as you can, focus on being well and you will stay

well. What ever is thrown at you, the power of your

thought will help you. Focus on maintaining your

health and vitality and you will.


Whatever they try to do, we shall over come it,

for the highest good.


" Never doubt that a group of committed individual's can

change the world, Indeed it is the thing that always has. "

--- M. Mead


" Be the Change you want to see in the world. " - Ghandi.


A Dictionary Standard Definition of News:

Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=news

1. a. Information about recent events or happenings,

as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio,

or television (and the web). 1. b. A presentation of

such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast.

2. New information of any kind: The requirement was

news to him. 3.Newsworthy material: " a public figure

on a scale unimaginable in America; whatever he did

was news " (James Atlas). " It is not the function of

our government to keep the citizen from falling into

error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the

government from falling into error. "

--- Justice Robert H. Jackson


We Are not scientists and have no scientific backgrounds

ourselves. What we are is concerned and Prepared To Act.


" Do what we can, where we are, with what we have. "

--- Theodore Roosevelt said.


" There isn't one of us who could ever have imagined

spending so much time and energy this way. We are

activists by default, because the majority of people

have renounced their responsibilities as citizens. "

--- Diane Harvey


" We become self-appointed voices of our national

and International conscience because we have no

other self-respecting choice. Each of us has

accepted the single pertinent fact:

If not me, then who?


When Democracy actually exists, it is not necessary

to have credentials or affiliates or titles other than

that of concerned citizen. " --- Diane Harvey


" Has the majority of our population always been

unwilling to notice what is inconvenient to notice?

Has the majority inevitably left it to the few to

demand justice for all? We can see that it has,

and in this way we are re-enacting an old pattern.

But there are many worse aspects to our present

predicament than those who lived before us

had to contend with. What we are obliged to

tackle, merely by being aware of it, is the lethal

combination of concealed power, technology

and an unprecedented level of materialism that

powerfully induces mass sleeping sickness. "

--- Diane Harvey


And we know that in the words of - Martin Luther King:

" The time is always right to do what is right! "


And that: " We Begin to die, the day we become

silent about the things that matter. "


Also that: " We must do what we conceive to be

the right thing, and not bother our heads or burden

our souls with whether we will be successful.

Because if we don't do the right thing, we will be

doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part

of the disease, and not a part of the cure. "

--- E. F. Schumacher


And: " We cannot have lack of truth,

~ho~ to the power of truth! " --- Sitting Bull.


Stop Chemtrails International.........

the Concerned citizen's International AWARENESS

and ACTION Group..... www.Stop-Chemtrails.com

for more Information on what we are facing.

Because it's more than just contrails.


" We are opposed to cunning and deceit. "

a message deciphered from a crop formation.

--- www.lovearth.org

our government and unelected bodies

associated with our government, that have any

sort of negative effects on our persons!


Why and For what Purposes you may well rightly ask!

We Have the right to know, why so why aren't

they the ones orchestrating this, telling us?


Aeroplanes have been and are spraying potentially

hazardous chemical's in the sky. There is much

Information that is evidence of this as you will see

on our group's website, there is something in this,

and we feel very strongly concerned about this

issue, that is why we got together and formed our

group, to Find out why the sky is being treated this

way, and to start getting some answer's from our

elected and unelected official's who still remain

tight lipped.


We want to know why and what for,

and evidence we have seen show's that the

chemical's sprayed are potentially hazardous

not just to human life but to plant and animal

life as well. It pollutes the air you breath, the water

you drink and bath in, and it effect's the animal's,

plant's and earth.


As if we didn't have enough to deal with on

planet earth --- HEY !


" Why doesn't anyone say anything about this if

it's really happening? " Oh, but they do. And just like

all the other topics with which people feel sensitive,

taboo or anomalous, they're labelled as nuts, cranks,

liars and kooks.


And some have been threatened with losing their

jobs if they talk and much worse. But that's again

one of the mysteries of all this. Tens of Thousands

of people are demanding an answer and one town

in Canada filed suit because it was continually

sprayed so much, and yet all anyone is told is

" nothing is going on " .


If you put " chemtrails " into any web search engine

you'll find hundreds of sites from well-known talk show

hosts to personal sites to Chemtrail " clubs " which track

all this mess in their state or areas. I do not think that

all these people are 'nuts'. Once in awhile someone

has the guts to come forward. Source:



The Differences between CON-trails and CHEM-trails:


CONTRAILS --- are the normal Standard trails left by

jet aircraft and usually disappear within a few minutes

of appearing. Contrails are largely ice, and therefore

can only exist at the low temperatures of very high

altitudes -- usually above 25,000 feet in temperate

zones. CONTRAILS are ICE.


CHEMTRAILS --- observed from a distance, initially

appear to be normal contrails. However, chemtrails

do not quickly disappear, instead they linger in the

air, disperse widely and form a greyish/off-white,

cloud-like cover which can last all day.


This is possibly for hiding the other trails they may

create above the clouds and they can also do cloud

seeding if they feel it is needed.


Chemtrails make a mess of, and upset the natural

balance of, our skies.


This is supposedly to stop global warming. Thanks

for Letting the public Know Dr. Teller. This is the guy

who came up with an Idea for reducing global warming.

There is a article on CBS, I remember reading.


It is really the governments duty to speak up, but

then why would they if it is harmful to people's health!

It is up to us to get a critical mass of People, and to get

them to speak up about this information for ACTION!


Chemtrails do not disappear because they are

not ice crystals, but are aerosolised particulated

chemical substances, and are sprayed from nozzles

along the wings edges, and from the plane tail.

Aluminium and Barium are reported to be in the

spray mixture.


Chemtrails have been and are widely observed in

many countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland,

Europe, Switzerland, definately the USA and Canada,

New Zealand, Australia .... Globally!


Is this is a Global Weather manipulation project?

Military and civilian authorities in these countries

are reluctant to give information on exactly what is

being sprayed by aircraft to cause this man-made

type of cloud cover.


Even scientists such as Tom Bearden have studied

the alteration of Earth's atmosphere and cloud cover.

There has been much denial from Official Bodies

and Institutions regarding this Issue. One common

explanation is that this aerial spraying is to reduce

the effects of Global Warming.


I have also a mind to believe it is to do with radio

communication's, possibly even the HAARP.

But still these substances can be hazardous,

and, an aside, I have heard that so are some jet

fuel additives which are supposed to be banned.


" There appear to be some serious consequences

to the health of human, animal and vegetable life

onto which the spray falls. There are reports of

chemtrail spraying going back to 1991. Around

1993, many countries began to experience a

large increase in illness of many types, especially

connected with respiratory conditions.

Also: pneumonia, influenza, viruses, allergies, etc.

From around 1998, there seems to have been

an increase in chemtrail spraying, and likewise,

an increase in illness in humans and animals,

and abnormalities to vegetation. "

--- Michael Irving


Try running a search on the world wide web for

Chemtrails. You will see there is much debate,

photo's and commentary, but little effort in motivating

the People of the world to action if they even

know about it yet, that will GET ChemTrails

stopped FULL STOP!


Please only join our battle to Stop Chemtrails

If you really are serious about alerting and making

aware your fellow human being's to this vitally

important issue, and getting this to stop, Full Stop!


Please respect that we have our own way at

Stop Chemtrails International of tackling this

seriously concerning and vitally important issue,

We welcome you to join us to help get to the

bottom of this via demanding from our official's

a truthful explanation regarding why this is

happening and why we were not consulted, let

alone the serious risk's to public health and safety.


That is much more that just a health issue,

important as that is, more so that it relates and

lead's to who is really running the show that is

our world.


Precisely it relates to our Personal Freedom

and Fundamental Basic Human Right's, as stated

in the Universal Declaration for our Human Rights.


Our Collective's desire is to



" many people strike at the branches while only

a few are striking at the root! " , as Henry David

Thoreau stated.


The root being the root causes of this Chemtrail

chemical spraying Issue. At the very least this is

Air, Water and Earth pollution and that is wrong!

At the worst this is causing illness and breathing

ailment's in people babies children and senior

citizens. I have read reports of pets not wanting

to go out side at certain times with these trails

in the air. Animals are known to be electro-sensitive

could the microwave emissions from Mobile

phone masts be interacting with the metallic

elements? Metallic elements have been found in

soil samples also microscopic fibrous polymers

that the chemicals can be and are attached to,

that is how they stay aloft in the air until they

come down to earth.


It seems to me and my collective associates

that this is a strategy to distract those people

who would otherwise be getting out there

communicating to people, making people aware

of this issue and getting them to act to bang

on the doors of the officials that can put a stop

to this and bring the culprits of this injustice to

the public to find out the truth, to get to the

bottom of this!


The more voices of protest the better when it is

something that is wrong and even can be harmful,

we must stand together for the common good.


Our official bodies and institutions must be

accountable for their actions to the people of our

nation, the Tax paying people, who fund this

Political-Military-Industrial-Corporate Control Machine!


After all the government is meant to be and rightly

so made to be, by the people and for the Good

of the People.


We need more responsible people in our

world today, now more than ever.


We need to contact press, radio and TV, communicate

this information, make notes of any observation's of

trail aerosol spraying, track these planes, find out who

runs them, who is filling the aerosol tankers, what routes

they take, get this on film, witness testimony. Make the

people who are responsible for this accountable,

it is being done behind our backs! And right above

our heads!


But of course it is our responsibility, each of us,

to be responsible for our Selves and our world, and

how we affect our world by our actions and in-actions.


It is not right that a select few, who feel they can lord

it up over humanity, just do what they feel like, and

of course they will if we let them!


They will try to make and treat people like helpless

sheep/cattle, acting as if they know what's best for

everyone, which of course they do not!


" It is not the function of our government to keep the

citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the

citizen to keep the government from falling into error. "

--- Justice Robert H. Jackson


We Intend to make a stand to tell the governments

and institutions that play with our lives and the weather

that we are not going to stand for this any more!


Here is what Paul the author, from Southern

England has to say regarding the spraying:

" I have seen and sometimes still see a mistiness in

the air nothing to do with water vapour especially this

2003 summer the air was misty it is I believe from

the fallout of the chemspraying by the aircraft, with

are very high up in our atmosphere, possibly remote

controlled but also piloted by men conned into

believing they are doing what is right for their

countries and the world, this is my experience

and view of this situation "

--- Paul from Brighton, East Sussex, England.

Member of the Action Group; Stop Chemtrails



For stopping these chemtrails some have taken

action, contacting authorities but come up

against denial and debunkation.


You will find a large number of groups and websites,

and from these websites and groups, you can follow

links to other websites and groups. The amount of

information on the Internet on Chemtrails is increasing

at a high rate. There are a relatively small number of

websites saying that Chemtrails are not happening.

We disagree and say: " Don't believe the lies that the

debunkers are peddling! " The debunkers work for

the chemspraying clique.


We and countless others know the truth,

they treat will us like children,

like test subjects,

Please - don't allow them to use us!

It's time to make a stand!

For your Health and Freedom,

They are already after your Freedoms!

your Liberty, Your Health,

They even take your Wealth !


" Spread the word! all around the world, tell em

what you heard, you know its gonna be ok,

we'll build a brighter day! " --- Oasis.


" We must act now for the children of tomorrow! "

- Leo Generoux


It Must end this madness of the Dream! Wake up Neo,

The Matrix of Control and Manipulation is Real!


All throughout history there have been people

who knew something that many did not, many did

not believe it, ridiculed it, it was so inconceivable

to them, some even tried to kill those people,

some of the ones who tried to tell the truth were

later found to be right! Awful as the truth may be

we must face it with Courage and Responsibility.


Remember that ..........

" The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance. "


For the Highest Good, The Good of All.

The Greater Good. In Divine Truth, Courage,

Integrity, Responsibility, Impeccability,

Divine Light, Divine Peace and Divine Love.

Wisdom and Understanding,

Mutual Aid and Cooperation,

Friendship and Unity.


Paul :^)


Independent member of :

Stop Chemtrails International.





Sign up To be an Active Participating Member

of the Collective. This Mean's little talk, Big Action:



Now we are doing something, what will you do?

Do or die! If you aren't truly living then you're

truly dying! To thy own Self be True.


" We Begin to die, the day we become silent,

about the things that matter. " --- M. L. King.


" Together is how we need to be, Together we are

stronger you can see, Together in Friendship and

Unity, mutual aid and cooperation. "


Thought's to contemplate regarding this issue:


" Many of us who are aware of what is really

happening in our society, concerning chemtrails,

the push for One World Government, etc, try to warn

others. We have been very puzzled and frustrated

at the general lack of concern. "

--- Marjorie Tietjen.


" A hundred years ago it would not have been

possible to radically alter the sky itself right under

the noses of the public without them noticing.

This basic point is extremely significant to our effort.

We are trying to awaken people who, quite often and

very decisively, do not want to know what is

happening to them, or to their country. Most of our

fellow citizens are literally in a self-induced trance

state. They have actually unconsciously decided not

to comprehend what they are seeing and hearing.

They have renounced common sense, in order

not to be disturbed. " --- Diane Harvey


Ignorance is a crime against your Self.


" After denial, we may hit anger and fear.

After that, there is a step called: Effective Action!

That's when you say:

Okay, I'm going to learn, I'm going to find out what

I need to do, I'm going to assess the situation and

I'm going to learn to handle myself accordingly, not

the way I'm being programmed by the government,

the media and the old programs out there, I'm going

to step outside of that. We can start to see what has

been going on around us, and we can start to take

charge. Somebody has to, or we are going to

be in trouble. " --- Anna Hayes


Only Awakening can help us to stop the course

we are taking, the course of destruction. Then we

will know in which direction we should go to make

the earth a safe place for us, for our children,

and for their children.

--- Buddhist teacher, Thich Naht Hanh





by Alice 9:06pm Mon Jul 1 '02 comment#1863


In London UK too we have seen these trails and

have wondered...for weeks we don't see them and

then we will have days in a row where the sky will

be filled. Usually happening in the early hours of

the morning we have often seen the sky over

london totally filled with a grid of trails. We can

hear the planes but usually cant see them unlike

the normal mass of air traffic.




by TT 8:45am Tue Jul 2 '02 comment#1864


I'll add my observations from london too.. I've also

noticed this sort of thing to in the early hours of the

morning ... very high flying aircraft emitting long trails

.... they also seem to be off the normal flight path of most

passenger jets as well as emitting a very different sort

of engine noise to what we normally hear (that may or

may not be of any importance but it struck me at the




Points to REMEMBER before attacking theories

by history speaks + follow the money 9:42pm

Tue Jul 2 '02 comment#1868


-- abnormal types of jet exhaust inconsistent with

the physics of condensed ice-crystals formed when

hot exhaust meets the cool and humid air of the

upper atmosphere. Although cirrus clouds can

form from common aircraft exhaust under certain

atmospheric conditions, studies of chemtrails

done in the U.S. and Canada have confirmed the

formation of cloud-making " contrails " at less than

one-third of the minimum 70% humidity required

to generate condensed ice-crystal trails.


-- Further documented evidence of this unusual

" contrail " formation includes irregular flight patterns,

X-markings, grid patterns, curving trails, U-shaped

trails, and contrail saturated skies.


-- Patents for the geo-engineering and HAARP

projects exist and are owned by the oil-dependent

conglomerate (including links to the oil, intelligence

and defense industries) General Motors (a company

that worked hand-in-hand with the rise of German



-U.S. Patent #5,003,186 (Stratospheric Welsbach

seeding for reduction of global warming issued

to Hughes Aircraft [GM])

-U.S. Patent #3,899,144 (powder contrail generator

issued to the U.S. Navy)

-U.S. Patent #4,686,605 (Method and apparatus

for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere,

ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere issued to

APTI [linked to Raytheon, in turn linked to GM].


-- General Motors quit the Global Warming Lobby

group -- essentially admitting to the existence of

anthropogenic climate change -- but continues

to lobby against any cut-back in greenhouse gas

emissions. They want to pursue " technology-based

solutions to the climate question " .



- Edward Teller, the founder of Lawrence Livermore

National Laboratory (a research institute linked to

the U.S. Department of Energy, the defense industry

and the oil industry) pushed for the geo-engineering

program at the Planetary Emergencies Summit in 1997


More here:



- Scientists working under him, such as Ken

Caldeira, have done computer modelling --

http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cccm/govindas02.pdf --

on the potential effects of such a project.


-- There are NUMEROUS examples throughout the

20th century of the U.S. carrying out insane and illegal

covert projects. http://www.counterpunch.org/germwar.html

and http://www.guerrillanews.com/sci-tech/doc209.html

The Church Committee findings are of the outmost

importance in establishing this historical record of

military-corporate-government conspiracies.


This is monopoly capitalism. This is globalisation.

This is the rise of global corporate fascism.

This is what G.H.W. Bush termed " The New World Order " .


This is what we are facing.

Let us not delude ourselves nor cower in its face.


" Did you know the median age in the US is 47

years old? That's a lot of people who have been

watching the skies for a lot of years and can tell

you, this wasn't happening 5-6 years ago.

The ones who argue about this all being perfectly

normal seem to be the ones who don't remember

it being any different up there.


Most people are not stupid. And people are not

'cranks' for getting angry about being treated like

they somehow don't deserve a simple answer

to what ought to be a simple question.


Weather modification? Radar experiments?

Then just say so. They state that no one is,

and that is what is making it so sinister.


So is it sinister? Some say yes, and think they have

stumbled on a very scary reason as to what chemtrails

are. Don't you stop rumour with fact? Why are there

people who have come forward and said there IS

something chemical/military/secret/not to be discussed

going on (oh I forgot.. they're cranks.. !!)


It's not just the lines in the sky. Why have samples

of chemtrail spray been found to contain metals,

barium, pathogens and all kinds of stuff that should

not be in airplane fuel, let alone in our lungs?


When you don't give hundreds of thousands of

people an answer to a question - from Jane and John

Q Public to doctors and researchers who have made

it their life's work to investigate this - then who's

causing a " cover up conspiracy " ?


All you have to do is start watching the skies. Educate

yourself. Yes, there are contrails. These ain't them. "



Why the USA Won't Sign the Kyoto Protocol

Wayne Hall identifies some flying objects.



The chemical spraying of a nation.... http://biochem.yoll.net


Chemtrails aerosol operation electromagnetic

weather modification control mind frequencies

haarp elf gwen towers chemical spraying



What Is HAARP? ..... http://www.haarp.net


A Message Sent To Viewzone Regarding Unusual

Weather: http://viewzone.com/serbiasky.html


More CHEMTRAIL websites:






Do your research my friends -- there are lots more

websites -- do not expect me to do all the work!


These are just a few and my have differing opinions

and may or may not be affiliated to our group.

It is time for action as action speaks for itself!


" Most of the important things in the world have

been accomplished by people who have kept on

going, when there seemed to be no hope at all. "

- Dale Carnegie




Message I received and Personal Perspective

from Michael Irving, Founder of Stop Chemtrails,



Wed, 29 Oct 2003

" STOP Chemtrails Members "

" STOP Chemtrails " <michael













Preamble: We may find out later that MORE

people have died from the past 12 years of the

massive spraying of TOXIC chemicals (and

maybe even worse ingredients) of 'CHEMTRAILS'

into our skies and the air we breathe than have

died from the AIDS epidemic; all my friends

are coughing and very nearly throwing a fit and

or retching NOW (approaching November 2003)

when we are on the phone - to the UK and the

USA; what has really got me going is hearing a

few weeks ago of a young man and his girlfriend

both having to go to our hospital's Emergency

Department because the flu or virus (quite possibly

'chemtrail sickness') they had was extremely

severe, and while waiting they saw several


BREATHING PROBLEMS... that, on top of the

thousands of reports I have heard of bad illness

and severe allergy when planes fly overhead

dropping this awful stuff, got me up and fighting.

-- END of Preamble.







craft, from hidden bases, are also involved in

dropping unhealthy substances onto us, they

must also STOP.




Our world needs many things changing.

If you feel the general public are slow to realise

change needs to happen extensively across




and that is WHY they do not have much vitality,

are often ill, or are always chronically ill, and

have witnessed friends and relatives die when

it did not feel their time to die....




And we can ALL start tackling the many other

things which need changing in the world.







1] Deciding on powerful and non-hostile ACTIONS

to get Chemtrail Spraying in our skies STOPPED

as soon as possible.

2] Collecting the relevant DATA together so we can

all participate in carrying out those ACTIONS.

3] Carrying out those Plans and Actions.


WE are NOT for:

a) We are NOT for discussion of the many various

elements of the 'Chemtrail Spraying' phenomenon,

other than to clear up specific important and

relevant questions to help decide on which

ACTIONS we need to take to get Chemtrails

stopped as soon as possible. People who want

or need to debate or discuss the subject of

Chemtrails should go to one or more of the many

'Chemtrail' discussion groups on the Internet.


'STOP CHEMTRAILS' is for those who have

had enough of talking and discussion, and

enough of breathing in poisonous and toxic

chemicals, and demand that Chemtrail Spraying

be STOPPED --- and are willing to put some

time and effort into achieving something which

the whole world now desperately needs.









Regards, The Team



" He who passively accepts evil is as much

involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it. "

--- Martin Luther King



wrote: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 06:46:33 -0500





The Resistance Begins -- FW: last night was great


Fwd: The Resistance Begins


Forwarded by: http://www.stop-chemtrails.com


The Resistance Begins.....



Inca chemtrails

05 December 2003 01:21


last night was great


What a night to remember,


Just wanted to give you a quick update on the

meeting last night for those who were not able to

make it. More people than expected showed up.

We even had out of Towner's and international

activists from around the globe wanting to participate.

The energy in the room was buzzing! It became

very clear how deeply people feel about the Chemtrails

that are relentlessly being sprayed in our skies and

everyone had many stories and much to share.

There was so much to share in fact that we had

to extend the meeting for an extra hour!


Although the meeting was meant as an organizational

meeting for those who want to take action, because

it was our first meeting of the kind, we felt it important

to give folks a chance to air out and share their

hearts and minds.


In the last hour though, a smaller group remained

and we really grounded all our passion into specific

steps that we wanted to take and directions we

wanted to go in. Our goal is to make the Earth a

Chemtrail Free/No Spray Zone.


Our angle of approach is to build awareness

and participation locally, nationally and Internationally,

and to stay local in our foundational endeavors.

This will keep it " close to home " and we can deal

with our locally elected representatives and influential

people, which is much more realistic and practical

than trying to work with large Federal Agencies

or massive corporations.


Our plan is to go step by step and build a very

solid and broad based foundation of awareness,

participation, and endorsements, including doctors,

lawyers, hospitals, health care workers, and other

notable community members who can help us

move forward dramatically.


We know that there are many, many people in

the community who are very much aware of the

situation and outraged as we are. As our

cohesiveness as a group grows, and our ability

to professionally interact with all levels of our

community increases, more and more quality people

will step forward and offer assistance of all kinds.


All that will come in time, but for now, we have

initiated an unstoppable force of people dedicated

to waking up their fellow humans and speaking out.

This issue will not go away. It is up to all of us as

courageous pioneers to seize the moment and

rapidly take our agenda for a Chemtrail Free world

to everyone. This issue transcends all cultural and

political belief systems. We can reach out to

everyone. And we need your help.


All of us know many people. If we told all our friends,

and even people we interact with throughout the

day, we would increase the public awareness of

Chemtrails dramatically! Keep it simple and stick

with the basic facts, no speculations or theories,

and refer them to our local website:




There was a small core group of people that stayed

for the last hour and we focused on practical steps

that we are going to take action on. The idea is to work

from various angles, including lab tests, contacting

media, petitioning, tabling at events, planning for a

big educational event in the near future, networking

with hospitals, doctors, health care workers, becoming

a non-profit group, etc., etc. Various people are

helping in different ways.


If you were not able to make it to the meeting but

feel compelled to work more deeply on this issue,

please email us. Even if you are from out of town

there are still things you can do! We are having

another action meeting on Monday at 6pm.

Our " action committee " is not an educational forum

or about experience sharing. It is not about theory

or debate about causes etc. this is for those who

want to plug-in somewhere and help. Just let us

know. Whatever level you want to participate in is

perfect and we honor that. Thank you for caring

and being aware. This is a huge serious issue.

It is a relentless assault on our health and we

intend to put a stop to it.


Thank you,









Get It Together ! ------ By Seal



Now's the time for stepping out of place

Get up on your feet and give account of your faith

Pray to God or something or whatever you do


What I see can make me stop and stare

Surely all you're feeling much the same as I do

We got to keep this world together,

got to keep it moving straight


We gotta do something, we gotta do something,

we gotta do something


Thinking of the troubles of today is it

easier to put that gun away

Or is it difficult to stop the world to show you care

Everything, everyone we know is beautiful

Surely you will be the guide in light to see us all

Maybe we can be the vision of a perfect man's dream

We got to keep this world together, got to keep

it moving straight


Love like we need each other, so that people

can relate ...... If you're going to your left,

don't forget I'm on the right


Trust and forgive each other

I gotta do something and you

We got to keep this world together,

got to keep it moving straight

We got to keep this world together,

got to keep it moving straight




Added by World-Action, Seal's famous

song, CRAZY', from the early 1990s .........



Folks --- It's time to GO A LITTLE BIT CRAZY




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